The Legend of the Mergers
By: Dragon Master
Millennia ago, an evil power swept across the Human and Pokemon worlds. No force was powerful enough to stop it. Then six brave heroes came. They each had one amulet- each representing a different element- Dragon, Ground, Water, Fire, Rock, and Electric. And in a cataclysmic battle that nearly destroyed both worlds, defeated the evil. They then decided that the power they had used was too great to risk being discovered. So they split the power amongst many amulets, one for each element of pokemon. The descendant of each hero could only use one of the amulets. The heroes then split themselves between the two worlds. They didn't tell their families about the power. They knew one of their children might use the power for evil. So they used one final spell on the amulets, so only one pure of heart could use them to their fullest potential. This story has been told for centuries. No one is sure whether the story is true or not. Many people have researched, but no one has had any true proof one way or another. Currently, Bill of Goldenrod City is researching. He may be smart, but no one knows whether or not he will prove anything. My name is Archie; I am the leader of Team Aqua, and the holder of the Amulet of Water. And I intend to see that know one learns anything about the amulets. That way, when I start my plans, no one can stop me...