Dragonitemare presents
Pokemon Crystal series
Ep. 35
Well well well now.... our threesome's pokemon line-up has been shuffled a bit and its brought (for the most part), lovable and entertaining pokemon for dodgers to read about. And the trainers all have pokemon that give us the chuckles and the split sides..... from laughter of course. Crystal has the infamous pokemon couple traveling with her and we get to see Sandshrew and Pikachu's sexy antics. Misty has Staryu who spins around and shouts, "HYA!!!!", not to mention Psyduck who just holds its head which many see as a joke in itself. And then there's Justin whose pokemon entertainment includes................
Uhhhhh............ ummm............... well Dragonite has those silly pink shades reminiscent of Donna Summer worshippers. That's worth mentioning...... as well as........ umm....... let's see....... entertaining, huh? Hmm................... damn.... none of them could ever draw in any big crowds of WB viewers. Man, Justin's pokemon lineup is apparently as dull and lifeless as those wussy rock bands that appear on TV infomercials.
................. until today!!!!
That's right..... for today (or tonight in this episode), Justin ends up getting a new pokemon for his lineup in place of Gyarados. And this female pokemon's lust for Justin will make that damn whore Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium's lust for Ash look like a first grade crush. Well................. actually....... first grade crushes can get pretty steamy at times...
Ummm.... huh huh...
Aaaaaannnnnyhoo, we start this episode with the threesome all tired and actually sleeping in separate beds (provided by the 4Kids Corporation). They are inside a bedroom in what's appears to be from the outside to be a haunted hotel.
Ok... It's dodgy already....
Inside though, there doesn't seem to be any problems thus far with dodginess. Everyone is sleeping like a baby as we see them snoozin and snorin while outside, the wind picks up a little bit. But then, near the doorway to the bedroom something begins to materialize only its so dark, that we don't even get to see what it is. All we see of the stalker are the flashing red eyes to indicate that its a creepy evil entity in the pokemon world..... just like Togepi was.
We notice the creepy eyes observe Crystal, then Pikachu, then Sandshrew, then onto Misty, and then finally to Justin. All of them are peacefully sleeping away and have no idea that they're being spied on. The red eyed voyeur then fixates on Justin as we move in on him before the screen transforms into dream world for a second.
And in this magical world (one of the many that Crystal has been in), Justin is lying down on a huge bed and then into the room walk a gorgeous knockout of a babe. Justin opens his eyes a crack before rubbing them just to make sure he hasn't gone to heaven. Then the heavenly looking woman speaking to him in a sultry tone of voice, "There you are..... you're the one I've always been in love with...."
................................................ Okay kiddies...... sound it out with me now. Porn............. nog............. gra................... phy. Yes dodgers..... it's called the first step to pornography. And if it were Brock and not Justin in this dream, it would also be the last step.
"Are you for real?", asks Justin who's still groggy from his sleep. The bombshell in the silverish nightgown responds, "Yes.... and I've wanted to be yours ever since I found out about you." She continues to walk towards Justin lying in his bed as you can almost hear the cheesy porn music begin in your heads. "You're beautiful....", compliments Justin in awe of the woman's beauty. "Oh...... you're so handsome...... kiss me now!!!", pleads the woman.
Get ready to start the pokemon sex scene countdown!!!
Justin looks up in awe at the hot young woman's figure as the woman starts to make some kind of moaning sound as if he wants him. But then hold the phone, the apparent sex scene was just a mirage as the woman's moan turn into the devious laugh of a ghost pokemon. But it isn't a Gastly.... or a Haunter or horny Gengar either. Rather, it's a rather fashionable looking pokemon carrying a necklace on its vaporized bodyless corpse (nice job pokemon creators!). It also has rather long and flowing vaporized ghost hair as well as some sort of make-up on.
The scary looking womanly pokemon then laughs wickedly as it floats towards Justin. Needless to say, Justin goes from superly-duperly horny and his face slowly turns into horror as he's now scared sh*tless. He's able to save himself from the nightmare by screaming for his unused, unfulfilled life. The only problem with this is that the scream carries into the real world and wakes up everyone else in horror.
"What's going on?!!!", shouts Misty alertly as Pikachu looks quickly around looking really, really scared that somthing terrible is happening. The uncertainty is frightening the pudgy little shock mouse so it defends itself against the uncertainty by shocking whatever is around it. But unfortunately, Pikachu just adds to the panic by thunderbolt the everliving crap out of everyone in the bedroom in what turns out to be not a sexy, pornographic NC-17 rated scene, but one of those humorous twerp assaulting confusion scenes that many could help not loving.
<cue intro>
The entire twerp crew is statically charged and black from Pikachu's thunder jolt....... except for Sandshrew who's shock proof.... which makes it so easy to see why he made Pikachu his bitch. Misty then goes off on Justin yelling at him, "What was that about.... you scared the heck out of me?" "Yeah, you even startled poor Pikachu..... what's wrong with you?", adds Crystal exacerbating the humiliating night Justin has had so far.
"Sorry guys...... I just had this horrific nightmare", explains Justin. "A nightmare?........ what about?", wonders Misty. "Well, I was dreaming about a beautiful date and then it turns into a horrifically real Misdreavus......... it was horrible", explains Justin sadly as he tries to get the girls to understand. "I know it was really a bad experience for you.... but did you really have to scream like that and scare all of us half to death?", asks Misty angrily.
"Ooohhhh.... maybe not... I'm sorry!", apologizes Justin, "But it seemed too real!!", he then says as if he were to experience the life of a porn star for a moment. "It must've been really bad for you to just wake up and scare everyone like that...", rationalizes Misty. "Hmmm.... you said it was a Misdreavus that scared you, huh?", asks Crystal. "Yeah.... it was totally ..... just ....... wrong....", says Justin who's still scared to death after the porn scene gone wrong. "Misdreavus....", wonders Crystal as she flips out Dexter for her mid-night poke-info fix.
Misdreavus - the screech pokemon - Misdreavus likes playing mischievous tricks such as screaming and wailing to startle people at night.
"I don't understand, though.... why would a Misdreavus be around here trying to joke on everyone?", figures a very groggy Crystal ignorantly while her long time pet Sandshrew agreeing with her. "Crystal's right! You probably just had one of your dreams gone wrong!", agrees Misty. "Justin then shivers as he utters nervously, "Uh-huh-huh.... I'm not sure if I can stay asleep after what I went through...." Crystal then sighs and mutters, "All right then.... we're going back to bed anyway. Do what you will but do NOT think about waking us again! Got it?" "Fine", responds Justin, "I'll stay awake without you!"
Oh.............. poor Justin... how horrible. <weep>
So the girls and the pokemon go back to sleep as Justin stays awake sweating nervously for horny excuse for a life. While the girls are soundly asleep, all Justin hears is the spooky whistling of the winds as he grips his blankie like an eagle in fright. We then notice his poor little teeth chattering in nervousness as he must still be in trauma from having a beautiful wet dream robbed from him.
Hopefully that will never happen to any bro...... especially any bros readin this.
He then nervously clamors to himself, "This is horrible..... I can't stay here. I'll have another terrible nightmare...." He then hears more noises and jumps as if they're all terrifying ghost pokemon. "I can't take this..... I gotta get outta here..... at least for a little while until I lose this fear", figures Justin so he quietly gets the rest of his clothes and he quietly takes off for a peaceful and hopefully unhorrifying walk leaving the girls to sleep unattended.
Bad... bad nanny Justin!!!!!
So Justin sneaks out of the haunted hotel as we then notice the figure with the spooky red eyes from earlier coming out from hiding. The figure comes out of the darkness from earlier and reveals itself to be................... well ain't this freaky.... a Misdreavus has come out and it then floats off apparently in pursuit of the fine piece of ass that is Justin.
The resident ghost apparently knows what it likes and hustles for, wouldn't ya say dodgers?
But while the girls sleep peacefully and Justin is out on a middle of the night walk, our heroes from the organization of Team Rocket are working on their latest trap no matter how drowzy they currently are (no PUN-ishment intended). "We've got to set this trap now so that when the twerps come by here in the morning, we'll be ready!", explains Jessie as she and Meowth proceed to dig some kind of ditch using a big pick axe and a junior sized pick axe for Meowth.
"It's fun ta get a jump on da twerps by staying up en chattin in da middle of da night! Ain't dat right, Jimmy?", says Meowth as he turns towards him and ends up staring at................... our other TR hero Wobbuffet. "WOOOOOOOOOOBBBUUUUHHFFET!", shouts Wobbuffet as Meowth pauses in confusion. "You're not James.... and why aren't you working??!", wonders Jessie. "Woooooooobbbuuhh woooobb woooobbbuuuhh!", thoughtfully answers Wobbuffet.
"Ooohhh... where is James?", grovels Jessie as she spots him sleeping like a log next to the ditch TR is digging. So then Jessie naturally figures it's right to go over to him, bitch slap him repeatedly and shout, "Wake up wake up wake up wake UP!!" James opens his eyes and yawns giving Jessie a horrible morning breath smell. "Oohh... what time is it?", wonders James as he looks at his watch which says, "4 in the morning.... oohhhh.... good night!" James tries to pass back out but Jessie grabs him by his long blue hair and shouts, "James, we're working here!!! We have to make this trap so we can finally exact our revenge on those twerps."
"But I'm so tired, Jessie!", shines James so Jessie responds, "You don't have a reason to be tired. You know that we all had plenty of coffee we looted from that Wawa." "Yeah... but you hogged most of the latte for yourself. No wonder why you're still awake", complains James. "I had to have all that raspberry hazelnut flavored coffee!", responds Jessie. "Itwas a totally satisfyin feelin in my mouth!", adds Meowth. James then mopes, "Ooohhh.... oh well... it was only Wawa coffee anyway!", figuring that if it ain't Starbucks, it's not worth it.
Besides, don't a lot of those coffee hounds look like Jessie and James anyway?
Author's note: Wawa is a convenience store chain with locations on every other block along the New Jersey shoreline.
James begins to sappily work on their trap for the twerps slowly digging with his pick axe. "Hah... if it ain't premium blend.. it ain't evah good enough fah you Jimmy", says Meowth. James then slumps while Wobbuffet agrees with Meowth, "Wooooooooobbbuuuuhh!" "Why are you siding with Meowth?!! You don't even drink coffee you unsolid blobbily blob!", wonders James. "Actually, Wobbuffet did drink some of the coffee you stole", corrects Jessie. James then freezes in shock at the fact that Wobbuffet actually drinks Wawa coffee as Wobbuffet salutes him back and wisley utters, "Woooooooobbbuuuuhhhffet!"
While TR creates their trap and fights their grogginess, little do they know that Justin is up a 4 in the morning wandering the area and heading straight for them. But he's still significantly far away as we see him walk out of an afformentioned Wawa with what appears to be a coffee in his hands. "Drat! They were out of raspberry hazelnut coffee. Now I'm stuck with just the lousy original blend", says Justin annoyed that all the good coffee was taken by those with a good taste for eccentric things like fancy coffee. He continues to walk off as he is still being followed by this creepy acting Misdreavus..... though he obviously doesn't know about it. "Misdree!", exclaims this horny effeminite pokemon in a sultry yet sort of concerned tone.
Jusitn continues to wander down this gravel path away from the hotel as he continues to sip his Wawa original blend coffee. It is then when he starts to fret about any slight noise that he hears walking along in the middle of the night. "Juuuuuuuusssssttttiiiiiiiiinnnn!", whistles a voice across the chilly forest path. A bleary eyed Justin looks around until he views what he believes to be some kind of womanly apparition.
"Uhh.... who are you? Why are you bothering me?", asks Justin. "I am the girl that you must haaaaavve... come be the one I've always wanteeeeeed!", says the spooky voice. At this point, Justin is beside himself in bewilderment as apparently he's being chased by this apparition. Justin then doesn't want to deal with anymore hotties turning out to be terrifying ghost pokemon, so he tries to dart off away from the apparent womanly figure. But as he begins to run away, he stops dead in his tracks as he's face to face with an enemy just as spooky, a menacing presence that even God himself wouldn't want to touch. Why he's staring right into..........................
......................... a dark and super thick forest!!! <sigh> Well........ it's still unnavigable so he doesn't want to face it anyway......
So Justin continues to look around quickly and stutter around nervously. He then notices another menacing pair of eyes staring at him through the brush. Scared to death, he yells, "Stay away from me you curse of curses................ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He then runs away from the forest area as the so-called menacing figure turns out to be just an innocent looking Venonat who states, "Venonat!", as if it's thinking 'What's up wit dat whack job?'
Team Rocket also hears the infernal yelling in their half-conscious states. So Meowth then wonders, "Do yous guys tink dat dere's someone in twouble yellin nearby?" James and Wobbuuffet put their hands on their chins (or chin area) looking studiously trying to think about what the noise is. But Jessie just passes it off a a bunch of bug pokemon in the woods and her bossy influence keeps the others from reading into the noises any more.
"Is dat twoip trap ready?", wonders Meowth. "It's set and ready as could ever be!", exclaims Jessie as Wobbuffet salutes and affirms her readiness. "Okay... then all we have to do is wait here until the morning when the twerps come and we can catch them and their pokemon", affirms James who then laughs in a wickedly homosexual way, "Isn't that right, Jes........ huh?" James pauses as he's surprised to see Jessie almost passed out along with Meowth and Wobbuffet.
"Zzzzz..... we did a good job tonight.... zzz..... time for some well deserved sleep", snoozes Jessie. "Oooohhhhh... so now you're all tired! ..... well good... I need my beauty sleep anyway", figures James and so he goes into his sleeping bag. And thus, TR all go beddy bye for now and get their aptly named 'beauty sleep'.
Meanwhile, back with the horror film turned freak comedy, Justin has driven himself wild going nuts with every slight noise of shadow movement. He then looks up sees what appear to be the shadows of a bunch of Golbats flying overhead. He's then scared to look up so he looks down and he perceives the ground to be moving, so he tries to run back to the hotel (by now the least scariest place) but there are a bunch of ghostly women that he sees blocking the way. So he turns around in even more fright and heads the other way until he hears those scary pokemon noises again.
So this is it...... now he's totally f*cked. He's surrounded by beautiful looking creepy ghosts, howling noises, creepy underground unseen dirt creatures, and blood thirsty bats. They seem like they're all going to clamp down on Justin and take him straight to hell!!! All of this closes in on Justin and there's nothing he can do so he does the only rational thing he can to save himself......
He pulls on his face and then just like that............... WHACK!!! WHACK!!! WHACK!!! WHACK!!! WHACK!!! WHACK!!! WHACK!!! Justin slaps himself silly repeatedly until suddenly........ all those terrible spooky figures and ghosts and ground movements and noises and diarrhea cramps and Rocketshipper shouting protests............. it all disappears. Justin takes a minute or two to catch his breath and then he tries to reason everything that has happened to him.
"Come on Justin, get it together!", he says to himself, "You've just terrified yourself because of that one horrific nightmare. Just a short little calm walk on this beautiful night should calm me down!" And so we end our latest and most intense ever psychotic episode as Justin walks further down some roadway. "Whew.... I haven't been that scared since I was a toddler. Back in those days.... ahhhh......", remembers Justin as we cue a flashback scene.
We then see a scared Justin getting reassured that it won't be eaten by giant Togepis. A giant hand then pats lil' Justin on his lil' head as he then goes back to sleep. He explains that his momma would read him pokemon stories (In the pokemon world???? Naaaaaawwwww!!!!! <sarcasm>) to get him to sleep and to keep him worry free.
Out of the flashback he then resumes daydreaming in the present. "But anyway....... all I have to do is just stay calm and keep walking and I'll forget all about that terrible horror in my sleep", figures Justin to himself, "After all... it ain't like no ridiculous frightening gang of banshees are out to get me." But just a couple steps later, the ground gives way as Justin falls into a hole and is then catapulted high into a tree as he hangs inside a net off a tree branch.
"What in the name of Lugia is this?", wonders Justin as he looks down and......... oh horror!!!..... three banshee like figures rise up from behind the bushes. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Banshees..... they are out to get me!!! .... So I'm not going crazy... I knew it!", states Justin convinced that all the night terrors were no accident. Meanwhile, back further away from the scene, the stalking Misdreavus notices that its subject has been caught up in a tree net and the ghostly pokemon studies the trapped young strapping trainer with great interest.
Poll time: Do you think Misdreavus's mind is in da gutta????
Yes: 86%
No: 10%
Dumbasses that aren't sure: 6%
We then get to see the apparent banshees that caught Justin as they rise up early from their slumber. "We caught the twerps I guess.... is it morning already?", wonders Jessie. "<yawn> Da sun ain't even up?", notices Meowth all bleary eyed. "Those twerps follow a very strange schedule.... I'm still exhausted <yawn>", notes James. TR then looks up too fuzzy eyed to notice that they only caught Justin and not the girls as well as they try to get their early morning motto together.
"<yawn> Rise and shine.... prepare for trouble"
"It's an early morning special so make it double" .... James then stretches out.
"To protect the world from devastation"
"To unite all peoples within our nation"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love", gargles Jessie as she freshens he breath with mouthwash.
"To extend our reach to the stars above", announces James as he washes his face.
"<yawn> Jessie"
"Team Rocket blasting off into the morning view"
"Surrender now cuz we got the jump on you"
"Meowth, dat's true....", Meowth annouces in his kitty pajammies............ awwwwwwww
"Oh.... it's only Team Rocket.... geez... now what?", wonders Justin sounding very unpleased. "Wait a minute you guys...... it's only that male twerp... not the girl with Pikachu and Sandshrew", realizes James. Meowth then asks James a very dodgy question saying, "What d'ya tink we should do wit him?" So James then answers, "I suppose he's a nice enough chap.... I say we let him go on his loser twerp way..." Having no compassion for James's goodwill towards other men, Justin warns TR, "Yeah.... you'd better let me go and leave us all alone!"
But Jessie then shoves James aside and shouts back to the netted unstable young man, "Hey...... you're not going anywhere!!!" "But Jess, we can't keep him to lure those other twerps, the net's already been activated!", responds James. "Aren't you simpletons forgetting something??!!", sternly asks Jessie. "Like what?", wonders Meowth. "Don't you remember what powerful, ultra-rare pokemon this twerp has??!!", questions Jessie. "Hey.... I forgot.... he has dat Dragonite en dat pwehistouric Kabutops!", remembers Meowth. "The only Kabutops in an active roster!!", notes James.
"That's right.... and all we have to do to get it is torture the twerp until he gives us Dragonite", says Jessie as Justin huh's in a little more than concern. "Heh..... looks like yor late nite nitemayuh is just startin..... ahahahaha!", laughs Meowth as J & J laughs wickedly with him. "Uh oh....", gulps Justin as he knows he's still in some f*cked up sh*t.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (This wimpy looking pokemon may be strong enough to carry that fatass Santa Claus.)
It's Stantler .................................. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuwwww"
Justin hangs up in TR's net unable to move while Jessie proclaims, "It became a stroke of luck that one of the twerps became a late night straggler... ahahahahahahaaa. Now hand over your extraordinarily rare pokemon or else we'll have to really hurt you!" "Yeah... you don't want to imagine the torture we'll put you through!", warns James. And unless Justin likes rough butt sex, he won't want to imagine it either. But interesting enough, Justin is still fighting tough refusing to give in as he claims they can torture him all they want but he won't give them his pokemon.
Ay...... either there's something we don't know about Justin or he really really doesn't know what kind of torture TR might have in mind.
James then quickly retaliates claiming, "Oh yeah... well we're really gonna enjoy the pain we're gonna bring to you", as his eyes seem to get a little bigger...... as well as maybe, say, some other body parts I won't mention. "This is going quite well without any interference.... and I think I know why", says Jessie as she rolls her eyes back for us to witness Wobbuffet sleeping like a baby snoring gently, "wooooooooobbbuuuhhh..... wooooooobbbbuuuhhhh." Awww... now ain't that cute???!! "Wait a minute, you guys! I gots da ultimate device handy dat'll have dat twoip beggin us ta stop and hand over dem pokemon!", claims Meowth.
"You do?", wonders James in interest as Meowth presents........... his super ultra-mecha tickling device reminiscent of the one used in The Legend of Dratini. Oh wait......... that episode doesn't exist, right? Whoops.... sorry! "Now yas gonna be beggin ta give us ya pokemon! Ahahhahhahhahhahhah!", laughs Meowth. Justin looks down on them all pissed off until Meowth extends the robotic arms of the tickling device and the little fingers penetrate the holes in the netting tickling Justin's insides (GETCHA MIND OUTTA DA GUTTA!).......... oh I mean tickling Justin inside.
Justin begins to laugh uncontrollably as he's being tickled. He laughs for them to cut it out as watching in the background, we see Misdreavus witnessing Justin getting tickled. The ghost pokemon figure looks confused and a little bit saddened as she sees its true love laughing it up with others and not her. So Misdreavus just looks glum and she moans, "Misdree..."
Justin though has had enough of the tickling and finally agrees to give them his pokemon. "We'd taught yad do da right thing!", says Meowth sinisterly as Jessie demands that he hand over his Dragonite and his Kabutops. But Justin gets evil as well gritting his teeth and teasing, "Oh you can have Kabutops and Dragonite all right.......... right in your faces!!!" He then lets out the two rare pokemon through then net and tries to have Dragonite use a slam attack. But TR is ready with more secret ammo out of seemingly nowhere and no money as James throws out a 'bubble gum attack' in which he throws some bubble gum material which traps Dragonite and Kabutops to the ground unable to move.
Justin watches in concern as TR celebrate their capture and Jessie puts a muzzle over Dragonite's ugly mouth. She then laughs and steals Dragonite's weird pink goggles handed to Justin by that pokemon disco freak Karen and Jessie puts them on her own head (she looks rather good in them by the way). She then laughs, "And this eyewear is a perfect fashion accesory for me!" TR's celebration gets cut short though when Justin shouts to them that they're going to get a lot more than what they asked for cuz he's breaking out of their net.
He sends out his punk ass Raticate who screeches, "Rrrraticate!" as Justin tries to get it to gnaw through the netting. So Raticate starts to chew the net but then it starts to grow sick while chewing through the net. Justin worries, "What's wrong, Raticate?", while Meowth claims he won't havve any luck trying to break through the net. James explains with a smile a couple of miles wide that the netting is laced with poison and anything that tries to cut into it will have poison injected into it. "Call it... high-tech rat poisoning..... ahahahahahahahahaaa!", laughs Jessie.
Jusitn gets furious with TR before he consoles Raticate who's currently being poisoned to death. So rather than look at the traumatic scene of a dying pokemon next to him, Justin has Raticate 'recover' in its pokeball calling it back. "Now you guys.... what d'ya tink we shid do wit dis traitah twoip? More tortcha?", Meowth suggests. "More tickling?", James suggests........ he must enjoy tickling a lot. While TR is plotting the next phase of Justin's living nightmare, Justin lets out Hoothoot through the net. He instructs the miniature owl pokemon to fly back to the haunted hotel and warn Misty and Crystal and Hoothoot goes, "Hoooooooot!", and then flies off towards the sleeping twerps.
Jessie then taunts Justin trapped up in the net at the mercy of TR's worst torture............. oh man he's in a fix! From a distance, our stalking lil' Misdreavus is floating about around the woods when she notices Jessie apparently doing something to Justin as Justin laughs hysterically almost as if he's in pain. The site of Justin being entertained by some other attractive woman does not sit well with Misdreavus. Misdreavus growls, "Misdrrrreeeeeaavus!", in anger and then sails off towards Justin to come to the rescue of the hot young man in distress.
Justin tries to have Kabutops and Dragonite try to break out of the sticky glue substance but their attacks have no effect on the glue. Meowth then laughs at their pitiful efforts as he puts a net over TR's impressive temporary capture. Jessie laughs, "We were chasing after those twerps for that Pikachu and that Sandshrew all the time when we didn't even realize that stealing such rare pokemon was so easy." "En for cooperatin so well, we deecided ta letcha alone so you could NET chaself some shut-eye", announces Meowth.
TR laughs at the PUN-ishment that Justin has to endure as Jessie bids him farewell "Come back here with my pokemon!!!", yells Justin but James is all to eager to taunt and flirt with him. James utters as strangely as he possibly can, "Sorry twerp, but you look like you're too.... high-strung to handle these pokemon! Eeee-hee-hee-hee-hee!", and Wobbuffet also adds his tease of poor Justin. But as TR goes to turn around, they are almost struck with a blast of energy that knocks them off their feet in surprise. They then hear some spooky moaning coming out of the nearby trees and Jessie nervously asks them what just happened.
"Woooooooobbbuuuuhh wooooobbb!", worries Wobbuffet. James quivers cowardly, "I'm not sure but it sounds like a scary...... spooky..... evil.... menacing...." At that point, Misdreavus floats out onto the scene looking angrily to make TR pay. "A ghoooooossst!", TR yells simultaneously. "I was always wonderin how dis wuz gonna be screwed up dis time!!", nervously mutters Meowth.
"Hey.... that's the pokemon that scared me earlier tonight!", notices Justin.............. ................. a duuuuuuhhhhh?? Misdreavus floats defiantly in front of Justin protecting its love while Jessie furiously yells back that she's not going to be intimidated anymore and calls out Arbok. And unfortunately to add to that, James sends out Weezing. Misdreavus stands unintimidated in front of the love of her life for the past 60 minutes.
Meanwhile, back at the hotel the twerps are sleeping like babies unaware of the peril that their colleague is in. Then in through the window flies Hoothoot finding the twerps easily despite never seeing the hotel everyone was sleeping at let alone finding the right room. Hoothoot flies around to find the least sleepy twerp as it looks and hoots trying to decide on whom it should piss off and wake up. Hoothoot finally decides to wake up Sandshrew and it lands next to the sandy rodent and starts to peck it.
Snadshrew gets pissed at first as it has been rudely woken up. But then it faces Hoothoot and asks it, "Shrew shrew.... sahshrew?" Hoothoot hoots back to let it know that Sandshrew's twerpmate is in trouble. Sandshrew gasps in shrewy horror at the peril Justin is in and urgently wakes up Crystal and then Pikachu. Bleary eyed Crystal slowly sits up throwing Pikachu off of her. She asks Sandshrew what's wrong and Sandshrew desperately tells her, "Sanshrew shrew... shrew sanshrew shrew!" Hoothoot also hoots at Crystal and she recognizes that it's Justin's Hoothoot.
Crystal looks for Justin but sees that he has taken off and is not in bed. "Justin's gone!!! Is he in trouble Hoothoot?!", asks Crystal. Hoothoot hoots and flaps its wings to indicate that indeed, Justin is in a f*cked up situation. "<yawn> What's going on?", wonders Misty. "Justin's gone..... and he's in some kind of trouble!", notes Crystal who's got serious bloodshot eyes goin on for reasons we should all know about by now. "Oohhh.... couldn't he have gotten in peril during the daytime?", moans an exhausted Misty. But Crystal reassures her that its not so bad to have a late night adventure as she knows from being up plenty of late nights being stoned. So they run outside in their pajamas and Crystal asks Hoothoot if it knows where Justin is. Hoothoot hoots and Crystal thinks that its a hoot of yes as if it can suddenly talk directly to Hoothoots and Crystal lets it lead the way.
Arbok tries to tackle Misdreavus but Jessie obviously forgets that you can't tackle ghost pokemon and the snake goes right through it and crashes into the ground. Weezing then uses a smog attack on Misdreavus but the horny ghost (wait.... is that possible??? Oh hell...) floats above it and then zaps Weezing with love energy (which Weezing has never felt in its life) that Meowth describes as a spite attack.
"Arbok, don't let it win with its spite, fight back with your bite!!!", demands Jessie as Arboks leaps up and actually hurts Misdreavus sinking its teeth into the horny female ghost pokemon............................ ohhhhh......... GETCHA MIND OUTTA DA GUTTA!! But Misreavus recovers from the bite and sends a burst of energy towards Arbok making it go into different forms before the attack stops. Justin notices this ass-bending maneuver as a 'psywave' attack.
Yeah............. psywave............... whatever......
Weezing then uses a smokescreen attack to shield TR and its ugly face (it should use smokescreen more often....). Justin then notices Arbok trying to get Misdreavus from behind and since he knows that Misdreavus is fighting for him for some unknown insane reason. Misdreavus listens to Justin and gets out of the way of Arbok's attack. Misdreavus then winds up what looks like a super-powerful butt kicking attack. "Eeeee..... that's a shadow ball!!!", blurts out James. Jessie takes the initiative for James and yells at Arbok and Weezing to get out of the way.
Arbok and Weezing go in opposite direction to get the hell away from each other (you dodgers wish Weezing would just go away from Arbok as well as TR, don't ya?) and to get away from the shadow ball attack. Arbok and Weezing then look up at J & J's commands to attack Misdreavus with toxic attacks which cover Misdreavus in smoke. Justin begs for Misdreavus to get out of it somehow but unfortunately it looks like the constantly horny ghost pokemon can't get out of the cloud of smoke caused by TR.
"Hahaaaa.... looks like the ghost is toast in our smoke roast!", laughs Jessie as Justin looks on unpleased. Maybe he now has feelings for Misdreavus, too. But as Arbok and Weezing are smoking out Misdreavus, along comes Hoothoot who soars onto the scene and crashes into both TR pokemon. "Hoothoot, you came back, buddy!", shouts Justin who for once sounds relieved. Hoothoot hoots back and Justin tells it to clear the smoke away with a whirlwind. When Hoothoot clears the smoke away from Misdreavus, TR starts to panic claiming that they can't let the ghost get to them. But as they turn around, they see Misty and Crystal rushing to the scene and Crystal yelling, "Hey!! What are you three up to now?" "Pikachu!!!", stammers Pikachu in anger towards TR as they panic realizing the rest of the twerps have finally arrived.
Misdreavus then blasts TR with another psywave as Justin calls down to Crystal and Misty for help. "Justin!..... what happened to you?", wonders Cris-tal. "I'll explain later.... but could you get me down? The ropes are poisonous so I can't rip through them", replies Justin. "You'd better have a good explanation for waking us up like this, mister!", shouts Misty as if she's yelling cuz she likes him........ but then again, is it THAT obvious?
Crystal decides to get him down and calls out Cyndaquil who squeals and then uses its flamethrower to burn the net. The only problem is......... Justin was real high up on that tree and it's a long fall............. OOPS! But unlike Ash, Crystal has a few more ounces of intelligence in her and has a way to catch Justin. That is, to leave it up to the big strong sand rodent, and Sandshrew races under Justin and jumps up to catch him somewhat and break his fall. Sandshrew is a little worn out and dizzy from catching about 175 pounds (??? kgs) falling from 40-50 feet (10-15 meters) in the air. But Sandshrew is too rough and tough to let it be splatted and it comes out okay as Justin thanks it for helping. Sandshrew compliments him back, "Sanshrew!", since it got a chance to show off its muscles for Pikachu.
Crystal then tells Cyndaquil to melt the glue away and free Justin captured and bondaged pokemon with another flamethrower. And thus, Dragonite and Kabutops absorbs the heat and the squeal powered flames and the glue melts freeing them from their glue-like prison. Justin then rushes over to his pokemon and asks them if they're alright before removing Dragonite's muzzle.
"It don't look like we gotta prayah....", sobs Meowth. "Wooooooobbbuuuhhffet!", confirms Wobbuffet but James holds them up saying that they can't let the twerps just beat them. He then goes on to declare that they need more enforcements and calls out his newest pokemon addition, the puffy lipped, spiky Quilfish. Unfortunately, since its a water pokemon, Quilfish can only flop around on the ground like Goldeen has done often before. Jessie grills James for not knowing about this while James looks on in embarassment.
Kabutops then rushes right towards Jessie and tackles her (you know you'd wanna do it, too!) knocking Dragonite's pink shades out of Jessie's hands and into the air. "Aaaaahh! My new shades!", shouts Jessie from the dirt as she watches them fly up into the air before Dragonite flies up to catch them and get back its one geeky luxury it gets to have. Crystal then yells for Pikachu to finish off TR by shocking the hell out of them. But just as Pikachu is about to go out...... it's blocked by Misdreavus, whom apparently isn't done punishing Jessie and James for trying to woo the guy it lusts for.
"Miiiiiiiiiiiiisss-dreeeeeeeeeeee-VUUUUUUUUS!!", shouts the lustful ghost pokemon in rage as it shocks the hell out of TR instead of Pikachu. "Wow.... Misdreavus even knows how to use thunder!", observes Cris-tal in a trippy awe. "I've heard of stand by your man but that Misdreavus is also punishing us for him...", mutters Jessie disoriented. James follows and declares, "Even I wouldn't go that far..." You heard it....James would always stand by his man...... hee hee hee. Now that TR has been toasted, all that's left for Justin to do is to have Dragonite use its hyper beam to send TR flying. Dragonite looks menacingly at the fallen TR as it charges up and then blasts TR away.
"Ohhhh... no matter what time of day it is... we never seem to catch a break...", groans James as we see his ass, Wobbuffet's salute, Quilfish, Arbok, and Jessie's bent over side facing the camera sailing away. Meowth then says, "<yawn> I'm tiyahd.... Let's go ta sleep once..........."
"Team Rocket's blasting off into the morning viieeeeeeeeew!" "Wooobbuuhh!"
"I'm so tired.....", yawns Misty, "but at least we still beat Team Rocket." "You're lucky, Justin..... you shouldn't have disappeared on us like that", chides Crystal. Justin apologizes and claims he really owes them for saving him and his pokemon and tries to blame that nightmare for why he couldn't sleep and thus, he just wanted to take a walk. Crystal tells him that she thinks he should really thank Misdreavus for helping them out. So Justin thanks Misdreavus and compliments her on her awesome attack moves..... he then claims that he would've been in big trouble without her. "Mis-dreee", belts the sultry ghost pokemon perhaps feeling turned on by the young man.
With that comes the burning question we're all anticipating..... "So what should we do now?", asks Misty. Knowing they can either continue to wander around for pointless adventures every other day or just go to Celadon City and keep the journey moving, Crystal decides that since they're already up and feeling ready let's get our stuff and head for Celadon City. "Alright", answers Justin, "I think I can walk a few miles to the next town before I demand to be allowed to pass out from exhaustion." "Well you certainly seem to have a certain set of priorities...", notes Crystal. "You demand to sleep as much as Ash does...", mentions Misty sarcastically...... just another quote supporting <fill-in-name-here>-shipping between Misty and Justin.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (This spunky looking water pokemon is quite short and ugly but can bite through some f*ckin metal.)
It's Croconaw!.............................................. "Crocco- naawww!"
So it's almost dawn now, and the threesome, the pokemon couple, and their illegal baggage is heading down the road again. That is when Misty notices that the lustful Misdreavus is still following them. They all turn around and Crystal greets her and asks what's wrong. "Miss-dreee-vus", says Misdreavus probably meaning that it wants to suck J............. uhhhhh..... heh heh... silly imagination..... However, Crystal doesn't understand the idea of ghost pokemon in love and just thinks it wants to come with them for some reason. "You could really use a ghost pokemon, Crystal", states Misty.
So Crystal asks it if it wants to come with her and join their animated bunch of pokemon. Misdreavus quickly agrees and Crystal throws out a pokemon apparently ready to actually catch her first pokemon for herself on this journey. But then Misdreavus slams the pokeball away to everyone's confusion. "What's the matter, Misdreavus? You don't wanna be caught?", wonders Crystal. Misdreavus then gets their attention and flies over towards Justin and begins to schmooze him. Justin picks up on this and figures that she wants to come with him. So he asks her if she wants to come with him and she immediately looks interested............. no no.... you don't hafta getcha minds outta da gutta this time.
So Justin throws out a pokeball which catches Misdreavus whom immediately goes into the pokeball without a fight. "Great job, Justin..... you really earned Misdreavus's trust", notes Cris-tal. Justin talks as he kind of brushes her aside to boast about his effortless catch. "Alright..... I caught ... Misdreavus!", he announces as he holds out his pokeball with the ghost pokemon inside it the way we've seen Ash yell out all the time. Pikachu and Sandshrew yell out applauding as Misty comments, "I think you're form's a little off", mocking Ash as Justin replies unamusedly, "Hey.. I have my own style..."
And thus, Justin makes his roster a lot more interesting as we flash forward to the end where we see Justin enjoying a much needed nap as the others camp out and get high. But as Justin's enjoying his sleep, we hear a comforting loving voice wake him up disturbing his rest................
To Be Continued