Thank you all,acutally only one person,for the review!I really appreciate it.Eh,well..I don't own pokemon so NYAH! ^.~ I wiv doing dat! ^__^;; Well,on with the fanfic!
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Why authors and characters should NEVER meet!*~*~*~*~*~*
Narrator: Now,we focus in on Twilight arguing with a Flareon also know as Flareon, but yet also know as...Bob,but ALSO know as Smokey.
Smokey: Nu uh
Twilight: Uh huh!
Smokey: Nu uh!
Twilight: uh huh!
Rattata: Will you two shut up already?!?!?
Twilight and Smokey: *Be quiet but also death glare eachother*
Rattata: Finally!Silence!
Twilight: *Death glares Rattata*
Rattata: Meep!
Smokey: *Thinking* "If Twilight ever hurts that little rodent,I'll hurt her too!"
Twilight: I head that!
Smokey: -_-;
Rattata: I think we should take a vacation!
Twilight: *Brightening up* Yeah!What do you think Smokey?
Smokey: Eh,okay.
Twilight: Lets go to the Orange Islands!
Smokey: No!The Whirl Islands!
Rattata: I've got it!Lets go to the Authors Lounge!!
Twilight: Okay with me.
Smokey: Yeah.
*~*~*~*~*~*Author's Lounge*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Evolution_E: *Yawn* I'm bored.
Kitty Vaporeon: Me too. *Also yawns*
Mamo: Me three. *ALSO yawns*
BabyPichu: Me four. *also yawns*
Lasselle: Me five. *ALSO yawns*
Insanity: ....beep....
Chaos Causing Raichu: NO MEEEEEEEEE!!!! *Roars*
All: *Snap awake then death glare Chaos*
Chaos: Eep!Don't kill me!
Evolution: -_-;
*Roar comes from...bum bumm bummm!Somewhere!*
Chaos: Don't look at me!I didn't do it!
Kitty: Then who did?
Twilight: Ooh!Ooh!Pick me!Pick me!I did it!
Smokey: Nu uh!
Twilight: Uh huh!
Smokey: Nu uh!
Twilight: Uh huh!
Smokey: Nu...
Rattata: *Cuts Smokey off growling at him*
Smokey: *in whisper* Nu uh...
Rattata: ALRIGHT!THAT'S IT! *Takes out a mallet and whacks Smokey over the side of the head*
Smokey: *Knocked unconscious* x_X;
Twilight: Oooh...
Chaos: Fight,fight,fight,fight,fight!!!
Rattata: *Whacks Chaos over the side of the head with the mallet*
Chaos: x.X;
BabyPichu: How dare you hit an author!
Rattata: That was an AUTHOR!?!?!?
Evolution: Yup!
Rattata: *Faints*
Twilight: I think that we should end this part now..
Kitty: Good idea.
(Scene fades out)
Authors Note Thingy: Yes,yes I know,short part,but that's what I'm famous for!..Sorta.Well,thanks to the one person that acutally reviewed.Well,keep em coming peoples I don't know! ^.~