Wow, number five of “2 guys one love” Its comming up quick. Enjoy this one!! I am sorry for some Grammar mistakes I made. English is not my Native Language.



Ash: 15

May: 14

Ralph: 16

Celia: 16



They all sat around a camp fire and spoke aloud but Ralph had not not changed back and Celia asked why.

“I don’t know, maybe it needs some time.” Ralph answered.

“But the last time you turned back once Officer Jenny saw us.” Celia said.

“Yes I know. Its a riddle for me too.” Ralph answered.

“Well you also look beautiful in this form.” Celia said

“You think?” Ralph said and he kissed Celia.

“Yes I do!” Celia wispered back and she kissed back.

“Eehm, sorry to interupt but youre not alone you know!” May said sitting next to Ash.

“Yes its really anoying!” Ash replied.

“Then why don’t you two try to come closer too?” Celia asked.

“Yes you look so cute together.” Ralph said smiling.

“NO WAY. Reallly!! Not for a million dolllars will I love him/her!!” Ash and May yelled together.

Celia and Ralph grinned. “That is how it stared with us too you know” Ralph said.


“I think I will go sleeping.” May said. “Yes I will go too, I think.” Ash said.

“I think its bedtime for all of us.” Celia said.

“Yes but there is one problem. I don’t have my backpack with me . It is still at the pokemon center.” Ralph replied.

“Dont worry we will share my sleeping bag and I have some clothes for you in my backpack.” Celia said.

“Why do you have stuff of me with you?” Ralph asked.

“Becasue you always let me clean the camp up when we leave somewhere!” Celia answered.

“ohhw yeah.” Ralph said. They all laughed.


Ash couldn’t sleep. He kept thinking of what Ralph had said “Thats how it stared with us too.”

He looked at May but she looked asleep. “Better get sleeping aswell then.  Ash thougth and he fell in a restless sleep.

May had a beautiful dream. She was in a field of flowers alone with Ash.

He told her that he loved her!! “I love you too, Ash!” May said and she bended over to Ash to kiss him.

When she almost touched his lips she awoke because Ralph started to snore. May heard Celia say “Ralph shut up will you!” and the snoring stopped.

“O great Ralph, just on the right moment!” May nodded and she looked to Ash.

She had never had a dream about Ash like this. She remembered what Ralph had said “that is how it started with us too.”


The next morning they were breaking up the camp.

Ash and Ralph did the dishes at the lake and Ralph said smiling “Did you get any sleep while thinking about May all the time Ash?”

“How do you know that?!” Ash said.

“Just a feeling.” Ralph answered.

“Why don’t you concentrate on your own problem!” Ash nodded “I don’t know either why I haven’t changed back.” Ralph said.


May was helping Celia with the sleeping bags when Celia asked “How was your dream about Ash?”

“How did you know that!!!” May asked suprised.

“I heared you say ‘Ash I love you too’ in your sleep” Celia answered.

“Well concentrate on your own lover will you.” May said. “So you do love him!” Celia said. “Shut up will you!” May nodded.


They were almost ready to get back when suddenly the group heared a growl.

“SALAMENCE!” Ralph screamed “I let him guard the camp from a distance but he is in problems I think!”

Suddenly they saw Salamence fly up from the forest. There was a Hyperbeam coming up and it hit Salamence. Salamence started to fall down and he crashed down 10 feet away from Ash, Ralph, Celia and May.

“What the...” Celia said.


LOL I put some AAMyRN in it. But I am not planning to work it out further, at this moment! I hope you liked it. Please review!!


Never trust an Alien on Skateboard and Greetings from:


Ralph AKA Drix Sigar