Disclaimer: I do not own Poke'mon or anything that has to do with it
(other than a few cards that I got when I was 7). Same old story,
isn't it?
I'd like to give special thanks to Blue Flamed Cheetah for support.
Now, this is the third part, so by this time, it should be pretty
good. But then, that's my opinion. Hope you all enjoy it. Now, on
with "Misty, Come BackŠ" part three! (After this, you can go right to
part four.
Ash Ketchum-12
Misty Waterflower-13
Pikachu-Who knows?
Brock Stone-15
Note: Italics in quotes mean people's thoughts. Italics without
quotes mean that Elemental is speaking.
Ash was having a hard time carrying Misty, considering he did
have a broken arm.
"No! I can't give up now," Ash said as he 'ran' through the
woods to get to Legendor.
"AlmostŠ there," he panted as the city lights came into view.
He passed many people on the streets, all of them shocked to see the
bleeding boy running with a girl in his arms. By the time the
poke'mon center came into view, Ash felt like he was going to drop
He burst through the doors, which got Nurse Joy's attention,
and through her the poke'ball with Pidgeot inside. Not even noticing
Brock and Pikachu, he dashed back out the door, towards the hospital.
He had almost reached the hospital door when his body couldn't take
the strain anymore. He fell unconscious right in front of the door.
While he was unconscious, Ash had a dream.
Ash's POV
It was a weird dream, or nightmare. I was standing on the
doorstep to my house. The sky, black as a starless, moonless night,
was brewing, lighting coming down from everywhere, setting houses on
fire, and electrifying people and poke'mon. People were screaming,
poke'mon were howling with pain; I couldn't bare the sight. And yet,
my eyes wouldn't close. I couldn't blink, let alone move.
Then, in the sky, a creature so majestic, yet so gruesome,
appeared from above the clouds. It muttered what I could only expect
to be it's name; Eartha. The creature suddenly let out a loud shriek
and launched some sort of beam into the ground. Everything turned
bright white from the blast, so white it would have blinded me in
real life. Then, I could see again. The sight my eyes withheld was
total annihilation. Everything was gone, dust. The world was gone.