Disclaimer: I don’t own pokemon no matter how much I wish it
Disclaimer: I don’t own pokemon no matter how much I wish it. They all belong to Gamefreak, WB, yadda yadda yadda.
Chapter five:
That drip in the sink was becoming annoying. Drip, drip all day long and
all night long too. The water was beginning to wear a hole away in the
concrete floor and I can’t get anyone to fix it.
I was let out today so I guess all that doesn’t really matter all that much.
Greta arrived this morning on time as usual. She then told me that I was to
go out. Something to do with Classical.
She led me to a large building set apart from the rest off the compound. It
was dome shaped and filled with training Rockets and their pokemon. I spotted
two or three pokemon that could have been mine, but I was too far away for
them to see me. I suppose I would have just distracted them anyway.
I was then led to a small back room where a pokeball sat in the center of a
wooden table. It was shaking violently and the geeky scientist behind the
table was eyeing it nervously.
Curiosity got the best of me of course. Just as I reached the table the ball
burst open and two green vines whipped towards me. They stopped one
half inch from my face and a familiar voice said, "Bulba?"
"Classical! You’re all right."
"Bulba!" I guess that was the equivalent of my name.
Our reunion was short though. I was ordered to order Classical to cooperate
and of course I refused. Even so I had to give in for Jazz’s sake. Classical
understood, but he still refused to serve a Rocket even after I ordered him.
As I was escorted back to my cell Greta assured me that he would be fine.
For some reason I believe her. Besides Classical could take care of himself.
Now here I am. In here again. It’s not so bad. Greta managed to get me a CD
Player and although I only had three CDs it was worth the hassle. I just wish
whoever picked out the CDs had more taste. My options were; 100 greatest
Polka hits, jeez, I didn’t even know that they made such things, Golden
Oldies from 1930, and classical music from the Baroque period.
I actually did have another CD, but if I had to listen to To Be a Master
one more time I was going to snap it in half.
Opening the player I put in the classical CD and laid back. Some of the
music deeply reminded me of my sixth pokemon.
Surge had been the hardest challenge so far. With Classical she won since electricity was not very effective on plant. Erika was a snap. Jackki’s ninetales burn up the opposition.
Jackki had been busy. She had gone shopping and bought a number of things. She bought a fire stone, thunder stone and a water stone. She promptly evolved Rhythm and stowed the other two away for future use.
Skipping Sabrina’s gym she had taken on the Erika first. Jackki was convinced that Sabrina was the hardest and most ruthless gym leader. Not to mention she had nothing that was strong against psychic.
On her return to Saffron she decided to stop by Silth Co. and see an old friend of her mother’s. The place was deserted so she wandered around abit.
Coming around the corner she ran smack into a big man in a pinstripe suit. His dark features registered momentary shock followed by grim determination. He snatched her and lifted her off the ground easily. Struggling did nothing to set her free so she stopped wiggling.
A girl not much older then Jackki herself emerged a moment later. She !
frowned and narrowed her bright green eyes. Pushing a strand of wavy, pale blond hair from her face she let loose an ear-piercing whistle. Two men in black appeared to lock her in a storage closet. Outside she could hear the man and the young woman arguing fiercely.
"I very much doubt she recognized you. I assume she is frightened out of her wits and would do anything just to get away." The young woman snapped.
"Still it’s a chance I can not afford to take." The man answered in a deep voice.
"Even so I think that she has a family or at least friends. Not to mention all the places she’s visited. Team Rocket is charged with pokemon theft not kidnapping! How degrading it would be if we were found in possession of a child!" the young woman said forcefully.
"Enough Amara! I will not take your mouth anymore. I am aware of the risks and I say the same as I did a moment earlier." The man snarled.
"Excuse me." A small voice said behind Jackki making her jump. She turned around to come nose to nose with a small, thin man. His thick glasses slid down the bridge of his nose revealing pale gray eyes.
"I wish to give you something. Incase you make it out of this mess." He whispered hoarsely as he handed her a pokeball.
"What makes you think you’re not going to? I don’t think they plan to let me go anytime soon."
"Mayhaps but even so I feel Lapras is much safer in your hands then mine. They will be sure to take any pokemon in my possession since I am the head scientist. They might decided not to waste training on a lowly trainer’s pokemon…" the man’s speech was cut off as a burly brute threw open the door.
The young woman from before followed and watched as the scientist was seized and taken away. She then spoke to Jackki in a deadpan voice, "Follow me. Please don’t try to escape."
ckki followed and was led to a small laboratory. She was pushed in and Amara closed the door. Just before the latch clicked the bond poked her head in, "I will plead your case, but look forward to a long time of imprisonment." With that she slammed and locked the door behind her.
Jackki brought out her new pokemon out of curiosity. The blue pokemon gazed at her serenely not a bit disturbed at the change of people. Jackki realized that different people must handle it everyday. This was a lab for studying pokemon.
A ball suddenly dropped off her belt and Classical was out in a flash of light. He eyed the new comer before snatching the other pokeballs off Jackki’s belt. Within seconds all the pokemon we out.
"I guess you guys heard everything, huh?" Jackki said ruefully to them. They nodded in return and greeted the lapras.
Country dove head-first in the pack and dragged out the harmonica. Classical followed suit.
They did a short warm-up much to Lapras’ amusement. To Jackki’s surprise the water pokemon joined them. Opening her mouth a sweet sound filled the air. It matched pitch with the other instruments perfectly and blended.
They passed an hour that way. Singing, dancing, and playing. It was broken up by Amara’s return. The girl looked sullen and gestured to come. She didn’t speak the whole trip and deposited Jackki out side a door marked President’s Office.
Silently Jackki pushed the door open and peeked inside. The man from the hallway beckoned her in. She sat and stared at him.
"You have two options. Become a member of Team Rocket as my daughter has convinced me or become a prisoner, as I prefer. Either way you will be controlled. Decide." The man said with a quiet intensity.
"Never. I couldn’t go anywhere without hanging my head in shame if I joined you."
"Very well. Had you pokemon to Butch and Cassidy will escor!
t you to your temporary quarters."
The two waiting Rockets took a expectant step forward and Jackki shrunk back before steeling herself.
"I can’t give you my pokemon." She tried to say in a level and firm voice. She failed miserably.
"Butch if you please."
The towering rocket ripped off her belt effortlessly and held it up showing the six pokeballs.
"Only six? Are the others in your PC?"
"For their sake you better have some powerful pokemon." Cassidy sneered.
The boss stared at the balls for a moment before running a scanner over them. Evidently he liked what he saw. He frowned momentarily then took Jazz’s ball off.
Tossing it to Butch he commanded, "Feed this one to my Persian."
"No! Give me Jazz. He won’t be any trouble; I won’t be any trouble. Please spare him!" Jackki pleaded feeling like a child pleading for a growlithe puppy.
"Do as she said. You deny her freedom and the pokemon she has grown to love. Do this one small mercy. By Mew just do it." Amara growled seeming to be on the verge of tears.
Butch and Cassidy’s reaction to her was sneers and looks of hate. The man glared at her briefly before softening. His face regained its coldness within seconds though and he turned his attention to Jackki.
"You may keep the worthless fleabag. One bit of trouble…" He implied a threat without saying it.
"Yes…sir." Jackki said in relief.
Amara looked pleased and the other two snarled wordlessly. After that she was removed to her lab and later to a cell.
I cried at that memory. Sometimes I wonder why that girl saved Jazz and why Giovanni had considered it. Even after endless hours of searching the answer still eludes me.