Dragonitemare presents
Pokemon Crystal series
Ep. 72
Over the course of the Pokemon animated series history, there have been many many forbidden trysts and crushes between characters.... Misty and Ash, Spooky Danny and Ash, Brock and half the cute female population of the Pokemon World, Crystal and Ash, Crystal and Misty, James and Mandy, Jessie and Michael Jordan, James and the entire Detroit Red Wings team, Wobbuffet and a baked apple soufflé... oops, wrong list... But as dodgy and sometimes disturbing as some of them may be, it gets even dodgier with the crushes between man and pokemon. It started innocently enough with Ash and Pikachu, but as the series has gone on, some of the relationships have gotten more and more risqué with some possible sexual undertones including Caterpie and a very unwilling Misty, Ash and whiny Lapras, Jessie and Lickitung, James and Victreebel, Jessie and Wobbuffet, Meowth and James, Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium and Ash which was very prominent in Johto and still does exist here with Meganium having Ash as her personal crippled slave to care for, and Misty and her obsession for Corsola (or any water pokemon for that matter possibly). However, it would be hard to argue that there has been a pokemon hornier than Misdreavus who from day one, has stalked and wooed her poor trainer Justin coming out of her pokeball without permission on numerous occasions just to see the site of her piece of ass. And even though Justin can pimp his pokemon very effectively, the constant disobedience and obsession has slowly driven him mad. This is why one of these days, Misdreavus is going to make an unauthorized appearance at the wrong time which may cause Justin to finally lose it.
That day has finally come and now something, is gonna come to a head.... or maybe just come..... to head (EWWWWWWW!!!!). So with that lingering in your dirty little minds.... the story.
The threesome has now ended up in the small port town of Puerto Arenas (Españ ol for sandy point), where they are on their way to catching the ferry over to Cinnabar Island where Crystal hopes to get the 7th badge over with. "Almost there, all we have to do now is wait for the ferry and we'll be in beautiful tropical Cinnabar Island", declares Crystal. "Saaashrew shrew", adds Sandshrew excitedly as Misty is ecstatic in anticipation of being able to lie on the beach in her new bikini and getting a golden tan.... not to mention being able to show off and play with all her water pokemon as we see a quick dream image of her taking a dip in the water with Wooper, Staryu, Seadra, Togetic, Corsola, and Psyduck on a life raft. "And I'm sure you know what I'm looking forward to, frisbee throwing, girls, volleyball, big fun, and did I mentioooon... girls", adds Justin. "That's all great and everything, but we've got a much more exciting thing on our hands.... challenging the Cinnabar Island gym leader", says Crystal. "Pikah-chu", agrees Pikachu as they all look eager for some sun and fun.... until some cute looking dude notices them, Justin in particular and shouts out in astonishment, "Oh man, is that really you Justin??"
The threesome looks to the side and sees a tall solid looking dark-skinned young man about Justin's age making Misty and Crystal gasp at how much of a cutie this guy is with hearts fluttering abundantly within them. "HUH?? Lorenzo? Noooo... unbelievable! What's up, man! It's been ages", says Justin sounding dumbfounded.... maybe even more so than the girls, make of that what you will. "Is your pokemon journey going alright?", asks Lorenzo and Justin says that it's going great adding that he was runner up in the Johto League and that now he's helping to coach Cris-tal in the Kanto League. He also tells him that he's got many rare and talented pokemon that he hopes to use when he's accepted to a school to be a pokemon trainer. "Awesome, you should visit my school. It's right here on the outskirts of Puerto Arenas.... we can catch up on things and reminisce, I can introduce you to some of my fraternity brothers, and maybe even have a pokemon battle for old times sake. You can even come over, right now if you want to", says Lorenzo. "Uuuuhhh, I'd like to, but we were kind of on our way to Cinnabar Island so Crystal could challenge the gym leader there. I'd like to, but I'd better know it's okay with the girls", replies Justin.
So he turns his attention to the girls who are totally lost in the depth of Lorenzo's eyes until Cris-tal notices that Justin is asking her something. So she snaps out of whatever she's under the influence of for a moment and tells Justin still shocked by Lorenzo's good looks that, "Sure.... we don't mind seeing... your friend... at least for a little while, right Misty?" "It's totally fine with me", adds Misty as Lorenzo is happy for their acceptance and pledges to take them there right away.
<cue intro>
Justin then introduces his friend Lorenzo to Crystal saying that's she's competing in the Kanto League and then introduces him to Misty telling him that she and he are Crystal's coaches for the Kanto League. "Really nice to meet you. I apologize for being so hesitant earlier", Crystal replies still blushing a bit, "it's just that I found you to be uhhh.... ummm... fairly....." And then Misty finishes it off for her telling Lorenzo that, "....she thinks you're cute." Crystal laughs timidly and then quickly fires back that Misty finds him cute, too. But Lorenzo calmly tells them that it's alright and that there's nothing wrong with just that since they're still rather young anyway. Keep in mind, there's only something wrong with it if there's contact or images of nakeeness! "So how do you know Justin, Lorenzo?", asks Misty as Justin explains that Lorenzo and he go way back saying that they were good friends growing up in school.
He adds that they hung out everyday and even had a lot of pokemon battles against each other as we flashback to see a younger 7 year old Justin having his Pidgey fight young Lorenzo's Rattata. "Pidgey, use your gust attack!", shouts Little Justin as his Pidgey blows away Rattata. But not to be outdone, Little Lorenzo has Rattata come right back with a tackle attack which knocks down Justin's Pidgey and that's how far the flashback goes. "Justin and I battled everyday. We enjoyed it and so did our pokemon", says Lorenzo out of the brief flashback. "Just like we all did as well", says Crystal referring to her, Misty, Pikachu, and Sandshrew. "Saaannshrew shrew!", says Sandshrew as they arrive at Lorenzo's house as he tells them that they've arrived. "Huh? This doesn't look much like a school", says Crystal as Lorenzo says that it's not school, but his house where he lives with his fraternity brothers. "Ohhh", oh's Misty as Lorenzo introduces the threesome to some of his frat brothers sitting outside on a sofa eating pizza. "Heyyy, I've heard about you. You were in the Johto League", says the dark-skinned Italian guy sitting on the right side of the sofa. "Yeah, I was there", replies Justin as Misty adds that Justin is also possibly looking into going to their school to be a pokemon trainer there.
"Heeeyy, so the big time Johto League trainer may come battle at a Division II school, huh?", laughs the kid as Lorenzo states that he don't think that he coming to such an unskilled school. "Division II? Is there a difference?", wonders Crystal. Justin explains to him that collegiate pokemon training has two divisions of school and that Division II has some good competition, but Division I is where the elite collegiate trainers battle. Justin adds that he's been training to hone his skills to be good enough to get accepted to a Division I pokemon school.
"Oh, that's sounds pretty cool", says Crystal.
"Not to mention pretty tough", adds Misty.
"Hey Justin, being that we're finally here. Why don't you say that you and I have another pokemon battle for old times sake", requests Lorenzo. "Absolutely, sounds cool. But I must warn you, you will find out how far I've come and why I made it all the way to the finals of the Johto League", says Justin. "They're going to battle each other?", wonders Crystal as Misty says that it sounds like fun. "Yeah, let's watch Lorenzo", states Crystal in her lust for the dapper chico making Justin have a worried look on her face so she ends up chuckling, "... uhh... battle. Let's watch him battle." "Right", agrees Misty as Justin shows a sweatdrop of nervousness for the slutty behavior of his two underage female friends.
Standing across from each other in battle format, Justin and Lorenzo agree to a 2 on 2 battle and that there must be a winner. "Good luck Lorenzo", wishes Crystal smiling as Sandshrew and Pikachu look up in concern at the two girls. "So much for my fanbase", quips Justin straight-faced as Misty then argues that she thought he was the big time trainer that didn't need any support. "Well I guess I don't have to deal with girl trouble this time", quips Justin astutely. "Then just start the battle already", sighs Crystal as Pikachu looks up with a weird look on its little face as they watch the dodge fly. "There there, girls, let's have a little bit of a breather now, shall we?", jokes Justin as Lorenzo starts the battle by calling out a Girafarig. "Brrriiiinnng briiiinnng", cries out Girafarig standing before hunky Lorenzo. "Whoa, Lorenzo has a Girafarig", says Crystal smiling at him brightly before snapping out of it for a moment and getting out her pokedex to check it out.
Girafarig - The Long Neck Pokemon - When Girafarig is in, danger, its tail uses, some sort, of mysterious powers, to drive, enemies, away.
"That's a nice Girafarig you have there, but you remember my little Rattata, don't you?", says Justin, "Well, it's fully grown now into the fastest Raticate you've ever seen. GOOOO!" But before he throws out Raticate, wouldn't ya know.... Misdreavus pops out of her pokeball saying, "Misdreeee", eager to do work for Justin so then she can do work TO Justin. Except Justin isn't quite ready for that now, nor has he ever been.... nor might he ever be. "Uhhh.... that doesn't look like a Raticate", says Lorenzo who then shows a nervous sweatdrop as he sees his former best friend getting measured up and nuzzled by this slutty looking ghost pokemon. "What are you doing out of your ball, I didn't call for you", says an annoyed Justin as Misdreavus looks up into his eyes and calls out to him lovingly. "Is there something wrong with your pokemon?", wonders Lorenzo though Justin nervously denies any problems saying that Misdreavus is just really eager to battle. "Misdreeeeavuuss", replies Misdreavus inching up to Justin who slowly tries to inch away.
Justin yells at Misdreavus to get out there and battle for him which she blindly does following his every command which makes Justin think to himself, "Hmmm... this is going to be tough. Misdreavus doesn't match up that well against a Girafarig. I'll need a good strategy.... a college level strategy." He then has Misdreavus use a psybeam which Girafarig avoids with agility, which impresses the girls. "Wow... your Girafarig has great agility, Lorenzo", says Misty standing up to compliment him. "Take it easy, Misty. Standing up to compliment him every 30 seconds won't win you his heart", chuckles Crystal. "Shreewww?", wonders Sandshrew as Misty reasons that though she may be right, that just sitting there won't do any better.
"Girafarig, use shadow ball!", shouts Lorenzo.
"WHAT?!", shouts a worried Justin as Girafarig nails Misdreavus with a shadow ball causing Misdreavus a lot of damage. Justin then has Misdreavus try to use pain split to share the damage with Girafarig which it does. "Don't back down, Girafarig, use your psybeam!", shouts Lorenzo and Girafarig nails Misdreavus with another attack. "Misdreavus, use psychic attack", says Justin looking concerned as he then has his servant ghostess send out a blast of psychic energy which Girafarig stands there and takes rather easily since it's a psychic type. "Now Girafarig, use future sight!", says Lorenzo as Girafarig's exterior glows blue making Justin gasp Lorenzo is a stronger trainer than he thought and that if he lets Misdreavus stay out there too long, it could wipe her out.
So Justin groans and reluctantly admits aloud, "This isn't gonna work. Misdreavus return!!", shouts Justin bringing Misdreavus back to her pokeball as she looks offended just before going back in. "What's wrong? Your team can't handle my Girafarig?", teases Lorenzo. Justin responds, "Aaahhhh... you're still as much of a pain as ya used to be... hm hm hm." He then thinks to himself that he didn't wanna do this, but if he's going to be Lorenzo now, he just may have to resort to the thing that he won't reveal to the reader in his mind. But before he can yell out what pokemon he's going to send out *coughDragonitecough*, Misdreavus comes out again apparently too stimulated to stay in her pokeball. Shocked, Justin yelps out, "Aaaagh! Stay in your pokeball.... you'll have a chance to come out and battle later, but for now I need you to rest." "Misdreee?", wonders Misdreavus who then gets returned to her pokeball again. However, Justin can only get in a brief sigh of relief before Misdreavus comes out again and floats up close to Justin. "UUNGH! Misdreavus, I can't have you out now. I need you away in your pokeball", says Justin as he tries to call back Misdreavus. But this time, Misdreavus rebels and avoids the pokeball energy as she's too nervous to be rejected. "Misdreavus, come on", says Justin who then slowly gets more and more agitated.
"Maybe Justin needs our help after all", figures Misty as Crystal quips that Justin may be beyond help in this case as they watch Justin struggle with Misdreavus. "Misdreeeeee", says Misdreavus who then gets right up next to Justin's face. And after many failed attempts to control the wild Misdreavus, the inevitable happens.......... he snaps. Justin then turns towards Misdreavus and yells, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!! I'M NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU AND IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE, YOU'RE CRAZY!!!! NOW I'M WARNING YOU, STAY OUT OF MY SIGHT!!" Horrified, Misdreavus gasps, "MIS-DREE!", and as Justin stares her down she finally starts to saunter away from him. "Is everything alright?", wonders Lorenzo as Justin takes a deep breath and says that he's alright then apologizing to Lorenzo for having to witness the scene that they made. "Then are you ready to move on with our battle?", asks Lorenzo. Justin then exhales and says that he is and that now he's going to put Lorenzo down for real now and thus, he calls upon his Dragonite. Lorenzo and the other frat brothers are in awe witnessing Justin's begoggled Dragonite and Justin challenges Lorenzo to make his move. Meanwhile, a heartbroken Misdreavus does her best to get the attention of the charming trainer in the midst of his battle. But the fact that Justin battles on like she's not even there eventually crushes her and Misdreavus sobs, "Misdree... miiisdreee", and then she finally starts bawling, "MIS-DREEEEEE! MISDREEAAAVVUUUUUSSS!!", and starts to quickly float away crying its ghostly eyeballs out.
Apparently, she's not really used to rejection!
And who else is there to capture the heartbreak scene than the perplexed Team Rocket watching the twerps from a roof across the street. "What was that about? That Misdreavus sure is one peculiar character", wonders James lying belly down on the roof of the three story house. Meowth then comments, "I'm glad dat we don't have tuh deal wit' a crazy pokemon like dat." "You can say that again.... dealing with the two of you is maddening enough as it is. And I'm not even getting into the blue bumbler and the rest of the cast of misfits we've gathered up", states Jessie. "Wooooobbbuuhhffeeet!", declares Wobbuffet springing up and saluting high atop the house they're trespassin on. "I think someone heard about us talking about 'em", quips James referring to good old Wobbuffet. "Who cares about Pvt. Patience here", says Jessie referring to Wobbuffet military background as she slam dunks Wobbuffet back down finishing, "The real prize is on the front lawn." "A display worthy Dragonite with bonus trendy goggles. Eeeeeee", squeals James <snicker>. "If we get dat Dragonite, den capturing da twoips pokemon will be a cinch. En we gots just da way tuh do it...", says Meowth as TR cackles about their scheme until some cranky old geezer looks up at his roof and shouts out wondering what they're doing on his roof threatening to sick lazy Officer Jenny on them. "Yikes!!", gasps Team Rocket as they quickly escape off the side of the house as James states, "Ugh... we're just checking the energy meter. See ya!"
As far as Misdreavus goes, we see her swiftly floating out of the backyard of the frat house as the twerps and co. are too obsessed with the battle (or Lorenzo depending on whom you're referring to) to notice Misdreavus floating through backyards in the neighborhood before eventually ending up floating through a rugged mountainous forest area..... though the harsh reality of her boyfriend's words are keeping her crying out like Victoria Falls. So she wanders up and down the rugged hiking paths of a forest in a suicidal mood.... though she's already a ghost so she can't really die..... again. Meanwhile, in the bushes nearby, there is heard some rustling as if someone's gettin it on. When you get a closer look, we find that it is.....
JIGGLYPUFF! About time Jigglypuff came back.
She is found to be putting the finishing touches on a suggestive doodling job of Hoothoot. "Jiggly jigglypuufff!", sneers Jigglypuff agitated that the poor Hoothoot couldn't stay awake for her song. So Jigglypuff hops out of the bushes leaving Hoothoot as easy prey and she walks out looking for other victims to sing to. And shortly thereafter, who else should she find when she turns the corner than the horny miserable Misdreavus who's still crying, but at least stops floating. "Jigglyyy?", wonders the inquisitive Jigglypuff as the broken she-ghost turns away not willing to talk about everything being just too upset. "Jigglypuuuuff jiggly jigglypuuuuff.... puuuuff", Jigglypuff tells Misdreavus. "Misdree misdree", responds Misdreavus shaking her head. "Jigglyyy...", says Jigglypuff shocked by Misdreavus's problem and then proposes a solution via song telling her, "Jigglypuuuuuff!!" "Misdreeeavuus?", wonders the sobbing Misdreavus as Jigglypuff goes into her song.
"Jiiiiiiiiiig-gl-lyyy-puuuuuuff jig-gull-lyyyyy-puuuuuuff! Jiiiiiig-glyyypuuufff jig-gullyyyyyyyY!", sings Jigglypuff continuing on. "Misdree-dreee", sobs Misdreavus until the song gradually starts to soothe her feelings and then she starts to get warm and fuzzy as Jigglypuff's melody works its mojo. "Misdreeeavuuus", says Misdreavus feeling nowhere near as crushed anymore appreciating Jigglypuff's tune..... but then it puts her to sleep. And not too long after she goes under, Jigglypuff notices and is not amused. "Jigglyyyyy!", grumbles Jigglypuff as she switches her microphone to a marker holding it up to the sky declaring, "PUUUUUUUFFF!!" But there's a wrinkle in Jigglypuff's attempt to doodle this time, mainly the fact that Misdreavus isn't materialized and thus can't be doodled on. So when Jigglypuff tries to draw on Misdreavus, the marker goes right through the horny ghost. "Jigglyyy?", wonders Jigglypuff curiously and thus tries again and again to draw on the sleepy Misdreavus, but ends up just going through Misdreavus in what looks like a stabbing motion. "Jigglyyyy!", pouts Jigglypuff getting additionally irritated and inflating up more to illustrate its anger. And then the little pink diva stomps away totally pissed about the recent turn of events as she goes on looking for more victims.
Meanwhile, Justin and Lorenzo are still deadlocked in their match totally oblivious to Misdreavus's whereabouts or TR's scheme. "Dragonite! Use your zap cannon attack!", shouts Justin as Dragonite charges up its powerful electric attack to assault Girafarig. Lorenzo tries to warn Girafarig but it can't get out of the way of Dragonite's attack KO'ing the weird-ass giraffe pokemon. "Girafarig return", says Lorenzo telling Justin, "You're tough there with your Dragonite, but I've still got a fight left in me. Gooo Ampharos!" "Aaaammmmpphh", cries out Ampharos as Justin is shocked that he has both a Girafarig and an Ampharos. "You're not the only one that still has a passion for pokemon. I've been keeping up quite a bit as well", says Lorenzo. "Wow, you're Ampharos is really cool!", shouts Crystal standing up letting Lorenzo know. "Now who's standing up and complimenting....", teases Misty with a sly smile as the two girls start having a mental catfight. Crystal responds with a stonefaced smile, "I'm just scouting Ampharos, thank you." Thus, Crystal brings out Dexter again....
Ampharos - the Light Pokemon - When it gets, dark, the light from, Ampharos's bright, shiny tail, can be seen, from far away, on the ocean, surface.
"Dragonite can handle Ampharos, even after defeating your Girafarig!", says Justin who then thinks to himself, "Hey, maybe I should let Misdreavus battle here. I know I had to yell at her, but it was kind of rough and I gotta let her know that it's not personal." So then he tells Lorenzo that he's going to let Misdreavus battle again. And then he shouts for her battle and apologizes for blowing up at her earlier... except he finds out that Misdreavus has disappeared without a trace. "Huh? Hey you guys, Misdreavus is gone!", Justin tells everyone as the girls and Lorenzo wonder what happened. "Uh, I don't know. She was just behind me a minute ago... this is bad. I'm sorry Lorenzo, but we gotta put this battle off until I find my Misdreavus", says Justin. "This is not good", states Crystal, "Justin did really let Misdreavus have it earlier." "What choice did I have? I was driven nuts..... ohh, but this is all my fault. I should've found a way to control Misdreavus", says Justin sniping at himself that he couldn't tame the wild ghostly groupie.
"Don't blame yourself, Justin. You're one of the best pokemon trainers that I've ever known", Crystal tells Justin as he sighs and mopes. Misty then adds, "I explode at Psyduck all the time when he embarrasses me. And Ash also had a similar problem with his Meganium back when it was a Chikorita!" "Yeah, but it's more than that, Misty", says Justin as he explains that he's always been able to be in tune with all his pokemon until Misdreavus came along, adding that she's just been so aggressive and forceful that it's been next to impossible for him to handle.... especially since he's used to being the one making comical come-ons to all the pretty ladies out there. "I know this is tough on you, Justin but you're not alone. We'll help you find Misdreavus. And don't forget, I have a special secret weapon for tracking down ghost pokemon. Go Noctowl!", shouts Crystal sending out the one pokemon that can track illusions as well as she can. "Brrrrrrrr", caws Noctowl while Lorenzo also steps up and offers to help his old buddy. "Ampharos and I can help you look for Misdreavus if you need help. You up for finding it?", Lorenzo offers to him. "Of course I want to find Misdreavus. But we'd better hurry... the longer we wait around, the more difficult it is to possibly find Misdreavus. Dragonite, let's go!", says Justin as he begins the effort to try and make up with his ghost pokemon girlfriend. But their search is immediately thrown a monkey wrench when something from above clamps up Justin's Dragonite in some kind of metal chamber clamping her stumpy arms, big fat legs, and short wings in steel as a strange assortment of steel bars surround the bounded orange dragon making it look like she's at that Space Camp ride.
"Dragonite!!", shouts Justin as the steel cable wire starts to lift the immobilized Dragonite into the sky.
"Oh no!", gasps Misty in a triangle section of the screen.
"This is a bad time for this!", adds Crystal in her own triangle as TR cackling is heard.
"Prepare for trouble, this won't take hours"
"Make it double cuz Dragonite's ours"
"To protect the world from devastation"
"To unite all peoples within our nation"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love"
"To extend our reach to the stars above"
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light", and this time, J & J surf in on big waves with the red 'R' in the background...... and oh yeah, they're in bikinis!!! (Well Jessie definitely but James... only if you want him to be.)
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!"
"Wooooooooooobbbuuhhffet!", shouts Wobbuffet emerging in a wetsuit and goggles before Meowth schmooshes him down with a boogie board and proclaims, "Meeeeeowth, that's right!"
"Team Rocket!", shouts Crystal as Misty yells at them that this is a bad time for them to be trying to use their half-witted schemes. "Ahhh, but this is a perfect time for us to hatch one", says Jessie back in her full yet revealing uniform. Crystal growls and declares that her pokemon and herself won't let them get anywhere as all her present pokemon step up to support her. But Meowth warns her that she'd better not try anything if he was her. "Why not?", shouts Crystal as James explains the contraption that sealing Dragonite. "You see this special cage that we constructed just for Dragonite? It's composed of a very special super strong metal that no pokemon could ever forcefully break out of. Thus, if you were able to cut Dragonite free somehow, it would take a long ride down to the ground meeting a gloomy demise as it would be unable to escape the special bars that are surrounding your precious legendary pokemon", James tells them. "Let Dragonite go right now or you'll be very sorry", Justin warns them. James, wanting to be the verbal aggressor with Justin since it must be a huge turn-on, tells him, "You'll be sorry that you ever ratted us out and sided with the twerps." "Now if you'll excuse us, we must be on our way", says Meowth. "But don't worry twerps, once we're able to get Dragonite under our control, we'll be back to easily conquer your Sandshrew and your Pikachu", Jessie teases Crystal who responds with an infuriated, "WHAT?!" Pikachu and Sandshrew also bark out rebelliously as TR tells them, "TA TA, TWERPS!" "Ugh, we have to go after them", declares Justin as Misty then warns him that they can't really do anything to save Dragonite since it would be too risky to cut the cord since TR is already really high up. Justin tells them that they have to and Lorenzo agrees arguing that TR may be able to do anything their evil and twisted minds would like if they are able to get control of Justin's Dragonite. "Then let's get going now!", says Crystal as the threesome, their pokemon, Lorenzo, and his Ampharos all take off in pursuit and Lorenzo tells his house brothers to watch the house while he's away so no freeloaders start any red hot parties without him present.
As for the bonding of the pokemon divas, Misdreavus finally wakes up after Jigglypuff's songs fully appreciative of how Jigglypuff was able to calm her down. "Misdreeeaavus", she says thankfully as then tries to look around for the comforting pink balloon thing wondering, "Misdreee? Misdree? Misdreeeeaaavus." Misdreavus is kind of sad that she lost Jigglypuff, and so she goes out and tries to search the forests for more friends, or maybe Jigglypuff... it's unclear at this point since it's impossible to understand her pokemon talk other than 'f*ck me, Justin'. And as for Jigglypuff, we find her stomping around the hilly woods mad that it couldn't doodle its dodgy drawings on Misdreavus. She soon after hears something calling out from the top of a tree stating, "Aaaabraaaaa!" "Jigglyy?", wonders Jigglypuff as an Abra quickly appears on a nearby tree branch before disappearing and reappearing behind Jigglypuff in the path. Jigglypuff then notices the randy little Abra as she turns around before it briefly disappears. "Abraaaaa.... abraaaaa", call out more Abras, about 8 or 9 of the bad boys, as the one Abra seems to call out others. "Jigglyyyy", squeals Jigglypuff in delight as it appears to get ready to sing. But these gangsta psychic pokemon didn't come out for a concert as one of them smacks Jigglypuff making her drop her precious microphone. When Jigglypuff goes to pick up her microphone, another Abra uses disable to freeze Jigglypuff just before she can pick up her microphone. With poor Jigglypuff defenseless, the thug Abras surround her threatening to do more damage as they cry out to her menacingly, "Aaaabrraaaa." "Jigglyyyyyyy!", squeals the frightened Jigglypuff as she braces for the worst.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (This buck-toothed blue guy has been known to sound like he's been half-baked to some.)
It's Nidorino!! ................. "Nido-nidooooo!"
"Abraaaaaa!", shouts Abra ready to launch the gang attack on Abra.... and poor, frightened Jigglypuff seems defenseless and songless to do anything and prevent the vicious psychic thug attack. But just before those damn Abras can f*ck her up, coming to her aid is one of gang activity's fiercest opponents and rivals.... at least she is now.... Misdreavus. Yes, it appears that our horny ghost pokemon is paying back Jigglypuff for her kind, soothing song by beating back Abra's psychic attack and then zapping the Abra into next week. "Aaaabraa!", shout a couple of other pissed off Abras now that Misdreavus has gotten in the way and is busting up their gang like an NYPD SWAT team. Misdreavus takes care of the two charging Abras with a shadow ball knocking them both down. "Abraaaa!", shouts another Abra confronting Misdreavus ready to take her on, but Jigglypuff has regained her control... AND is still without her microphone (which the rest of the Abras are standing in the way), AND is pissed, and you know what that means.....
Let the bitch-slap smackdown begin, motherf*cker!!!!!!
One by one, Jigglypuff slaps around the Abras that were foolish to try and gang up on her as Misdreavus shocks and beats up any Abras that Jigglypuff isn't smacking around with her shadow balls and psychic attacks which make them slam against nearby trees via telekinesis. The one-sided brawl lasts about a couple minutes, and when it's all said and done, Misdreavus and Jigglypuff leave the gang of Abras scattered around the forest trail like last weeks garbage that wasn't picked up. Jigglypuff then snatches her microphone aggressively from near a fallen Abra and then says, "Jiggly jiggly! Jigglyyy?", thanking Misdreavus for getting her out of trouble and then probably wondering why she, and everyone else who she's sang to, fell asleep. "Misdreee?? Misdreeeaavuuus", replies an unsure Misdreavus as they seem to be bonding like two moody women during their period just after they've been scorned by the men in their lives. "Jigglypuuuuff", expresses Jigglypuff about how tough the world is and just trying to get attention so she can make that big performance. "Miiisdreeeavus", replies Misdreavus sounding understanding of her troubles as they've seemingly found unlikely friends in each other. And so they set off to bond and do fun stuff together on their hike through the woods.
"Come back here!", shouts the twerps as they see TR escaping in their Happy Buddha-Faced Meowth Balloon over the mountains. "Those twerps just don't know when to quit", shouts Jessie annoyed at their attempted chase. James then believes that they need to buy some time and calls out Weezing to serve its only useful purpose... to use smokescreen covering up TR's balloon as it heads over the hills. "I can't even see them", shouts Crystal as they run down the street trying to maintain sight of the balloon. "They're heading for the hills north of town. Be on your guard, there's a lot of very dangerous psychic pokemon in that area that we're about to enter into", explains Lorenzo thus justifying the Abra attack on Misdreavus and Jigglypuff just before. "We'll be okay, right guys?", asks Crystal and Sandshrew, Pikachu, and Noctowl confirm their readiness and the four of them and the pokemon run down the road for the hills. "Hey Noctowl, why don't you go fly off and try to find Misdreavus... that way, we don't have to delay the search for her any longer", Crystal suggests. Noctowl caws and flaps its wings really slowly with white cocaine particles sprinkling out and it goes to do some ghost hunting. "Good idea, Cris. Thank you", thanks Justin who then states, "Team Rocket won't get much further!"
Back to the divas, we see Misdreavus and Jigglypuff strolling through the woods first enjoying a scenic view of a bay, then they get to a peach tree and Jigglypuff is hungry for the delectable looking peaches on the tree. But the peaches are too high up for poor Jigglypuff to reach. But never fear, for fellow diva Misdreavus uses her psychic abilities to lift Jigglypuff into the air so she can pluck not one, but two ripe peaches... one for each little arm. Thus, Jigglypuff delightfully takes a healthy bite into one of them while she's able to hold her precious microphone as well. But a little further up on their journey, they run into a bit of trouble in the form of two Espeons and a Hypno that surround them. "Espeon!", shouts out one of the Espeons sounding pissed off that they intruded on their property like a couple of happy-go-lucky neighborhood kids. "Hypnooooo", menacingly grumbles the cranky Hypno on whose property is being intruded along with the two Espeons. But Misdreavus and Jigglypuff are way too bad ass to be scared of a few asshole psychic pokemon.... especially after they laid out that gangsta Abra group like a garbage collection.
One of the Espeons tackles Jigglypuff separating her from her microphone, so Misdreavus retaliates for her by blasting the Espeon with a psybeam.... at which point, the Hypno and other Espeon then gang up on her stacking the odds against the two divas. "Jigglyyyy!", squeals Jigglypuff desperate to get back her microphone, but one of the mean Espeons uses its psychic abilities to keep it away from her and then with a flick of its head, sends the microphone soaring into the sky away from poor Jigglypuff leaving her inflated and pissed off again. Plus, it's commonplace by now to know that messing with Jigglypuff's microphone is a BAAAAAAD mistake.
Meanwhile, TR's balloon just happens to be floating into the area as they escape from the twerps with disco Dragonite. "I think we're finally losing them", sighs James sounding a bit relieved. "Hey, don't stop now. Those twerps are just going to keep coming after us. If we're going to be totally safe, we have to get out of this entire region without any mishaps!", shouts Jessie as something comes flying into their balloon basket. "Aw? What's dis?", wonders Meowth as they see the black and green microphone of Jigglypuff make it all the way up to them. "It looks like a microphone", says Jessie curiously as Meowth says that it looks familiar. James then takes the microphone and has some.... fun... with it remarking, "Ooooh! I strangely feel like one of those singers from American Idol." "WOOOOOOOOBBBUUUUHHHFFEEET!", agrees Wobbuffet jumping out to salute and then he grabs the microphone out of James's idol-like hands and shouts, "Woooooooooobbbuuhh wooooobb!" At that point, James squeals for the patient one to get its slimy blue arms off his microphone and then Jessie shouts while returning Wobbuffet, "We were talking about American Idol, not American Idiot!" But at least Wobbuffet gets one last, "Woooooooooobb!", in before being returned to his pokeball. As they're fighting over the microphone, Meowth suddenly notices the twerps spotting them as they get over the hill and they then stay urgent to keep their distance from the twerps and Lorenzo.
Back to the girlfight, Misdreavus lays out the Espeons with a powerful shadow ball as they're sent flailing back into the bushes. "Hyypnooooo", says Hypno deeply and slowly as it seems to be using hypnosis on Misdreavus..... but the badass Jigglypuff suddenly breaks Hypno's spell with a doubleslap repeatedly smacking around the hypnotic plush toy before finishing it off with one last big pound leaving them in the same fate as the Abras. "Jiggly-puff!", snaps Jigglypuff after the battle to curse the cranky psychic losers one last time before fretting, "Jiggly? Jigglypuff!" As the two of them are looking around for Jigglypuff's microphone, Jessie is then heard teasing the twerps using Jigglypuff's microphone shouting, "Come on twerps, what's the matter? Running out of breath from chasing us, why don't you use your pokemon. WHAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAAA!!" "Misdreeeeee!", reacts Misdreavus noticing Jessie holding Jigglypuff's microphone and then she tells the little puffball, "Misdreeeaaavvuuuss!" "Jiggly!", nods Jigglypuff and then they hop off on foot after TR's balloon.
As for the twerps, they're still hot on the trail of TR's balloon as well and even seem to be catching up to it a little bit as they then notice all the Abras that recently got laid out by Jigglypuff and Misdreavus. "Look at all of those Abras! I wonder what could've happened to them?", figures Crystal probably wondering what kind of acid they were dealt in these woods. "I think another group of pokemon really beat them up good, like they got in the way of other pokemon", says Misty as they try to look at them and chase TR at the same time. "Let's just be glad they're not in our way", says Lorenzo with a winning smile winning over both girls as they forget about the Abras and race up another hill. Justin then finds a ledge on the other side of the hill while TR floats about a few hundred feet above the next valley. "Don't worry, we're gonna get to Team Rocket!", says Justin as Crystal argues that they're really high up to do anything about it. But even though Justin is without a couple of his bitches, he still has some female sexual strength left in his roster as he says apprehensiously, "Hmmm..... I hope this works. GO NIDOQUEEN!!" Misty asks him what he plans to do and Justin tells Nidoqueen to use all its strength and throw him up to the balloon which is just a little bit higher above sea level than the twerps currently are at. The balloon is about 100 feet out from the ledge though, yet it's still the closest that the twerps have been to the balloon since it took off with Dragonite. "What?!", gasps Lorenzo as Crystal wonders if Justin can actually do it and Justin replies, "Nidoqueen can get the job done", being that she's been a long serving worker for Justin the pimp and he trusts in her capabilities.
So instead of maybe a simple Bulbasaur razor leaf, Cyndaquil flamethrower, or Corsola spike cannon, Justin is going to risk life and limb to foil TR's plans this time. But hey, the more that's at stake, the more that people will read or watch. So Justin tells Nidoqueen to launch him and she throws him out towards the balloon thrusting her boobs out as much as she can. "Uh oh, twerp incoming!!", gasps James as Meowth replies, "Not fuh long, twoip outGOIN'!", and he raises the balloon to the point where Justin sails below the Happy Buddha-Faced Meowth balloon almost missing everything. He is able to grab onto the lower bars of his Dragonite's cage trying to hang on for dear life as the twerps gasp about Justin's peril. "Borrww?", wonders the confused trapped orange dragon as Justin swears to her that he'll find a way to get her free so they can boogie oogie oogie.... or some overused 70's dance like that.... I dunno. Ok, f*ck that! TR reacts to their new stowaway with Meowth declaring that if Justin thinks he can hang around, then he's got some news for him. He then finishes, "Let's see ya try tuh be a real swinguh!"
Oh yeah, TR knows about his pimp-like lifestyle being on the road with two underage girls and many quirky female pokemon... but it was also one of Meowth's many PUN-ishments. For he takes out another little joystick and he begins to control Dragonite's special cage suspended from the balloon. It begins to swing like a pendulum back and forth, faster and faster making Justin shout, "Whoooooooaaa!", but he keeps his grasp firm to the bar avoiding a long plunge into the valley below. The swinging cage then goes from back and forth to around and around and then Meowth has it go all different kinds of weird directions. But despite Meowth's wildest efforts Justin just won't let go as Jessie notices. "Oh yeah, well now I'm gonna swing him so hahd, he'll lose his lunch AND his grip", says Meowth aggressively as Lorenzo nervously notices that Justin can't hang on any longer while Sandshrew and Pikachu are anxious for his safety. "I've had enough uh dese games", says Meowth in PUN-ishment to his little joystick now, "Ya goin' down... way down!"
But then suddenly out of nowhere, we see Jigglypuff... flying up to the balloon to knock Meowth down and try to smack around Jessie for her mic back?!?! Damn, what has Crystal been smokin' this time! "Jigglypuuuff! Jigglyyypuff-puff-puff-puff-puff...", shouts Jigglypuff and so on smacking Jessie and then Meowth once Jessie knocks her away. "Uhhh, did.... I just see... Jigglypuff, fly up to Team Rocket's balloon??", wonders Crystal as she probably figures that she smoked something she wasn't supposed to..... Misty meanwhile, can't even get out any words being so shocked by the apparent hallucination. "Saaa saaashreeww!", gasps Sandshrew noticing ol' Jig. Jigglypuff continues to struggle with TR in trying to get her microphone back and eventually does get her hands on it again on the edge of the basket. "Alright, you got your silly little microphone...", states James as Meowth quips that he knew the mic was familiar as James finishes, "Now let's gooo!" James then pushes off Jigglypuff probably unhappy that he lost the neat looking mic for himself and pushes Jigglypuff over the edge to the horror of the twerps, especially fellow pokemon Pikachu and Sandshrew. "Oh no!!", notices Justin as he watches Jigglypuff fall for a moment. But then Jigglypuff stops, but how? Has the good lord sided with the diva songstress? Has Noctowl returned to aid Jigglypuff?
Well kinda, it's actually Misdreavus that uses her psychic abilities to keep Jigglypuff from falling far below as Misdreavus rises out of the woodwork of the hilly forests. "Hey, it's Justin's Misdreavus", states Crystal as Misty cites that it seems to be focused on Jigglypuff. "Now I understand, Misdreavus must have used its psychic abilities to send Jigglypuff up to the balloon and is now using them again to keep Jigglypuff from falling. Pikachu gasps in reaction as Crystal thinks it's pretty cool and probably wishes that she could soar like that without using her weed. Noctowl then arrives right after Misdreavus shows up since Misdreavus ended up finding all of them by coincidence. "Hey, you're back Noctowl! I guess you found Misdreavus", smiles Crystal and Noctowl purrs back while tilting its jittery head to the side. "Misdreavus?? Hey, you're alright", shouts Justin happy to see Misdreavus again. "Misdreeeaavvuuss", confirms Misdreavus before the hurt starts to show and she turns her head and moans, "Miiiissdreee!", still hurt by Justin's loud diss in front of everyone.
Justin then tries to make it up to the horny she-ghost admitting that what he said was harsh and apologizes for flipping out earlier. He then explains to her that it's alright if she really likes him and he really likes her too because she's a great pokemon. But then he tells her, "But you want me to be proud of you just like I'm proud of all my other pokemon, right?" Misdreavus calls back sounding like she's agreeing with him though it's hard to tell since she's just trying to use most of that pent up energy to keep Jigglypuff from falling. "Repeatedly coming out uninterrupted isn't going to win you anymore favors with me just because you like me perhaps more than my other pokemon. But if you would fight by my side, come out when I call upon you, and be reasonable, that could make me more proud than any kisses you may blow or surprise appearances that you could make. And more importantly, that would make you a better pokemon", Justin pleads to her as he hangs from TR's Dragonite cage. "Misdreee", ponders Misdreavus as the twerps look on in fear over Justin's safety as Psyduck suddenly comes out from behind Misty's legs. "Psyduck!", gasps Misty, "I hope you're taking notes..." "Pssyyyyy", quacks Psyduck holding his head in between the much taller Misty and Nidoqueen.
"I don't care how dat ghostly wack-job acts, she can't stop dis full spin cycle!", declares Meowth as he sends the cage whirling back and forth and around and around wildly until he can't hold on any longer. "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA!!", shouts Justin as all the twerps, pokemon, and Dragonite gasp in shock until Misdreavus stops Justin's descent with her psychic abilities now keeping Justin and Jigglypuff in the air. "Ah! Misdreavus is keeping Justin from falling!", shouts Crystal as TR gasps in disbelief. "Thank you, Misdreavus. I knew you'd come through... now help me up on top of that balloon!", says Justin as Misdreavus then sends Jigglypuff and Justin up to the top of the Happy Buddha-Faced Meowth Balloon. "OH NO! NOT THAT!", shouts Team Rocket as Justin and Jigglypuff land on top of the balloon. "Jigglypuff, hang on!", shouts Justin as then he brings out a Swiss Army knife (ack! actual weapons on pokemon... what a horror, as if the flamethrowers and sharp razor leaves that the pokemon use are totally harmless... especially to the young demographic they're supposed to appeal to) and punctures a hole into the balloon sending it down... though it comes down slowly enough so that Dragonite lands safely avoiding serious harm.
The balloon crashes down in a valley nearby with Justin and Jigglypuff on top of the balloon pile, Misdreavus then floats down and the rest of the crew then joins them. "Justin, are you alright?", asks Crystal as Lorenzo notes that they took a pretty hard spill.
"I'm alright", states Justin.
"Jigglypuff", squeaks Jigglypuff seeming to be okay as well.
"Dragonite, are you okay?", Justin then asks and Dragonite barks back relieving Justin. He then thanks Misdreavus and then asks him to try and get Dragonite out of the cage with its psychic abilities. "Hold on a minute!", shouts Jessie as TR emerges from the insides of the busted balloon. "You'll have to get through us before you get your Dragonite", adds James and they send out Arbok and Weezing to keep the twerps at bay. Crystal sighs and then says, "Here we go again", with Sandshrew and Pikachu both ready to whoop ass. But Justin holds her up and tells her that he can take this one and Lorenzo immediately adds, "Ampharos and I will battle with ya, after all, it'll be just like our days at school." Justin then laughs and jokes, "Even under pressure, you're still a wiseguy, Lorenzo."
"You sound more like a wiseass!", replies Jessie in a line obviously not approved by 4Kids, "Arbok, use poison sting!" And then the line that solidifies the odd couple making up as Justin shouts, "Misdreavus, I choose you!" And Misdreavus delightfully steps up to battle for Justin and uses a psywave to block the stingers from reaching them. Lorenzo then has Ampharos use a fire punch which scorches Arbok. "Wow, that's rare. An Ampharos that can use fire punch", observes Crystal as Pikachu also takes notice. So James has Weezing use its sludge attack which catches Misdreavus bringing her down as she's horrified that she's been soiled in front of her beloved master. But Justin knows all the right words for his pokemon once again and he tells her, "Come on Misdreavus, pokemon that I train do NOT stay down. They get up and keep fighting." And to Misdreavus, hearing it from Justin is like hearing it from Jesus himself so she gets back up while Arbok chases after Ampharos for a bite attack. Ampharos dodges it initially but then Arbok springs back off a tree and comes at the shiny tailed goat thing even harder. But just as Arbok gets there, Justin has Misdreavus stop them with a psybeam which catches not only Arbok, but Weezing was somehow bad enough to wander into it as well.
"Come on, you two! Fight together!", shouts Jessie getting impatient. "Standard your attacks!", then shouts James as Arbok and Weezing come back together at Misdreavus and Ampharos. "Misdreavus, use your shadow ball!", shouts Justin and Misdreavus unloads a huge shadow ball and a lot of stress out on the two purple pokemon. "I never knew Misdreavus was so strong", notes Misty. "Saaaashrew sanshrew", adds Sandshrew as the twerps are all impressed with Justin and Jigglypuff then gets in a measure of revenge herself by double-slapping Weezing and then bitch-slapping James. With this distraction, Crystal then has Noctowl help out Misdreavus use their psychic abilities on Dragonite's special cage to bend the bars, and then takes out Cyndaquil to melt the bolts to the shackles binding Dragonite's limbs. "Our Dragonite!", gasps Jessie as they stare across from the twerps and their lively pokemon including a mad Pikachu and Sandshrew as they step up along with Crystal. "Alright Pikachu!", shouts Crystal as Pikachu jumps out with its red cheeks sparking and then she asks them, "Ready to shock 'em you guys?" Justin and Lorenzo both catch on reply, "READY!", nodding their heads.
"Misdreavus", shout out their respective trainers as viewers can see just their determined eyes.
"TRIPLE THUNDER!!!", they all shout and Pikachu, Ampharos, and Misdreavus all take up their respective horizontal parts of the screen with their angry and determined eyes and they give TR thousands of volts of juice instantly blasting them off.
"Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaaaiiin" (Sorry, no Wobbuffet this time.)
"Phew, well I'm glad that's over. Fortunately Team Rocket failed this time", remarks Lorenzo. "Oh", laughs Crystal as she blushes, "Team Rocket's really not that tough to beat." Justin then lauds his Misdreavus for the way she saved the day and then Misdreavus starts to get a little bit excited and tries to... well... do something to Justin. It's hard to say since it's a ghost pokemon we're dealing with here. "A HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAA... alright Misdreavus, take it easy", laughs Justin as he tries to shield himself with his arms and bend to the side to avoid Misdreavus floating into him. "I think Misdreavus is learning to behave normally", observes Misty as we see Misdreavus back off of Justin and blush at the poor boy. "Uhhh... well at least a little bit more normally", adds Crystal. “I guess our control with boys can only go so far”, laughs the horny Misty staring at Lorenzo as Misdreavus turns to Jigglypuff to thank her for all the fun of their Laverne and Shirley type adventures together. "Jigglypuuuufff..... jiggly", responds Jigglypuff dusting herself off before raising her microphone to start to sing. "Uh ohhh, I guess this can't wait any longer", figures Misty nervously. "Pikaaa", says Pikachu as Justin jokes that they're going to be sleeping in a little earlier than they expected and then Jigglypuff starts to sing her song.
"Jiiiiiiig-gullyyypuuuuuff ji-gle-lyyyyypuuuuuuff! Jiiiiig-gle-lyyypuuuufff jigglyyyyy!", sings Jigglypuff ongoing as Lorenzo declares that he's getting sleepy. "Aaaaaaaahmm", cries his Ampharos as a groggy Crystal tells him, "Don't worry... we're... right here... for you. <yawn>" Eventually, Jigglypuff realizes that everyone has fallen asleep and then gets pissed and begins doodling on everyone before walking away until the next time we see her walking her way up the hill. Some random drawings on the twerps include a 'GoldenPalace.com' ad drawn onto Justin, a rough drawing of Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers onto Ampharos, and what seems to be a topless anime chick on Lorenzo. And when the twerps come to, Lorenzo is appalled by the images.... of course, his shorts were drawn upon when he just bought them this past weekend. OH THE HORROR!!! But fortunately, Misty has some good news for her as she says with a disturbingly wide smile on her face, "Ahehhehhehhehhehheh... it's alright. It comes out in the wash.... warm water, permanent press, and a little extra detergent. I could wash them for you."
Yeah... and then she'll shower with him, that dirty minded water girl!
Scared by this possible scenario, Justin hastily proposes that they get back to Lorenzo's frat house. "The ferry! Is there still time to catch one to Cinnabar Island?", hastily asks Crystal as Sandshrew also sounds more alert with Crystal's heightened sense for the ferry. Lorenzo tells them that they'll probably be too late for the last ferry today and thus she determines that they'll have to wait another night. But Lorenzo tells them that it's not a big deal and that they can stay at their place for awhile and hang out at his school, as well. So naturally, the lovestruck girls agree to stay as the poke-couple is also happy about another night of livin' it up on the mainland. And as for Justin, he just barely gets enough time to thank Lorenzo before Misdreavus croons for him again and Justin tells her that she was lucky that the psychic pokemon in those woods didn't get to her not knowing that it was the psychic pokemon that were unlucky enough to screw with scorned Misdreavus and microphone-less Jigglypuff. Justin laughs back before Misdreavus gives her trainer a nice, juicy smooch on the cheek. (OMG!! SEX ON POKEMON!! AAAAHHH!) But poor Justin is a good sport and takes it in stride with a silly laugh.... make of that what you will.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (In some circles, this tail-hungry pokemon is cited for being extremely gay. Being pink doesn't help dispute that though, either.)
It's Snubbull!! ................................................. "Shhnubbull!!"
The twerps then get rejoined the next morning after their night of gettin' f*cked up on what may end up being the eve of Cris-tal's gym battle.... though she's probably used to it by now. No indications as to who among them got lucky and who didn't... "It was very cool to see ya again after so many years, Justin", Lorenzo says flanked by his Girafarig and Ampharos. "You too, Lorenzo. Good luck at school", wishes Justin. "Misdreeeeaavuuuuss", adds the newly confident Misdreavus and then Lorenzo wishes Crystal good luck with her next big battle. Cris-tal looks so shy and hungover that she can barely utter out a 'thank you'. "My pokemon and I thank you, as well. Your pokemon, too! Right Misdreavus?", says Justin. "Misdreeeee!", agrees Misdreavus nodding before looking up to the sky seeing an image of the other pokemon that helped her through the heartbreak.... her diva counterpart, Jigglypuff. "Misdreeeaavvuuus", says Misdreavus in appreciation of Jigglypuff and the ass-whoopings they dished out together. "Come back anytime, guys!", shouts Lorenzo as the girls promise that they will, and due to their dodgy behaviors around him, it is possible that THIS promise just may hold some water. And thus, the story ends with the threesome ready to board the ferry while Justin looks at Misdreavus's pokeball with a smile that she won't embarrass him anymore.....
.....Well, at least not as often. Misdreavus is just too horny to actually behave that well. Yeeeeee haw!!!
To Be Continued