Dragonitemare presents
Pokemon Crystal series
Ep. 20
Well it appears that everyone is applauding Crystal and her pokemon couple for winning a thunder badge at the Vermilion City gym. Even those that aren't there.... like everyone's favorite crack-baby Ash Ketchum. And oh by the way, our infamous threesome is speaking with him right now by videophone at the pokemon center in Vermilion City.
"Hey Crystal", greets the dimwit who is greeted back by Crystal asking how his rehab is going. He says his recovery is coming along well and asks how things are going and Crystal replies that things are going very well and... lookee here.. she even won a thunder badge. "Wow great job, Crystal! Buuuuut....... there's also something else I want to ask you", he says with a glassy smile on his face. Crystal anticipates that he might announce that he has an enormous crush on her as she blushes.
But Ash is still too blockheaded to understand love and so instead asks her, "Why's your gym badge golden?", making the three of them fall over. Pikachu leaps off of Sandshrew's back while Sandshrew is still in shock so the two loveboids can escape cuddling for a moment. Pikachu goes up to the monitor to greet its friend Ash. "Hey buddy!", shouts Ash from his hospital bed talking to a creature that is closest to his intellectual level.
Ash then asks Pikachu a VERY dodgy question towards the little yellow rodent. "Are you taking care of Crystal and Misty for me?", he asks sending AAML'ers (and AACL'ers) into a state of glee. "Pika.... pikachu!", replies Pikachu which means, "Yeah... I'm watching out for your bitches!" "I can see Pikachu is really glad to see you", remarks Crystal who finally gets up and comes to her senses after the effects of her latest acid trip hit her.
She then explains that Kanto League trainers get golden badges after winning gym battles. "Wow! That's fascinating!", shouts the air-headed little boy, "Well... I better continue my rehabilitation...." "All right, Ash", says Crystal as Justin says good-bye and continue his rehabilitation. But before he hangs up, Misty didn't get to tease him. Thus, she teases him, "I'm sure your rehabilitation of laying in bed and eating popcorn all day sure is tough."
"Errrrrr....my rehabilitation is definitely a lot harder than your daily routine of how to wear that awful new hairstyle of yours.", growls Ash. And so, the argument carries on with both Ash and Misty screaming at each other through the videophone with Pikachu unsuccessfully trying to mediate. By the time they're about a minute into their still
heated argument over nothing, Crystal and Justin simply decide to walk away.
"Those two will never learn, will they?", asks the slightly street smarter Crystal. "Nuh-uh", comments Justin shaking his head with Sandshrew in her arms adding, "Shrew.... shrew-shrew".
<cue intro>
We then see the pokemon center door with the IV needle sign which Cris-tal is staring at with much interest. The red glowing sign turns off and out the door walks Nurse Joy with the good news that all her (Ash's) pokemon have recovered. "Hey guys!", she says warm-heartedly welcoming them back. Out walks Sandshrew, Pikachu, and Bulbasaur each with their respective cries as Crystal hugs them all.
"You all made me so proud yesterday", she says as they each try to get the biggest piece of the Cryzz-tal pie. "All of them were outstanding", states Misty who finally stopped arguing with bedridden Ash, "They beat three very tough pokemon to win.", as she beams at all of them. "So Crystal, what do you think we should do next with this trip?", asks Justin somewhat suggestively.
But Crystal just received a bunch of pokemon lovin and isn't feeling horny. So she just remarks, "I don't know.... The Saffron City gym is probably still closed", meaning they got to Vermilion City at a pace where Ash in the Johto League would've been only a tenth of the way to the next gym. "I guess I should continue training", suggests Crystal.
"Now that's what separates you and Ash...", notes Misty, "You're worried about training whereas Ash would've been more concerned with a double cheeseburger." Justin then gets ticked off with Misty's fetish of belittling Ash even when they're not talking. He yells at her with his head enlarged, "COULD YOU WORRY ABOUT SOMETHING OTHER THAN TEASING ASH????"
Misty chuckles, "Heh.... I guess I should focus my mind on something else", as Togepi lets out a, "Toge-toge-prii", to her telling her what her mind should be mesmerized with. Then, a voice calls them from the entrance of the pokemon center saying, "Are you the girl that won a Kanto League thunder badge from the gym here?" They all look over and see a girl, about a year or two younger than Justin wearing some kind of headset. She's being flanked by an Electabuzz on her right and an Elekid on her left.
"Yeah... that's me", notes Crystal sheepishly. "That's another thing", interrupts Misty, "Crystal accepts compliments with respect while Ash would just jump out and brag about his accomplishment." She then huh's and turns towards Justin who's sighing with his head down saying to her, "You really don't have anything better to do with your time, do ya?" Well, Misty has had plenty of time to follow around Ash and put him through sexual torment except for the fact that Ash's mind can't comprehend sexual torture leaving the red-head flustered.
Misty replies, "I have plenty of time to do tons of my hobbies... like taking care of Togepi (as we go to a stage background), studying and training water pokemon (as she's in the ocean playing with her pokemon), and another hobby of mine just happens to be fighting with Ash. Besides, I don't see you occupying your time with anything", as now she teases Justin. Justin just gives her a stupid look as the woman and Crystal chatter.
"You three must be really good friends", says the woman. "Oh yeah, it may not look like it but we get along just fine", answers Crystal as Justin and Misty continue to give each other looks. "Anyway", continues the woman, "My name's Lianne, and I'm starting up a helicopter service that's going to be based here in Vermilion City. What I'd like to ask from you I'd like you to Christen the helicopter before our first helicopter ride."
"Sounds like a great idea...", states Crystal as Sandshrew agrees with her. "And then.... after the helcopter is Christened at the heliport nearby, I'd like to take you on our maiden helcopter voyage out over the ocean", adds Lianne. "Wow! I'd be an idiot to pass up this kind of opportunity", remarks Crystal meaning that Ash would've passed on the same offer. "Hey guys, you up for a helicopter ride?", asks Crystal towards Sandshrew and Pikachu.
"Pikachu!" and "Shrew!", shout each of the pokemon respectively followed by a bellowing, "Saur!", from the revved up Bulbasaur. She then turns to Misty and Justin who appear to be "making up" and she asks them if they want to go on a ride. The two of them though don't seem to be paying much attention to her though when they respond, "Oh yeah... that's fine.... ride!"
Make of that scenario what you will.
Crystal asks what Lianne does with the helicopter company. "Well", she well's, "I am not only the manager of the company... I'm also a pilot." "Whaaaa", gasps Crystal in unnecessary shock, "So.... you're gonna be flying the helicopter?". Lianne confirms her suspicions and tells her she pilots the chopper with the assistance of her Electabuzz and Elekid. "Wow", remarks Cris-tal as if she's high again (... hmmmm....), "Electabuzz are pretty rare (turning to Elekid and whipping out drug dealer's pokedex) and I don't think I've seen these guys before."
Elekid - the electric pokemon - Elekids love violent thunder. The spaces between their horns flicker bluish-white sparks when they're charging energy.
"Pretty neat", notes Crystal pondering what kind of uses they could have in drug trading. "I guess you could call them my co-pilots", remarks Lianne. "We'll be glad to fly on your helicopter as guests", states Crystal. This is finally when she has the attention of Justin and Misty. Justin utters, "Co-pilots?", while Misty nervously says, "Fly?"
"Yeah... Lianne here is the pilot and manager of her own helicopter company that is opening up tomorrow", answers Crystal. "Oh that's great!", beams Misty as Togepi beckons its evil waves to the fresh energy-full Lianne, "It's a good thing we're not riding by helicopter... I hate flying", she adds shuddering. "Huh.... what do you mean Misty? I thought you agreed you be with me to Christen the helicopter and then fly on its maiden voyage?", asks Cris-tal
Justin and Misty then look at her with great surprise as Justin quips, "We did?" Misty then shouts and aaaaah's as she yells out that she wanted to travel on the ground, not off of it. "Right now.... your mind is way off the ground", retorts Justin. Misty shouts back, "What are you talking about?", as they begin to argue again. But then, Crystal gets really steamed shouting at them with an enlarged head, "You two arguing all the time are not mellow", still sounding like an pothead.
She then insists that the two of them are going on this flight tomorrow with her and Lianne. This causes Misty to sigh and say that somehow she was afraid of this. This gives the evil Togepi a perfect opportunity to do some more leeching as it keeps echoing, "Togi-togi-togi-prii!"
Later that night, while the threesome is being a threesome in a single room while a couple of other pokemon look on, the scene shifts to the pre-Christened helicopter. On board this helicopter, we find a disgruntled Team Rocket on their hands and knees (GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA) making the helicopter spotless.
"Why did we hafta take dis job as maintenance for da helicopta??", complains Meowth. "Because until we have a successful criminal scheme, we have to find another way to make a living!", snaps Jessie. In a dodgy comment that follows, James utters, "But Jessie, do we really have to get jobs as cleaners, I'm tired of cleaning up dirty things", as he looks towards her crotch trying to suggest something (And it's NOT that he wants sex Rocketshippers!!!!).
Jessie puts her hands around James's neck strangling and yelling at him, "Like it or not, we'll earn a living cleaning this helicopter if we have to!" Wobbuffut pops out to happily greet, "Woooobbuh-fet", after Jessie assert
her boss status with TR. "You're not cutting into my earnings... get back into your pokeball!!!", snaps Jessie as she turns toward Wobbuffet and sucks it back into the pokeball.
"Ya know.... we don't just hafta earn money", proclaims Meowth. "We don't?", ask J & J. Meowth tells them that they can earn pokemon, too. He explains that he 'ovahoid' the chopper boss (Lianne) talk about how she's going to have Elekid and Electabuzz on board to help with the flights. Meowth then tells them the usual come-up-with-a-scheme-to- swipe-the-pokemon-that-eventually-fails-thanks-to-Crystal's-
"Wow Meowth... your ears really must work", quips Jessie, "... now if only we could get your brain to work right..." James then beams in a gayer than normal tone, “Ooooooh...... We could have the Elekid and Electabuzz help us run our own Shadow Traffic company where we could follow traffic all over the pokemon world." But Jessie shouts at him again saying, "We're giving these pokemon to the boss (James sighs) and besides... that idea is lawful and therefore not worthy of being run by the unlawful and unparalleled Team Rocket.", as she blushes during the last part.
Meowth then cuts in to say, "Den let's start schemin on an unlawful scheme!" He faces J & J as Wobbuffet comes out again between the faceoff while saluting the camera.
Now there's a photo-op..... have your picture taken with saluting Wobbuffet only $10. The first person to run this operation will become filthy f*ckin rich. Uhhh.... check that, the second person to run this operation will become not as filthy f*ckin rich but at least they'll have a comfortable living for years. (I'm first!!!!) Uhh.. Another correction.... the 50th person to start this type of operation will barely be able to eek out a decent living and have to live in the ghettos of either Paterson, Newark, or East Saint Louis.
Regardless, we zoom forward to the next morning where there is a huge gathering for the opening of Lianne's helicopter tourism service. There's a carnival like atmosphere with crazy rides designed to make little kids puke. We notice Team Rocket watching the cutting of the red tape ceremony. "Welcome family, friends, and fellow employees to our grand opening ceremony!!!!", proclaims Lianne as everyone cheers.
"I wonder what kind of celebrity the pilot chick brought out to help cut the tape...", beams Jessie "Maybe she brought Antonio Banderas..... or even Russell Crowe.... aaaaaahhhhh", as her jaw drops wide open thinking about attractive celebrities. Meanwhile, hundreds of dodgers drop their jaws wide open picturing a massively horny Jessie. James though momentarily brings her back down to Earth by telling her, "Uh.... Jessie, I don't think her budget is that big... she can't even pay us minimum wage".
But Jessie knows gay guys all too well and how to bring them back up by alluding to the one superstar that homosexuals all over the world go absolutely bananas over..... and this celebrity is not even male!!!!!!! Anyway, Jessie mentions to him, "She could have even brought Madonna here..." As anticipated, James goes cuckoo with excitement at the mention of her name. "EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I love Madonna and her music... it would be a dream come true if I could see her in person here", he squeals as high as he can without actually sounding like a woman and not just a gay guy.
Meowth sees this newfound "love" by James and tells him, "It looks like Jimmy-boy has a crush on da aging pop diva...", as he blushes towards James. But James won't stand for anyone that messes with Madonna or accuses him of having a crush on a woman (take heed rocketshipper Dan). So James strangles Meowth yelling at him, "How dare you insult the greatest musical artist (note he doesn't say ar-teeeest here) in history!!!" "Wobbuffet", shouts Wobbuffet popping out of its pokeball again just so it can agree with everyone.
While all this goings on occured, Lianne was giving her little presentation. She then announces that she has a special guest to help her cut the ceremonial tape and to ride on the first flight. She states that she's a pokemon
trainer in the Kanto League that recently won a thunder badge from the Vermilion City gym. As TR looks on, Lianne announces the guest to be....... Madonna....... (An EEEEEEE roars from James).
J/k........ the celebrity is Cris-tal of course as she walks on stage with her brooding pokemon love affair. Misty and Justin also follow her on stage even though they weren't announced as guests. Togepi probably forced them to bring its egg-shelled ass on stage so all could fall under the rule of Togepi. Nevertheless, Lianne helps Crystal cut the rope and everyone claps while Misty looks on nervously anticipating the flight. (We've never seen Misty in the air before on the show...... perhaps there's an underlying reason for that?? But I'll leave it up to dodgers to imagine that...).
Everyone that is...... except TR. "Oooooh.... we wanted today's hottest stars and we got today's twerpiest twerps", grumbles Jessie as we hear Wobbuffet speak its wisdom again. "Hey.... we may not get today's hottest stars but we could get some of today's hottest pokemon instead!", reasons Meowth. "That's a sweet idea", sniffs James still upset that the guest wasn't Madonna. Meowth then adds as a footnote, "Aldough......... I was hopin for dat hot Meowth babe from dose fancy feast comoicials." Jessie and James fall over after hearing this while Wobbuffet just salutes and blurts out another, "Wobbbuhffet!"
The threesome, Lianne, and her Electabuzz and Elekid crew then approach the helicopter where TR is watching them. "Dere coming!", shouts Meowth, "Everyone put on your disguises while I hide in da closet... he he he." It seemed from that ... well.... maybe Meowth has a thing for...... "closets". Make of that statement what you will. Meowth hides while Jessie states, "Time to launch a secret swipe strike!" Wobbuffet bellows out one more time before Jessie snaps, "That includes you getting back into your pokeball!!!!", as she calls it back.
When everyone arrives, they stare and sweat at the site of Team Rocket disguised as "stewardesses". None of the threesome members notice that its them though despite the similar hair style and same dark red and gay blue hair colors. Lianne asks her disguised employees to help the guests take their baggage into the helicopter. James then utters quite the comical and dodgy statement saying, "We've been taking their baggage for years...", making Jessie smack him to shut him up.
It should be noted that both Jessie and James are in full disguises with stewardess vests and skirts. Jessie lets her hair down instead of letting it stay up (cuz that would be a giveaway to Crystal who isn't as dim as Ash) and they're both wearing caps on their heads. Otherwise, they look exactly like the Jessie and James we know and love. Gigglelicious..............
Lianne boards th helicopter followed by her pokemon squadron, Cris-tal, Pikachu, Sandshrew (staring at Pikachu's pika-ass), and Justin. But flight fearing Misty is not so easily boarded. "Oh no.... you all can go right on ahead and enjoy your flight but I'm staying right here on the ground... I hate flying!", nervously quips Misty. Justin then pinches her by the ear a la Brock telling her, "Come on landlubber... you'll be just fine!"
But Misty won't give in so easily as most bitchy women don't. She grabs Justin's hands off of her ear, twists them around and panics to him. "I'm really serious.. I'm not getting on that choppy chopper!!!", she shouts. But then Crystal and Pikachu calm her down reminding her of the dodgy liaison they had on the Magnet Train saying, "Calm down, Misty. It'll be just like the train ride we went on.... all you have to do to stay calm is not to look down. Or just focus on Togepi...." Misty calms down after Togepi applies some deep pressure hypnosis on its host and she boards the copter.
Great advice, Crystal.... now poor mullet-haired Misty will never break free from the clutches of the freaky egg thingy.
..........Hmmmmmm ............ or will the freaky egg thingy break free from controlling Misty???
Everyone is now on board the helicopter as Lianne bids farewell to all her friends and financeers as she closes the door. She gets in the pilot's seat, gets the equipment in check, and asks her co-pilot Electabuzz if it's ready as it sits next to her acting as the co-pilot. It makes that weird noise it makes and then Lianne shouts crazily, "WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!! Time to takeoff!!!!" The helicopter takes off into the sky for what promises to be a very dodgy and unforgettable flight.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon??
...... It's Charmander................... "Charmander"
Crystal and company are on their gift helicopter flight unaware of the usual ho-hum conflict that looms with TR. Lianne is concentrating on steering the helicopter while she gives orders to her Electabuzz co-pilot. The rest of the Electabuzz and Elekids are are working on the machinery and serving the passengers some food. "Thanks for the candy, Elekid!", beams Crystal as she gladly pops what looks like ecstasy pills into her mouth. The same Elekid hands out this "candy" to Justin and Misty and even the pokemon.
Seconds later we notice that their eyes are wide open and seem to be popping out of everyone's skulls. Misty shouts out to the whole copter, "This has to be the best candy I've ever had!" "Pikachu", adds an equally stoned Pikachu as they appear to be starting to trip on the pills or whatever the "candy" was. Justin tells Lianne in very impressed yet orgasmic fashion, "You must set your standards incredibly high for this business."
Lianne explains back to him that by opening her helicopter business today, she possesses the Kanto World's largest jumbo helicopter with a kitchen to prepare some of the food that can be eaten in this baby. Crystal looks down at the sparkling blue ocean along with Pikachu on her shoulder. "You know Lianne, this sounds like a great career. If I don't become a doctor, I'd like to fill your shoes when you can't do this anymore", utters a buzzed Cris-tal.
Lianne replies that she's glad that everyone's enjoying all of her amenities. She then tells her "esteemed" guests that they can request anything they want from her subordinates at any time and the threesome thank her. A few moments later, our beloved "stewardess" James approaches Crystal to put TR's plan into action.
"Excuse me", he squeals in a stewardess voice, "In addition to all the other amenities that the pilot told you about, we also have a relaxation spa for your pokemon." "Really?", asks a confused Cris-tal. James replies that it's the most relaxation a pokemon can have in the skies. In other words... this would probably be an enormous pokemon orgy. "Why don't you let your Sandshrew and your Pikachu enjoy the spa for free on us?", he/'she' then squeals.
"For free?", jumps Crystal which scares an already scared to death Misty. Crystal apologizes and then rationalizes that she could give it a try. Jessie wastes no time then in grabbing a confused Pikachu and Sandshrew and taking them into the back area to what looks like a very small closet. Jessie shouts out from the spa closet that, "It's time for the spa treatment...", as she throws them in the closet where Meowth is hiding.
Hmmm..... maybe Meowth will give them a different kind of treatment... that horny scratch-cat!!!!
Crystal then probably begins to feel the effects of all those pills that she's taken so she tells Justin, "I'm getting tired... I think I'm just going to lie back and relax for awhile." But Justin also seems to have been affected by the drugs as well and agrees and he also feels like passing out for the rest of the ride. But seconds into their slumber, they get interrupted.
While Lianne is asking her Electabuzz co-pilot to report the current location to her, Jessie tells her the she's got something to report. "What do you need? I'm trying to fly the helicopter here. If the toilet's backed up just use some of the Drano in the storage closet", states Lianne. "I'm afraid it's much more important to everyone on the flight", answers Jessie.
A quivering Misty quips, "What's going on? Are we under attack?", as Togepi beckon yet again growing ever stronger with Misty being so nervous at the moment. Crystal and Justin both open their eyes with groggy looks on their faces. "What's go.... whaa... Did we land?", asks a sleepy Justin.
"Now that you're all awake I should tell you twerps that now that Pikachu and Sandshrew are currently being receiving spa
treatment (he he he), we're going to leave now with our new pokemon", announces Jessie. "What?", exclaims a suddenly awake Crystal. Lianne, who isn't used to being stalked by Team Rocket, shouts at them that its no time for joking around and orders them to get back to work.
"And what about the spa treatment you promised my pokemon?", shouts Crystal. Lianne tells Crystal, "What? I don't have a
pokemon spa, Crystal?" Crystal then looks at her in shock as TR giggles like girls... oh wait... they are girls, my bad! Justin then calls out, "Rrrr... Now I know who you are!"
"Ha ha.... prepare for trouble you eyes in the skies""Not again!", shouts Crystal who still has no idea of how far TR will go to get Pikachu and supposedly, now Sandshrew. "What the hell is going on here?", asks a confused Lianne temporarily forgetting that she's flying the helicopter. "Well you see your pilotess...", explains James, "Since we didn't get any money from working for your cheap business, we decided to take some of Crystal's pokemon instead."
"Over my dead body I'll let you do that", she exclaims, "Besides, you're stuck on this helicopter." Jessie tells her that its not true telling her that they're all strapped and ready to jump off this flight. Crystal then sees Sandshrew and Pikachu trapped in this case that Meowth is lugging along and she shouts for them as all protagonists do to no avail.
Lianne yells at them, "Don't you three have any shame?? Give back their pokemon." Jessie replies, "Can't you see we have no shame? Besides, since you didn't pay us, we have to reimburse ourselves somehow." "It's your fault for holdin back our first week's paychecks", proclaims Meowth. "That's my company policy for ALL my employees", answers Lianne. "Well Team Rocket never abides by policies", retorts James as they fling the helicopter door wide open with their parachute backpacks on their backs.
"Are you crazy???!!!!!! We may all fall down into the ocean!!!", shouts Justin as Misty quivers saying frantically that she doesn't want to fall. "Oh don't worry... we'll be just fine as long as we have your pair of pokemon.", states James as they all laugh. Lianne tells them that she won't let them get away and she sends one of her Electabuzz to attack. She tries to get out of her pilot's chair to guide
Electabuzz but again, she forgets that she actually has to fly the helicopter and it starts to tip to everyone's horror and Togepi's violence craving delight.
"My helicopter!", she shouts as she gets her forgetful ass back into the pilot's chair. Crystal tells her to just worry about flying and that they'll deal with Team Rocket who has fallen over away from the door due to the helicopter moving wildly. She then calls out the wickedly insane Totodile who bounces around more than usual due to the copter stuttering. Jessie then calls on Wobbuffet to protect them as Totodile is told to use its insanely powerful water gun.
But the water gun is countered by Wobbuffet and Totodile is sent flying back. "Watch the control equipment! It can't get wet", shouts Lianne in warning. Jessie just laughs at the twerps and then proclaims, "It's time to 'chute off!" "Ta!", says James the way Snake from the Simpsons would say it.... except he sounds more gay. But Misty calls out Poliwhirl sending it out in front of the door in essence almost throwing it off the helicopter.
Jessie tells Poilwhirl, "Outta the way you squirt!" But Poliwhirl is ordered to use its water gun and thus after it tells TR, "Poliwhirl", which probably means, "F*ck you bitch... you ain't gettin by me!", it blasts TR backwards
away from the door. Jessie then gets really pissed off at getting soaked and she leads TR into battle. "Protect us Wobbuffet!", she orders as Wobbuffet yells, "Wobbuh", obliging its fearless leader. Totodile is told to use its scratch attack but it just bounces off Wobbuffet.
Poilwhirl then tries another water gun which Wobbuffet counters but Crystal has Totodile use its water gun at the same time which tags Wobbuffet from behind crashing it into TR. James then decides that its time to stick his head into this battle and he sends out Victreebel into battle. After it screams its Victreebel scream, we see James covering his head in anticipation of a Victreebel revolt but................... unbelievably...... nothing happens.
"Dat's odd......Victreebel didn't come afta ya", states Meowth. James begins to mistakenly gloat, "Maybe Victreebel finally decided to listen to ..... eeeeeeeeee!" The shrieking in horror results from the helicopter fluttering around wildly. Apparently, Victreebel saw a face sexier than James that was steering the helicopter and decided to attack Lianne instead. Unfortunately, since Victreebel is on her head (anyone want a Victreebel hat??) she can't see. In effect, she can't pilot the helicopter and thus, the helicopter flying around wildly through the skies shaking everyone around though no one falls out of the helicopter and falls towards Earth.
"Victreebel.... get off her.... or else we'll crash!!", shrieks a horrified James. Victreebel then does get off Lianne and faces Totodile and Poliwhirl. Totodile attacks it with a scratch attack giving Victreebel all kinds of scratch
marks. The sad part is that they look like stretch marks and might make it look fat to other lady Victreebels it might want to score with and that isn't good. Then again, the only thing Victreebel ever cared for is James sexy face...... So maybe it doesn't mean anything bad for Victreebel. Ah well... Like anyone gives a f*ck.
James has Victreebel use its razor leaf which Totodile avoids but it ends up damaging the controls to the fear of Lianne as one of the leaves break one of her control sticks. That's when the pill dealing Elekid decides to get into the action and for no real cause other than to help the passengers, he tries to thundershock Victreebel. However, it ends up shocking the entire helicopter short-circuiting it. Misty then has Poliwhirl use mega punch which hits Wobbuffet into Meowth. This forces Meowth to lose its grip on the case that sealed the two pokemon lovers setting them free. Crystal welcomes back the duo and hugs them for the umpteenth time in reunion.
Crystal then gives TR a pissed off look for ruining her sleep and stealing her pokemon again. TR ends up bunched up together after the attacks by Totodile and Poliwhirl. She then yells at Totodile to use its water gun again. Totodile shows its happiness for its new cuter master by dancing insanely in joy and then blasting TR off with its insanely powerful water gun.
As TR soars out the copter door and into the stratosphere, Jessie then suggests, "Maybe that shadow traffic idea was a good idea after all." Wobbuffet yells its usual cry in agreement to its beautiful master as we notice a GAS of James. Jessie finishes, "After all... we spend so much time in the air, we really could cover traffic." Meowth then adds, ".... and afta all......"
"Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaaaaaaaaaaiiinn!" "Wobbuh... wobb!"
The threesome start to celebrate along with the pokemon (especially Totodile.... that party animal) until the helicopter suddenly stutters throwing everyone all around the aircraft. "What's going on?", asks a panicked Justin as Misty shrieks for her life. "The control panel for the cockpit has been damaged by the water, razor leaves, and the electrical overload on the fuselage has kept the electrical system from running", notes Lianne.
Justin seems a little confused so he questions her, "And put in English that means.....?" Lianne screams back to them, "I CAN'T FLY THIS THIIIIIINNNNG!!!!!!" Needless to say, all the trainer and the pokemon panic.... especially Totodile whom leaps about four feet in the air after hearing the news. Crystal foolishly asks if she can try to land it somewhere. Lianne replies to her that she can't land anywhere since they're out over the middle of the ocean.
After some more gasping, the helicopter fins at the top of the copter begin to stop beginning the flight big descent towards Earth with the open door side on the top shutting that door. "What are we going to do?", gasps a nervous Crystal as Sandshrew utters, "Shrew", in concern. Lianne declares that she may go down in a blaze of glory but she'll keep her pokemon alive and she calls back her entire flight crew of Electabuzz and Elekid. "That's a good idea... You should call back your pokemon, too!", Justin tells the
"Right!", agrees Crystal as she calls back Totodile and Poliwhirl is called back by Misty who is scrunched up on the floor against her seat. "I told you there was a reason I didn't want to fly!", shouts Misty trying to proclaim that she was right about staying out of the sky. "Not now!", shouts Crystal, "We have to do something to land safely!" "But what can we do? We're done for!!!", shouts the suddenly pessimistic Misty.
"No we're not!", exclaims Justin trying to be a hero (and remain a pimp). He throws a pokeball straight down out the bottom window bringing out Dragonite. Justin yells at Dragonite to stop the helicopter from falling. The helicopter is falling really fast and it clocks a patiently waiting Dragonite who is, however, able to slow it down
Everyone looks on patiently as Crystal roots silently for the retro 70s era orange dragon. "Pi-pika", states Pikachu also in concern of Dragonite. But unfortunately, Dragonite proves its wimpiness as it buckles under the weight of the helicopter. "It's no use! The helicopter's too big for even a Dragonite to hold up", explains Lianne as Justin calls back Dragonite.
"Well.... I didn't know you that long... but you were a great friend, Crystal", says Misty emotionally. As Crystal begins to apologize to Misty, Justin, and Lianne (for whatever reason we don't know... maybe it's drugs as usual) for taking them on this seemingly doomed journey, we notice that one soul on this helicopter wouldn't let itself die.
That soul is the freaky evil egg thingy Togepi, who'll be damned to let a stupid helicopter crash keep it away from staying alive and taking over the world brainwashing all its occupants. So Togepi assumes a plan to save its shelled ass and starts to wave its fingers back and forth for a metronome attack. Misty then tells Crystal, "It's okay... it's not your fault!", as she hugs Crystal in an attempt to try and make out with someone (man or woman.... ignoring the older, taller, and more handsome Justin) before she leaves this cruel pokemon world.
Togepi continues to wave its fingers back and forth as everyone shouts in horror. Pikachu is being held by Sandshrew and it's going, "Pi.... kachu". Sandshrew though holds it assuring it, "Shrew .... shrew shrew!", meaning 'It's okay... my sweet! Damn I'm so horny.... if we were to survive, I would have fulfilled your every fantasy and give you the Pika-lovin' you've always been looking for.'
Aaaaaaaaahhhhh.............. pokemon in love......... And lust
Everyone continues to holler and... holla to their shout outs before they crash. Misty holds Crystal and Justin looks totally stoned as Lianne shouts, "Brace yourselves!" At this point, Togepi's little stumps for arms flash bringing about its evil powers. A giant cyclone of water spouts up from the ocean surface as everyone panics for their lives. The water cyclone slows down the helicopter enough to keep everyone alive as the helicopter hits the water.
After the aircraft hits the water, the threesome, Lianne, and the pokemon are stunned for a moment. But then Crystal realizes, "What happened?........ I think.... we're alive!!" Everyone celebrates for a moment... especially the pokemon whom can now share their newly forged love together. Togepi also roars in happiness saying, "Pathetic humans... did they think I'd perish that easily?" But then, Misty realizes, "Buuuut.... if we're still alive? ......... and we're surrounded by water?.... then that means........ WE'RE
Everybody shouts before Justin (who's slightly smarter that the average pokemon protagonist) suggests the bright idea of getting out through the door. But when he tries to open the door he doesn't have the strength to push the door open against the water pressure. But rather than admit his pathetic strength, Justin just shouts, "I can't open it for some reason", as Lianne backs him up saying that the water pressure is sealing the door and that it's too much for even a strong man like Justin to open.
Ah Lianne...... way to back up a guy in need when his manhood in in question.
Wouldn't Brandoooon know!!!!!! Heh heh heh.
And so the helicopter continues to sink as Crystal continues to panic helplessly knowing that she'll never feel high again. So ..... Is the threesome headed for a watery grave? Will they have one big orgy before they suffocate, drown, or kill each other? More importantly, is there any way to survive and get out? Find out how they get out of this mess if they get out of this mess..... Next time.
The show announcer reminds us in PUN-ishment before the end of the episode that the longer they're stuck in the helicopter... The more their chances sink. Then I clobber him for that PUN-ishment and I say... the longer that everyone's stuck in that helicopter, the more sweet lovin' that is going to be made.
To Be Continued