Dragonitemare presents
Pokemon Crystal series
Ep. 32
Now that Goldeen has flown...... ahem.... swum the coop, we see the threesome moving on after busting up an unsanctioned drug ring using Sunflora. Today, they're just arriving in Cerulean City and the threesome are ecstatic to be there........ well, two-thirds of them anyway.
"All right.... there's the Cerulean City Gym. Now I can finally get my third Kanto League badge!", exclaims Crystal. "Sanshrew sand sanshrew!", points out Sandshrew with his sexual partner Pikachu right behind him. "Look at the big Dewgong on top of that big tent", points out Justin (is it me or does that seem funny for him to point out?), "I guess this is a water pokemon gym............ but that's just a guess. What do you think about this, Misty? After all, you're the water pokemon master, right?"
Misty pauses for a moment with a bit of a tremble. "Well, Crystal, you better get ready. You're going to have a really tough test here at this gym?", warns Misty (that clever young lady). "Hmmm... how do you think I should prepare?", wonders Crystal. "All I can tell you is....... just be prepared for anything!", states Misty assertively with Crystal listening veery closely. "That's it.... no strategy?", asks Crystal after falling over anime style. "Not for now...", replies Misty who then uses the world's lamest excuse to not join her side by side when she reunites with her sisters, "I have to go do some mailing errands at the nearby post office here." "Okay Misty..... we'll see you there", says Justin with a bit of uneasiness. "You two go to the gym and I'll meet you there.... later", says Misty.
Crystal tries to get Misty to wait but Misty takes off not wanting to be with her new good friend, Crystal in the gym for some reason. This gets Justin to ask Crystal and the pokemon-in-love couple, "I wonder what's been nagging her?"
<cue intro>
"So do you think this gym will have some type of aquarium?", Crystal asks Justin. "Yeah.... either that or its a really big pet store", quips Justin. "Hello???", yells Crystal as she knocks on the huge glass entrance door. And then she suggests that they should just go in to see if anyone's there. She's probably used to this since she usually does on some of her drug runs. So they go in as we then witness our very own Team Rocket also planning to welcome themselves in while they watch from their balloon.
"Ahahahah.... well the twerps have returned to the Cerulean City Gym", laughs Jessie which is not really true since Crystal and Justin have never been to this gym before (maybe Justin has... we still don't know yet). "That's great", apathetically responds James. So Meowth questions him, "What's eatin you?", though I think the better question to ask him would be 'What's NOT eatin you?' James then moans, "Aaaahhhh.... it's another day..... another chase of Sandshrew and Pikachu.... and probably another defeat. I don't feel like wasting my time on another plot unless there's exceptional reason to be confident in it."
Jessie responds to him, "Hmmm.... I do sympathize with your feelings. But James, if we ever are going to succeed in stealing pokemon, the only thing we can do is keep trying." Wobbuffet pops out to Jessie's explaining but no one says anything about it yet. "Dat's right", continues Meowth, "En I've got da weapon dat'll instill confidence in even a fraidy boy like you." "You do?", gayly asks James.
"Obsoive da mechanism behind dose trees down dere", orders Meowth. James looks closely and views what he believes is a Pikachu even though it looks as tall as those 20 foot high shrubs and trees surronding it. "Ooooooooooohhhh, it's Pikachu! Let's go down there and capture it", suggests James before Jessie and Meowth belt him with fans.
Fans????? James thinks Pikachu is 20 feet tall???? Well, at least they're pretty and still have more brains than Pamela Anderson and Britney Spears.
"Dat's not Pikachu!!!!! It's aw latest, most high tech assault davice Team Rocket's eva used. Not only is dis Superrobot Pikachu invulnerable ta electric attacks, it's alsa able to swim undawatuh", explains Meowth. "Say Meowth, this certainly does sound like a pretty inpenetrable weapon.... especially for invading an aquarium. We could capture Pikachu and all those water pokemon in there. Eeeeeeeee!!", replies James. So Jessie tells James, "See? Everyone just needs the right motivation if they're gonna keep pressing on to eventually steal stuff."
"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBUUUUUHHFFET!", finally blurts out our patiently pleased blue blob. "See? Even Wobbuffet knows that you just have to keep trying, right Wobbuffet?" And so Wobbuffet replies, "Woooooooobbbuuuhh woooobb!" With that out of the way, Jessie then shouts out nowhere for it to return to its pokeball. "Wooooooobbbuuuuhh", states Wobbuffet as Jessie returns it into her ball.
"Hello???", again yells Crystal as she and Justin are going through the lobby of the aquarium where Justin notices the great artwork. "Well no one's in here either", notes Crystal before she then sees a doorway into another room. She asks Justin if they should go in and Justin wisely replies, "We might as well.... we already entered this building without being welcome." "Alright", says Crystal as they both enter into the next room.
"Excuse me, I'd like to challenge the.....", announces Crystal to no one in particular before she stops and gasps at the site of the aquarium with many, many different colorful and unique water pokemon. It is a giant ocean blue room decorated with murals and it has many enormous pools full of water pokemon. Some of which are being taken care of............... ahhhhh there they are......... the Waterflower sisters. "Whoa.... this is a really impressive aquarium in here", remarks Crystal. "Whoa.... there are really impressive women in here", comments Justin noticing............. uh uh uhhhmmmm.......... the way they clean the aquarium.
4Kids Entertainment guy: Yes, he certainly does notice their
cleaning skills."Oh hi..... can I, like, help you two with something?", asks Lilly (the red-haired one) as she approaches and asks the two of them. "Uhh yeah......", says Justin with his eyes fixed on the three sisters, "We're looking to challenge the gym leader here for a Kanto League badge. Is he around?", he asks proving that the pokemon world still has its sexism problems and glass ceilings where the gym leaders are assumed to be guys. Despite this, it's pretty much an even 50/50 split with the gym leader's sex (And no, Bugsy's sex is just split 50/50).
"Oh yeah..... like, we're ready to battle!", proclaims Lilly. "You're ready?? You mean you guys are the gym leaders??", wonders a bewildered Cris-tal. "Hey sisters, we've got another challenger.......... and like, he's sooooo cute!", shouts Lilly which makes the other sisters squeal and rush over to their new piece of meat. "Hi..... and like, you're totally welcome here. My name's Violet and I'm the one that, like, make all the decisions around here!", exclaims Violet (the uh.... violet-haired one). "Do not?", argues Daisy (the orange haired one). "Do too!", shouts back Violet.
Crystal and Justin take this all in with a sweatdrop and a nervous smile. And then Crystal then steps forward as the sisters bicker in Jerry Springer fashion over Justin and Crystal announces loudly, "Um..... actually.... I'm the challenger for the Kanto League badge!" The sisters stop their bickering, look embarrassed like the airheads they are for a second, and then they smile and get all friendly. "Oh....... like, I'm sorry young lady", apologizes Violet. "Yeah, we'd be totally glad to like, battle you for a golden cascade badge..... but first, how 'bout we all settle down and we can provide you with some like, iced tea", suggests Daisy. "Yeah.... it's not like, we have to get into the battle right away... and we can introduce you to the pokemon in our aquarium", then says Lilly. "Like, for sure!", adds Violet. "Sure that'll be fine", says Crystal who needs to moisten her smoke dried throat and she and Justin follow the sisters for the aquarium tour.
"Like, come here Dewgong!", calls Daisy and over comes the zany sealion pokemon. "Dewgong is like, our gym's mascot", explains Daisy. "And he's totally like, our strongest pokemon here at this gym", adds Lilly. Justin knows that if he wants to get say, a phone number from the sisters, then he has to be nice and play with the pokemon and everything. "Alright.... I like Dewgong.... they're one of my most favorite pokemon", says Justin, "Come here you cute lil' Dewgong!" But unfortunately, Dewgong only embarasses him by squeezing him in its flippers. And as Justin nervously smiles and hopes Dewgong lets him go, Dewgong then licks him (oh geez) and then drags the both of them back into one of the aquarium tanks.
Crystal just gives the scenario a weird look and then the Waterflower sisters laugh as Justin spits out water. But Dewgong still wants to play with its new toy as it pops up in front of Justin asking, "Dewgong gong gong?" "Ahahahaha..... we'll play later!", laughs Justin nervously.
So we zip to another scene with Justin finally out of the water following the sisters and Dewgong still following him. "Heh heh.... do you have any other collections of water pokemon? I don't think I can start to tell you how much I like water pokemon..... then I'd go on for days", says Justin flirting with the valley type girls. This makes Crystal think to herself, "Oh well... it gives me more incentive to win here today. The less that Justin's around these girls, the better off he is."
............... That you can make of what you will.
"Over here we have our school of Goldeens and Seakings!", points out Violet which brings us to this question. Have these sisters been doing some illegal fishing in the nearby river?? "They all look really strong", notes Crystal as Justin is all too eager to agree with her. Violet continues, "We have some Shellder and Cloyster over here, Mantine and some Remoraids in this tank, and like, over here is one of our aquarium stars, the cute yet tough Horsea." The girls then gush over how cute Horsea is and Justin then approaches Horsea and and greets it with a bunch of baby talk. "Hooooooorrsssseeeeaaa!", squeals Horsea as it then begins to swim around in nervousness of the weird acting man crouching over the poolside so close to it.
"I have to tell you, you ladies have one of the most impressive water pokemon collections in the world. It's too bad our friend isn't here to see it...... she's really into water pokemon", says Crystal who looks a little uppity like she hasn't smoked anything since........ say....... this morning. "I love how you guys decorated in here", comments Justin to try and get on the sisters' good side. And as they're looking up at the ceiling (which is also decorated with model water pokemon), something busts through it creating a giant hole in the ceiling. The twerps and Waterflowers all run for cover from collapsed parts of the ceiling that are falling.
"Like, what's going on?", wonders Violet. "I hope our wardrobe room like, is getting crushed", hopes Daisy. They all turn to the other side of the pool that they're standing near, and what lands is TR's giant robotic Pikachu. "That Pikachu is like, totally too big", quips Lilly. "That ain't no Pikachu!", snarls Justin in bad grammar sure to horrify English teachers. "And I'm sure it's the work of one group of crooks", notes Crystal who has her brain turned on noting that its TR.
"Ha hah... prepare for trouble, we've gone robotic"
"And make it double, we'll drive you psychotic", states James more boldly than usual as they rise up on a pedestal contained inside the 20 ft. robotic Pikachu.
"To protect the world from devastation"
"To unite all peoples within our nation", yells James boldly again.
"To denounce the evils of truth and love"
"To extend our reach to the stars above", once again, James yells (but hey... it's funny when he yells)
"James", yelling once again
"Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight", still yelling, "Meowth, that's right!"
"Team Rocket again!", shout Justin and Crystal as Pikachu and Sandshrew shout as well. "Now what do you three rejects want?", yells Crystal. The sisters then recognize TR from their last encounter with Daisy shouting, "Oh... my God. Like, I remember you. You tried to like, steal our pokemon ......and our show!"
"And like, we're glad that you remember us because now we've got a Pikachu of our own that'll clean up your place", says Jessie. Meowth then explains, "Ya see, since we couldn't eva beat Pikachu, we dacided ta buy a muhchanical one instead!", and TR laughs and retreats to inside their robot after Meowth's explanation. "I think you three never EVER get it through your head that there's never a replacement of solution for the real deal.... especially for you three, right Pikachu?", asks Crystal. "Pika-PI!", snarls Pikachu as Crystal directs it to use a thunderbolt on TR's Pikachu.
Alright then......... how much do you want to place your bet on the thunderbolt having no effect on a machine powered by absorbing electricity??... Huh?? $500? $600? $800? $8,000,000,000? Guess Crystal must have Ash-like brain days..... but at least she has an excuse...
So Pikachu's attack has no effect on TR's Pikachu-bot to the disappointment of Sandshrew and Cris-tal. "Hah hah hah hah..... dat was a nice buzz", mocks Meowth to start a chain of PUN-ishment. "Our big pet Pikachu really got a charge out of that", quips James as the Pikachu-bot shoots visible electricity through its body. "Aha... now those twerps and ditzes are gonna get a real charge out of this!", laughs Jessie as James and Meowth begin to sing the charge song heard at many baseball games (especially NY Yankees games). But at the last verse of, "Duh d-d-DUH d-duuuuhhhhhhh.....", Jessie thumps the both of them with her fists being the violent TR leader and she shouts, "Just give them some of their own juice, won't ya??!!!"
"Will do!", obliges Meowth and he presses a button causing the Pikachu-bot to use a thunderbolt of its own shocking the twerps into sizzling pain. The Waterflower sisters then grimace from the electrocution pain as Crystal growls at her archnemesis Jessie and she stumbles for a moment in acid trippy fashion. "You're not going.... uh..... to beat us....... that easily!", moans Crystal in pain. "Like...... uh..... if we totally join forces..... then like.... uh..... we could beat them", groans Violet hobbling over to Crystal to give her some advice. "Ugh.... then that's just what we'll do!", proclaims Crystal with Sandshrew having her back.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (This pokemon's cuteness is flaunted to a point where many want to kill it.)
It's Marill!!............................................ "Marriiiiiillllllllllllll!"
Crystal then sends out Sandshrew to battle the giant Pikachu-bot. "Bring it on, ya dirty ol' sandbag..... we've still got plentyah juice for ya", proclaims Meowth. Sandshrew is ordered to use a toxic attack but its poisons end up washing right off the coating of the charged up Pikachu-bot with juice flowing through its antennaes. TR giggles at Sandshrew's weak attempts with James complimenting, "That must be some very strong exterior metal coating..." "Oh thanks, the extra feature was my idea!", brags Jessie, "Now let's get into the water so Sandshrew can't follow us!"
"Diving into da watuh!", announces Meowth he presses a series of buttons that makes the Pikachu-bot dive into the tank next to them. "It's in that tank.... anything that tries to chase it will be shocked", warns Justin. "And Sandshrew can only be in the water for a certain period of time", despairs Crystal. "We gotta get our pokemon out of that tank like, immediately!", states Daisy. But TR is able to overhear their conversation so they happen to interrupt. "Don't worry..... we'll round 'em up for yas...", claims Meowth as he fires a net from the Pikachu-bot somehow managing to gather all of the pokemon from the tank into their 10 foot net. Even for a stupid animated "kids" show, that's impressive.......................... or just lazy writing.
"Those pokemon..... we've gotta do something!", shouts Crystal as TR hangs the net of water pokemon over the aquarium's plexiglass border. "But we can't send any of our pokemon after TR.... their shock power combined with the water makes it way too dangerous", warns Justin. "Quagsire!!", shouts Violet who claps to summon a Quagsire like it's attached to a Clapper. "Quagsire.... like, get into that tank and fight that robotic Pikachu!", orders Violet. "Quaaaaaaggssiiiire!", shouts the slippery water-cleaning bastard and it dives into the tank.
Quagsire jumps into the tank and uses a mud slap attack to blind TR's windshield that they look out of. "James... we're blinded!", complains Jessie. "You don't have to tell me...", sobs James. Meowth then comments that luckily, the Pikachu-bot has heavy duty windshield wipers which drive the mud away. When the windshield is cleared they see Quagsire still charging at them. Jessie urges Meowth to shock it and Meowth does but it has no effect since Quagsire is a ground pokemon, too!
"It's not working!!", frets James. "Well we'll just hafta use some iron powuh!!!", states Meowth as he controls the Pikachu-bot as it locks onto Quagsire. As Quagsire tries to attack once more, it gets smacked in the kisser with the Pikachu-bot's tail. "Bullseye!!!", effeminitely shouts TR in glee while Quagsire gets knocked out of the aquarium tank all battered and bruised and swollen. "Oh no..... Quagsire...", utters Lilly as the twerps all gather around.
Crystal then growls at TR for a second and then uses her 'voluteer nursing skills' to check on Quagsire quickly. "Quagsire's got some lacerations and bruises on its forehead but there aren't any serious injuries", analyzes Crystal with all her medical abilities until TR and their Pikachu-bot come back out of the water to give the twerps their 157225th ever ultimatum. "What do you say now, twerps? Arre you gonna give us your pokemon...... or do we have to send more of your pokemon to the ER?", asks Jessie as TR then laugh at their own evilness.
Crystal growls some more since she's not high and rises up ready to fight TR, but Justin decides that its time to impress the ladies and become an action hero of his own.................... in a sense. Justin steps in front of everyone and shouts to his former associates, "You guys aren't gonna push ME around..... Go Nidoqueen!" Out comes big momma Nido with a roar and Justin quickly tells Nidoqueen to body slam it. "Let's get into the water..... quick!", suggests James being the most cowardly of the three. Meowth agrees and the Pikachu-bot backs away and falls into another aquarium tank.
Nidoqueen chases it to the edge of the tank before Nidoqueen stops afraid to fall into the toxic, hideous substance known to us commonfolk as..... water. "What pokemon is in that tank?", asks Crystal nervously. "Like.... our Lanturn is in there", notes Violet. "Maybe I can get it to like, attack TR's tank since it's strong against electric attacks. "It's worth a try...", suggests Justin. Daisy then yells for the Lanturn (the Tracey-fish) in the aquarium tank that TR dove into to attack the Pikachu-bot. "Lanturn, try like.... a take down attack!", orders Daisy with Violet adding, "Like... totally!"
The impact of Lanturn's attack affects both Lanturn and the Pikachu-bot with both sprawling backwards from the point of impact. "If dat anglin ball o' lard tinks it can tangle wit us, den it needs a dosage uh Pikachu-bot's mega punch attack!", claims Meowth who activates the Pikachu-bot's right arm as the Tracey-fish Lanturn circles TR's contraption. The Pikachu-bot then makes a series of agility moves before it ko's Lanturn to the concern of the Waterflowers.
TR laughs as Jessie then boasts, "I knew we'd start winning once we got a Pikachu on our side!", and then they laugh again before Meowth controls the machine back out of the water. "Well..... are you ready to hand over all of the pokemon yet? Or do we have to punish you for the full twelve rounds?", asks Jessie as the Pikachu-bot stares down the twerps. "We're not done by a long shot!", shouts Crystal angrily refusing to lose to Jessie as Pikachu, Justin, and the Waterflowers defiantly stand by her side.
Daisy then calls forward Dewgong and Misty's old partner, Starmie. They leap in front of the protagonistic group and Daisy orders them to attack with ice beams. The ice beams hold up the Pikachu-bot as TR complains about it making them cold. "Well den, I guess we're gonna hafta ta shock 'em....... by shockin' em", responds Meowth. Another series of button presses unleashes another thunder attack but Daisy has the two pokemon move out of the way. Starmie and Dewgong dodge the first wave of thunderbolts but the electric attack just keeps coming from the Pikachu-bot. "This is no good.... Starmie and Dewgong just can't keep dodging those bolts.... especially since they're out of the water", fears Justin.
"I guess this means we've got da advantage fa once!", shouts Meowth. "WE BEAT YAAAHHH!", shouts TR as they then make silly faces at the crew against them.
".... YOU HAVEN'T BEATEN ANYONE, YET!!", shouts a familiar woman's voice. "Misty?", asks Crystal. "Like, oh my God, I think that looks like....", observes Lilly. "It's Misty!!", shout the three sisters in joy. "And our sister actually looks totally cute!", adds Lilly. "That's right! I've come to kick you three out of my gym and come to the rescue of my sisters and my friends!!!", proclaims Misty in the way we all love to hear her angrily yell. "Isn't that sweet? Misty has come back to her gym and rescue her sisters...", gushes Justin who must have some opium still in his system not getting it quite yet. "Yeah", sighs Crystal in the same shape as Justin not getting until a long pause for a few seconds. And when enough of the opium effect finally wears off, the reality about Misty and this gym hits them as they both gasp loudly, "...WHAT!!!!!!!"
Misty then sends out Poliwhirl to do battle with the giant Pikachu-bot. "That other redhead twerp is back with a new challenger", notes James. "Well we'll just have ta send it down just like da rest uh dese aquatic pokemon!", shouts Meowth. "Not on your life, Meowth.... Poliwhirl, use your doubleslap attack!", shouts back Misty.
"Like, oh my God, that is such a cute Poliwhirl!", points out Violet as the sisters squeal over Poliwhirl. Poliwhirl then goes to smack the bucket of Pika-bolts around for awhile, but unfortunately the steel is more solid than Poliwhirl's backhand (not that any Polibitches would want to be slapped by a Poliwhirl backhand... but enough poli-domestic violence!). Poliwhirl does manage to knock a panel of the Pikachu-bot loose but then TR starts to take action and fire thunderbolts towards Poliwhirl who dodges them when Misty warns about them.
Poliwhirl then tries a bubble attack that basically does nothing to the giant Pikachu-bot. Meowth then is seen continuing to press the thunderbolt button over and over. James is upset about this and whines, "Meowth, I want to push the attack button!", and gets scratches to his face for his effort. "Quiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeettttt!! Only da driver gets ta push da buttons 'round here!", yells Meowth. "Then push one of them!", shouts Jessie. Meowth then utters, "Heh heh.... dis should get dat croakuh!", and he then pushes the thunderbolt button again zapping Poliwhirl and doing heavy damage to it to the concern of Justin, Misty, and especially the three sisters who have passionate concern............ for Poliwhirl...... not Misty.
"I know that took a lot out of you Poliwhirl but try to hang in there", encourages Misty in perhaps a sign of pokemon abuse. "Haaaaaaah hah", shouts Meowth getting the attention of an angered Misty, "Got any more pokemon dat we can fry?" Then from the Pikachu-bot's side swims up Horsea squealing its name and looking game (or on Prozac). "Horsea, no!", pleads Misty. "Ahahahahaaaah.... well it looks like our next victim is a little sea tyke!", laughs Jessie. "Let's sizzle some more seafood", encourages James.
"Like... someone help Horsea!", pleads Daisy. The Pikachu-bot then unleashes a thunderbolt into the aquarium tank by Horsea ends up jumping really high into the air and into another aquarium tank. This feat of pokemon athleticism amazes everyone, including TR. Jessie notes that Horsea is avoiding their electric juice by leaping from tank to tank so Meowth decides that he'll get it with a Pikachu-bot swift attack. Meowth fidgets with the controls some more and the Pikachu-bot fires out three metal stars out of its forehead (forehead???.... TR wasn'tbeing creative when designing the forehead) but Horsea dodges them using its double team at Misty's command.
"Like... our sister really knows Horsea so well, even after they've totally been apart for so long", utters Daisy. "Really? ....... Got any other dirt on Misty you could tell us about?", replies Justin. "Tuuhh..... do we??", answers Lilly with the sisters being all too willing to bust Misty's balls.... uh ... umm uhhh.... or ovaries. Not hearing any of this conspiracy, Misty orders Horsea to use a smokescreenn which blankets TR in cloud of smoke and they can't see. Misty then takes advantage of this by using the absolute best attack for a situation like this. She orders Horsea to use the almighty................... bubble attack.
Bubble attack?? Bubble attack?? A motherf*cking bubble attack??!! After Misty clearly witness Poliwhirl's bubble attack do no damage?? Only Crystal substance influence or maybe.... MAYBE post-parasitic aftereffects of Togepi's 'itis' could explain this. But in a twist of irony, the bubble attack does in fact have a positive effect for Misty as it knocks off a panel of the Pikachu-bot exposing the machine's engine and circuitry. Justin points it out and Crystal believes that they may be able to short-circuit TR's Pikachu-bot while they're still blinded by the smoke.
So Sandshrew is sent forward to use a slash attack on the circuit panel. Sandshrew finds it out and cuts the circuits into ribbons which keeps TR from moving around in their giant Pikachu. Meowth complains that he can't move the robot anymore and Crystal orders Sandshrew while Daisy orders Dewgong to bash it up with body slams. The two pokemon definitely took their vitamins (or pills) because they send the big Pikachu-bot crashing into the wall destroying the robot and tearing a big hole through the wall.
"I thought we were supposed to win with our very own Pikachu", mopes James. "Well what we got wera bucket uh bolts!", snaps Meowth. Jessie nervously adds, "Well our Plan A defense didn't work, we're going our Plan B defense." And instinctive, out comes Wobbuffet saluting and ready to defend and Jessie replies that she actually was talking about our patiently pleased hero for once.
"Like..... great job, Misty! You've really like, come into your own!", comments Violet. "Yeah, I know!", replies the cocky Misty, "Now let's team up and kick TR out of our gym!" Everyone is with her idea (and the twerps are terrified to go against it) as Crystal and Justin step up to call out Totodile and Raticate respectively. The Waterflowers also call upon Dewgong, Starmie, and Horsea to prepare to attack. Totodile and Starmie use water guns, Horsea uses another bubble attack, Dewgong uses aurora beam, and Raticate uses a pursuit attack against TR.
But Jessie doesn't give in and orders Wobbuffet to stop all the attacks. And in an Atlas-like feat of strength, Wobbuffet is able to resist all of the attacks with its pink aura of energy for a temporary amount of time. The concentration in Wobbuffet is unmatched as we hear it resisting the attacks shouting, "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH!!!", in pain. TR encourages Wobbuffet to hold off the barrage which includes Raticate coming up to Wobbuffet like its pushing a huge stone block by itself. But alas, the force is just too much for even Wobbuffet to bear as it finally gives way after a valiant effort and the attacks push TR back into the remains of the Pikachu-bot.
Shortly after that, the parts of the Pikachu-bot begin to sizzle and James mistakes it for believing that the parts are working again as he squeals about it. "I don't tink so, somehow", retorts Meowth as Wobbuffet backs him up. And then the parts cause another random explosion and TR exits through the roof creating another hole.
"Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaaaaaaaaiiinn!!!!" "Wooooooooobbb!"
"Like, our gym is saved!", shouts Daisy as Violet thanks Crystal and Justin for their help with their pokemon behind them including Totodile dancing a super fast motion victory dance. "Hey.... what about me? I came in to help you, too!", shouts Misty. "We're grateful for you like, returning as well but we have to show etiquette for our guest and her older brother here", retorts Daisy making Justin fall over.
While Crystal and Justin talk to the Waterflower sisters, Misty congratulates and thanks cute lil' Horsea for helping to beat TR. Horsea cries back and Misty interprets this as Horsea has missed being with the young lady since she left it with her sisters. So Misty determines that everything is fine now because she is back and that Horsea can even help her battle today. "Like, Misty, that was totally awesome how you came in and saved the day", compliments Violet. "And you've even, like, changed your appearance since you've left", adds Lilly (who I think is the ditziest of the three sisters).
"Really? Do you really think I'm pretty?!", wonders Misty eager to note if she looks attractive for someone...... Ash? Crystal??? Justin? Brock? Jessie? Psyduck??? .......... Okay that last one was a totally sick thought!! But then Daisy comments, "But I'd try to get a refund on whoever gave you that mop haircut...." Misty then creeps over to Daisy with Horsea in her arms and threatens her, "Mock me all you will but the hair stays off topic", sounding like a deranged criminal. "Well..... she may have changed her appearance.... but inside, she's still the same good ol' Misty", proclaims Justin. "Like, our little tomboy is back!", declares Daisy while the sisters share a couple chuckles and Misty just tries to grin and absorb the teasing torture.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (This sick freak pokemon has an arm coming out of its ass.)
It's Aipom................................. "Aiiiiiiiii-pom!"
"So this was your big surprise Misty. I'm glad you came here to save us from Team Rocket just in time and now it'll be great to battle your family for a Kanto League gym badge", says Crystal delighted by Misty and possibly..... POSSIBLY sounding like she's coming on to the water pokemon expert. Misty seizes the opportunity and yells back dramatically, "That's nice but I have another bit of news to surprise you with..... see this??", she pulls out the golden cascade badge, "This is the Kanto League cascade badge. (She puts it back into her pocket) But if you want to win it..... you're not gonna battle any of my sisters. For this badge, you're going to have to battle ME!!!!!"
The rest of the twerps are all stunned except for Pikachu who's been through all this before and just curiously awaits a steamy battle between Crystal and Misty. That is where the heated thoughts and feelings will take place as well as..... oh yeah.... a gym battle. And the dodge will commence!!!!!
............... oh wait.... the dodge has already commenced awhile ago, hasn't it?
To Be Continued