Dragonitemare presents
Pokemon Crystal series
Ep. 65
The anxiety level of the episode starts out high from the start as Crystal, Sandshrew, Pikachu and the rest of her pokemon have reached the Pewter City Gym ready to win her 6th Kanto League Gym Badge. As you recall from last time, the threesome arrived in Pewter when they were abruptly greeted by the sudden return of our tower of horny power, Brock. And he also dropped a bombshell on everyone when he introduced his new girlfriend, Janelle, who amazingly turns out to be just as nut house crazy in love with him as he is with her. Both of them rant on, like Brock normally does when he sees a hot piece of ass, about each other. They end up havin a storytime session with TR whom got a bombshell in their own rights as Delibird came back to distribute the bill of the debt that they ran up... most of which was run up by Jessie. And thus, they blast off TR shortly thereafter and reach the gym.
"Well, good thing you're back", says a grizzly man with a dark beard that looks similar to Brock.... that's right ladies and gentlemen, it's Brock's dad, Flint!! "Yeah... I got the food we need for everyone. And I also brought my traveling friends here to see everyone", replies Brock with Janelle around him like a girl plastered on tequila. "Ohh.. you must be those guys that my son is always talking about", Flint tells Crystal. "Hi... my name is Crystal and these are my pokemon, Sandshrew and Pikachu", answers Cris-tal as the two of them seem to get along and understand each other quite easily. They both have a history of crack abuse after all... "Shrew shrew", greets Sandshrew as Flint remembers Pikachu, welcoming it back and asking how it's been doing. "Pikaaah pikachu", says Pikachu as Justin and Misty take their turns to introduce and reintroduce themselves respectively.
"Ahh yes, it's great that you've all finally arrived here. My children will all be thrilled by your presence, too", Flint says. And on cue, here comes the Satan children of the Brock blood line that begin to surround the threesome , Pikachu, and Sandshrew as they greet them and begin to ask questions like how many battles have they won, what kind of pokemon they have, and why did they come here. "Whoa-w-one at a time here", pleads Crystal as Brock takes charge dispersing them giving the threesome room to breathe but not Janelle who still clings on. "Well you guys, if you wanna know I'm here to challenge the gym leader to a Kanto League Gym battle", answers Crystal. Of course, this makes all the kiddies go nuts with excitement as they look forward to watching the big pokemon battle. "I guess you're ready for your big test, aren't you?", the oldest of the 9 kids (who looks about 14) asks her. "As ready as we'll ever be", Crystal says with backup from Pikachu and Sandshrew. "Then I'm sure you'll be ready for our little test as well, won't you?", says Flint. "Little test?!", wonders Crystal as Justin wonders what that means. "I think it'll be better for me to battle Crystal today, pops. Ahem... it's a rule of this gym to give credibility to the competition of the Kanto League. In order for you to proceed to the actual 3 on 3 gym battle, you have to beat me in a preliminary 1 on 1 pokemon battle", explains Brock. "What?!", gasps Crystal as Justin adds that it's kind of like having to beat the gym leader twice. "Wow... it looks like the Kanto League is getting really hairy", fears Misty as the drama reaches a crescendo.
<cue intro>
The preliminary pokemon battle is something that Brock's gym recently included as a requirement for all Kanto League challengers according to Janelle. She goes on to say that it is a one-on-one pokemon battle that the challenger must win to have the actual three-on-three pokemon battle. But oh hold on... as if that wasn't enough of a wringer, there's another catch! The two pokemon that get chosen for the battle are drawn randomly from this wheel on the computer they see in front of them with an enlarged, heightened screen. Plus, once those pokemon are drawn, they can't be used in the later three-on-three battle. "I know it sounds very steep, but the Kanto League committee challenges all the gym leaders to be as creatively challenging as possible", says Brock. "I've seen how these preliminary battles go down, as well as how my boyfriend Brock has valiantly taken on all comers and triumphed like a brave warrior", begins Janelle as we see images of Brock's pokemon laying the smackdown on opposition as she describes each saying, "He has conquered Kangaskhans, defeated Delibirds (including one just last episode), triumphed over Typhlosions, and has had much success with Stantlers. But even as big as Brock's victories were, they pale in comparison to the size of his heart." "But my loving heart is nothing compared to the size of your endless generosity", starts Brocks before Misty interrupts. "Boy, generosity is right...", quips Misty referring to how much she loves him where no other girl would even touch Brock. "Ohh Misty, it's so nice to have to have a girl that's not only in love with you, but is also your biggest fan and supporter", Brock tells Misty. Just then, Justin slides in with some helpful advice commenting, "We hear ya, Brock. It juuuust depends on who that fan is", as Misdreavus slides over him on the side of the screen announcing her brief ghostly presence.
Somebody should make that poll right now... who's more obsessed with who??
DM Tim->Jessie???
Flint then requests that Crystal give him his belt of pokeballs along with Brock's so they can begin to determine who'll battle in the preliminary match. The belts get placed into the computer generating two wheel images on the big monitor, Flint explains that one monitor contains Crystal's pokemon while the other wheel contains Brock's pokemon. Flint explains that the two wheels will spin and randomly come to a stop on the two pokemon that will battle as we see the images of all of Crystal's pokemon on one wheel (Bulbasaur, Sandshrew, Noctowl, Pikachu, Cyndaquil, Totodile) and Brock's pokemon on the other wheel (Onix, Geodude, Crobat, Magcargo is all we're exposed to). "I get it", figures out Misty, "It's for trainers to be prepared for anything since the outcome is unpredictable."
"Mmm... but this could also be the riskiest part of the battle because the option to choose pokemon is taken out of the trainer's hands", adds Justin as we go to a blackboard diagram of pokemon match-ups with outlines of mentioned pokemon. He starts by explaining that it could work out in Crystal's favor and that she could draw a favorable matchup such as Sandshrew against Magcargo or Totodile against Geodude as we see the blackboard outlines of them opposing each other. "...but it could be an undesirable matchup for Crystal, like Cyndaquil against Onix or Bulbasaur against Crobat", finishes Justin as we leave the special diagram. "What? But that's not fair, Crystal may end up in a no win situation", Misty replies. "It's basically a crapshoot. It can go one way.. or the other", says Justin.
Flint asks if Brock and Crystal are ready and he presses the button that starts the spinners on the monitor. When Crystal tells it to stop after a dramatic moment of waiting, her side of the wheel stops on....... Bankrupt! Oh well, she's screwed! Actually, it eventually slows down on Pikachu making Misty cheer, "All right, Crystal drew Pikachu. Pikachu will get the job done." "But what pokemon is Pikachu going to face?", wonders Justin as Brock is hoping for good fortune. "Come on, COME ON! BIG BUCKS, BIG BUCKS, NO WHAMMIES!", shouts Brock in a bit of slapstick making Janelle talk to him normally for the first time ever recorded. "Umm, it's not that kind of a wheel, Brock!", Janelle tells him. "The Price is Right doesn't even have a wheel anyway", adds Misty as her pink Abercrombie and Fitch brand t-shirt shows for all to see. "Actually it did... and you're thinking of Press Your Luck", quips Justin as Misdreavus pops out again to press her luck with Justin. "I was NOT encouraging you to press yours", he then says glumly as Misty sums up that she can't tell apart any of those '70's game shows'.
And thus, Brock's wheel finally slows down, but the wait was worth it with the comedy delay... at least for me... I'm still giggling from my ideas now as I type!! Crystal, her pokemon, Janelle, and Brock await anxiously the result as the wheel slows down and stops on..... Geodude! Alright, it's a bit anti-climactic, but we've just started the episode so stay calm. "The preliminary match will be Pikachu against Geodude!", announces Flint with the kiddies looking on behind him. "Pikachu against Geodude?", wonders Misty as Justin comments that this should be an interesting match.
But it's not quite the interesting match compared to our heroes being matched once again with their debt enforcement pokemon Delibird. We see them on the ground in a small field all lying in awkward positions except for Delibird who's just sitting down... it looks like they just landed after getting blasted off. "I can't stand all this stress. I think it's going to make me sick again", complains Jessie. "If dat's da case, den maybe we should do sometin cheerful for awhile instead of chasing dose twoips pokemon", suggests Meowth as James adds that it doesn't sound like a bad idea. "Delibirdiii.... delibirdi", says Delibird as Jessie then asks the two of them how they should handle Delibird since it's just going to keep bothering them until it gets all of their money that they currently don't have.
"Hmmm... well there's absolutely nothing we can do now to repay anything", states James. Meowth then figures that since they can't do any work at the moment, then why not let all of them have a bit of fun. "I'm not quite what you mean, Meowth", wonders James getting back up to a normal, but still dodgy position bending over to ask him. "I know what you mean Meowth, you're thinking that our pokemon should join us in the fun. And why not? We always see the twerps showing off their pokemon, so don't we show off our pokemon to everybody out there", responds Jessie looking at the TV audience. "Everybody out where?", wonders James not playing along. "Just her... en she's currently OUT DERE!", answers Meowth thinking Jessie is spacing out. "Huh? Oh never mind. We can maybe entertain Delibird for a little while", says Jessie as James immediately like that idea. As well he should.
"All right, everybody come on out!", shouts Jessie throwing out all her pokemon. "It's time to come out and plaaay!", states James throwing out all his pokemon. And out comes Arbok, Dunsparce, the patiently pleased deity Wobbuffet, then Weezing, Victreebel, and finally, Qwilfish who lands in James's arms. This leads to a yet another very eye-catching line from James about how he can 'use' his pokemon. "Ahh Qwilfish, there's a million uses I could have for you in the world of entertainment", he tells his spiky Qwilfish as he puts his bare hands on its body making him squeal and throw Qwilfish up in the air in surprise. "Unfortunately, it don't look like you kin figyuh out one uh dem", replies Meowth looking dumbly at him. "Ohh, it doesn't look any of those uses work away from the water, poor Qwilfish... return", James says glumly calling back his spiky fish pokemon. He then turns to Weezing and Victreebel and tells them that it looks like it's up to the two of them to have fun and put on a good show. And thus, Victreebel promptly attacks James when he tries to put his arm around it causing James to quip, "Eeeeeee... and you're totally useless. Come on, let me go... we're not trying to remake a bad comedy skit!" This struggle actually makes Delibird laugh and show a bit of his humor flapping its wings and cackling out, "Deli delibirdi!" "Comedy skit?? Looks more to me like a recurring bad horror movie", states Jessie monotonously. Meowth then jokes, "At least it wuz bettuh den House of a Tousand Corpses."
Once Victreebel get pried off James, we see the array of TR pokemon left around the terrific trio as J & J then try to figure out what they should do next. James horrendously suggests that maybe they should start out with Weezing since it could create a smokescreen that could reveal the rest of the pokemon for whatever show Jessie and Meowth wanted to do. Jessie reasons loudly, "Are you crazy? How could you feature Weezing as the lead pokemon. No one in their right mind would ever feature Weezing for a show!" James counters, "Well what do you expect Jessie, you expect that annoying blue blob thing to smile dumbly and salute for Delibird for hours?" "At least Wobbuffet can attract some kind of audience! Even if it is the criminally insane", shouts back Jessie.
And thus, Jessie and James continue to argue over which TR pokemon is better suited to be stars. And during this time, Jessie's Dunsparce then begins to become curious again as it begins to squirm around the field looking at the flora and fauna under the watchful eye slits of Wobbuffet. And then, Dunsparce sees something blue <coughSuicunecough> majestically standing on top of this cliff behind the trees. This makes Dunsparce more curious and thus, it leaves TR and inches its way through the bushes to get a closer look. When this blue thing's eyes notices that this innocent little Dunsparce is watching it, it dashes off leaving a sea aura in the air. "Drrrrr?", wonders Dunsparce before realizing that it has separated itself from our heroes and thus it comments, "Drr drrrrr."
Back with TR, J & J ends their argument as James concedes, "Alright let's face it, we can't put on a Broadway caliber show with any of the pokemon we have." Tragic! "But how are we gonna start repayin' dis debt to dis dumb Deliboid?", wonders Meowth. "Wooooobbuuhh wooooobb", comments Wobbuffet as Jessie goes to shut all of them up when she notices the lack of Dunsparce. "Hey, has anyone seen Dunsparce?", she asks. James and Meowth claims that they haven't seen it and figured that they must have wandered away. Jessie then asks Delibird about Dunsparce and Delibird shakes its head making Jessie grumble, "Ohhh... this is just great! We have enough problems with this white omen (referring to Delibird) buzzing around us, and now that stupid aimless thing wanders off." "Well let's not just sit 'ere en gripe about it, let's start lookin' for it", replies Meowth and so we see TR searching up trees, between bushes, and under rocks trying to find what escaped as even their pokemon help out.
As for the little prelim, we see Crystal standing behind Pikachu and Brock standing behind Geodude as Flint declares that this is the preliminary pokemon battle in this matchup and if the challenger wins, then she will move onto to the three on three pokemon battle to compete for the Kanto League boulder badge. "Are you ready, Brock?", asks Flint. "Geodude and I are ready", replies Brock. "Geodude", adds Geodude as Flint then asks about Cris-tal and Pikachu's readiness and they both respond that they're ready. "Pikachu shouldn't have much of a problem winning this battle, don't you think Justin?", asks Misty. "Pikachu is the stronger pokemon but Geodude has probably improved quite a bit as well, so it's no guarantee", replies Justin. We then hear Janelle rooting for Brock saying, "Come on Brock, show Pikachu what you're all about with your bravery, pokemon expertise, and oh, your skills around the house."
.... guess she does know Brock fairly well by now.... especially in the bedroom but that's a no-brainer.
The battle begins after Janelle soliloquy (grown-up word for one talking to his/herself) and Cris-tal has Pikachu use its thunderbolt on Geodude which hits dead on. "Yeah", says Crystal until Geodude breaks out of it at Brock's command surprising Crystal. Tricky writers, last time, they had Pikachu's thunderbolt working effectively on Geodude when pokemon physics state that electric attacks should harm it being a ground/rock type. "Wow, Geodude is stronger!", comments Misty as Brock has Geodude use rock throw. Pikachu then uses agility to dodge each one of the rocks as Geodude keeps the pressure on with a headbutt attack smashing Pikachu into one of the rocks on the field. "Ahh!", gasps Crystal as Janelle continues to run-on about cheering for her Brock. "Geodude has improved a lot since we've seen it last", comments Misty. Pikachu gets up from its tumble as Crystal declares, "We can hit back harder but we only have one chance", and then she thinks to herself, "Gotta pull out all the stops here." She then yells for Pikachu to use its return attack as Geodude charges at Pikachu again as its yellow body glows blue as it prompts itself ready to attack. Brock has Geodude use another headbutt, but just as Geodude gets to Pikachu, it then launches itself into the rock with arms making it shout, "Duuuuuuuuude", shocking Brock, Janelle, Flint, and the kids. "There's that return attack again", points out Justin as Geodude falls to the ground unable to battle according to Flint and thus, Crystal advances to the three-on-three battle.
"Great job, Pikachu", declares Crystal as Janelle is in awe of something other than Brock as she acknowledges how good Crystal and Pikachu are together. "You did a great job, Geodude. You deserve a good rest", says Brock peacefully bringing Geodude back to its ball. "Now that that's taken care of, we can really get into the battle for our 6th Kanto League gym badge", Cris-tal tells her pokemon as Brock comes over and tells Crystal about how impressed he is at how far she has come in her pokemon training, especially with Pikachu. He concludes that he looks forward to battling her again later and that he looks forward to the challenge. "I'll be ready, Brock!", replies Crystal. Brock and Janelle propose that in the meantime, they relax for a bit as they prepare a fabulous feast like those that Ash & co. always freeloaded off strangers. "That sounds sweet!", echoes Cris as Misty emphasizes that it's extra sweet since Brock's doing the cooking. "Just you wait, Misty, I'm so eager to make my redskin potatoes, cranberry sauce, hollandaise gravy with portabella mushrooms, along with the tastiest, spiciest garden veggies with my garden fresh beauty alongside me", carries on Brock as Janelle claims that she's going to prepare the roast which triggers perhaps the dodgiest statement you could ever hear about the Brock-Janelle relationship. Brock then tells the threesome before they get ready to eat, "Janelle really knows how to handle meat."
:D :D :D Hahahahahahahaaa...ahem, that's right, Brock!
And so they go stuff themselves in their enormous dining room while Team Rocket wearily searches for Jessie's Dunsparce who's wandering around somewhere. "Dunspahce?", calls out Meowth as James also cries out for Dunsparce to return. James then asks Weezing and Victreebel if they found anything and he just gets a couple negative responses back. "Weezhing", and Victreebel's excessively loud screams come back to James as Weezing searches above while Victreebel looks in the bushes. "Dunsparce, WHERE ARE YOUUUU!!?", shouts Jessie in frustration with Arbok slithering through the trees helping in the forest search. "And you, are you following us to keep our debt pinned on us or are you actually helping in the search??", Jessie asks Delibird. "Delibirdiiii!", responds Delibird flapping its wings excitedly. "It's sayin' dat it got its wings full doin' its own job followin' us", Meowth interprets.
"Well it's pretty obvious what we have here", Jessie comments as we then see her and James in lab coats like they have in CSI, "This is an official missing pokemon case!" The CSI theme, AKA... that song by The Who, then begins to play as Jessie tells James that she's going to need all the forensic evidence they can gather including the DNA samples from the slime left by various pokemon in the woods, all the pokemon tracks and prints, where they lead to, and where they get cut off and why, and then she tells him to study the tree patterns to see if any leaves or fruit has been consumed that should not have normally been consumed. "Roger", simply replies James to... 'give him some motivation' so to speak... "I'm also picking up a chill watery aura in the air. This could lead to the breakthrough we've been searching for." The CSI theme of the moment leads Meowth to counter Jessie saying that this sounds more like an official missing brains case.
Suddenly, Arbok spots something beyond the trees shouting, "Chaaaaaarbokaah!" "I think Arbok has picked up on a clue to the disappearance", replies Jessie who is now dressed in her best Marg Helgenberger impression while The Who stops playing in the background. "Wooooobbbuuuhhffeet!", shouts Wobbuffet saluting the detectives in their well-dressed costumes with the high tech background including all kinds of autopsy equipment. So TR and Delibird take a closer look and see the same blue shimmering pokemon the Dunsparce saw which lured Dunsparce away in the first place. "What is dat ting? It looks fuhmilia", Meowth states. "Alright, what did you do with Dunsparce", shouts Jessie yelling from in the forest out to the field. "Kuuuuuuunne", replies back the pokemon as TR clears through the forest to reveal that it is indeed, Suicune. "I don't believe it! We've come across the break of the century!", gasps James as Jessie demands to know what it did with Dunsparce which was to initially lure it away to a land of unknown torture and suffering for all we know. "KUUUUUNNE!", retorts Suicune strongly.
"So it's like that, huh? Then prepare for trouble"
"We're getting scientific, Suicune, so make it double", as they both appear with their bags and CSI type flashlight.
"To protect the world from devastation", starts Jessie with a backdrop where she and James pretend to be searching for something.
"To unite all peoples within our nation"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love", as TR now faces Suicune.
"To extend our reach to the stars above"
"Jessie", she shines her flashlight towards Suicune.
"James", he follows suit.
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight"
"WOOOOOOOOBBUUHHFFEEET!", finishes Wobbuffet stepping in front of the flashlights.
"Dat's right", then says Meowth, "Who needs a slithery travelin' wanduhruh anyways. We wuz lucky enough tuh run into our mystical buddy again en make it ours." "That's right, then we can resume the hunt for the missing Dunsparce", Jessie then says. "But Jessie, if you got Suicune in place of Dunsparce, why would ya even tink about continuin' da soich fuh dat dumb Dunsparce?", asks Meowth. "Because it's mine, and I don't like losing what little possessions that I have so easily, especially pokemon", snaps back Jessie getting bitchy. "Woooooooobbuuuhhffet", adds Wobbuffet as Suicune growls at TR before creating a bright flash blinding our scientific TR for a moment and then Suicune takes off not feeling like beating up TR today. So Jessie shouts, "What? Where did Suicune go?? It can't just disappear!" James then points TR out to something as we see them look over to the right where they see the lost Dunsparce in the distance slithering in front of the cave. Jessie calls out for Dunsparce to wait up but it gets into the cave to do some more 'exploring'. No word on what it explored... make of that what you will. Jessie points out that it went into that cave as Delibird hovers above her. Meowth points out that Suicune possibly escaped into that tunnel figuring that there was no other way it could escape so easily and if they find Suicune, they can catch it and finally satisfy Delibird's 'thirst for their cash' which is how Meowth tells Delibird about it. So TR follows Dunsparce into the mysterious cavern.
Later on, the twerps are finishing their big dinner with Brock's big family. But the number of people to be served apparently did not deter Brock and Janelle from making a delicious meal as Justin claims, "Aw man, that was the best roast I have ever had. I need your guys cooking secrets!" "Okay Justin", giggles Janelle, "But there's so much that goes into our cooking that giving you our tips may take all night."
..... GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA.... you cheatin' dogs!!!
Flint then takes the time to speak to a fellow addict, Crystal, telling her about the changes and quality of life improvements that the city is trying to take. "Yes, I've noticed them, too. It's so noble for the townsfolk like you to be working so hard in order to make the entire city much better", Crystal replies. "It's about time that I'm seeing this happen after so many years of roughness. It'll work out very well for my children... at least they'll be better off than I was, especially with the way Brock has cared for them. Plus, there's the culture that comes along with the historic cave that I'm sure my son has mentioned to you. I just hope it can withstand the noise and construction going on her nowadays", comments Flint. "Oh, Brock has been wonderful. I've heard about how well he cared for and took care of Ash and Misty during their journeys", Crystal tells Flint as Brock comes barging over to their conversation and asks her if they've been holding up okay without him. Cris-tal replies that while they haven't been enjoying too many five star roasts like tonight, Justin and Misty have done very well organizing, cleaning, and handling food and our other valuables (by which she means crack pipes). She also emphasizes that Sandshrew and Pikachu have grown as well and have really formed a special bond like no two other pokemon she's ever seen. "That's great. It looks to me like the way that Pikachu gets along with Sandshrew is very similar in the way that Pikachu got along with Ash", states Brock as Pikachu and Sandshrew stand side by side and smile back at the tanned, toned, and dating breeder.
"But anyway", then says Brock as he swallows the last of his food, "Now that we have food in our stomachs, why don't we say that we finish our battle now?" Crystal responds, "We're ready whenever you are, Brock." "Saaaanshrew shrew!", then shouts Sandshrew determinately as the two of them go onto the second part of the gym battle. "This is the main pokemon battle for the challenger competing for a Kanto League boulder badge. Crystal won the preliminary round match as Pikachu defeated Geodude to advance. This is a three on three, no time limit battle to the finish and there must be a winner. Do both of you understand this?", announces Flint. "Yes!", simultaneously reply Brock and Crystal. Justin hmmm's as we see Janelle in a skimpy cheerleading outfit (with matching Brock bobblehead doll) yelling, "WHOOO!! Come on, Brock! Show 'em what your made of!" "Cheering is one thing, but did you have to bring the cheerleading costume?", asks Misty with a well placed anime sweatdrop beside her. Janelle giggles and replies, "The costume is extreme, but I have to support my man... aaahh. Oh, and I look very cute in this outfit."
Indeed she does..... Brock, you lucky-beyond-imagination breeder...
Flint shouts, "Begin!", and Crystal decides to go with the wacky Totodile sensibly enough considering Brock's lineup stresses rock types. "Totodiille totototototodile dile", shouts Totodile dancing wildly up and down. "I see that Totodile hasn't lost a step, but we're ready. I choose you, Crobat!", answers Brock sending out the four winged pink Crobat as it echoes a supersonic type sound. Misty gasps and points out, "It's Brock's Crobat! Water attacks won't work that well against it." Crystal then sighs ineptly, "Ahh, I forgot about Brock's Crobat.... but Totodile can handle it." Totodile is told to use water gun but Crobat dashes around the big stream of water as Brock has it divebomb on Totodile swiping at the feisty gator a few times with Totodile barely dancing around each furious attack. Misty comments that the battle isn't going too well as Justin shouts for Crystal to quickly switch to Pikachu.
"Can't do that", says Janelle and Misty quickly wonders why not. Janelle explains that pokemon that were used in the preliminary round can't be used again in the 3 on 3 battle so Brock can't use Geodude and Crystal can't use Pikachu. "They can't?? That isn't good that Crystal can't use Pikachu", quips Justin as his 'fan', Misdreavus, adds, "Misdreeeevus." Cris-tal then tells Totodile, "Come on, Totodile. You can be tougher than that." "Toto??... Toto-DILE!", responds Totodile looking more determined as she tells it to get Crobat with a scratch attack. So Totodile catches Crobat in the air and then furiously begins scratching Crobat up and down making Brock frantically trying to get Crobat to shake off the wily gator pokemon. And after vigorously flapping its four wings, it finally does sending Totodile to the ground. "Totodile!", shouts Crystal anxiously as Crobat uses supersonic to try and confuse Totodile. It gets Totodile to change its insane dancing pattern as its now hopping up and down switching legs and going slower. "Uh oh... Totodile, break out of it!", shouts Crystal.
Totodile grunts and tries to shut out the interfering supersonic waves (while its feet keep moving, of course) and with that, he is able to refocus and resume normal... er um, unnormal dancing snapping out of Crobat's supersonic trance. "Don't let up on it, Crobat, use your wing attack!", shouts Brock. Crobat zips in on Totodile ready to hit it with one of its wings so Crystal has it duck down and wait until the very last moment to jump away. And when Totodile moves aside, Crobat's wing ends up hitting the ground due to the lower target that Totodile set for itself. This causes Crobat to lose control for a moment with its wing getting bruised. "Crobat, try and fight through it", says Brock as Crystal then has Totodile use its hydro pump while Crobat unevenly flying low to the ground drenching the pink, four-winged creature. "Crobat, try and get up!", pleads Brock as Crobat turns around only to be tackled to the ground by Totodile at Crystal's command putting it out of the match as Flint declares Totodile the winner.
"Yes... way to go, Totodile, that's one down and two to go!", shouts Cris-tal. "Totodile!", replies Totodile as it starts dancing in joy, "Totototototototo-dile totototototototototo-dile totodile dile!" "Wow, that a tough matchup. I'm impressed that Totodile was able to come through, especially against Brock's Crobat. But then again, I'd expect nothing less out of a fellow water pokemon and Totodile's going to bring Crystal to victory! Yaaay!", Misty shouts clearly on Cris-tal's side... with no disrespect to Brock. "Totodile did a great job and indeed, I didn't think it would beat Crobat either. But I think Brock has more than one trick up his sleeve", Justin comments making Misty ask him what he means. Thus he tells her, "I have a feeling that this battle is about to take a left hand turn." "What do you mean?", asks Misty as we hear Janelle still rooting for Brock and proclaiming her love for him. "I wasn't referring to her though", Justin whispers to Misty with a weird look on his face making Misty look perplexingly at her as well.
Brock then thinks to himself before choosing his next pokemon, "I can't use Onix or Magcargo against Totodile. It looks like it's time to bring out the gym's secret weapon." And thus he throws out his next pokemon which reveals itself to be........ a Kabutops?!?! Yes.... yes it is, and it make Totodile drop its jaw and stop dancing for a moment and the threesome also gasps. "A Kabutops??", wonders Crystal along with Sandshrew. "No way!", shouts Justin in shock as the Kabutops seems to call out Totodile inquiring about battle. It then stares at a defensive Crystal and Totodile in front of her.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (This pokemon has given woman the likes of Nurse Joy and Misty fits and nightmares.)
It's Gyarados!! .......................................... (deeply) "Rroooooooooaaar!!!"
Kabutops stands in a battling position digging its claws into the ground as Misty asks, "I don't understand, Kabutops is a prehistoric pokemon that doesn't exist. How were you able to capture one Brock?" "I'll be happy to explain to you guys. Technically though, isn't my pokemon, it's official property of the gym", comments Brock. "Property of the gym?", mutters Cris-tal as Sandshrew, Pikachu, and Totodile are also perplexed. Flint says that he can explain and he narrates that while Brock was with Ash and Misty on their years of travel, they discovered the cave with tons of ancient artifacts in them. We see an image of the cave which is VERY familiar to the cave that TR entered into. During the excavation, Flint claims that he and a group of scientists (aka fellow crack smokers) discovered something extraordinary..... the presence of fossilized remains of prehistoric pokemon. When they took them into a laboratory, they were able to clone the DNA and were able to generate their own prehistoric pokemon. And since I was able to join in on the project, our gym officially received some of the pokemon they made there.
One of Brock's siblings chips in on the horror story of pokemon cloning saying that they have one of each of the prehistoric pokemon that they made in the special prehistoric pokemon lab. They have an Omanyte, a Kabuto, an Omastar, and the Kabutops they see on the battlefield and the young 'un offers the threesome a look at them after the battle. He also says that the only pokemon they haven't been able to generate is the rare Aerodactyl and they hope to have one of them when they're able to make one. "The lab has produced the only set of prehistoric pokemon in the entire world... with the exception of the Red Moon Island incident (from the Orange island episode, Shell Shock) where the island fell apart due the Kabuto fossils coming to life. "That's where I caught my Kabuto and then it later evolved into Kabutops", states Justin as we see the image of him capturing a Kabuto on the escape raft in between Misty and Tracey.
"I see... but our Kabutops is gym tested and battle tough and it's ready to mow over some competition", Brock shouts. "Totodile and I think otherwise", responds Crystal. "Pika PIKACHUUU!", adds Pikachu defiantly while Justin warns Crystal that the Kabutops is very experienced and powerful. "How do you know that?", asks Misty and Justin responds that he can tell from the length of the extra long scythes that Kabutops has indicating that the Kabutops has a high experience level. "Yeah... but it's still a rock type that Totodile can quickly water gun down. That was a big mistake, Brock", declares Crystal. "Totodile!", adds Totodile as Justin begs for her to hang on. But Cris-tal doesn't listen and has Totodile use water gun which pelts Kabutops but Brock's Kabutops is able to fight it off to the shock of Crystal and co.
Crystal doesn't understand what happened so Justin shouts at her, "Cris... I tried to warn you, but Kabutops is not only a rock type pokemon. It is also a water pokemon." "AHHH... That's right!", snaps Cris-tal as Brock sends the Kabutops to headbutt Totodile which impacts the wily gator for a moment. But true to its form, Totodile gets up starts dancing again. "Don't give in, Totodile! Just keep fighting", shouts Crystal. "Kabutops, use submission!", shouts Brock as Kabutops takes Totodile, contorts its body, and then starts rolling around with it (GETCHA MIND OUTTA DA GUTTA!). "Totodile, try to escape!", pleads Crystal and Totodile's craftiness enables it to squirm away and start dancing on Kabutops. "Way to go, Totodile!", shouts Crystal as Kabutops is left in the dirt. Crystal then tries to have Totodile use hydro pump which Brock counters with Kabutops's swords dance.
Kabutops spins around which enables it to endure the insanely powerful burst of water. Thus, Kabutops keeps spinning right for Totodile and despite Crystal's pleas to look out, Totodile wiggles in the air a bit and then Brock's.... oh, ahem... the gym's Kabutops spins into Totodile sending it crashing against the rock to the concern of the threesome. This puts Kabutops in prime position to slash Totodile with its oversized sword arms making Justin shout, "NOOO! That'll bust Totodile wide open!" But his shouting is useless as Totodile gets slashed and it ends up with multiple bruises and bumps as it goes down to the ground in pretty bad shape. "Totodile is unable to continue! This round goes to Kabutops!", proclaims Flint. "Oh no, now that Totodile's gone, Crystal doesn't have a water pokemon to battle against Brock with", Misty fears. "That isn't good, but this battle's not over!", adds Justin as we hear more happy cheering from Janelle for her boyfriend. "Oh, thank you, my sweet nectar of life. You're the jewel that keeps sparkling on and keeps me running towards victory. (!)And I also can't wait for the end of the battle when I get to have you in my arms again", Brock proclaims making his Janelle blush.
I think that can speak for itself.
Crystal apologizes to Totodile before calling his efforts valiant and then calls back Totodile, who's eyes are even X-ed out (it really looks like its dead... but of course it's not), saying it deserves a nice, long rest as usual. Misty then expresses anxiety over the power that Brock's Kabutops has and that Crystal needs a pokemon that has enough experience to keep up with Kabutops but also has a type advantage against it but Pikachu's already unavailable for the battle. So Crystal thinks to herself, "I can't use Pikachu, unfortunately..... but.... I caaaan uuuse." She then shouts, "Bulbasaur, I choose yooooou!", and the nasty tempered one comes out looks really crabby and pissed from not appearing in several episodes. "Bulbasaur... that's a good decision", affirms Misty as Justin wonders if it's experienced enough to keep up with Kabutops.
Hmm... let's see.. Bulbasaur's been around since the very very very beginning (only Pikachu's been 'round longer) while Kabutops was developed once they made that cave TR is skulking around in not too long ago... even if Kabutops has had a ton of battles, I think Bulbasaur might be okay, nay?
"Bulbasaur may have a type advantage, but Kabutops is still ready", Brock says. "We'll see about that, use your razor leaf, Bulbasaur!", responds Crystal. Bulbasaur tries to cut up Kabutops but it starts spinning again to deflect the attack. "Oh no, not the spinning again. That's what got Totodile!", says Crystal. Brock then has his Kabutops use ancient power making Justin panic shouting that ancient power is Kabutop's strongest attack! Bulbasaur tries to escape with Cris-tal's warnings but Kabutops attack sees a wave of boulders streaming right at Bulbasaur and they're just too large to maneuver away from. Thus, Bulbasaur gets thrashed around and over one of the boulders on the field landing very roughly. "Oh no, that was a rough spill. I hope Bulbasaur can endure that", fears Justin. But of course, Bulbasaur is way too tough and surly to give in just because of one 'most powerful attack' and thus, it struggles to its feet groaning, "Bulllbaaassshaaaauur!" "You okay Bulbasaur?", asks Crystal and Bulbasaur grunts back (man does it sound cool).
So Crystal has it use vine whip but even this attack can't penetrate Kabutops rapidly spinning defense. "I don't get it... how is Kabutops stopping all of my attacks?", wonders Crystal. Brock responds that it is a rare technique that they were able to use where Kabutops's fast spinning enables it to deflect many attacks rendering all of Bulbasaur's powerful grass attack unusable. Brock then has Kabutops headbutt Bulbasaur making it take more damage, but the pesky Bulbasaur will just refuse to go down. "I'm impressed, a normal pokemon would have been down by now. But Bulbasaur's toughness is keeping it in the match", says Janelle experiencing Bulbasaur's toughness firsthand. Brock then finishes, "but not for long..." Crystal then thinks of a way to attack but any idea she makes is blocked by the notion of Kabutops spinning it off, until she spots a 5 foot tall rock jutting out of the ground to the right and just behind Kabutops. So she has Bulbasaur use its razor leaf triggering Brock to chide Crystal saying that she's making a mistake. But then Crystal has Bulbasaur aim for the aforementioned boulder behind Kabutops which cuts up the boulder.
Brock then sees the boulder falling onto Kabutops making him shout, "Kabutops, look out!" But Kabutops can't escape and the boulder falls on top of it crushing it to the ground. "Oh nooo!", shouts Brock as Misty and Justin are impressed by Cris-tal's presence of mind to use the field to her advantage. When Kabutops struggles to get to its feet and lose the boulder, the aggressive Bulbasaur is right on it using vine whip to grab it around the shoulders of the dangerous looking pokemon. "NOOOOOOOOW.. VIIINE WHIP IT!", shouts Crystal aggressively as Bulbasaur swings the long-scythed Kabutops around and around until it powerbombs Kabutops into another boulder. Kabutops tries to get up once again to Brock's request making Justin remark, "It's still not going down, that's one tough Kabutops." But then Crystal has Bulbasaur seal the deal by using sleep powder which it emits from its bulb around the boulder where Kabutops is clutching its back in pain. The sleepy powder though makes the pain aaaall go away and Kabutops passes out making Bulbasaur the winner.
"That's okay, Brock, just keep fighting", cheers Janelle sounding more serious as Brock goes over to check on Kabutops complimenting it for its outstanding effort. "Well Misty, Cris is just one pokemon away from winning the battle", Justin says to her. "But what pokemon will they face, it could be Onix but it could also be Magcargo, Bulbasaur would be in trouble against Magcargo", Misty replies. Janelle then tells them seriously about how good Crystal is as a trainer. "I know.. it's amazing how she has done this in such a short period of time. The Kanto League is the first competition that Crystal has ever entered in and even now, her record as a trainer rivals someone with a proven track record like you know who...", says Justin suggesting himself. "Misdreee", says Misdreavus as Janelle wow's at that little tidbit of information. "I think I know who you're referring to...", Misty then tells Justin before sticking it to him finishing, "You mean Gary Oak." Justin bites his tongue in shock to Misty's diss concluding, "Yeah.... you could... say that." "Misdreeeavuuuus", finishes Misdreavus.
"Umm... Janelle? There's been something I've been meaning to ask you but haven't been able to yet", Misty tells her. "Okay", responds Janelle and Misty asks her, "You are a lucky woman to umm, find Brock. But it doesn't bother you about all the times he's.... well... either had his heart broken or... been rejected." Janelle laughs and answers the redhead, "Oh no, I'm sorry that I've acted really unusually and that it has scared you, but I'm really not that crazy. I'm actually going to school for engineering at Pewter College. The only way that I'm a little crazy is in my love for Brock." "Well that's kind of a relief", smiles Justin. "Oh, and I meant to tell you earlier, but Brock is grateful for all the times you kept him from getting distracted and keeping him on track", Janelle tells her. Yes Janelle, and thus, you two could be together night and day and f*ck like animals. But young Misty tells her like it is by simply replying....
"I'm sure he is..."
Now onto TR, we find them with their flashlights plunging into this mysterious cave along with Delibird who's still following them around. All of them are still on the hunt for Dunsparce as well as the constantly recurring Suicune whom they think went into the cave. "Suicune?", calls out Jessie. "Dunspahce?", calls out Meowth. "Anybody home?", asks James. "How deep is this stupid cave??", shouts Jessie. "Jessie, calm down. We don't want to scare off Suicune!", James turns to tell her. The distraction makes him not see the big mysterious bump in the ground which he trips over, eeeeeee-ing all the way. "Are you alright, James. With your low intelligence you need to look before even taking each step", Jessie says to him with his ass up in the air as he scratches the dirt off it. "Delibirdi", adds Delibird before James retorts that he doesn't need them to feel humiliated as he's capable of that all by himself. "We've noticed!", Meowth tells him as James finally gets up.
Delibird then points out the thing that James tripped over and the three of them go to look at it. "Aww?", gapes Meowth as James realizes that it is something pretty valuable. "Oh myyy", he squeals sounding quite queer, "This looks like the fossilized remains of a prehistoric pokemon. This could be worth big bucks!" "Ey look... dere's an inscription uhbove dis fossil", points out Meowth making Jessie ask him what it says so he reads, "Dis is da bone structcha of da rare Aerodactyl, da most powuhful flyin' pokemon uhround tuhday. Here in dis shrine is da decorations dat we adorn dis place wit tuh give tanks to da all-powuhful Aerodactyl." "A shrine?", wonders Jessie as James concludes that they must have dug this place to get all of the valuable artifacts but that they must not have gotten all of them. "Ahhhh, look at this", squeals Jessie as she discovers a golden tray partially buried beneath the ground, "There's another artifact here!" "And here's another artifact dere", adds Meowth pointing out what appears to be a 2-D image of a Kabuto shaped in diamonds. "And look here.. Dunsparce has found another little something sticking out of the wall a bit", James adds shining the flashlight on Dunsparce as Delibird also jumps around at these discoveries.
Jessie then realizes that they found Dunsparce and yells at it that they've been looking for it. She then asks it if it has seen Suicune and Dunsparce shakes it head buzzing, "Drrrnnt!" "Really?", responds Jessie looking puzzled as Meowth assures her not to worry since they're sure to find Suicune if they keep going deeper into the cave. "Not to mention the droves of valuables that we can find which can translate in riches beyond our wildest dreams", adds James. "And dat way, we kin also make da boss very happy as well as our little Delibird buddy so it don't hafta eva bothuh us anymore", Meowth tells her. "Delibirdiiii", chimes in Delibird as Jessie then tells them that they should know what to do. And thus, she takes charge, cuz she really is in charge for matter of speaking, and tells them, "Let's keep going and find more rare prehistoric artifacts." "Yeah, da most valuable ones is probably at da end of da road", Meowth says as they zip around working and take the valuables, working their way deeper into the cave.
Brock finally calls back Kabutops so the battle can finally resume. Flint tells Brock that he can keep Kabutops's pokeball until the end of the battle and he'll treat it at the Pokemon Center afterwards to which Brock has no qualms about. Brock then thinks about the next pokemon he's going to choose saying to himself, "I could go with Magcargo and easily mow down Bulbasaur, but then she'd counter with Sandshrew and easily beat Magcargo. I'll have to go the other way." And thus he shouts out for his Forretress to go battle..... that's right... the Forretress that was once Brock's Pineco. "Forretress!", cries Forretress staring right at Bulbasaur. Crystal gasps, "I've never seen a Forretress before", which makes her get out the pokedex.
Forretress - the Bagworm Pokemon - Forretress usually remains, immovably rooted to, its tree. Forretress scatters, pieces, of its hard shell to drive, its enemies away.
"Forretress?", wonders Justin as Misty figures out that Brock's must have evolved its self-destructing Pineco while its been back at the gym battling. Crystal figures the same thing and warns Bulbasaur to stay ready since Forretress can be tricky. "Bulbasaur", replies Bulbasaur indifferently just wanting to continue to whoop some ass as she has Bulbasaur use vine whip on it. But Forretress sidesteps it not once, but twice which Misty indicates as a bad sign for Bulbasaur. "Keep it moving, Bulbasaur! You'll get it eventually", shouts Crystal. But Bulbasaur's tiring victory over Kabutops finally begins to take its toll and it can't whip its vines around fast enough to get Forretress and thus, Brock has it move in for the kill. "Forretress, take down attack now!", shouts Brock and Forretress leaps right onto Bulbasaur to Cris-tal's concern. She tries to have it get up but then Brock stays on top of the situation having Forretress use pin missile where Forretress spins around rapidly generating spikes from its body which pelts Bulbasaur and despite all its aggression and frustration, Bulbasaur can't recover and is deemed unable to battle.
"Oh man, Brock's Pineco has really improved a lot", Misty quips. Justin quickly corrects her, "You mean his Forretress...", and Misty quickly confirms her mistake. "That's the way to do it, Brock. Whoooo, come on, keep going. I'll raise my voice to the rafters for you just like the heights you've taken my heart to. I even wanna come by your side and battle alongside you, we'll be a team that can't be beaten", shouts Janelle going nuts again as the screen displays an image of her throwing a pokeball alongside her hubby. But then Misty thankfully stops the madness (or thanklessly depending on your point of view) dragging her away by the ear and saying, "Oh, you guys are quite a team, but for now let us watch Brock finish the match."
Don't forget, Misty's still intrigued by Brock as well and probably wants to see him work it, too.
Cris-tal then turns to Sandshrew giving him a look of interest perhaps wanting him to battle. But Crystal has second thoughts not sure about the type matchup which gives the onlookers a feeling that Crystal is getting nervous. But this brings forth something encouraging for civilization. Instead of the usual nasty speech for the trainer to give up and forfeit like you normally see on Pokemon, and what you see all the time on Yu-Gi-Hole, everybody from Misty and Justin, to the little kiddies, to even Janelle start to push for Crystal. "Don't hold back now, you're an awesome trainer. I know you can give my big brother one last great battle", says one of Brock's little sisters. Justin and Misty seem pleasantly surprised by the sudden encouragement by Brock's peeps and Misty figures that maybe they want to see her succeed. Even Janelle in her skimpy cheerleading attire shouts, "Come on Crystal, you've gotten this far, you can do it!" But what probably connects to Crystal the most is the simple look and nod from Brock's dad, Flint, which connects to her quite easily since they're fellow addicts. This somehow helps her to refocus and see a little bit straighter and she refocuses thinking, "I could go with Sandshrew whom I usually go with, but Cyndaquil is a much better type matchup here, and I shouldn't rely on using Sandshrew every single time. I just hope Cyndaquil has the experience to hang with Forretress."
"Well Crystal", says Brock with arms folded and waiting for her, "What are you going to do, now?" Crystal looks up at him determinately and calmly tells him, "I'm going to win, Brock. Okay Cyndaquil, let's go!" "Cyndaquiiil", squeals Cyndaquil as it leaps out of its pokeball looking as much of an underdog as it always has. "Interesting, Crystal went with Cyndaquil instead of Sandshrew. Can't really blame her though, I don't see what else could penetrate that thick steel coating of Forretress other than a fire attack", Misty comments. Flint gives the trainers the signal and Cris-tal starts off by having Cyndaquil attack Forretress with a barrage of flamethrowers. Forretress uses the boulders to duck each attack as it bounces from rock to rock. Brock then has Forretress use pin missile where it spins its stingers at Cyndaquil like it did against Bulbasaur. Crystal responds, "Cyndaquil, hide behind the boulders just like Forretress", and Cyndaquil ducks behind a boulder, peeking out when its safe and then dodging behind the next boulder before the attack can hit.
Crystal then decides to have Cyndaquil pursue Forretress since Crystal tells him that he's too hot for Forretress to handle. So we see Cyndaquil catch up to Forretress in what ultimately looks like a game of tag.... except with no screaming or cooties or any of that immature stuff, this is serious. "You've got it, now. Use your swift attack Cyndaquil!", shouts Crystal and Forretress gets assaulted with a barrage of stars that Cyndaquil is attacking with. "Good job, now use your flamethrower!", shouts Crystal and Forretress get burned quite severely with Cyndaquii's fully powered flamethrower. "This one's not over yet! Forretress, take down attack!", shouts Brock and Forretress somehow breaks free to smash Cyndaquil hard into a waiting boulder to the concern of the threesome, Flint, Janelle, and the kiddies. "Cyndaquil, are you alright?", shouts out Crystal. "Saaashreeewww!", worries Sandshrew along with Pikachu as Justin claims that Cyndaquil took a hard hit and he's not sure whether he can go on.
But as Cyndaquil and the local 5' 4" hoop star that works at the local Taco Bell can prove, appearances can be deceiving. Cyndaquil struggles back to its feet squealing as much as possible to try and split everyone's eardrums neatly in two. But Brock tries to cut it off and move in for the kill having Forretress trying to take down Cyndaquil again, or in this case, jump on the squealy mouse and create an image of Fortquilshipping. "Foorretress!", shouts Forretress getting ready to land on Cyndaquil. "Poor Cyndaquil, it's in trouble", fears Janelle out of concern for the koot lil' thing. But then Crystal smirks that 'I gotcha and now I'm gonna win' smirk and says, "...not really, yo! Cyndaquil, flame wheel now!" And thus, Cyndaquil surrounds itself with a cyclone of fire and when poor helpless Forretress lands down, it gets swept up in the inferno. "Oh no, Forretress!!", shouts Brock as his little explosion prone metal covered pinecone thing spins around burnt and dazed from the trap it launched itself into.
"What a move, I knew Cris has something left in her", shouts Justin in encouragement. "Misdreeavuus", adds Misdreavus looking at the battle as well. "All right Cyndaquil, tackle it before it recovers", shouts Cris-tal and Cyndaquil puts the complimentary exclamation point on the battle slamming into Forretress knocking it for a loop and out of the match. "Forretress is unable to battle, the winner of the battle is Cyndaquil. That makes the winner of the match, Crystal", announces Flint waving his green flag in her direction. "Nice job, Cyndaquil. We did it!", shouts Crystal as she, Sandshrew, and Pikachu go over to celebrate with the little fire mouse that could.... but is still desperate to score. Brock compliments his Forretress for his effort and calls him back into its pokeball. "You did great, Crystal, you are every bit the trainer I expected you to be", compliments Brock. "Thank you, Brock, it's all good thanks to my pokemon. They've been everything I expected them to be and more", Crystal replies.
The others then join the group of them as Janelle clings right to Brock as he welcomes her running on asking her if his one and only princess enjoyed the battle and whether or not the seating was too rough asking if he should install plush cushions on the seats.
Now theeeere's our Brock!
Janelle responds that it was a pure joy as always to watch him battle and that even though he lost, she is still proud of him and his pokemon and then she runs on about how he's the prince and how he's the apple of her eye and that no one can make a better apple pie a la mode than him, not even Martha Stewart. And they both run on and on about each other as Misty curiously quips, "I hope they'll have enough energy left for a kiss after talking about each other so much." "I wouldn't worry about energy regarding those two... especially considering this delicious mocha latte that Brock serves up", Justin answers her holding up a Styrofoam cup of joe with Misdreavus hovering above him. Crystal then sighs, "Whew... I'm kinda glad that I don't get swarmed like that", looking at Brock and Janelle cuddling each other. And on cue, here comes Brock's mass of brothers and sisters to be wowed and amazed by Crystal and her pokemon. And so, we hear kiddie lines such as...
"Your pokemon are awesome, how do I catch a Pikachu like that?"
"Are you gonna come back and visit"
"I like the way your Totodile dances"
"Can you make funny faces just like my big brother?"
"Are you related to Michael Jackson?"
"Can you hook me up with Cristina Aguilera tickets?"
"How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop?"
Okay, the last few were a little suspicious or heard incorrectly, but anyway, Crystal cringes as the mob swamps her as well as Pikachu, Sandshrew, and Cyndaquil. "I guess you do have something, they want", comments Justin as we hear the kids asking her for her autograph. They even provide her with the pen for signing, those well-thinking offspring of Flint.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (This fish pokemon has a bright light that can light up the sea... but it's also fat which can offset that advantage.)
It's Lanturn!! ........................................ "Laaaaann LAAAAAAANN!"
Meanwhile, Team Rocket has now reached really deep into the cave that James is starting to question whether or not they'll ever get out. "Good gracious, how deep does this cavern get?", he complains with Delibird trailing him. "I hope it goes far enough to where we get sometin valuable enough so dat we nevuh hafta worry about money evuh again", Meowth comments. "Wooooooobbuuhhffeeeeeet!", shouts Wobbuffet coming out of its pokeball and saluting as Jessie shouts at Meowth that she'd worry a little less if he actually was picking up some fragments of treasures just like the armful that both Jessie and James have. "I'm lookin' for a big one.... aw?", says Meowth before stumbling upon a golden paw. "Ey look.. it' a paw, en it's made uh gold!", points out Meowth getting TR's attention. "Let's get it out", declares James as Jessie wonders how they're going to get it out since it's lodged in so tight. "Who cares? Let's dig it out!", says Meowth excitedly as they pull and pull but don't seem to get anywhere until something shakes the entire cavern which jars free the statue which, to Meowth's ecstacy, reveals to be a realistic-sized Meowth statue made of solid gold!! "DAAAAAHH!! It's solid gold, imagine what I could do wit' a treasha like dis", Meowth quivers as he becomes teary-eyed at the flawless artwork. "Ooooh, it is beautiful", adds James with disturbing admiration. Delibird also has great interest in confiscating this Meowth statue as it will help to recover the debt that Jessie and TR amounted throughout Kanto.
Jessie then figures out that they didn't jar that out of the cavern wall themselves. Wobbuffet concurs as James responds curiously, "But what helped us?" A menacing growl is then heard from the darkness just beyond their flashlights. Dunsparce immediately loses its curiosity and slithers back to the comfort of looking up Jessie's skirt. "Wh-wh-what is that?", wonders Jessie as James suggests that it could be Suicune. "Well if it is, we got it trapped. We's backin' da cave exit so Suicune can't just waltz past us", remarks Meowth as the growling becomes more carnivorous making TR more frightened. "Show yourself to us!", demands Jessie. "WOOOOBBUUH WOOOOOOOBBUUHHH!", adds Wobbuffet as they shine their flashlights on not Suicune, but what turns out to be an Aerodactyl! An angry, pissed off, criminally insane Aerodactly. "What is that?", wonders James nervously as Meowth realizes that it's an Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl takes a step towards our heroes and proceeds to roar very loudly at them going, "RRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRR!!!"
TR, along with Wobbuffet, Dunsparce, and Delibird watching, then proceed to soil themselves as they scream like 5 year old girls as they are now stuck with this killer Aerodactyl deep into this prehistoric cave. Aerodactyl then makes the cave shake while back at the gym as this is unfolding, Flint clears the kiddies away as Brock presents Crystal with the Kanto League boulder badge. "Crystal, I'm impressed with how well you've worked with the Ash's pokemon and the trust that they have in you shows it. It's clear to all of us that we left these pokemon's fate in very good hands with you and I know you have the skill as a trainer to win the Kanto League. Thus, it is my honor to give you this Kanto boulder badge", Brock tells her. And thus, Crystal shouts out in joy as she shows the golden badge to the home audience with Pikachu and Sandshrew jumping up to add their joy.
But their joy is short-lived as the gym begins to shake from what's going on in the nearby cave. "What's going on? It feels like an earthquake", shouts Misty as the siblings all huddle together around Brock and Janelle. "Something's going on outside", shouts Brock in shock. "It sounds like whatever it is is coming from the north", Flint declares, "We have to figure out what's happening." They then hear the roar of Aerodactyl and the screams of TR and company. "Those screams, there must be some people in trouble", fears Janelle as Crystal says awkwardly that it sounded to her like TR cuz she can hear strange things like that and pick up on them. "We've gotta move", declares Flint as the twerps and our TR heroes are all left in very unstable situations. And by God, what plans does that killdeath Aerodactyl have for TR and the twerps as well? I'm sure that you destruction fans will be cheering for the explosions and chaos that this pissed off creature will create as a result of TR's innocent mishap. But you'll have to wait for next time... and I don't know when next time is... honestly, I really don't.
To Be Continued