In the middle of a clearing, next to a pond, underneath the tall and imposing trees stood Isaac and Bulbasaur on one side, and the fierce little Poliwag just in front of them. Both Pokemon glared at one another, each of them trying to appear more intimidating to their opponent. Isaac knew he could win this battle with Bulbasaur, for he had the type advantage.
“Bulbasaur, Tackle attack,” he called out, eager to get started. Bulbasaur cried out its name and charged towards the Poliwag. The little water Pokemon suddenly opened its mouth and shot out a fast stream of water, which hit Bulbasaur square in the face, knocking him back towards Isaac and disrupting his attack.
*Damn Water Gun attack* Isaac thought. “C’mon Bulbasaur, we’re not going to take that now are we?” he called out. “If you can’t get in close enough then we’ll have to attack from a distance. Use Vine Whip and show that Poliwag what your made of.”
Bulbasaur picked itself up and shot out its vines. They flew directly at the Poliwag who immediately started hopping all over the place in a desperate attempt to not get hit. However, two vines against one Poliwag were not good odds for the tadpole Pokemon, and it suddenly found a vine to its back, and then another to its face. It fell to the ground and tried to get up. It looked exhausted all ready. However, Isaac wasn’t going to feel sorry for it just yet.
“Well done Bulbasaur,” he called out. “Now lets make sure it doesn’t get away by using Leech Seed.”
“Bulbasaur!” the plant Pokemon cried. A seed poked its way out from the top of he’s bulb and shot into the air. Down it fell right on top of the injured Poliwag. The seed burst open and several vines came out, wrapping themselves around Poliwag as it tried to stand up. They glowed red and the poor Pokemon began losing the energy to keep standing. After a few more seconds of draining, it slumped to the ground, exhausted. Isaac took an empty pokeball from his belt and enlarged it.
“Pokeball, go!” he yelled as he hurled it towards the downed water Pokemon. It hit Poliwag and as it bounced back, it opened up. Red light poured out and washed over the Pokemon, absorbing it into the light itself. It then retreated back into the Pokeball, which fell to the ground. The indicator light turned red while the ball shook once, twice, three times… and then stopped. The light turned white and Isaac jumped for joy.
“OOOHHH YEEAAHHHHHH!!!” he yelled in excitement. “I CAUGHT MY FIRST POKEMON!!! WHOO-HOOOOO!!! YYYEEEAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Isaac ran over to Bulbasaur and picked him up.
“WE DID IT, WE DID IT,” he cried while swinging his Pokemon around.
“Bulbasaur! Bulba,” Bulbasaur cried back. He was wearing a big smile on his face and was feeling very proud of his victory. Isaac finally stopped dancing around and put Bulbasaur down.
“We better check on the little guy and get him patched up, huh?” he asked.
“Saur.” Bulbasaur nodded. Isaac held the pokeball containing his new Poliwag forward.
“Poliwag, c’mon out,” he called. The pokeball opened in his hand and the white light poured forth. It hit the ground and transformed into Poliwag who immediately fell over on to its face. Isaac took off his backpack and rummaged around for one of his potions.
*This time I remembered* he mused as he pulled one out. He moved over to Poliwag and sprayed the healing agent over its body. The bruises from Bulbasaurs vines began to disappear and slowly Poliwag stirred. It rolled over on its back and opened its eyes to be greeted by Isaacs still smiling face.
“Hey there little guy,” he said softly. “Are you OK now?”
Poliwag nodded, a look of nervousness coming over its own face. Isaac saw this and smiled more.
“Hey don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt you. I want you to join me. Would you like to come with me and get stronger?” he asked.
Poliwag glanced over to where Bulbasaur was sitting. The plant Pokemon wandered over and started speaking to it in a sheepish manner.
“Saur Saur, Bulbasaur,” he murmured softly. Poliwag nodded slightly and smiled.
“Poliwag, Poli,” it replied back. Isaac watched with interest.
*I guess Bulbasaurs apologising* he thought. *Either that or he’s convincing Poliwag to come along*
Poliwag stood up and turned to face Isaac. It gazed into his eyes with wonder and then smiled.
“Poli!” it cried and began nuzzling his hand. Isaac moved his hand over to rub Poliwags head. It felt rubbery and cold.
“I guess you do wanna come along,” he said. “All right then, lets get moving. We should be able to reach Pewter City by nightfall if we hurry.” He picked up his pack and slipped the straps over his shoulders. Holding out Poliwags pokeball, he called out for it to return. The red light enveloped the tadpole Pokemon again and it streamed back into the confines of the ball. He attached the ball securely to his belt and walked off into the trees with Bulbasaur by his side.