Morning. The sun slowly appeared while the moon slowly vanished. The light stretched out across the land and into Viridian City. The warmth spread itself along with the light and washed into the Pokemon Centre, bathing the people and Pokemon who were sleeping soundly. One of these people was of course Isaac, who was still sleeping like a log.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
Isaac rolled over. “Not yet mum, five more minutes…” he muttered.
The knocking became louder and more impatient. Isaac opened his eyes and squinted around the room.
“Wha… what the…” he muttered groggily. He turned towards the door where the intruder on the other side continued to knock. Loudly.
“Uuuhhhhh…” Isaac groaned as he attempted to stand up. “Just a second…” Still rubbing the sleep from his eyes he stumbled over to the door and opened it to find Nurse Joy standing there, wide awake, and with a cheerful smile on her face.
“Good morning Isaac,” she said happily. “I trust you slept well.”
*Up until you start hammering on the door* he thought angrily, but kept it to himself.
“Yes I did, thank you for asking,” he managed to say in an almost pleasant voice.
“Good to hear,” Joy replied, still keeping the big smile on her face. “I woke you up to tell you that your Bulbasaur is now awake and in tip-top condition.”
This woke Isaac up properly. “He is? Can I go see him?” he asked.
“Of course. But maybe you should clean yourself up first, hmm?” Joy told him, and walked away to begin her rounds.
Isaac ran back into his room and headed straight for the shower. He turned on the water and the memories of yesterday came flooding back into his mind as he remembered the injuries Bulbasaur had sustained from their last battle. He remembered running all the way here after escaping from the wild Nidoran that fainted Bulbasaur. He got out of the shower, dried himself and went to get some fresh clothes. He dug around in his backpack for a moment and pulled out the desired items of clothing. Still putting on his shoes he hopped out of the door. With his bag on his back, jacket under his arm, and finally with both shoes on his feet Isaac ran out to the front desk and was greeted by Nurse Joy, one of her Chanseys, and Bulbasaur who was chowing down some Pokemon Food from a large bowl. It looked up and saw Isaac running up to the desk.
“Bulba!” it cried out in joy, and leaped off the desk into Isaac’s arms.
“Hey Bulbasaur,” Isaac whispered as he held the Pokemon close. “You feeling any better?”
“Saur saur,” it nodded and beamed at its trainer.
“Would you like some breakfast Isaac?” Nurse Joy asked from behind the desk. “Bulbasaur has all ready had his.”
*I didn’t know Bulbasaur was a boy* Isaac mused. “Yes please Nurse Joy.”
The nurse turned to her Chansey. “Chansey, could you whip something up for this young man to eat please?”
“Chansey!” the egg Pokemon trilled and hurried out the side door. It came back a few minutes later with a plate of sausages and pancakes and a glass of orange juice. It waddled over to Isaac and handed the plate to him.
“Chansey! Chansey!” it exclaimed and smiled happily.
“Thanks,” Isaac replied and immediately started to pack his mouth with as much food as it could hold. Bulbasaur, Chansey and Nurse Joy chuckled at the sight of him. Draining the glass of the juice, he put it down and looked at Bulbasaur.
“Ready to go?” he asked, wiping his mouth.
“Bulba,” the Pokemon replied and walked over to his side. Isaac turned to face Nurse Joy.
“Thanks for your help Nurse Joy. You too Chansey,” he said.
“My pleasure,” Joy beamed. “Should you need anymore assistance just pop into one of the other Pokemon Centres and talk to one of my relatives. They’re all nurses.”
“K. Thanks again,” Isaac replied and strolled out the door with Bulbasaur at his heels.
*First stop, the Poke Mart* he thought. “Hey Bulbasaur, we need to go pick up some supplies before we head off into Viridian Forest OK?”
“Saur Saur, Bulba,” Bulbasaur replied. They both walked along the path, leaving the Pokemon Centre behind and bringing the Viridian Poke Mart into view. Isaac and Bulbasaur walked through the sliding doors and gazed at the stock that was in front of them. Pokemon toys, Pokemon books, Pokemon merchandise, and other bits and pieces littered the shelves. The few people that were in there were walking up and down the aisles, examining this and taking that.
*AISLE 6: TRAINERS SECTION* was written on a sign hanging above the duo.
“Bingo,” Isaac said. Walking between the bloated shelves he picked up another 5 pokeballs, 3 Antidotes, 3 Parylz Heals, and 2 more Potions. They moved on to pick up a sleeping bag, some regular food, and finally some Poke Chow. Bulbasaur’s vines extended out, offering to carry some of the load. The pair walked over to the sleepy looking clerk behind the desk, who scanned the items and passed them back to Isaac.
“That’ll be 4150 Pokeyens thanks,” he told them wearily.
Isaac pulled out his wallet and counted through the notes. He pulled out the right amount and handed it to the clerk.
*Mental note: Must get into some Pokemon battles and win some more cash* he reminded himself. *Or rob a bank, whichever comes first*
Stuffing the items into his backpack, he and Bulbasaur exited the Poke Mart and headed towards the well-known Viridian Forest.