Dragonitemare presents
Pokemon Crystal series
Ep. 71
During reading of this series for the past several dozen episodes, have you ever figured that the crackhead mothers of the two twerps, Marguerite Fletching and Delia Ketchum, should meet up? You haven't thought of that, you say? Well not to worry.... I've done that guesswork for you and now the crackhead moms will unite when they meet our twerps today. And speaking of the twerps, they're on their way back to Viridian City to stop at home en route to Cinnabar Island and the gym there. Of course, they're not in the know about the gym right there in Viridian, but we have to save the big showdown for last now, don't we? So we see the twerps as Sandshrew and Pikachu still seem to be bragging about winning the WWE sanctioned tag team pokemon tournament. "The Cinnabar Island gym leader better take heed when he gets paid a visit from the best pokemon duo out there", Crystal brags to Sandshrew and Pikachu. "Piii-pikaaah", shouts Pikachu as Sandshrew taps its butt. "It's hard to think of two pokemon that have gone together much better", says Misty sucking up to Cris-tal and her pokemon as usual. "Saaashrew shrew", obliges Sandshrew making tha bitch know it.
"Well you guys, we're here in Viridian City now. We'll be home at any moment", Crystal says as Justin notices the Quick Chek. "Hey you guys, do you mind if I get some food and a slushee from the Quick Chek in there?", Justin asks. "Are we that low on supplies already?", wonders Crystal. "Unfortunately, it seems so... since SOMEBODY can't keep their hands off the pretzels", Misty says veering towards Justin as the guilty party. "Well you know what they say about pretzels, they do go by really fast.... especially with these two pretzel mongers", says Justin moving the blame from him to Sandshrew and Pikachu, "Besides, I am really in need of a beverage." "Misdreeeavuuus", shouts Misdreavus popping out of her pokeball from behind Justin. This makes him add to his list, ".... and maybe some ghost repellant", as he calls back Misdreavus. He then looks at the pokeball, shakes his head and says, "This is becoming a real problem. I not sure what to do with Misdreavus anymore." "I guess we could all use a little bit of shopping", agrees Crystal. "Yeah, even if it is just a convenience store", adds Misty as Sandshrew and Pikachu happily agree. But in the bushes across from the strip mall lurks some unfamiliar creature with white feathers, large beady eyes, and a catch cry that promises to sound like the coolest thing since Misdreavus's sultry cry.
<cue intro>
In the store, the threesome is making good use of their baskets while Pikachu and Sandshrew roam the aisles. "Ah! Today's newspaper, I can read this on the way to Cinnabar Island", says Justin as he puts the Viridian Inquirer into his basket. Meanwhile, Crystal and Misty are together checking out cookies. "Do you think we could use more cookies, Misty?", asks Cris-tal and Misty replies that she supposes that they can never have too many. Then we see Pikachu walking right behind them pushing a bottle of soda on its side as it rolls in front of it. "Pikaaah pikaaa", says Pikachu with concentration so it doesn't lose track of its soda so it can try to seek out the ketchup. "Alright, then I guess we'll go with the Chips Ahoy", decides Crystal figuring it to be a perfect compliment to her pot sessions. But Misty has a different idea of her perfect pot session compliment as she rebuts, "Ohh... I want to go with the Hydrox cookies." "Oh, are you sure, Misty?", asks Crystal puzzled that this young apprentice would prefer a creme cookie over a chocolate chip cookie. "Yeah", she answers as she frowns when she realizes the impasse and figures, "I guess we may have to flip a coin for it."
"Let's see... more pretzel bits, phone card, I'll get the scratch and win ticket at the desk, and... Oh! The slushee! I'll just take whatever cup amount I think I can handle. Now let's see....", says Justin moving over to the slushee machine trying to make the toughest decision of his life <snicker>. Meanwhile, it seems like the four aluminum trash cans sitting just outside the store are actually witnessing all the mischievous shopping inside. But they're just trash cans though..... except when we see good ol' Team Rocket surface out of each one knocking off the lid. "It's a playland of quick and easy food!", proclaims Jessie surfacing from her trash can disguise. "You got that right, Jess, but you forgot to mention the free part.... thanks to our old friend, the five-finger discount", adds James coming up from his can. "Ey knuckleheads, aren't cha fuhgettin' a few tings?... utter den ya heads, of course", shouts Meowth surfacing from his own trash can disguise. "Like what?", asks Jessie and Wobbuffet pops out of his own trash can saluting with the lid still on his head looking like a blue Oscar. "Keep it down, you happy little garbage feeder!", shouts James referring to the Sesame Street character as he stuffs the lid back down making Wobbuffet shout, "WOOOOBBUUHHHH!"
"I wuz talkin' uhbout da twoips! If dey see us in dere, dey's gonna know dat we's up fuh stealin' from dis place! En den we's gonna end up wit petit lahceny chahges", shouts Meowth. "Don't you think I KNOW that, Meowth?", asks Jessie peeping her head just above the trash can rim continuing, "I was about to say that we were going to go in there and steal everything AFTER the twerps are out of our sight!" "But Jessie, if we do that, we're going to lose track of the twerps!", says James argumentively. "Yeah, what's more important, dey're pokeemon or ya selfish little appetite?", adds Meowth. "We can find and go after the twerps anytime, but for right now the determining factor is my stomach and it's saying that we should steal some good eats and do that before I starve to death!", declares Jessie forcefully. "Woooooobbuuuhhffeeet", agrees Wobbuffet popping back up to salute for the camera. "Oh, when you put it that way, I suppose we can figure out some way to make room for a chocolate eclair or two", says James conforming to Jessie's demand. "Wonderful... now get down before the twerps see us!", she states slamming down Meowth's and Wobbuffet's lid as they all saunter back down into their trash cans.
Inside the store, the threesome is still building up their munchie supply and whatever else Crystal needs to supplement her smoking sessions. "Saaashrew", states Sandshrew as he gets a bag of plastic cups from the bottom shelf of one of the middle aisles. But when it turns around, it bumps into a colorful looking wacko creature making him fall on his bum and drop the cups. "Shreeeww?", wonders Sandshrew as it looks up to see..... why, it's that colorfully clownin' neat freak... Mr. Mime. "Miiiime?", wonders Mr. Mime holding what looks to be a box of candy. "Saanshreeeww?", asks Sandshrew again trying to wonder what the hell is wrong with this thing. "Mime miiiiime", answers Mr. Mime smiling and looking down towards the sand rodent before offering a piece of its candy which we see is Tabasco Super-hot Tamale Balls Candy ball of pure sugar cand offering, "Miiiiime?" "Shreeeww?", asks Sandshrew wondering if Mr. Mime is offering the candy as a gesture of goodwill. "MIIIIIIME! Mr. Miiime!", confirms Mr. Mime giving Sandshrew a hot ball of candy. "Saaaanshrew", thanks Sandshrew as he throws the full ball of candy in his mouth. But the super-hot juices from the candy almost choke Sandshrew making it shout abruptly, "Saashrew!", and then it spits up a burst of fire in air because of the heat which scares off the peculiar clown pokemon. "MIIIIIIME!", shouts Mr. Mime before running away waving its stick-like arms shouting, "Mime mime mime mime mime mime mime mime."
Feeling bad, Sandshrew decides to go after Mr. Mime to try and calm it down. When Sandshrew sees Mr. Mime when he turns the corner, he sees Mr. Mime running in terror shouting, "Mime mime mimemimemime.... MR. MIIIIME!", and then then curls around the lower body area of its trainer...... DELIA KETCHUM... Ash's dodgy mother! "Mimie! What's the matter?", Delia asks Mimie as it clenches her buttocks <snicker>! "Mr. Mime mr. miiiiime", responds Mr. Mime as Sandshrew looks really sorry for the poor ridiculous looking pokemon. "Did you do something to my Mimie?", asks Mrs. Ketchum sternly as Sandshrew tries to deny any wrongdoing. "Uhhh, is there a problem?", wonders Crystal coming over with Misty to see what the deal with Sandshrew. "Pikaaah?", wonders Pikachu quickly checking in on its partner Sandshrew and they all recognize Ash's mom. "Hey, how are you doing Mrs. Ketchum?", asks Crystal as Misty also smiles welcomely. "Crystaaaallll, Mistyyyyy, how are you two girls doing? Still in the Kanto League?", asks Delia.
"I sure am, I've even got six Kanto League badges, two away from competing for the Kanto League championship", says Crystal. "Pikaahchu", smiles Pikachu as it leaps onto Mrs. Ketchum's boobs once more as Delia welcomes back Pikachu as well. She asks Pikachu if they've been staying safe and Pikachu happily confirms this replying, "Pikah-chu." But the perplexed Sandshrew seems to be confused, after all, Pikachu is HIS poke-lover. But the nitwit mother then smiles at Sandshrew apologizing for being so rough to him earlier and then as a sign of love and forgiveness from a drugged up woman to a drugged up pokemon, she caresses his face in such a way that Sandshrew feels real good with. "I can't believe it, but I think the last time I saw you was at the hospital when you guys rescued Ash after his complication", remembers Mrs. K as we see the flashback of them flying into the hospital on Dragonite just in time to save poor Ash. "Oh yeah, that was just before our trip to America", then remembers Misty and Delia asks how it went.
"It was great", answers Crystal, "We saw rare and legendary pokemon, hit the beach, the mountains, took in a hockey game and a baseball game, and we even got to see fireworks in New York City." Damn..... they sure know how to live it up on vacations!! "PIKAAAAHH!", shouts Pikachu and Sandshrew also beckons out to indicate the great time they had on their adventures there. "Oooookay, I think we got everything. Cheese, pretzel knobs, pepperoni... OH, Mrs. Ketchum. I'm shocked to see you", says Justin before stunningly realizing that Ash's mom and Mimie are with the girls. "It's good to see you too, Justin", replies Delia. "Mime miiiime", adds Mr. Mime still huddled around Mrs. K's legs. Justin then asks what brings her all the way out to the outskirts of Viridian City since she lives in Pallet Town. Her excuse is that she's just doing a little bit of grocery shopping with Mimie for themselves and for Ash.
Sure, she goes all the way out to seek a convenience store for 'groceries' when she could do her shopping at a much larger facility with more variety. This brings me to wonder what she's REALLY doing there? Probably getting some dirty magazines, deodorant, and condom for Professor Oak if you ask me. She's probably hiding the lube in her shopping basket!
"Oh yeah, how is Ash? Is he feeling any better lately?", asks Crystal. "Oh, Ash is recovering quite well now. I wouldn't be surprised if he's once again able to work with pokemon again", says Delia. "Pikahchuu", says Pikachu happily eager to see its thick-headed buddy again. "It's good to see that's he's going to be okay", says Misty though not sounding too excited about it...... maybe she favors Crystal now over him, or maybe the Johto League overexposure of Ketchum still hasn't worn off on the girl. "Absolutely, I was worried back when he couldn't even get out of bed. But now he's able to even move on crutches sometime, his recovery has meant so much to me", says Mrs. Ketchum fawning over the fact that he doesn't need as much of her care anymore so she can have more shag time with Oakky. "I know, Sandshrew, Pikachu, and I have been thinking about it a lot, too", admits Crystal as her two poke-lovers nod in agreement.
Ash's mom then asks them where they are headed next and Crystal replies that they're going to Cinnabar Island to the gym there. "Oh, then you can cut right through Pallet Town then. It's the fastest way from here. I can guide you through Pallet Town and then direct you on how to get to the island from there", says Mrs. Ketchum. "Thank you Mrs. Ketchum. That's going to save us a lot of time!", thanks Crystal smiling brightly. "But we were also planning on visiting Crystal's mom at home nearby. Is it a problem if we go there first?", wonders Justin. "Ohhh, not at aaall. I'd love to visit your mom", answers Delia happily, maybe a little too happily..... make of that what you will. "Then let's get everything checked out and get on the road", says Misty as Mr. Mime seems to agree.
As the threesome and Delia walk out, Pikachu happily rolls its cola can along the ground until he walks out to the parking lot and he stands it up and tries to pull the tab open. But the weak flabby arms of Pikachu can't pull the tab, even after its loudest groaning attempts. "Saashrew", says Sandshrew trying to come to the aid of his poke-partner but even he is unable to pull the tab of the can open. "Mr. Miime", then says Mr. Mime figuring it can open the can since it's got actual fingers. Mimie shakes it a couple of times and then pulls on tab which it is able to open, but unfortunately for poor Mimie, it still does the dirty work cleaning up after Mrs. Ketchum's house party orgies.... and now to add to that, the soda explodes and shoots right in its face. "MIIIIIIIIME! Mr. Mime Mr. Mime", cries Mr. Mime covering its face after the acidic beverage sprays it. It looks like this just isn't poor Mr. Mime's day, especially in dealing with food. Meanwhile, Justin asks Crystal how far away her home is and Crystal replies that it's not going to be too long and that another 10 minutes of walking should get them there.
And so, they walk on down the hill and out of sight leaving TR to now peruse through the Quick Chek and shoplift whatever they please without twerp interference. "Alright, da coast is clear", whispers Meowth to the other 'trash cans' as he peeps his head out and sees the twerps leaving. "Are you sure, Meowth?", asks Jessie still inside hers... the pink one furthest to the right looking from the outside of the store. "Positive", responds Meowth in the silver can right next to him. "I don't know... I think losing the twerps is a big time mistake. Especially when they had that other twerps mom and the rare Mr. Mime with them", believes James voicing his opinion in the red trash can furthest to the left. "I don't care, it's not as important as losing an easy snack right now", responds Jessie as they're all now bobbing their heads out of their cans as Jessie now shows a preference just to eat rather than trying to go after the twerps' pokemon.... maybe life on the streets is wising her up a little. But James seems more interested in the pokemon saying, "It looks like someone is losing their marbles", as they all begin to argue from their trash cans.
And as they do, the mysterious white and blue feathered pokemon with an orange bill that covers from its nose to its feathery chest.... which you should've all figured out by now is Pelipper.. is now observing them from a high tree branch in the woods adjacent to the store. "Peliprrrrrl", mumbles Pelipper watching the TR argument as it then looks closer at the cans and figures that there may be food in them. In fact, when the screen reveals Pelipper's face, it even shows him dreaming about all the food that Pelipper is eating from in the garbage cans because of its apparent hunger. It also shows how happy Pelipper is at finding the discarded Remoraids, Goldeens, and Seakings that it imagines finding in the trash cans. So figuring that the trash cans are a slam dunk for food, Pelipper decides to fly in and get something out.
How f*cked up is that? A pokemon having to rely on feeding from the garbage! Hmmm.... I'm guessing it's homeless.
"Oh wow.... I never knew they made pretzel bags that big", observes Jessie through the window. "Ey ya majesty..", starts Meowth. "Or should we be saying 'your trashesty'", quips James though his weird comments seems to be ignored. Meowth then resumes, "Let's stop window stealin en staht doin some actual stealin'!" "Wooooobbbuuhhffet", then urges Wobbuffet as they then hear the echo of Pelipper and then they look up at it in confusion. Pelipper swoops down into Meowth's can making him shout, "DAAAAAAHHHH! OUCH! OOCH! YA STINKIN DOITY BOID! WHAT KINDA NECK IS DAT ANYWAY?!" He then grabs it and shouts, "Git out en stay out!", and then he makes the near tragic mistake of discarding the hungry Pelipper...... into Jessie's trash can. Jessie screams loudly as some poking and scratching is heard (some of it may be x-rated) before we see her arise out of the can grabbing it by the legs with her uniform scratched and GASP! ..... her hair messed up. "MEOWTH, WHY THE HELL (she really means heck 4Kids... honestly) DID YOU THROW THIS CRAZY THING IN MY TRASH CAN!", shouts Jessie. "I'm sorry Jess, I was just really noivous and wuz just desperate tuh get rid of it", sobs Meowth. "Well at least throw it a little bit further next time, Meowth", yells Jessie as she does just that...... right into James's can. "Eeeeeee... hey, I'm not a fresh Remoraid! Go to the fish market you stupid whatever you are!", shouts James...... <snicker>... he then emerges with the ruby/sapphire water bird and says, "Why don't you try the real trash!" He then looks around and sees the trash can that neither Jessie and Meowth are in and stuffs it in there forgetting about poor Wobbuffet. "WOOOOBBUUHH! WOOOOOBBBUUUHHFFEEEET!", shouts the panicking Wobbuffet trying to struggle away from the crazyhungryhorny pokemon and then they all finally leap out of their disguises and scramble into the store before Pelipper can violate them anymore.
That poor Team Rocket....
But also poor Pelipper, it was seeking food and ended up getting thrown around by Team Rocket. Thus, it sits on the curb of the Quick Chek hungry and sad waiting for someone to give it what it's seeking.... free food and easy lovin' without the violent aftereffects. Well in to the rescue comes a drab colored yet still impressive looking Cadillac pulling in quite quickly, and out of the car emerges..... Mrs. Fletching. And what purpose does SHE have for stopping here? "Whew, I can't believe the big lotto drawing is tonight. I hope they haven't sold out of tickets for the $100 million drawing", she says ready to gamble a precious dollar away until she notices the sulking Pelipper on the curb with its big orange bill down. "Hey there, what's the matter there?", asks Marguerite. "Peli pelipprrrrll", replies the homeless Pelipper as its tummy then rumbles. Crystal's mom feels bad for the poor thing and says, "Awww... I'm sorry that you're hungry but can't get anything to eat. Let me see what I have in my purse..... a-d-d-da a-d-d-da... ohh, I have a package of fruit snacks in here. Can you eat that?" And the hungry Pelipper excitedly jumps up and down and beckons excitedly that it's willing to eat the fruit snacks. So after digging through whatever is in her purse... (and wouldn't we like to find out...), Mrs. Fletching tosses the package to Pelipper who rips the package open without abandon and then eats all the fruit snacks to the amusement of Mrs. Fletching.
"There you go, you seem a lot happier!", says Mrs. Fletching and Pelipper echoes back and nuzzles against the ample torso of Marguerite lovingly. "A-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaa... you're such a sweetie", replies Crystal's mom who gladly accepts the warmth, apparently lacking of it since Crystal left on her Kanto League journey. "Pelipprrrrrl peli peliprrrrrl", says Pelipper opening its mouth to indicate that it's still hungry. "Sounds like you could use some more to eat", says Mrs. Fletching who then tells the little thing not to worry and that she'll try to get some pokemon chow inside the store so it can satisfy its hunger fully. Pelipper grins and shouts out happily as it appears that since Crystal left, her mom has a little... okay, A LOT more money than she knows what to do with. Guess that explains her really bloodshot eyes.... But anyway, Marguerite enters the store TR is currently pilfering as the hungry and anxious Pelipper waits outside.
As for TR inside, we see them stuffing up a shopping basket and then when Jessie looks around and sees that it's safe..... has a bite on the house. James then repeats Jessie's actions as they continue to stuff, then Meowth does likewise, and behind them, we see Wobbuffet munching on an egg and cheese sandwich and he mumbles, "Woooooobbuuuhhffeeet", with a full mouth. James then peeks out again and notices Crystal's mom at the desk going to purchase her lotto ticket as we see her grab a packet of pokemon chow for the Pelipper bumming off her like crazy. "Hey, you guys. Isn't that lady familiar??", asks James. "Huh?", Meowth and Jessie both go as Meowth whispers, "Heeeey, I do.... it's....", and then TR goes into remembrance mode to realize that it's Mrs. Fletching. "It's the mother of that twerp!", they all state simultaneously. This leads Meowth to announce that he's got a sinister scheme and then whispers it to TR. They all cackle to Meowth's secret scheme and Jessie concludes softly so no one else can hear, "A-haaaah! That way, not only will we have free food, but we'll also have free pokemon." "Wooooobbuuhhh", adds Wobbuffet as we see the Quick Chek worker handing the lotto ticket over to Mrs. Fletching as she pays for her goods.
Then, Jessie appears as one of her most.... interesting personas yet.... a soccer mom wearing a white t-shirt with a soccer ball (football for you non US-ers, pardon me), sweatpants (when would you ever realize the day for that), and a red and white cap. "Is that the megaball drawing? I'm sure the prize has got to be way up there", says Jessie sounding very maternal. "It's $100 million dollars.... hopefully, I'm gonna be a lot richer", says Mrs. Fletching. "Ha ha haaa... I hope you do, too", replies Jessie as Meowth comes by with a soccer ball/football in hand (wherever they pulled that out of...) figuring to Jessie that maybe they should get a lottery ticket. "Quiet!", Jessie shouts softly to the scratch-cat with his whiskers hidden by the protective headguard Meowth is wearing so headers won't cause any slow concussions. "Haaaa... come on now... I think I can get this", says James dressed like a little 10 year old soccer player as he tries to get his socc/foot-erball from the ground behind his legs and bounce it off his blue head with his legs... and showing true experience from watching footsoccerball games, he succeeds, much to the delight of mama Jessie. "Very good, little Jimmy. You're coming along just greeeaat", says Jessie pretending to be endeared by little Jimmy's footsoccballer skills.
"You guys must be quite the big kickball stars, I would say. Ohh ho ho ho", laughs Mrs. Fletching sounding silly..... maybe more silly than you'd like. "Oh yes, they're quite ready for the season", says Jessie as Marguerite notes that it's strange since football/soccer season has already ended in Viridian City. "OH!", says a surprised Jessie as she stutters to try and come up with an excuse going, "Uhhh... um... um... there.. t-there's a special club team that my boys are on. We... travel all over. When we don't do that, we're into pokemon training. You know what it's like having rambunctious kids, don't cha?" Mrs. Fletching replies, "W-well I..... kinda do. I have a daughter that is currently out competing in the Kanto League. She's already won a lot of badges and hopefully she'll be able to come home and return to prepare for the championships." "You don't saaaay", responds Jessie looking impressed as we then hear a loud crash that is revealed to be water bottles tumbling from a display as a result of young athlete Meowth kicking a ball into said display. "AAAAHH! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, YOU LITTLE BRAT!", shouts the cashier from behind his desk as Meowth shouts in celebratory fashion, "GOOOOOOOOOOOOAAALL!"
"Oh no... the poor display. Mommy's going to be reeeally reeeaally angry at you", chides little Jimmy. "Thank goodness none of the water spilled....", sighs the attendant as Jessie turns her attention to the troublemakers. "HEEEY! You don't use your ball to knock down other things, you should know better Meowth. Shame on you!", chides Jessie as she goes pick up the water bottles along with the attendant. And as they're all distracted with the mess, this gives Wobbuffet the opening to wobble on out with the basketful of all the goodies that TR pilfered. Wobbuffet even has time to salute from the door before it walks out with everything as TR helps the attendant find all the water bottles as them being knocked down proved to be just a ruse. "There you go... good as new. I'll make sure MY children NEVER behave so atrociously again", says Jessie sympathetically. "I sorry", says Meowth sounding as juvenile as possible "Hmmm... they'd better not. You'd better have them get those balls outta here", replies the now irritated employee as Jessie gets back to Crystal's mom while they all depart. "Alright... you heard the guy.... let's go", says Jessie who then apologizes to Marguerite.
"Oh... I was about to say... once Jimmy's season is over, he's looking forward to starting a pokemon journey of his own", proclaims mama Jessie. "I am?", wonders James as they go out the door and Jessie 'reminds' him, "Of course, silly Jimmy <snicker>." Jessie is interrupted when the bum Pelipper chirps out again hungry for Mrs. Fletching's food.... and pity. "Awww, you've been waiting so patiently. Here's the packet of pokemon chow I promised you", says Mrs. Fletching. "Eyyy.. dat looks tasty", says Meowth... but Pelipper snatches the packet away making Meowth declare that he doesn't like that thing's attitude. "Ohh... my", sighs Jessie feeling pity for Mrs. Fletching who's actually feeding the homeless pokemon after it tried to feed on them. TR looks annoyed at Pelipper at first, but then James comes up with an idea and (in his 10 year old somewhat flaming voice) he tells Cris-tal's mom that they actually have more food they can give where they're parked... around the back. "Oh really?? I bet you would like that, wouldn't you, ya little guy?", Crystal's mom tells Pelipper very caringly. "Peliprrrrrrrl", replies Pelipper enthusiastically as Jessie leads Mrs. Fletching around to the back for some food unaware of the ambush awaiting her dumbass existance. Before they go around the bend, we see Jessie and James grinning sinisterly at each other as they take Crystal's mom around the corner. "Peliprrr??", wonders Pelipper as it then figures it should follow the only person that has probably given it non-discarded food within the past month as it waddles and says, "Peli peliprrrrrrl."
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (This evolved form of Caterpie certainly knows how to harden ;).... on the other hand though, it evolves into Butterfree.)
It's Metapod!! .................................................... "Metapod."
As for the twerps, they calmly approach Crystal's house as they believe they'll see her mom there as Delia spaces out at all the pretty homes around Cris-tal's neighborhood. It's about there that you get the feeling that she recently snorted something within the past few minutes.... "Here we are", says Crystal as Justin suggests that it must feel good to finally come home after such a long time off and Crystal agrees. Crystal then knocks on the front door as she and Sandshrew call out for anybody that might be in there to answer. After a few seconds, they decide to enter in anyway as the door was left unlocked. "Hellooo?", wonders Crystal as she, Misty, Justin, Delia, Mimey, Sandshrew, and Pikachu slowly wander into the house. "Looks like she's not home", figures Delia as Mr. Mime confers with her. "Maybe she's out to do some errands", suggests Justin as Cris-tal then figures that they might as well come back later when Mrs. Fletching returns. "Where are we gonna go now?", asks Misty. "We might as well go to the Pokemon Center to recuperate all our pokemon while we have this opening", says Crystal and everyone is okay with her request. Misty asks where it is and Crystal replies that it's back in the way they came.
On the way out into the suburban type area, Cris-tal asks Mrs. Ketchum if she's okay with waiting around for a little while till her mom returns as we see her reorganizing her green bag full of her stash. "It's alright, it'll be good exercise for me to carry these groceries", replies Mrs. Ketchum as the extra exercise will make her look even more bangin for Old Man Oak when she returns to Pallet Town. Not long after they set out for the Pokemon Center, something catches Sandshrew's attention from the corner of his eye and then he turns around, pointing up and shouting, "SAAASHREW!!" Mr. Mime and Pikachu also then notice the Happy Buddha-Faced Meowth Balloon up in the air and Mrs. Ketchum wonders if it's what she thinks she is gasping like its a hallucination. "I'm afraid so", answers Justin as Crystal states, "Team Rocket!" "Good spotting us, twerps, now have we got a scheme for you!", says James. "Like what?", says Crystal looking irritated.
"Prepare for trouble and save your drama"
"And y'all make it double, even you mama!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!"
"WOOOOOOOOOOBBBUUHHFFET!", shouts an as always saluting Wobbuffet ending the motto without Meowth.... you'll see why in a moment.
"Now look, if you think you're going to cause Crystal and company trouble, you're going to be dealt a major time out", shouts a surprisingly zealous Mrs. Ketchum. "PIKAHCHUU!", adds the also zealous yellow rodent. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAH! You can't be serious... besides, I'm a big girl now. You can't put me in my place. I could give you and your little clown a serious spanking", says Jessie threatening to spank Delia..... mmmmm :). "I'm not afraid of you, Team Rocket!", replies Delia as Mimey chimes in with, "Miiiiime Mr. Mime. "Well you'd better be, because we're about to make you fork over every last pokemon you have", laughs James. "Oh yeah, well Sandshrew, Pikachu, and I feel very much differently", responds Crystal as Justin adds that they couldn't take all of their pokemon even if they had an army of pokemon on their side. "Ahh, but we have something that's even better and will stop you from tooting your own horn", says Jessie. "What are you talking about, Jessie?", shouts Crystal having another argument with her nemesis. "HA! You're going to have to cooperate, twerp, cuz look what we happened to drag in", says Jessie pushing a button which releases a hatch on the bottom of the balloon basket..... and coming out all tied up and dangling from the balloon is Crystal's mom as Meowth hangs above her on the rope with a pair of large shears.
"HELP MEEEE!", shouts Marguerite as the threesome gasps at seeing Crystal's mom in the clutches of TR. "Ahhh... MOM!!", shouts Crystal as her mom notices her and pleads for her to try and get free as TR starts to ascent back up a little. Crystal then groans, "Rrrrrr, WHY YOU! Sandshrew, take out that balloon!" "Nah AH AHHHHH! Hold it right dere", shouts Meowth hanging on the rope going into a 'yo mama' diss, "One false move en yo mama will fall so hard she'll make da udda enda do woild quake." "Ahh... that's horrible", gasps a horrified Delia. "Don't worry, we won't let that happen", says Misty. "That's right twerps, and if you want to avoid it. You'd better start forking over all your pokemon", James tells them. "En dat does fuh ya little mime too, otha twoip's mom!", says Meowth as Wobbuffet adds in a Wobbuffet from above. Crystal groans since she's now in a precarious position... the threesome (and Delia) will either lose all their pokemon or watch Crystal's mom take a skydiving freefall minus a parachute.
After a tense moment of waiting, TR tries to hurry the process along with James telling the twerps, "Come on twerps, hurry it along with the pokemon. We don't like waiting, you know." "We'll gladly start with the Sandshrew-Pikachu two-for-one deal!", adds Jessie making Crystal staunchly declare that she'll never get her two most cohesive pokemon. "Well then I guess you don't want your mommy back... isn't that such a big girl, oh yes she iissss", teases Jessie in a babyish voice. "Wooooooobbbuuhhffet!", adds Wobbuffet as Sandshrew and Pikachu yell out desperately to try and buy some more decision time. After assessing the situation, Pikachu and Sandshrew decide to tell Crystal that they'll go with TR to avoid any harm to her mummy. "What? You sure you guys want to go with Team Rocket so my mom will be okay?", wonders Crystal. "Pikaaah", confirms Pikachu. Crystal thanks Pikachu and then swears that she'll get them back as soon as they can while Delia proclaims solemnly that her pokemon are so brave.
"That's right, step right up Sandshrew and Pikachu", says James while Jessie tells them not to worry since they'll get them safely up there with their two pokemon grabbing bazookas. Jessie and James fire their bazookas simultaneously with nets springing out and zooming towards the two pokemon. "Uggh", reacts Cris-tal just as the nets are about to snag Pikachu and Sandshrew. But something flies out from behind the trees in a shadow with a huge beak and the balloon cutting the ropes from the bazooka leaving the two pokemon unharmed. Everyone's like 'huh' as Jessie wonders, "Wha-what happened?" "I don't know! Something cut the cords", whines James as Jessie yells at the twerps wondering the big f*ckin idea is though Crystal claims she didn't do anything. "But what could it of been?", wonders Meowth as TR hears the cry of Pelipper and then turns to see it flying right at the balloon poking a nice-sized hole in it to their horror. "WHAAAAAAAAA!", they all yell as Crystal then fears for the safety of her mother who's still dangling off the balloon basket with Meowth right with her. But ol' Pelipper recovers to give Marguerite some support to avoid a total crash landing.
Pelipper has to support one of its few, if any, providers.... otherwise it's back to eating garbage....
"Ohhhh... it's that annoying bird-thing again", moans Jessie crawling out from under the balloon along with James and Meowth while the twerps go to check on Mrs. Fletching behind them. "Hasn't it done enough tuh us fuh one day?", says Meowth also struggling to get up behind them while Wobbuffet has a little less trouble getting up and adding, "Woooobbuuuhh woooooobbuuuhhffeeet!" Meanwhile, the twerps go the check out Marguerite with Crystal asking her mom if she's alright. "Heeey Crystal, how are ya?", responds her mom not answering her question and Crystal says she's alright and is also glad that she looks to be okay after checking her mom out doing her nursing thing. "Peliprrrrrrrl", croons Pelipper going over to the much caring Mrs. Fletching along with everyone else. "Ohhh, I guess you wanted to help me after I got in trouble with Team Rocket. Thank yooouu", Marguerite says to Pelipper who beckons back as Crystal is startled wondering what the hell kinda pokemon is that referring to Dexter.
Pelipper - the Shorebird Pokemon - Pelipper stands out from, other flying pokemon with it, large bill. Little, information is known, at this time, about, Pelipper.
"Wow... that looks cool. I wanna catch one", says Misty getting all obsessed about yet another water pokemon. "Pelipper huh?", sneers Jessie as Meowth claims that he's so annoyed with it that he suggests they flatten Pelipper into a pizza pie. "You leave that Pelipper alone!", scolds Mrs. Fletching adding, "You should be ashamed of yourself for the way you've bothered these pokemon and these kids!" "Ahahahahahahaaaaah!", laughs TR as Jessie chides her for not realizing that they're Team Rocket and that they don't have any shame. "Woooooobbbuuuhh woooobb", adds Wobbuffet nodding proudly as Meowth then asks Marguerite what she's going to, joking about maybe she should set an example for her kiddies. "Maybe we should", announces Delia stepping up along with Mrs. Fletching.
Marguerite gasps and wonders if Delia is ready to handle this kind of spot. Crystal then tells Mrs. Ketchum, "It's alright Mrs. Ketchum, you don't have to worry about them. We can easily take care of things now." But Ash's mom seems really hyped up on adrenaline today and insists that she says that they could handle TR and that they will since Mimie is up for the challenge. "Mr. Miiiime!", shouts the perverted looking Mimie as Jessie announces that if they want a battle, they'll get one and calls upon Dunsparce this time. "Dnnnnrrrr", buzzes Dunsparce as James sets out Victreebel which immediately goes for his head. Doing his best to hold off the head-craving Victreebel (?!?!), James pleads, "You're really asking to be grounded." "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagghh!", screams back Victreebel as Jessie challenges the moms to take their best shot. "Uhh? But, I don't even have a pokemon to battle with...", says Marguerite when Sandshrew and Crystal jump out as she tells her mom not to worry and that Sandshrew and she and can her place.
But then the loyal Pelipper steps in front of them chirping, "Peli peliprrrrrrrrl." "Huh?", wonders Marguerite as Misty believes that Pelipper wants to battle for her. "What? Do you want to battle, Pelipper?", Mrs. Fletching asks the flying hobo pokemon. "Peliprrrrrl", nods Pelipper as Delia notes that they look good together..... thanks are in order for her for another crackhead comment. "Come on Pelipper!", roots on Justin with Pikachu rooting on besides him. "Hmmph, big mistake. Now's that white trash freaky looking bird is going to share the same fate as mommy", says Jessie who then tells Dunsparce to use its screech. But Dunsparce is too busy staring at the silly looking face of Mr. Mime to obey right away looking up curiously as the voyeuristic pokemon usually does.... only this time, its area of concentration is focused on the face of Mimey and how disturbed it looks. I mean... after all, who knows what scenes it has witnessed between Delia and Oakky, especially minus their clothes.
This leads Jessie to yell, "HEEEY! THIS IS NOT TIME FOR A STAREDOWN, IT'S TIME FOR A SHOWDOWN!! Now get going!" And Jessie's intimidation leads Dunsparce out of the Mr. Mime trance and then she has it use a poison bomb. Dunsparce launches the ball of toxic chemicals at Mimey but Delia has it blocked with a reflect attack. James then gets Victreebel off him and yells, "Rrr... now Victreebel, use vine whip." "Aaaaaaaaaagggh!", screams Victreebel lashing out its yellow tailed vine at the oversized bill of Pelipper who Marguerite orders to avoid the attack which it does by ducking to the left. "Nice move, Pelipper", cheers Crystal as Mrs. Fletching now has the problem of trying to figure out what attacks it can use. "Uhhhhh, I'm not really familiar with Pelipper's attacks. You know any, Misty?", wonders Justin. Misty responds, "Maybe my water pokemon guide book can tell me about Pelipper", as she gets out a thin hard-covered water pokemon reference book out of her orange purse.
"Mimey, use confusion!", shouts Mrs. Ketchum as Mr. Mime tries to f*ck up Dunsparce even more. Mimey pours on the attack making Dunsparce curl its head towards to ground trying to hold it off. However, Jessie tells Dunsparce to snap out of it and use its screech to break Mr. Mime's concentration which it eventually does after it's high-pitched shriek making the twerps cover their ears. "Now use take down while it's distracted", commands Jessie making Dunsparce go for Mimey. "Mimie, try to protect yourself", pleads Delia as Mr. Mime puts up a wall just in time to reduce the damage from Dunsparce knocking down Mr. Mime via the shock through the invisible wall. Meanwhile, Pelipper is doing all it can to avoid Victreebel's attacks while Misty searches for Pelipper's attacks. "Hey, here's Pelipper's entry", says Misty finding the page for it. "It's in there?", says Justin kinda in disbelief as Misty concurs and looks at Pelipper's attacks. "Heeeyy, Pelipper can use water gun", says Misty as Mrs. Fletching listens and then turns towards Pelipper having it use its water gun attack. "Pelipprrrrrrrrl", calls out Pelipper as it then squirts out a water gun from its huge beak soaking Victreebel. "It worked! Any other attacks, Misty?", wonders Justin as Misty goes to study the book again.
"Victreebel, use your vine whip again!", shouts James and Victreebel wraps Pelipper around its legs and James gets it ready to whip it hard into the ground. "Ah, Pelipper!", gasps Mrs. Fletching in concern as her daughter looks worried for Pelipper. Discovering more in her little book, Misty tells Marguerite to use supersonic and thus she does. Pelipper's supersonic waves confuses Victreebel and forces it to release Pelipper. "It can also use wing attack", says Misty reading on. "Hey, that would work great against a Victreebel. Hurry mom, before Victreebel regains its focus!", says Cris-tal. "Okay Pelipper, try a wing attack", says Mrs. Fletching and Pelipper's oar-like wing smacks Victreebel sending it down. "Pelipper is pretty good", says an impressed Crystal... and with all the hallucinations she has, not much impresses her.
"Dunsparce, use pursuit attack!", shouts Jessie and Dunsparce goes after Mr. Mime and gets to 'explore' a little bit more of Mimey nipping it in the bum as it chases after the fleeing silly looking mime. "Mimey, don't use up all your energy. Use meditate", says Delia and Mr. Mime begins to sit down and close its eyes to save its energy. "Hah, you're too late and you're too old. It's time to retire them Dunsparce, use poison bomb", shouts Jessie and Dunsparce bombards Mr. Mime with a poisonous ball the size of a medicine ball. Yet, Mimey stays in there still meditating... after all, it's had to endure much more painful physical abuse at the hands of Old Man Oak and Mrs. Ketchum. "Now Dunsparce, finish it off with take down", shouts Jessie as Dunsparce closes in Mr. Mime. "Mrs. Ketchum, watch out!", shouts Crystal as Sandshrew and Pikachu are also worried for poor Mimey as Mrs. Fletching has Dunsparce stop it with a wing attack making both of those pokemon take a hit. The threesome gasps as Delia hopes Pelipper is alright. "Don't worry about us, Delia. Just have your pokemon finish off TR", Crystal's mom tells Ash's mom. "Never, we won't lose to a couple of stay at home, cake baking housewarmers", shouts Jessie as Dunsparce goes for Mr. Mime one more time. But Mr. Mime wakes up in time and Delia orders, "Now Mimey, use doubleslap attack!" And Mr. Mime bitch slaps poor Dunsparce repeatedly shouting, "Mime mime mime mime mime mime mime mime mime", along the way.
"Dunsparce!", shouts a horrified Jessie as Dunsparce is left wobbling swaying its head around making her groan, "We're not going to lose those twerpy moms." "Wooooooobbbuuuhh woobbuuuuhh", says Wobbuffet saluting making Jessie turn to the patiently pleased blue one and push it in saying that it's his turn making Wobbuffet shout, "WOOOOOOOBB!" Immediately, Pelipper tries to fly in on Wobbuffet though Crystal tries to stop it from attacking. Thus, Wobbuffet easily brushes off Pelipper with a counter and Mrs. Fletching goes to see if Pelipper is okay. "Dat's what ya desoive fuh treatin' us like trash!", Meowth shouts at Pelipper referring to their multi-colored trash can disguises from earlier as Wobbuffet stands tall and agrees. "Pelipper isn't going to give up, yet", Mrs. Fletching shouts in concern. "Maybe not, but it won't last much longer. Weezing, go!!", shouts James calling back Victreebel and sending out the frowning Weezing. "Weezhing", moans Weezing hovering over Marguerite and Pelipper as Crystal and co. tell them that everything's alright and that they'll take over from here.
"Bulbasaur GO!!", shouts Crystal sending out the tough-ass grass pokemon. "Staryu, I choose you!", shouts Misty bringing out Staryu.
"BulbaSAAAAAUUUR!", shouts Bulbasaur.
"Hyaa!", cries Staryu.
Mrs. Fletching and Pelipper back off allowing the threesome to battle TR now while Weezing tries to fire a sludge attack at the girls and their pokemon. "Staryu, use water gun!", shouts Misty and Staryu shoots its water out of its top leg blocking the sludge and sending the diluted gunk back where it belongs into Weezing. "Bulbasaur, use your razor leaf attack!", shouts Crystal as Bulbasaur fires a razor leaf at Wobbuffet. But Jessie counters it having Wobbuffet use mirror coat (pokeology states that a simple counter wouldn't work), which sends the razor leaves cutting right into Bulbasaur leaving it injured against a tree stump. So Crystal has it recover using synthesis which lets it take in the ample sun on this partly cloudy day helping it recover. James then has Weezing use its tackle attack which makes its mark on Staryu making the normally disappointing pokemon actually look a bit competitive. But Crystal has Bulbasaur help out using vine whip on Weezing to whoop it all over the place angrily. Rock 'n' Roll Bulbasaur!!! With Bulbasaur now handling Weezing, Misty turns Staryu's attention to Wobbuffet and has it use a spinning tackle on the patient one. But Jessie has Wobbuffet counter again, this time with just a regular counter sending Staryu spinning the other way.
Misty shows concern for Staryu as Crystal suggests that they team up to take down Wobbuffet and Misty of course, gladly accepts Crystal's idea with an unusually eager smile.... or usual smile for Misty smiling at Cris-tal. Bulbasaur is ordered to use a vine whip which Wobbuffet mirror coats away, then Misty has Staryu use its swift attack and Jessie has Wobbuffet try to use mirror coat. "But Jessie, swift attacks can only be returned with counter atttacks", says James. "What??", gasps Jessie as Wobbuffet takes the hit from the star barrage. "Bulbasaur, use vine whip!", shouts Crystal as Bulbasaur sends its vines at Wobbuffet. Jessie guesses wrong again now that she's confused telling him to counter when Wobbuffet should've mirror coated and this sends Wobbuffet barreling into Weezing barreling into the rest of TR. It sounds absurd that a simple vine whip could have been that powerful.... until you remember how pissed off Bulbasaur is....especially after having its attack get rejected by Wobbuffet. Man, that must make its blood boil!
With TR piled up ready to be disposed of, Crystal sends forth Sandshrew and Pikachu to both attack them as punishment for messing with her mom. Sandshrew first shakes them, then Pikachu ends up shockin' em. TR is then left fizzled for one last punishing attack as Staryu lands in front of everyone. But then Staryu is soon joined by Pelipper who also wants one last shot at TR for posing as lucious, mouth-watering garbage. "Pelipper?", wonders Misty as Pelipper and then Mrs. Fletching nod at her wanting to team up with her to make the TR send off look more complete.
"Alright, Staryu...", commands Misty.
"...Pelipper", then says Marguerite.
"Use WATER GUN!", they shout and their collective water output has enough muster to send TR soaring away. "I feel so low right about now.... dat I want my mommy", quips Meowth belly down flying next to Weezing. James then humorously yet nonsensely adds, "They're certainly not getting a Mother's Day card from me."
"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaaaiin" ... and then faintly we hear, "Wooooooobbuuhh woooobbuuuhh."
"Well this certainly wasn't the way I planned on reuniting with you, Crystal honey", says her mom. "Tell me about it... but at least you're safe now", she says as Pikachu and Sandshrew give their greetings as well. Mrs. Fletching then welcomes them back giving them each a nice, warm pet. "But we really owe your safety from TR to Pelipper", notes Mrs. Ketchum as Mr. Mime also gets up from its recent battle. "It was very nice of you to help me out", Marguerite tells Pelipper and then explains to the twerps that she gave Pelipper some food because it was hungry. "So Pelipper repaid the favor by helping us get rid of Team Rocket.... cool!", figures Justin. "By the way Delia, I can't thank you and Mr. Mime enough for helping us out as well", says Marguerite. "Yeah, you guys fought surprisingly well", adds Misty in compliment. "Oh it's nothing.... but I can attribute our improvement to the rigorous exercises Mimey and I do every morning", says Delia referring to the fitness routine she does to stay in shape so she can please Prof. Oak and still get support for her and her recovering hard-headed son. "Mr. Miiiiiime", cheerfully adds Mr. Mime which concludes the delayed meet and greet segment of the episode.
So with that settled, the twerps have to figure out what they should do next. "Ohh, we've been so caught up with fighting TR that I still have to deal with my groceries. I bought a bag of ice and it'll probably melt by the time we get back", moans Ash's mom who bought a bag of ice and shows it dripping into the plastic bag..... use your imagination as to why she's so dependent on the ice. "Hey Delia, you could use my freezer to refreeze the ice if need be", says Mrs. Fletching. "Really? You mean it", wonders Mrs. Ketchum as Crystal tells her that it's no problem since their door is always open to friends.... and the occasional drug seller. Mrs. Fletching confirms her daughter's claim and then assumes that everyone is hungry which the threesome confirms that they are indeed. So Marguerite figures that she might as well make a nice big family dinner now that they're finally back in the area and that everyone is welcome to come and eat.
Everyone is psyched for eating including Misdreavus whom nuzzles up to Justin making him feel uncomfortable again being hit on by a ghost pokemon. But then Pikachu recognizes Pelipper still hopping around behind them smiling with its big huge bill and alerts Crystal about it. "Oh yeah, Pikachu. What about Pelipper? Is it really going to join us, too?", wonders Crystal sounding a bit unsure about having a suspect hobo pokemon eating with them. "Saaaashrew", wonders Sandshrew tilting his head as the twerps try to figure out whether to accept it or not. "I don't know about Pelipper. I'm not really much of a pokemon trainer", says Marguerite with Justin sending Misdreavus back to her pokeball. But Delia tries to convince her to keep it telling her she can have it help out in much the same way that Mimey helps her out back in Pallet Town. "Yeah, you don't need to catch it or anything. And besides, you can have a friend with you while Crystal is out competing in the Kanto League", Misty adds. "Pelipper does seem like a cool pokemon. Sandshrew and I wouldn't mind having it around at home", Crystal then tells her mom with Sandshrew also giving his seal of approval. "Well, if it's alright with you two", says Mrs. Fletching referring to Cris-tal and Sandshrew, "Then I guess I can work it out. I know already that I can rely on it, I just didn't want Pelipper to get in the way of anything." Everyone seems cool with that while Pelipper beckons out, "Peli-prrrrrrrrrrrrl", now that a ditzy meal ticket has provided it with a way out of a life of pathetic hobo-like homelessness.
Speaking of meal tickets, back at Crystal's house we find the cracked out one now with blotchy eyes talking with the ultimate meal ticket, Professor Oak himself. "Soooo, you guys have finally made it back home. Good to know", says Oakky through the fiberoptics. "Yeah, and Ash's mom was also in the area and ended up stopping by", replies Cris-tal. "Ohhhhh", realizes the dirty professor finally discovering where his piece of ass has been, "So where do you plan on heading next?" "The Cinnabar Island Gym, for badge #7", states Crystal as Professor Oak is impressed that she's won 6 badges already. "I also understand that you recently won the Kanto boulder badge from Brock when I spoke with him this past weekend", he adds. "Yes, oh... and are you going to attend the wedding?", she asks. "Certainly", replies Old Man Oak as he adds that he's looking forward to it. At that point, Ash's mom, Sandshrew, and Justin enter the living room where the videophone is and Justin calls out, "Hey Cris, dinner is gonna ready, come eat!" "Saaaaanshrew shrew! Saaashrew", yells aloud Sandshrew munching on a delicious mini-weenie dog.
So as Crystal is about to eat, Delia greets her secret lover saying that she's staying over there for dinner. She also says that all the perishable food they got is being kept in Marguerite's fridge until it's safe enough for she and Mimey to carry back to Pallet Town w/o spoiling. "Alright Delia, there's no need for you to overstress yourself. Take care", says Oakky. "Okay professor", replies Delia with a flirtatious wink....... a wink that kinda makes me go.......
Crystal then returns to the videophone quickly and tells the dirty professor, "Alright professor, I'll return to Pallet Town after I come back from Cinnabar with my 7th badge. Take care." "Take care, Crystal. Tell all your pokemon I said 'hi' too", responds Oak. "Right!", responds Crystal who then disconnects and sits down at the table with Pikachu, Sandshrew, Justin, Misty, Pelipper, Delia, and Mimie (a dodger's cavalcade of amusement) as her mom serves up what she claims is one of Crystal's and Sandshrew's favorite, honey glazed ham. So the twerps and company all dig into the mouthwatering feast and look like they're enjoying every last bit of it.
We then warp from the middle of dinner to twilight when the threesome sets off once again with Mrs. Ketchum and her weird Mr. Mime as they say buh-bye to Crystal's crazy mummy and her new companion, Pelipper. "You guys behave yourselves, you scamps", says Marguerite rubbing the heads of Sandshrew and Pikachu making them feel good. With the couple beckoning back in a sense of sexual comfort (uy uy uy!!), she then tells her daughter to be careful on the road. And then she gets downright stupid and tells her avoid getting sunburn, don't eat too much sugary foods, and the dodgiest of all.... making sure she stays fresh and clean everyday. Crystal laughs like she's totally embarrassed that 4Kids had to change the line to make sure she stays 'fresh and clean' instead of just 'fresh', cuz that's gettin' into some XXX rated material there. "Okay mom", she nervously chuckles as she then tells Pelipper to take care of her mom. "Peli prrrrrrrrrrl", obliges Pelipper as Marguerite then tells Delia that it was an honor to meet her star character mother counterpart and Delia is also thankful. And with that, they walk off and wave off for Cinnabar Island via Pallet Town. And meanwhile, just as Ash's mom cracked out to have some weird looking Mr. Mime follow it around and do her dirty housekeeping, now Crystal's mom has spaced out similarly and has taken in a wandering, homeless, possibly mentally troubled Pelipper.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (When they're not bumpers for a pinball game, they can light up your underwater rave with its hanging electric lamps.)
It's Chinchou!! ............................... "Chin-chou."
We cut to the point where the path reaches a fork and goes between Cinnabar Island and Pallet Town as the sign in the fork prominently displays the signs pointing different directions. Meanwhile, Misty spots some of the villages and farm areas of Pallet Town pointing out that it must be Pallet Town. "It certainly is... alright, I'm going to head back into town straighten things up around the house", says Delia illustrating her plans for preparing to sex up the place for a likely Professor Oak visit as they have the traditional mega-hot illegal-in-now-47-states sex.... society has gotten a bit more receptive to freaky sex nowadays. Delia then points out that the path to the left will lead them to the port that has the ferry to Cinnabar while she goes right, towards Pallet Town. "Thanks a lot Mrs. Ketchum", responds the threesome as Pikachu and Sandshrew both jump into Delia's arms making her laugh and then cuddle the two of them. Damn those two horny pokemon getting so much titty and ass!! Me jealous!
"Once we're done in Cinnabar Island, we'll be back to see all of ya", says Crystal. Delia then gives them a flirtatious giggle as she tells her fellow druggie to take care. So the threesome says goodbye to Mrs. Ketchum and Mimie with the clown pokemon shouts, "Mr. Miiiime.... miiiiiiime!", happily as they go away. "Tell Ash, Prof. Oak, and all the pokemon back at the ranch that I said 'hi'", says Crystal as Delia leaves to return to Prof. Oak's secret world of sex, kink, and swingers of all kinds..... certainly not a world that you should ever tell YOUR mother about!
Unless your mom also blazes like a b'ball player... on OR off the court <smirk>!
To Be Continued