Dragonitemare presents
Pokemon Crystal series
Ep. 28
We open up the show with our threesome spending some nice time off by the side of a lake. Unfortunately, their time off comes at the expense of time they should be using to try and get into the Kanto League though its nothing new on Pokemon. Pikachu and Sandshrew are frolicking in the nearby meadow probably getting it on beneath the tall meadow grass as we then come to the humans on this escapade.
"According to this map, we're at a place called the Red Lake", notes Justin helplessly alluding to the title. "The Red Lake..... I wonder why it's called that...", wonders Misty. Crystal (with bloodshot eyes) is again packing her backpack with whatever she's packing it with.... we can't tell. She must be hiding something in there.....
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh..... you think??
But she gets up from her 'personal organization' to suggest, "Who's cares about the name.... this lake looks perfect to swim in!", as she gazes deeply at the pristine lake. "You sure its warm enough?", wonders Justin obviously fearing water colder than 65 degrees Fahrenheit (about 18-20 degrees Celsius). Misty dips her toes in and her eyes sparkly in delight as she proclaims, "This water is fantastic..." She and Crystal get really giddy as they suddenly throw off their clothes (GETCHA MIND OUTTA DA GUTTA!!) and into their pokeball red (Misty) and white (Crystal) bikinis which they apparently wear underneath their clothes.
"I'm gonna be as maritime as a Mantine!", proclaims Misty who's air swimming around. "And I'm gonna make some waves like Run DMC in the 80s", remarks Crystal. But then things get really weird and even more dodgy when the girls invite Justin to come in the water, too. Justin looks on at these silly girls with a sweatdrop on his face as do Sandshrew and Pikachu. "Uhhhhh.... that's nice but I think I'll just hang around on the dock up here", nervously quips Justin. "Pi-pikachu", nervously laughs Pikachu also staying on the dock along with its boyfriend Sandshrew.
And that ends a very weird weird weird weird weird dodgy dodgy dodgy dodgy dodgy dialogue.
<cue intro>
So the girls are having fun in the river (DON'T MAKE ME SAY IT AGAIN!!!) swimming like Mantines or Run DMC or what not and Justin is hanging out on the dock with Pikachu and Sandshrew. "Soaking in the sun you guys??", asks Justin and Pikachu and Sandshrew give him the thumbs up. "Okay.... just make sure you always use sunscreen if you're tanning", he remarks as he rubs some tanning lotion onto the two pokemon. He obviously needs to distract the audience from a couple things:
1) He's a pussy for not wanting to get into water that's not warm.
2) He's afraid of getting into trouble for swimming with two underage girls.
3) Inadequate fashion scares him sometimes.
"Hey.... we should our pokemon out and have some fun", suggests Misty. Justin and Crystal comply with her notion as Crystal then Misty then Justin toss out all their pokeballs. Crystal's team of Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Noctowl, and Totodile leap out as Totodile splashes into the water and doesn't shut up. Misty's team of Togetic, Poliwhirl, Corsola, Staryu, Goldeen, and Psyduck hop out next with all of them swimming except for formerly evil Togetic and vacant-headed Psyduck. And finally, Justin's pokemon line-up with Dragonite (and pink goggles), Nidoqueen, Raticate, Hoothoot, and Gyarados who goes into the water.
They all enjoy some lazy hazy fun in the sun (whatever the f*ck that means) when a woman's voice is suddenly yelling at them as a shadowy figure charges at them. "Stop! Get out of that lake right now!", orders Ms. Running Shadow Woman whom appears to be Officer Jenny. The corrupt cop races in to protect the lake of some undeserving old rich snob who never uses it. She orders everyone out of the lake as Misty cluelessly asks if there's something wrong.
"You're under arrest for trespassing on private pokemon property!", Jenny utters. "Whaaa?!!", gasps the three kids as Jenny then states in a nervous excuse that the sign here clearly states that the lake is off limits. "Waaaiit a minute..... I didn't see any sign out on the beach...", remembers Justin actually getting on to the corruption. "The sign is in black and white right over ther..... huh?", she begins to reprimand them as she looks over and doesn't see any sign that says 'No Swimming or Trespassing'.
Uh oh...... Officer Jenny may have just ran out of excuses....
But luckily for her she timidly explains that the storm last night must have blown over the sign. She apologizes to the twerps saying that she won't arrest them since 'they don't know' about the danger of the Red Lake. But then she orders everyone out of the lake immediately so the girls get out and all the pokemon are called back into pokeballs in increments. Crystal then apologizes to Officer Jenny which secretly makes her laugh inside with power. "But this lake is just so gorgeous", says a horny for swimming Misty, "Why would it be off limits?"
Yeah... that's a good question... why would it be off limits?? Answer that Ms. Officer Oink!!
"I didn't mean to be so harsh to you guys but I was merely trying to protect you", Jenny says. "Protect us?", rightfully wonder the threesome as Cris-tal now holds Pikachu in her arms. Jenny explains that in the lake there is a dangerous pokemon that is seriously pissed off that'll harm anyone that crosses its path. She additionally explains that it's also a very rare kind of Gyarados and since it's
rare, they have to protect it and that's why the lake is off limits.
"A rare kind of Gyarados, huh?", wonders Crystal as Misty (becoming jubilant over hearing about a rare water pokemon) asks the copper, "Why is it so rare?" "Well, the scales on this Gyarados are different from any others. They sparkle in a whole different color than the ones you normally see", she explains. "Like mine", adds Justin before Jenny continues, "And it only shows up above the surface when its habitat is threatened."
"How fascinating", raves Misty relentlessly as Jenny adds that they can go on the land around the lake but the lake itself is forbidden. "Excuse me officer, I'd like to ask you if you know whereabouts that we are, know what I'm sayin'?", asks Crystal. Jenny replies that she has a map in her ranger cabin and that they can stay there for awhile. Crystal thanks Jenny as another trio seems to be thankful for Officer Jenny's information though nobody else knows it.
Why it's our real heroes at Team Rocket as Jessie looks on with her ultra powerful spy binoculars from near the top of a nearby tree. She laughs before asking her teammates that are looking on with her if they heard all that information. "I heard it loud and clear Jessie.... a very rare Gyarados!", beams James. "En if we can lure it outta da watuh, catch it, an give it to da boss, den we'll be in for an enormous pay day!!!", shouts Meowth before dreaming, "Mmmmmmmm ...... I miss my favorite Chicken uh da Sea tuna. But once we catch dat rayre Gyarados, den I'll get ta have all da canned fish in da woyld!"
Then, a strange call is heard from the top of the tree going, "Aaaaaaaahhhh.... uuhhhhhhhhhh!!", sounding somewhat like a baby's. "What was that sound?", wonders Jessie as Meowth points out that it came from the top of the tree. "Ahhhhhhhhhh-uhhhhhhhhhhhh", it cries out again like commencement to the nation. "It sounded like a Fearow", says James. "Or maybe a Spearow!", adds Meowth. "What is it?", they all say as they look up at the top of the tree to witness......
The king of all feathered creatures..................................... Wobbuffet calling out, Wooooooooooooobbbuuuuuhhh!", to its hearts content standing on the highest branch. TR looks stupefied as Wobbuffet salutes the partly cloudy sky. "It's not a Fearow or a Spearow.... it's only a cuckoo!", remarks Jessie mean-spiritedly as she gets Wobbuffet back into the pokeball. "Now let's get planning to get that Gyarados!", commands Jessie only to have James reply, "Roger!"
Nighttime has fallen now over the Red Lake and also over Officer Jenny's cabin where Justin is playing with Hoothoot and Misty is bandaging herself. Crystal is spending some of her unlimited night and weekend minutes to speak with wheelchair bound Ash who appears on the monitor with his..... ahem..... caretaker..... Meganium. They greet each other as Crystal asks Ash about his progress. "Well, I've never gone through anything as tough as rehab... not even pokemon training was ever this tough", remarks Ash whose never gone through anything tougher than kindergarten before leaving home.
Then we hear a voice asking him, "Ash honey, do you need some hot tea?" No it's not Tracey but rather Delia Ketchum being the slutwhore mom that she is. "Sure mom, that'd be great!", replies Ash. Mrs. Ketchum then pops up on the monitor to make sure Ash isn't calling the Funny Bunny joke line again. "Oh hi Crystal.... hi Pikachu!", greets Delia and Pikachu responds back. She asks how her journey is going and Crystal replies that she now has two badges. Ash is amazed that the badges are golden (even though he's seen one of them before) and publicly wishes that he had golden badges.
Then karma strikes the overzealous boy and he starts to hurt again. "Ash..... you can't get too excited remember. Now you're gonna have to rest some more", says Mrs. Ketchum. "Don't worry about it mom", pleads Ash as we notice Mr. Mime vacuuming the window curtains and singing, "So where are you now?" Crystal responds that she's at the Red Lake. "The Red Lake? I've never been near it..... what's it like?", asks Ash sounding as stupid as possible.
Crystal responds that it's a beautiful lake with a rare pokemon in it. Ash wows in excitement while Crystal tells them that she going to go relax along the lakeside and try to find the next nearest gym. Ash and his mummy then tell her, "Good luck!", and to watch out for Pikachu, Sandshrew, and her partners. They then say goodbye as Crystal disconnects the phone line.
Outside now, Justin is laying on the dock watching what he thinks is Sandshrew and Pikachu 'playing'. Justin is out there workin the flashlight watching them making sure the pokemon don't do any dirty nasty stuff. He comments that, "I wish it wasn't so cloudy out here", as he reads his Maxim Magazine. The breeze goes through Misty's mullet hairdo as she reads The Cerulean Globe newspaper to catch up on events going on in her hometown.
Sandshrew is showing off its new dance step to Pikachu as they continue to flirt. Pikachu laughs at the silly rodent's antics as he shows off his acrobatics. Unfortunately, Sandshrew is dancing his silly style right on the edge of the docks. And as it yells out, "Saashrew saashrew saashrew", dancing kinda like Totodile. But unfortunately, Sandshrew loses balance and ends up plunging into the drink. "Pika-pikachu!!!", calls out Pikachu as Justin gasps for Sandshrew. Pikachu, not being one to see a loved one drown or get hurt, jumps into the water to Justin and Misty's shock to save its love unaware of that recently occurring current out of nowhere. Only this current drags them out into near the middle of the lake putting them in peril.
"Pikachu!", cries out Misty as Crystal and Officer Jenny race to the scene to see what happen and to see if Officer Jenny can arrest anyone illegally. "What's going on here?", she shouts as Misty defends herself and answers that Sandshrew fell off the dock and that Pikachu dove in after Sandshrew to rescue it. "They have to get out of the water before they wake the Gyarados!", warns the cop. "But I'm afraid to swim out there with the current and the danger", says Cris-tal who also fears the drowning in an acid trip death.
"Is there any way we can get them out of there?", moans Misty as Jenny sighs that she'll have to get a lifeboat and go out there. But Justin tells the corrupt cop not to do that as he claims to have a better way. He throws out Gyarados despite breaking the trespassing law that no one can swim in the Red Lake. Justin tells Gyarados to swim out to the middle of the lake and rescue Sandshrew and Pikachu as Officer Jenny marvels at the fact that Justin has a Gyarados. With the cloudy night sky overhead, Gyarados gets Pikachu and Sandshrew onto its scaly back as them seem to be rescued.
Officer Jenny quips that its so nice to have a pokemon that can overcome the strong currents to do rescues (unlike the puny sized Pikachu and Sandshrew proving that their love is blind). But as Gyarados is heading back to the shore, everyone hears a roaring noise as the water between Gyarados and the dock where the pokemon fell off. "What's that noise?", asks a concerned Justin. "Oh no.... don't tell me it's thunder and lightning", says Crystal worried that it may be part of her acid trip............................................
..................................... okay, or maybe she worries that the lightning will shock the life out of the lake...... but I like the first reason!! Make of it what you will......
"No it's worse! The Gyarados in the lake is coming out...... your pokemon are in danger!", dramatically states Officer Jenny. The top half of the screen splits between the threesome as they all gasp in horror. "Saashrew!!", gasps Sandshrew and Pikachu utters, "Pika PIKA!", as they water continues to bubble. After a few tense seconds to build up the suspense, out comes...........................
............................... <nail biting>
............................... GODZILLA!!! He's back to wreak havoc on the Japanese culture once again. Can't he pick on some other type of person...... the reptilian racist BASTARD!!!
Only kidding, what comes out though isn't racist but rather, a non-denominational ass-kicking Gyarados. But the twerps stare in amazement at the Gyarados that's roaring out of the lake. That's because this isn't just any ordinary Gyarados, why this Gyarados is totally..................
RED!!! Everyone notices the scales' color discrepancy as Gyarados stands tall and roars into the night. ..................................... Hold me.... I'm scared!!!
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (This pokemon can emit a sticky substance out of its arse........... ewww!!)
It's Spinarak!!! ........................................ "Spinarak!"
The big red Gyarados roars into the night sky as Misty and Justin look on somewhat intimidated. "It's so beautiful.... and I'm saying that about a Gyarados!", states Misty in awe as we remember that she's called many a Gyarados ugly before in the past. Many Misty haters right about now are probably thinking 'Hey Gyarados, she's lying she really thinks you're ugly..... kill her!' Pikachu and Sandshrew look on in amazement as Pikachu hangs on tightly to the injured Sandshrew (Sandshrew got injured cuz its a ground/rock type soaked in water). "Maybe Dexter will give us the word on this Gyarados...", suggests Crystal as she flips out Dexter.
Gyarados - the Atrocious Pokemon (ain't that a genius description Westwood...) - The evolved form of Magikarp. Once Gyarados appears, it goes on a rampage. It remains enraged until it demolishes everything around it. This Gyarados is a shiny Gyarados. Shiny pokemon of any type are very rare no matter what pokemon it is.
"Uhhhhhh..... I kinda wish I didn't check Dexter after hearing that", shakes Crystal. Justin yells very loudly for Gyarados to head for the shore on the other side to get away. But his Gyarados ain't responding.... and there's a damn good reason why. Justin's Gyarados is looking at the red Gyarados with Misty eyes as pink hearts swirl in the background. Awwww.... it's in love!!!!! Smoochie smoochie!
Unfortunately, the red Gyarados is too angry to care and charges right towards the blue Gyarados. Big Blue (Justin's Gyarados) comes for Big Red's (big angry red Gyarados.... hey, it's just easier this way) lovin as Big Red charges full speed through the water at Big Blue. Justin screams at Gyarados to get out of the way but it's no use. Big Red slams Big Blue sending it reeling to the concern of the threesome. Big Red also knocks Sandshrew and Pikachu off of Big Blue and onto the shoreline on the other side as they both look shaken up.
"This looks bad!", frets Misty as Officer Jenny warns Justin, "Your Gyarados is in great danger and its too far away to call it back into your pokeball, your only option is to have Gyarados battle!" Justin has bunches of sweat dripping from his face in concern before he buckles down and yells at Gyarados to use a take down attack. But as Big Red is charging towards Big Blue again, Big Blue just blushes and roars in love. "Gyarados, hurry!!!", shouts Justin but Big Blue's love is too blind for Big Red and Big Red slams Big Blue again.
Crystal points out that Big Blue's attack must not be working as it begins to rain over the Red Lake. Justin tells Gyarados to try an ice beam but it still won't attack as Big Red continues to whoop its ass. "I don't understand, why isn't Gyarados attacking?", wonders Misty. "If it doesn't attack, it'll be messed up really badly!", warns Jenny for the umpteenth time making many want to yell at her to just go away already.
So after Big Red mauls Big Blue, it stops for a moment making Justin lose caution for a moment stating, "It stopped.... I think it's had enough!" Crystal asks him if he's sure as we see Sandshrew and Pikachu still struggle to stand and get to each other. But then Misty notices something that makes her gasp in horror. When Crystal asks her what's the matter, Misty responds, "I can tell by the way it's moving...... I think ....... ohh...... I think it's going to use dragon rage!!!"
The three of them gasp in their respective parts of the screen as Big Red, in its own supersized part of the screen, begins to charge up its mega attack to finish off Big Blue once and for all. Crystal yells for Gyarados to get out of the way but Justin pessimistically determines, "It's not even moving..." And just as it's ready to destroy its secret admirer, a net is fired from the woods sacking Big Red into a gigantic net. Justin gasps in shock and Pikachu reacts in disgust on the other side as they witness the appearance of TR in their happy Buddha-faced Meowth balloon.
TR does their collective villainous laughs to announce their presence before getting into the motto.
"Prepare for trouble cuz we have our catch"
"And make it double cuz it's size you can't match!!!"
"To protect the world from devastation"
"To unite all peoples within our nation"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love"
"To extend our reach to the stars above"
"Jessie", as the backdrop suddenly changes to a pirate setting on the ocean with Jessie rising up out of the depths.
"James", rising up also
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light"
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight"
"Woooooooobbbuuuuhh", shouts Wobbuffet leaping out of the water like a dolphin (even with a tail flipper on.... how do they come up with these ideas?!?!) until Meowth holds up a steel frame which Wobbuffet dives right into and falls flat.
"Meowth, soives ya right!"
"Team Rocket!!!", shout the twerps unnecessarily once again. "Let that Gyarados go! It's very rare and can't be taken away from its natural habitat without doing major damage to it", yells Jenny afraid that the key of her secret campaign to boost her political profile (protecting the rare Gyarados makes her look like a hero) is going away. "Sorry Ms. Oink but it's very rare that we get any good luck or relief from you twerps so we're going to keep this thing whether you like it or not", declares Jessie who's on a political campaign of her own for TR supremacy. And then TR teases the twerps to try and get them.
"Then you're under arrest for violating endangered species", says Officer Jenny. "Thank you.... too bad you can't arrest us all the way up here on this balloon", utters James. "But we can handcuff you guys..... aahhhh ha ha haaaaaa", laughs Meowth as they all throw out hand cuffs binding the twerps' and Officer Jenny'shands together. They all laughs as James PUN-ishes, "Hope we don't leave your hands tied", and then he laughs in a gay voice along with the rest of Team Rocket as Wobbuffet yells out, "Wooooooooooobbbuuuuhhhffet!".
They then turn around and notice Pikachu on Sandshrew's back as they leap about to attack them. "Hey look.... it's our ol friends, Pikachu and Sandshrew!", beckons Meowth. "How could we forget about you guys?", laughs Jessie as Meowth shoots out a bazooka that sacks the two pokemon together in a tight bag.
..................... So much for Sandshrew and Pikachu fighting back.....
Crystal gasps for Sandshrew and Misty gasps for Pikachu while TR laughs at their catch. "You know, if there wasn't so much rain...", begins Jessie. "We'd come back and give you goody-goody twerps some more pain", adds James while Wobbuffet finishes........ well...., "Woooooooooooobbbuuuuuuhhffet!". TR then begins to float off the wet weather as they look like they'll get away with a plot for once. Yay.... this may be Team Rocket's day!!! Especially since the twerps (and Officer Jenny) are still handcuffed.
Yeah right!! Like 4Kids would ever let that happen and ruin the psyche of 4 year old kids..... TR's balloon continues to float high into the air as the soaked twerps can only look high into the sky. "They're getting away with my pokemon!", shouts Crystal while Officer Jenny adds that they can't let them get away with that rare Gyarados. In the rainy lake meanwhile, Big Blue Gyarados is looking up with eyes of rage at TR for kidnapping the newly discovered love of its life.
Justin looks up with his hands stuck behind his back and yells for Gyarados to leap up there and bring down that balloon. So Gyarados looks at him and then dives under the water. "Justin, you can't possibly believe that Gyarados can leap all the way up there", says Crystal as Misty agrees with her. But Justin turns to them with that pimp look on his face and simply assures them, "Oh yeah?"
Then Big Blue Gyarados speeds out of the lake jumping skyward towards the balloon. "Aaaaaaaahhhh.... it's so dry in this balloon. I love our personal Meowth balloon", beams Jessie. "It's certainly a lot better than being wet", tells James. Eeeeeeeehhhhhh..... we'll leave it up to you to figure what that statement means (Hint: It has something to do with J & J). Then they hear something strange sailing up towards the balloon. So when they look over to check it out they see Big Blue speeding towards them making them scream in panic.
And in what turns out to be an amazing display of pokemon athleticism, Gyarados leaps up about 100 feet (CUT IT OUT INTERNATIONAL PEOPLE.... I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY METERS IT IS!!!!) past Big Red in the net, past TR and Crystal's pokemon, and to the happy Buddha-faced Meowth portion of the convoy. Gyarados sinks his teeth into the balloon and his downward force brings the balloon, Big Red, Sandshrew, Pikachu, and TR. "Gyarados did it! That was amazing!", states Misty. "You shouldn't be too surprised..... Gyarados have a reputation for leaping great heights out of water", says Jenny as Misty and Cris-tal go, "Whooooooaaaa".
They're pretty stoked at the sight of Gyarados's leap, ain't they? <wink wink>
Big Red then looks at Big Blue and acknowledges it rescuing him and he then begins................. to fall in love............ awwww. Officer Jenny happens to have a lock pick she pulled out of her pocket (ya know.... one that she uses to sneak into files illegally and corrupt them). She frees her hands from TR's handcuffs and then tells the threesome to use it and free themselves as she passes the lock pick Crystal (who should learn this to get out of possible future drug arrests), then Justin, then Misty.
Big Red then goes up to Big Blue to show its appreciation for rescuing him from the entertaining clutches of TR. Big Blue then nuzzles up against Big Red whom accepts her love and they look like a darling couple.............................. well........ speaking of Gyarados anyway. "Look.... the Gyarados.... your Gyarados is in love, Justin!", points out Misty. Justin then grins and reasons, "So that's why Gyarados wouldn't attack it."
James in the basket floating on the lake then whines, "I really wanted to stay out of the rain, but there's no use in that now...." "You're upset cuz ya wet, I'm da one dat hates da watuh!!!", yells Meowth angrily. "Well... we're wet, were miserable, and we're very mad!!! But we've still got Sandshrew and Pikachu and we're going to defend what we've stolen!", declares Jessie as Wobbuffet patiently agrees. "And you're gonna do the defending and earn your keep around here!", demands Jessie out of the patiently pleased one.
Justin then yells for Gyarados to go get the other pokemon back. Big Blue charges at TR in their basket to attack them. But Wobbuffet uses counter to send Big Blue away to the concern of Justin and Big Red. Big Blue is then ordered to use a hydro pump to wash away TR...... but Wobbuffet's mirror coat sends that attack away as well. Justin then comes to the brilliant conclusion that they'll need something extra other than Big Blue to defeat TR.
And just as this brilliant chess match is taking place, James has to ruin it by calling out the ugly piece known as Weezing. Ugly ugmo uses a smokescreen to cover TR so the twerps can't see them. Weezing then uses a sludge attack that aims right at Big Blue. Justin then spots the sludge as it comes out of the smoke and yells for Big Blue to dodge it. Big Blue just avoids it but after another sludge attack, it looks like it'll tag Big Blue with sludge despite Justin's warning. But just before the sludge gets there, Big Red blasts it away with a hydro pump of its own.
This makes the threesome look on in surprise. "Wow.... look at that! The Gyarados are now fighting for each other", states Misty. "But they still have Sandshrew and Pikachu...", says Crystal, "... and any attack will just be lost in all that smoke." "Yes.... I doubt anything will hit them in that thick smoke.......... Wait a second!!!", says Justin who suddenly has an idea. He then tells his Gyarados to try and tell Big Red to use his dragon rage to blow TR out of the water.
So Big Blue goes up to Big Red and talks to him roaring something like 'Hey baby.... wanna use that damn sexy dragon rage you got? It just turns me on!' So the big red Gyarados then faces the plume of smoke that TR is concealed in and then charges up its attack. "Hey.... what's that red Gyarados doing?", wonders Jessie. "I don't know and I'm not so sure I want to find out", figures James watching them behind the smoke.
Big Red then unleashes it dragon rage which creates a cyclone that batters the smoke away and throws TR around like yesterday's newspaper. Justin elates in the fact that his idea would work as Crystal adds that it the Gyarados communicate very well. They have to communicate well if they're goin' to be in love though..... right Sandshrew and Pikachu?
"Pika pikachu!!"
Once TR comes into the clear, Meowth starts to panic as the two Gyarados stare them down. Big Blue then is ordered to use take down but Wobbuffet once again counters to send Big Blue away. Big Red also tries to get to Team Rocket but Wobbuffet patiently aways him as well.
The Gyarados couple then put their big heads together and realize that a conventional attack will result in getting their asses kicked by Wobbuffet. "Face it.... you two old sea dogs can't touch us!", brags Jessie as Wobbuffet wooobbbuuuhhhs. Then Meowth is all too proud to point out, "Ya can't touch dis!!!" ????.... Hmmm.... guess Meowth needs to show off his booty sometime.
Justin then tries to figure out a solution and then he tries a new a different approach that nobody except the very brightest at schools like Oxford and Harvard could have figured out. It's a good thing too since Justin is apparently traveling with Crystal to look into some colleges. Why... Justin does..... oh wait nevermind he just tells Gyarados to use another attack..... this time a fire blast.
The fire blast is aimed at TR and Wobbuffet counters it away with all its Wobba-might. But just after Big Blue is sent away, Big Red slams their basket from the side knocking free the sack that Pikachu and Sandshrew were um....... uh..... together in. And the sack conveniently flies right into Crystal's arms who runs to catch it. She then welcomes her buddies back from their time in the sack (WILL YOU PLEASE GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA?!?!) and they respond back with cutesy pokemon cries.
With the pokemon out of TR's basket, all that's left to do is to get rid of TR. "Well... it looks like we got dumped!", quips James. "Slam dunked!", adds Meowth as Justin tells his Gyarados to finish them off with a hydro pump. But before Big Blue attacks, it goes over to Big Red and probably tells the sexy thang to attack TR with it. So they both unleash a hydro pump attack which even though they had to angle down to shoot at TR, it ends up creating some kind of special rocket force which sends TR skyward. "And dey live happily eva afta...", says Meowth soaring through the air with Wobbuffet (saluting of course) and Weezing in the background. "Shut up Meowth!! This story is anything but Disneylike...", comments Jessie.
"Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiin" "Wooooobb", is faintly heard as their star twinkles in the slowly clearing night.
"That was great, Gyarados!", says Justin as Misty chimes in that Gyarados's red partner was just as awesome. Officer Jenny then comments about how grateful she is to have them rescue the rare Gyarados (and keep her secret corrupt political career alive). She adds that, "Now the lake (and my career) can return to its original pristine beauty." Big Blue then swims over to its trainer as Justin goes, "Hey there, girl! It looks like you have yourself a true love there..."
Oooooooohh..... ain't that sexy.....
"That red Gyarados certainly needed a pokemon like your Gyarados to tame it and make it fall in love", quips Misty as she, the pokemon, and Crystal come over towards Justin at the dock. "Hey.... you know what boy and girl that reminds me of?", asks Crystal looking at Misty (one half of the answer). "No...... what?", wonders Misty. Crystal begins to say the real answer but she then gets afraid of angering Misty and just says, "Umm..... these two people I know that from near where you live."
Officer Jenny quips about how much calmer the red Gyarados is acting since the twerps came and stupidly awoken it and how it gets along so well with its newfound lovechild. Justin meanwhile, not wanting to separate two lovers suggests, "Well, I guess it would be wrong for me to keep the two of you apart. Is it okay if I leave you here in the Red Lake?" Gyarados nods its head as Officer Jenny can only be more grateful for having him leave his Gyarados there so that she can use them as her trophy. She also comments about what a great Gyarados couple they will be. "They sure will be...", yawns Crystal which proclaims to the world that its time for the twerps to go to bed as we see the two Gyarados nuzzle each other.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon?? (This four-legged pokemon's tail is on fire!)
"It's Ponyta!!!" ............................................... <neighs>
The next morning after a nice long rest, the threesome go back towards the lakeside as Justin sits on the beach with the blue and red Gyarados. With the girls in the background watching on, Justin sits there and reminisces with Gyarados. "Well Gyarados, we've been partners for a long time. Remember when we had those huge battles in the Johto League??", he asks as Gyarados just roars back the same way at everything he says. So the supposedly bright young man tells his fishy friend, "It's going to be very different without you around...", as Gyarados just keeps roaring something like 'whatever....' back at him.
So then Justin keeps babbling about more nostalgic nonsense as Crystal reminds the audience, "Well... I guess even after they part, trainers and pokemon will always be partners...", alluding to people's visions of their previously owned pokemon during acid trips. And thus the threesome, the corrupt Officer Jenny, and already minted pokemon couple Sandshrew and Pikachu look on at the site of the blue and red Gyarados. The fact that it isn't even an acid trip makes this even more wondrous for Crystal.
So eventually, the twerps will all leave giving the Gyarados plenty of time to go beneath the surface of the lake to .............. uh............... you know.... I don't think I need to explain it to you the reader.... you've all had phys. ed., right?
So what does this episode prove?? Well this just goes to prove that any wild, dangerous monster like Gyarados or the drunk psycho down the street from you can calm down if they just have some lovin'. As for possible replacements on Justin's roster..... well.... he's soon going to catch a pokemon that well........ just can't get enough of the boyish good looks of this young man....
To Be Continued