By FerreTrip

Wandering 02:
    First Quarter: BREAK-OUT

    Mewtwo's fist hit the door like a train. It broke clear out of its frame, and came crashing down on the two guards. Mewtwo walked out, onto the door, and looked around quickly. He looked at his map again. It showed that there were only two Rockets in the room. Good, he thought, I'm not in the mood for shot-on-sight. The two gaurds crawled out of the door's crushing weight, got up, brushed themselfves off, and went down again as Mewtwo landed two perfect hook punches. They were out cold in two seconds flat. THAT felt good, said Mewtwo, as he bent down to pick up an odd card that bore the Rocket logo. He held it to the "eye" of his Comm Band and said Tanya, scan this card. "Scanning..." Tanya said in that oh-bor-ING voice she always has most of the time scanning. "Scan complete. It's called a Rocket Card, and it is used to access TM Dispensers, which I think is on that wall." She showed which one on the map, and Mewtwo found it. Walking to it, he told Tanya to scan it. "Scanning..."
    When Mewtwo reached the dispenser, which looked like a weird built-in-wall arcade machine or something, Tanya gave the report: "Scan complete. This is, as I said, a TM Dispenser, and it holds RMs, kor Rocket Machines, in this place. They hold your latent abilities, Mewtwo! All you have to do is stick the card in the slot, then I'll hack into the security code." Mewtwo was somewhat surprised. A TM right outside his door?! How dim can you get?
    Popping in the Rocket card, Mewtwo told Tanya to hack it. "Ok, okay! Hacking..." A short time later... "Hack complete. Hit that shiny red button...heh...anyway, hit the button, and grab your prize!" Right. Paw slightly trembling, he pressed the button. What'll it be? My Shadow Ball attack? Flying??
A small cube plopped out of a little hole. He took it, and he saw a weird jack of some sort.
A USB jack...Tanya, jack in and see what you can do. Tanya sweat-dropped. "Okay, but I was afraid you'd say "Power up!" after jack in..." Mewtwo nearly fell. A USB cord slithered out of the Comm Band where the knob would be on a wrist watch. It went right into the jack. "Scanning..." "..." "..." "Scan complete. RM 1 contains your kicking attacks. I can use the screen as a small laser cannon and fire the data into your retina in a beam of pure information. Shall I?" Mewtwo shouted yes so loud that the other gaurds in the next room got in position to attack. "...OW...Okay. now hold the screen up close to your eye, look at this spot-" a black spot appeared onscreen "-and keep that eye open. It'll be VERY bright, so watch out."
    Mewtwo did as told, and shortly saw the spot glow red, then...
    The laser went into his eye, and Mewtwo did all in his power not to shut his eyes. Then...He felt a weird feeling in an area of his head, and the beam stopped. Instantly he rubbed his eye.
    "You okay?"
    Somewhat. I can see...
"Okay, good but can you kick?"
    Mewtwo shrugged and tossed the spent cube into the air. As it came down, he set a new style, and raised his leg...
    Yes...I think I can...He got an evil smile on his face. Time to raise some hell!! So he went into the next room, setting another attack style in his head quickly.


    Four teens were seen, now, grinding down four insulated power lines above Kitt Peak City. Their names were Kenji, Shoken, Ai, and Hiroko. Kenji was a young boy, and the others were women. Kenji was related to Hiroko, sibilings, and Ai and Shoken were friends. All of them shared a knack for geting into trouble.
    A well-timed jump and they were over a post. All the while they saw some cops trying to keep up with them, because where would sgrinding on power lines be legal? Kenji and Ai wore roller blades that could transform into shoes (which I want), while Hiroko and Shoken had skateboards, Hiroko performing a 50-50, Shoken a Darkslide.
    "MAN, I THINK WE SHOULD DITCH THE COPS, ANYONE AGREE?" Kenji shouted to his friends.
    "THAT WOULD BE MOST WISE, I SUPPOSE," an excited and worried Ai replied.
    "YEAH, BUT WHERE TO THIS TIME?" asked Shoken.
    Kenji thought a bit. "X T 23!"
    "RIGHT!" the girls replied.
    The group waited for the next post, then, faster than that of someone who would be new at this, jumped all off to the left. They landed inside a building, vacant, window open, and skated down to the open door. Hurtling out another window, they went onto a rooftop. They then broke their follow-the-leader formation and jumped off the building in seperate directions.
    Kenji landed on another rooftop, Ai all the way down into an empty swimming pool, Shoken onto a phone line and Hiroko onto the power lines again.

   "X T 23, WE MEET AGAIN!" Kenji jumped rooftops like a little crazy kid, pulling tricks to have more fun as he went. He went off a rooftop onto a lower one, then another, then left and into a full, deep pool. His skates became shoes again, and he swam to the other end. As soon as he got out, skates on and off he went. He went onto the street, where he met the cops. He cursed, then continued his path. He went off onto the street, then swerved onto oppisite-going traffic than his starting direction, and skated top-speed down the hill. Weave left. Weave right. Jump the car. Go onto the sidewalk as a bus came on. While the bus went by, slow because of Kenji, he went down an alley to go left as the bus left. He lost the cops. He ended up in a place he calls...

    "X T 23? I REALLY DISLIKE THIS ROUTE!!" shouted a very distressed Ai. She went down the pool, up the other side and landed on the pavement. She rocketed off to the oppisite direction as the cops, and went on a meandering path down the alleys. She ended up having to go across traffic. She jumped and rode on cars and dived out of the way of a taxi. She went into the alleys on the other side, and went to meet Kenji at...
    "X T 23...WHY, THANK YOU KENJI!" Shoken said as she ground down a phone line, letting off sparks behind her 50-50. She lept off onto another building and skated to the edge, jumped, and landed into another building. She pushed past other people and through other rooms as she went through an all-hardwood apartment building. "SORRY! THOUGHT IT WAS EMPTY!!" she called after. She swerved left on out and through a window onto the phone line down to the ground. She rolled after bailing and, being as hardy as she is, ran all the way to...

    "X! T! TWENTY! THREEEEE-EEEEAH HAAAWWW!!!" Hiroko exclaimed as she went on a path that went strait to her goal as long as she ground the line. She had the easiest because she's Kenji's sister. Kenji mapped out all the "escape routes" and tought them what ones went where. All of them led to...

    "X T."
    X T was actually a place called Xylaphone Tree, an old outdoor lot that once held the music flea market set up in the 80's. Empty and unknown to all but few, the place was perfect for getaways. The cops now thought that they went to the Xtreme Target, a skate park nearby the somewhat concealed Xylaphone Tree. They never find them in the mass of skaters, BMXers, bladers, and, beleive it or not, scooter-riders.
    "Man, that was fun!"
    "I dissagree, somewhat, Shoken."
    "Aw, come on! I would DIE to have your acid drop, Ai!!"
    "Well, you're having fun as is with your route, right?"
    "Come on, please quit arguing," asked a sopping wet Kenji.
    The two girls looked at Kenji, looked at eachother, nodded, then faced Kenji again with an emotionless look on their faces. Kenji sweatdropped. They calmly walked over, raised their fists, and brought them down on his head with a loud, deep bell's BONG.
    "OUR ARGUEMENT!! STAY OUT!!" they hollered together at the now spiral-eyed and on the ground Kenji.
    Hiroko was on the ground too; rolling on the ground laughing her ass off.


    Another gaurd fell before Mewtwo's combat skills. He was determined to get through Rocket Spiral ASAP more then ever. He had just run into enemies called "Gunners" that shoot at him instead of face him head-on. All he had gotten so far as skills were concerned were kicking and an extremly useful skill against gunners: Barrier, which only let him move slowly due to intense concentretion to keep it up, and it's only partial for the moment. He cleared the room of enemies and went on.
    What he saw in the room after the next surprised him.
    On a pedestal in front of him were five Pokéballs. He walked forward to the balls and began to talk to Tanya.
    Tanya, are these really Pokéballs with Pokémon inside?
"Um, hmmm, lemme think...DUH, STUPID!"
    Fuck you too. Anyway, how do I free them? Do I just call them out and destroy the balls?
"Nope. You would do that here, then they'd be re-captured. Minimize them and put them in your cloak. By the way, I think a new cloak is in order..."
    What do you mean..? Aw, nevermind. I'll release them when I escape.
He put each ball inside the collar of his cloak, then went on.
    He opened the next door to come face-to-face with an honest-to-God mini-PokéCenter, Nurse Joy (who shouted with surprise when Mewtwo barged in) and all. Mewtwo looked at Joy, who was pale and shaking slightly. Every mission has the innocents, thought Mewtwo. He made a somewhat sheepish smile at Joy.
    Er...Sorry if I seem...Menacing or anything, but I'm only here to harm Rockets, not any innocents!! he said to Joy, who at least stopped shaking.
    "Uh...Er...Th-th-that's alr-r-right, uh..." She suddenly took a strait position, closing her eyes, then opening them again. "Sorry, I really shouldn't be acting so afraid of a Pokémon, nonetheless an intellegent one. I'm sorry...Are you Mewtwo?" He nodded.
    "I thought so...I saw you knocked out when you were being brought into your cell. I overheard a gaurd mutter your name. I actually now have a slight idea of what may be going on...I don't want to work here anymore...But..." She trailed off. Mewtwo approched her a bit.
    But what?
"But untill the boss is defeated, I can't be free! I knew I shouldn't have signed up here as a full-time nurse...Mewtwo, can you help me?" He nodded.
    "Thank you so much! You're nicer than you look," she said with a bow.
    I'll defeat the boss. By the way, do you have any Potions? I'm somewhat wounded...
"Well, I have better! I have a special pod for quick heals: The Med PokéPod, or MPP," she said, showing the large pod. It looked like a big shower stall, big enougth for Mewtwo to stand in with comfort.
    I'll take it. Thank you.
"Just doing my job, I suppose."
    Mewtwo steeped up into the odd chamber, and Nurse Joy pressed a button. A light filled the MPP, engulfing Mewtwo in a warm, soft feeling. When it faded, he noticed he had no scratches or anything on his body, and he felt more vigorous than before. He thanked Joy as he stepped out and went through the next door.
    Almost as soon as he walked through, he had to duck Pokéballs thrown at him. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?! He looked up and saw three little boys, whose packs were full to bursting with Pokéballs, and eyes full to bursting with dullness. Dull eyes are usually signs of...
    Hypnosis!! He rolled out of the way, and started to run in an oval around the boys.
    Tanya, scan the boys!
"Scanning...Scanning...God, it's hard to do this in motion..." While she scanned these somewhat dangerous new foes, he had to run, roll, jump, even deflect balls. "SCAN COMPLETE! Okay, now these we'll call 'Trainers' and they just toss balls at you non-stop. They are also hypnotized, thus they CANNOT be accidentally killed, no matter what! One good kick will knock them out, and de-hypnotize them."
    Good, he replied, and skidded...JUST AS A BALL HIT HIM. The trip in was fast, and also cold. Inside the ball, it was transparent through the top, which was red, and the bottom was white and opaque. Mewtwo panicked. He ran up and hit against the walls of the prison with all his might. He could see the intricate locking mechanism locking him in, on the line of the ball's rims meeting. One more second, and he would be...
    OUT! He broke out, and before he could be recaptured, he rushed at the boys and kicked them into la-la-land. THAT was an experience I hope I'll not experience anytime soon.


    The late afternoon began to set in on Kitt Peak City. The cops had died down, and the kids were heading to their favorite thing...
    "Ninja weapon training sessions tonight, guys. Got all our weapons?" asked Kenji, who had his two boken on his back. Ai replied yes and held up a Kunai from her belt; Shoken nodded and showed one of the knunchaku draped around her neck; Hiroko went "Mmm-hmm," and brandished her fans with a flourish. "Good. Now, does anyone know wheather or not Takumi is gonna be here this time with his weird sythe-thing training?"
    "Well, I'm right here, so I geuss DUH, dweeb!"
    Everyone stopped and spun around. Standing there was Mr. Tough himself.
    "Hey, I didn't know you were there, so don't call me a dweeb. Dweeb's too stupid," Kenji said, half asleep.


    Mewtwo just defeated all of the enemies in the room. About 2-5 or something, he lost count, of each type he's faced thus far. He sighed, went on through the big red door, and as soon as he passed into the next room, which was all red itself, he had to duck as a large whip lashed out at his face. As the whip drew back, he noticed that it was almost as thick as a power line. A few hits and he might have been killed, he calculated it would be about eight hits to knock him out.
    "So..." Mewtwo looked up at the speaker as he got up from his duck. He was taken by surprise. Expecting a human face, he only saw an eye, peeking at him through an eyehole in a mask. The mask, like his entire body, was black, but the mask was two-color; the second a large red "R" where the left part was on his face. Instead of two hands, he had one and his entire right wrist was replaced by the long, black whip, which ended in three thinner cords, each tipped with a small dumbellesque weight.
    "You can duck an attack that fast."
    Who the fucking hell are you?!
"Heh...Insolent brat. My name is a secret to all, even my own father, whom I had brain-wiped of my name. But my codename is that of which will always be remembered: WhipCrack!!" he ended, cracking his whip. Mewtwo felt his blood rush through his veins in the same way it did when he was in a feirce battle.
    Don't call me an insolent brat! You will pay for that, and you must have the final Rocket card needed to bestow my flight capabilities, don't you? he asked, as he began to battle by dodging the whip attacks.
    "That's for me to know and you to find out, twit," WhipCrack replied, getting annoyed that each whip went right where Mewtwo was a second ago; he was running in circles around him, leaping aside when the whip came down. After a few whips, WhipCrack's arm became tired, and by then, Mewtwo had scanned him entierly(his foe didn't pay attention to the wristwatch-like thing on his arm).
    "Scan complete. WhipCrack, or WC for short, is a high-ranking Rocket. He has had his right wrist removed in favor for a large whip when he became an Officer. He, however, isn't strong enougth to weild it properly yet, so you can hit him when he's recovering." Mewtwo nodded, thanking Tanya for giving him crucial information. He waited untill WC was tired again, dashed around to the back, and lept strait at him with a flying kick. WC grunted with pain as the blow landed on him, and before he knew it, he was being beaten to bits with Mewtwo's new favorite combo: Right strait, left hook, roundhouse right. He has his combos set so that he can quickly repeat it if nessicary so his last attack goes to his first smoothly and quickly. After about three combos, WC regained his sences and blocked the incoming punch. Mewtwo was surprised, and in that moment, got hammered out of the way of his opponent by a bruisingly powerful right uppercut the the stomach.
    When he got up, WC was being a coward, realizing he's gonna have to do better to beat this freak, and was running away to another part of the room. Mewtwo gave chase, but had to dodge left and right to avoid the whip crashing down on him. He got to WC, and began the procces over. This time, however, after a few unsuccesful hits, WC hollered, "YOU'LL NEVER RUN AGAIN!!" Mewtwo was almost taken by surprise again by seeing the whip stay behind him for a split second, then going away from him still grounded. It spun right twoards where he was running, very fast, and he hopped it like a jumprope. He had no sooner landed then having to jump again. Another jump and his tail got clipped. He landed to a winded WhipCrack, ran behind, and nailed him again. He had only gotten in two combos when he was blocked again. BUT! Instead of getting sucker punched again, he defended against the blow.
    Getting up from being knocked back (not as far, though), Mewtwo ran after the freak again.
    Are you going to repeat this pattern, live a child's computer game enemy?! he said, opening his big mind. Fourtunatly, WC didn't care. He was enraged. This time, he added the two previous attacks together and shouted, "I REALLY HOPE YOU HAVE A LIFELINE TO CALL FOR HELP, IMBECELE!!" He then span in a circle, whip and all trailing behind, and also raising his whip arm up and down while spinning, making a wave-like blur-trail. He succeded in knocking poor Mewtwo down; he had accidentally run right into the oncoming strike. He got up again quickly, but noticed he was unharmed as the whip passed over, if he ducked. After the assult, he went all out, and landed somewhat of an air combo, landing with one kick, and bouncing off onto the ground with another.
    You little idiot, you cannot win against me, near powerless or not! I WILL KICK- strait, which pummeled his stomach -YOUR- hook, which span WhipCrack around -ASS!! A spectacular roundhouse sent him on the ground, and his mask flying off. He landed, and his face bore the look of one who is knocked out cold. He had no hair. One organic, human eye. Metal face. He was a cyborg. Mewtwo knelt down at the fallen foe, now realizing why his roundhouses, aimed at his head, had hurt a tad more than normal.
    "My...My mask...Too...Weak...To fight...uhnnnn..." He fainted. A shiny, red and silver card fell out his pocket as his body went limp. Mewtwo picked up the card, and looked around. He noticed the room was shaped like a giant "R." He looked at what would be the end of the diagonal leg of the "R" to find that familiar ATM-like machine. He went over, went through the same process, and when the light faded, he felt a great surge of power through his entire body. He had gotten the analysis: HE COULD FLY.
    He rushed outside the room, down the long way to the psyudo-center, and barged into the room. Joy jumped, and looked at Mewtwo's bruises.
    "Oh, my...I heard an intense battle, but is this what he gave you? Did you beat him??"
    Yes...You're free...and so am I, Mewtwo replied, panting. Nurse Joy jumped for her namesake and rushed to get her things she had packed up in another room. She came out to see Mewtwo gone. "Mewtwo...I will never forget you..." she mumbled, and went through the Gallery, where Mewtwo and WhipCrack fought, to the exit.

    Mewtwo was now in the air. He had gone through the entire base in a record 2 hours! He now had only a few more hours left, and he wasn't getting anywhere very fast, only at about 180 mph. He was a long way away from his home, and it would be nightfall by the time he arrived...IF he hurried. Here's to a non-brainwashed brain in the morning, he thought, and went full speed (just about 200mph) twoards home into the one hour to sunset horizon.


    The action at the dojo was hot, as the fight for advancement raged on. Everyone except Kenji had their shiny new rank. He was still stuck blocking Sensei's attacks. He dodged an attack from the left. Blocked the other boken from the right. Swung his left sword at his opponent. Got blocked, but then quickly attacked with the right. It hit. It was finally over. He had succesfully delt 5 blows. Why was it so hard?
    "I can't beleive we could only do certain attacks and blocks," Kenji complained in whispers to his friends after the new rank was awarded. He now was an apprentice, along with everyone else. The only reason he wasn't a Grand Master was because he wasn't allowed to use advanced techniques untill then. Their parents enrolled them to prove "they didn't know nothing about weapon fighting." Okay, so they only seriously trained away from public eyes, and only a bit at home, but still, they were Grand Masters, right?
    The Sensei called all of the students together. "Class, I now shall dismiss you to-" But he couldn't finish. Just then, a loud crash was heard and the wall behind Sensei was shattered. When the dust cleared, all the students could see were faint shoeprints on the tami mats lining the floor. During the "smokescreen" of fallen plaster from the wall, they heard noises of a struggle over their own coughing.
    "Sensei has been kidnapped!" screamed some students.
    "What'll we do?!" asked another.
    "What else are we supposed to do, try and rescue him? WE RUN HOME LIKE IDIOTS!!" replied a somewhat smart student.
    EVERYONE ran screaming and hollering, still in their guis. Kenji, Hiroko, Ai, Shoken and Takumi, however, thought of the hell they went through to earn their ranks. They also, well...
    "Hey, guys, over here! Quick," said Shoken. The others followed into an alley. When they arrived, they saw a huge man carrying what looked like...
    "Sensei," murmered Ai, watching the man walk down, with his fellow assholes throwing Malotov Cocktails around and breaking bits of building.
    "Now, are we just gonna follow the mainstream and run while that shit gets away with this?" asked Shoken.
    "Well...It's obvious the cops can't handle this," replied Hiroko, eyeing a knocked out officer not too far off. He had his gun removed from its holster.
    "Yeah...I don't know what five teens can do, but..." started Kenji.
    "But what?! This guy's just stupid if he think's he can get away with this!" exclaimed Takumi.
    "Yeah! You're right, for once," said Kenji.
    "WATCH IT!!"
    "If we are going to get that bozo, let's go NOW! ENOUGTH TALK, LET'S ROCK!!!" shouted Ai, surprising the others. Ai always had a nature of an adventurous yet proper-speaking young lady who never had the whole guns-blazing concept others had. She never voluntered to do anything like this so willingly.
    "Uh...Ai?" Kenji asked.
    "...Uh, did I just say that..?"
    "Yeah, but you had a point, still do. Let's kick some ass, yeah?" Everyone agreed, Ai a little shaken by what she said still. So Kenji took the lead, going on into the fray, the others trailing behind. Kenji slashed at thugs who stood in his way, and the rear was defended by the small storm behind him. As they advanced through the ally, Kenji had to get some up-front help at times, especially one incedent where he had to take down a long row of gaurds near the end of the alley.
    Kenji landed smack on his ass when he tried rushing them. "Uh, guys? Can I get some help here?" he asked.
    "Sho' will," replied his sister, and she tromped up on front. The others stepped back a bit; they've seen what the Sibiling Slash could do. Kenji redied one sword backwards, so he had one pointing down. Hiroko redied her daul fans to cut. At the same time, both unleashed a spinning fury, each going oppisite ways away from each other(Kenji counter-clockwise, Hiroko clockwise), twoards the four gaurds. Not really expecting the lighning fast attack, they were smacked and somewhat cut by the flurry of wood and ultra-strong fan material. When they toppled, Hiroko lept back behind Kenji, and they marched out onto the street.
    The entire street was aflame, and standing on a large peice of rubble stood...
    "You," spat Kenji like the name was a bad word. The man had bright green hair, pale tan skin, a bright red-orange vest, jeans, boots, and an eye patch. He also had a gun in one hand, a knife in the other. He had a horrible grin on his face. Sensei was nowhere to be found. Kenji looked at his weapon arrangement.
    "Who do you think you are, Dante?" The man shook his head.
    "No," he said in a deep, gruff voice, "I am the leader of the thugs you've knocked down with your puny weapons. A master. I'm from the good old U. S. of A. and am here to rule the streets here! Using proper titles, I am Thug Master Baxter!!!" he roared, and hopped into the middle of the road. Crap, a nut, thought Kenji, and gaurded immediatly as Baxter tried to shoot with his pistol. It stopped in the thick wood, but knocked Kenji back a bit as he slid.
    "Guys, we've got a nut on our hands," he said, "so we've got to kick his butt before he kicks ours and fing Sensei!! Follow me, and block his shots!" The others nodded. Kenji ran into the road, and blocked shots untill Baxter ran out of ammo. "NOW!!" Kenji screamed, and all of them went and fintuple-teamed him. He tried to retaliate with his knife, but Shoken's knunchaku whacked it out of his hand. The gun? Thank Ms. Fan for that. He was soon taken out.
    "PLEASE!! DON'T HURT ME!! I BEG OF YOUUUU!!!" he screamed as he lost his only way to win as the painful fan smacked it out of his hand. Kenji told the others to stop, but before he could ask where Sensei was, Takumi lept in and began to slach without mercy.
    Ai screamed in his ear, and Takumi regained his senses. He looked down at Baxter. He was bruised, bleeding, and in a LOT of pain.
    "Woah...Dude..." Takumi held his head. "Crap, I did it again..." Before anyone could ask, he ran off. Ai knelt down to Baxter, who was barley concious and losing it fast, and spoke.
    "Baxter, please tell me where you put Sensei," she asked in a somewhat sweet tone.
    "In...In...In that trash can, over there," he stuttered, and pointed his miraculously unharmed right middle finger to a nearby garbage can. He then fainted. Ai stood back up and went with the others to the trash can. Shoken opened the lid, which was duck taped shut, and out popped Sensei's head. He looked around, then hoisted himself out of the can. He brushed off, turned to the others, and bowed.
    "I am very grateful you have saved me. I thought I was done for when I couldn't escape. You all...defeated the criminal?" Everyone nodded.
    "Takumi did, too, but he ran off after going into what must have been a rage or something," Kenji said, a drop of worry in his tone.
    "Hmmm...I will have to speak with Mr. Nagasaki. But for a reward for proving your advanced manuveres, I shall allow you to carry your weapons in public for self defence." Everyone's eyes lit up as Sensei reached into his shirt and withdrew four cards. They each had their names on them, and they thanked him.
    "No. I shall allow you to call me by name: FinalTest."
    Ai nodded. "FinalTest, we are very grateful. Thank you." FinalTest smiled.
    "You're welcome. Now, go on home. I know you're all tired. Good Night," he said, and dissmissed them. They all walked home, happy about their weapons licences, but worried about Takumi.


    Almost there!!
Mewtwo sped through the night sky, and finally landed on the roof before his room. Before he went in, he couldn't help noticing a small pillar of smoke rising only a few streets off. He dissmissed it as a bonfire and hastilly jumped inside his house. He saw everything was ravaged. He ran all the way to his computer, holding his head. Before he could do anything, the screen cam alive on it's own. Tanya's figure appeared onscreen, with a worried look on her face.
    "Mewtwo, it's about time! Okay, sit in your chair to rest, while I find the way to take out that thing!" Mewtwo did as told, and saw Tanya disappear and data flash onscreen. It showed stats about what the thing was. It looked like it was a weird, flat, small sheet of circutry as thin as tin foil. And, as soon as Mewtwo saw this, Tanya returned.
    "Okay, you're gonna be in a lot of pain, Two. I have to...Well, er...'jack in' to your brain, but to do this without drilling a hole in your skull, I'm gonna have to go into your spinal cord, okay?" Mewtwo shuddered. Yes, he said, but please make it quick. "I'll have to, because you have but FIVE MINUTES to brainwashness. I miss-calculated!!" And before he could reply, Mewtwo was attacked from behind as a cord went into his back. SEARING pain went into his entire body. He also felt a weird jolt travel up his spine into his brain. It must have been the neutralizing shock. He felt the shock suddenly amplify as it struck the plate. This went on for a painful three minutes, and when the jolt went back into the cord, he fainted, or would have, if he wasn't so god damn badass.
    Tanya?? he said again, hurredly. Did he accidentally overload her??
    "...Two? You all right? Speak to me!!" Tanya said with a worried look on her face. "You look like you're trying to talk. I can't hear you." Mewtwo was stunned, and yet again almost fainted. I CANNOT TALK WHATSOEVER?! Well...I may be able to talk normal Pokémon by using my mouth...I've only done grunts, and maybe I can't operate my mouth like I can my telepathy...Oh... He shouted("GAHHH!!!"), and held his head in frustration. He was so confused. He had no time! What if the process went awry? What if he'd be a slave forever? What if-
    "Mewtwo, it's come to the time to when you'd be brainwashed. Are you okay?" Mewtwo snapped back into reality and his head up. He waited a little, but nothing. Nothing happened. He was okay. HE WAS OKAY!! WOO-HOO!! YEAH!! He nodded, a weak smile on his face. Tanya let her breath leave her virtual mouth.
    "Good. Now, I think that the shock used to disable the diode, we'll call it, might have temporalily fried a part of your bran vital in telepathy. Your brain tissue will, like all other tissues in your body, heal over time. Untill then, can you talk?" She paused. Mewtwo looked away, an uncertain look upon his face. "Not sure, eh? Well, try forming the word 'Tan-Ya' with your mouth and try saying it." He felt like a small child. He did as told, chucking his pride out of the window. He did that okay, and he tried saying it.
    "That's good!! Keep trying!!!"
    Mewtwo tried again. "T...Tany..." He then, offhand, said ALOUD, "Damn." Before he attemted Tanya's name again, she stopped him. "Damn? DAMN!! YOU SAID DAMN!! You can talk!!" She was practically jumping up and down in the moniter. Mewtwo was speechless. Then he tried talking again.
    "I...I can talk...Yes. I am able to talk. I geuss I have it easy because I must conform a mouth in my mind's eye to speak the sounds. That way, I...I already know what to say and how to say it. Thank you for your help...Tanya," he added, smirking his Mewtwo smirk. Tanya laughed a laugh. They then decided that all of the excitement has made them tired enougth to retire. So they both went to go sleep. Mewtwo had a lot of tings on his mind, and took him a lot longer to fall asleep.


    "Yes, what is it?!"
    "Uh...I bear bad news. WhipCrack's body was found beaten and knocked out. He failed to stop..."
    "Yes, and with all of the RMs, but the amazing part is not only did he unhinge his door, but he never killed anyone!!"
    "Huh? Hmmm..."
    "Oh, and Nurse Joy was not there."
    "Great, he must have...Hm. Set better defence up at the next place he will HAVE to enter next: Rocket Tower. Make it so that he must either get help or submit. He will NEVER bow down that low, hindered as he is."

    Well, now, that ends 02! NEXT: Wandering 03: First Quarter: CROSSING! When the two worlds of the teens and Mewtwo collide, literally, what happenes? And how come Ai had that weird alternate personality thing? And wtf is up with Takumi? Find out, next time!!

    ...Oh, god, I sound like Dragon Ball Z...