The Anime Squad
In a world without anime justice, 8 heroes will rise and become the heroes of the worlds. It was a normal day when Naruto was training for a mission when he had an idea. "Why can't I call the other worlds and ask them to help me train," he thought. So he used his jutsu to open a portal to another world and out came two yellow mice, one big and one small. "Pi pika." the mice said. "Oh no, I can't understand those two mice." Naruto thought. But then, he remembered he had a book that translates pokemon language so he found out what they said. Then he gave them translators so he could understand. "That's better," he said. Then, a small boy and an older boy with a book came out of the portal. "Hi, I'm Zatch." said the younger boy. "Who are you two?" Naruto asked. "I'm Kiyo and this is Zatch." said the older boy. "Nice to meet you two." Pikachu said. "Very nice to meet you." said Pichu. Then, a man with a golden afro, an orange spiky thing, and a Jell-O guy came through the portal. "How is everyone getting in here?!" Naruto shouted. "I thought the portal was a movie screen," the orange thing said "we were at the movies buying Jelly's banana suit." Naruto was still confused. "I'm BoBoBo-Bo-BoBoBo, the Bo-nified Bo-tector of hair and here are two of my sidekicks, DonPatch and JellyJiggler." the man with the golden afro said."I'm DonPatch." the orange one said. "I'm JellyJiggler." the jelly one said. Suddenly, a message in the sky came and said "Attention all you people, we are the evil league of anime and we're gonna stop you!" said a cat like thing. "Meowth." Pikachu and Pichu gasped. "I'm here too Bo and friends." a man with a ducktail hairstyle said. "Captain Battleship." BoBoBo said. "You can't stop us, we gots all the momotos you faced and we have an army of pokemon waiting." Meowth said. "Let's join together and become, THE ANIME SQUAD." Naruto said proudly. "We're in!" everyone else there said. So The Anime Squad went to the secret base of The Evil League of Anime. To get in, the Bo part had to create a diversion, which was easy because they go crazy a lot. "Boys, can you help Granny Bo with her knitting?" BoBoBo said dressed like an old lady. "Beat it Grams, bad boys rule." DonPatch said. "Oh you punk," Granny Bo said "so let me hit you." Granny Bo hit DonPatch with her purse. "What's the problem ma'am." JellyJiggler asked dressed as an officer said. "A punk was bothering me, but I hit him with my purse, then it ripped." Granny Bo said. " I hope you have purse insurance." Officer Jelly said. "Of course I do, it's for no punks to steal it." said Granny Bo. The diversion worked and they got in, but DonPatch got back by camel over the sea. Next, the poke part shocked the security box and they got through. Then Zatch and Kiyo took down the momotos while Pikachu and Pichu took the pokemon. Then they got to Meowth and Captain Battleship. "We've been waiting Anime Squad." Meowth said. "I want to kick butt!" Naruto shouted. "We can take Battleship." DonPatch said. "Fist of the nosehair fusion!" BoBoBo and DonPatch yelled, and they became, BoboPatch! "I am the great Bobopatch," a green haired worrior said "but I can only be in this form for a limited time offer with free stake knives." The battle was on. Naruto took on Meowth while BoboPatch took on Captain Battleship. Naruto knocked Meowth out and BoboPatch kept taking on Battleship. " I will show you, The DonPatch sword!" BoboPatch said. "The DonPatch sword looks like what Farfech'd carries." Pikachu said. "You're right." Pichu replied. "Haha, I can beat that." Captain Battleship said. Then he broke the DonPatch sword. "Fist of the nosehair." BoboPatch said and knock Captain Battleship out with nosehair. Then, the world was peaceful again and the team went back to their own worlds. "Come on Naruto." Kakashi said. Then, Naruto remembered," OH NO!! I forgot to practice because of those others."
The End