Dragonitemare presents
Pokemon Crystal series
Ep. 18
Well.... our protagonists are still on their way towards Vermilion City................ whoopee! We see that Justin is looking on intensively at their map trying to find the path that will get them to Vermilion City. Um......... uh oh........... a pokemon protagonist looking intensively at a map..... that could only mean one thing. The heroes are lost!!!!! ............... yet again!!!!!
Misty and Cris-tal are starting to lose their patience with Justin's map bumblings. "Why can't you follow a simple little map.... We should've been in Vermilion City by now?", snaps a displeased Crystal. Misty then adds more insult claiming, "Your sense of direction is worse than Ash's or Brock's!" We then see Sandshrew's hefty ol' body worn down by all the walking it's had to do.
But Justin calms the crabby ladies down knowing that 1) it must be that time of the month again.... and 2) he's found a shortcut that will get them on the path to Vermilion City again. "Calm down.... according to this map, if we follow this exact trail east, we'll be back on the route to Vermilion City. Then it should only take us about three hours to walk there!", states Justin nervously. "Three hours?!", yell Crystal and Misty as Pikachu also complains, "Pika-pikachu??!", even though its hitching a ride on Sandshrew at the moment. "I think I'm going to confiscate this from your possesion", notes Misty as she swipes the map out of the clutches of Justin.
Crystal then groans that there has to be some way to get back on track towards Vermilion City. Misty adds that there isn't anyone around for them to ask directions. But then Pikachu notices something through the woods off towards the side as it tells the crew, "Pika-pi!" "See something Pikachu?", asks Crystal and then Pikachu, who actually has any energy to run since it was the only pokemon that hasn't had to walk the whole way (neither did Togepi.... but it doesn't count).
The crew follows Pikachu and they end up looking towards this big cabin in a wide open field in the middle of the woods. "Wow.... a house in the woods. Maybe we could rest our bodies for a while", comments Justin. He is then quickly interrupted by Misty who tells him sternly, "Or maybe we could ask for directions!!!", as Justin then shows a sweatdrop out of embarrassment. Crystal then wonders what the purpose of the house is as does Sandshrew with inquisitive, "Shrew!"....
<cue intro>
"I'm sure whoever is at this house will assure that the fastest way to Vermilion City is the route that I've already mapped out", states Justin, "I'm sure these folk are nice and lead a carefree innocent life out here." "That's nice but are you going to brag about yourself or are you going to knock on the door and ask for directions Christopher Columbus?", mocks Misty as Togepi roars mockingly at the deflated Justin. "Since when do I have to ring the doorbell?", mopes Justin. "I thought it would be the gentlemanly thing to do", fires back Misty.
At this moment, Pikachu demonstrates that it is more alert than usual today maybe because it smoked with Crystal earlier but hey..... no one can't exactly prove that right? Pikachu spots a woman with curly hair and glasses who is walking towards them with a folder of confidential information in her arms. Crystal then spots her and suggests that they may be in luck.
"Excuse me! Could you help us? We're kind of lost!", politely states Misty. Justin adds, "And is this your house?" The woman answers while giggling, "Heh heh.... I guess you could say that I live here. And I'd be glad to give you directions to Vermilion City." The threesome thanks them as the woman then tells them, "In fact, we haven't had a visitor here in a long time. Would you like to come in?" The three of them are more than happy to go inside.
When they enter inside, they find a high-tech computer system and newspaper articles about pokemon which amazes all of them including Sandshrew and Pikachu. "You have an awful lot of pokemon information
here.... do you study pokemon?", asks Crystal. The woman answers, "Oh.... what we do here is run a website about the dodginess of the pokemon world."
Hmmmm.... this may be gettin interesting.
"Huh?", answer the three back to her who don't have any idea what these "web masters" are up to. The woman explains that along with her partners, they study the happenings in the pokemon world. And based on their findings they come up with general theories about pokemon and pokemon trainers that aren't proven. Yet, there is enough information about the pokemon, their trainers and researchers, that they can come up with theories that they believe is true. And also, many of these theories talk about dodgy things or namely, they suggest secrets and hidden relationship no one could know about by just watching them on a
normal basis. They post these theories on their website and explain why they're probably true.
"Sounds interesting?", comments Justin as we witness the evil leech Togepi get excited and start to throw around some of the paper that is kept in the corner of the room they are all in. I guess Togepi has found some info that these people has that could uncover the real Togepi and now it's trying to hide the truth. Misty then asks in a puzzled manner to try and protect the good name which she doesn't really think she have, "But doesn't that often spread bad rumors about a pokemon or a pokemon trainer?"
The woman answers that they carefully go over all of their sources that she gathers from internet sites and media articles. Then, she tells them that her friend Tim writes up only the most intriguing opinions and theories about the pokemon world. At this moment, Tim comes into the room and notices the company. "We have visitors, Tim", notes the woman as the trio and the pokemon greet him.
"You must be Crystal.....", notes Tim. Crystal asks how he knew her name and he replies, "I've been studying up and I read that you recently entered the Kanto League. (He then turns towards Justin and Misty) And
you're Justin... the Johto League finalist.... and you Misty, the water pokemon specialist." "Wow", reacts Misty, "You really do study up on pokemon, don't you?", she asks, impressed. "We most certainly do", answers the woman, "And before I forget... my name is Lex."
Well now........ we have Tim..... we have Lex.... and they run a dodgy pokemon website. Hmmmm..... now where in the heck could I have an idea or characters like that.
"Well", says Crystal who's impressed with their mess of research, "what kind of theories?" Lex tells her that for example, there is this one redhead from Cerulean City who has followed around this trainer and his Pikachu ever since the young boy started his pokemon journey. "Eventually, the two fell in love with each other", she says. Tim then cuts in to add, "But neither person knows that the other has a crush on them so they've just continued their journey to this very day not knowing of this secret love."
"Wow", states Crystal, "That girl must really be in love with him! How sad." Misty then remarks a reaction that could rival the stupidity of one of Ash's many dumb comments, "I'd really be embarassed if you guys were talking about me!", which makes Tim and Lex show an anime sweatdrop. "Heh.... Hey! I wonder if you have any dirt about us", wonders Justin and Lex replies that they certainly do.
Crystal is interested as they begin to dispense some things about her. "Though you're new at pokemon battling... you have a surprising amount of experience with pokemon", notes Tim. She agrees that they're right as Lex continues, "Plus, you study many of these pokemon and use them for secret sessions that involve activities that are questionable by law. And.... you've been doing it for years!" "Huh??!", gapes Crystal in shock not knowing that these two people are geniuses and can tell what everyone is doing even when they don't want others to know about it.
At that moment, Misty and Justin slide in behind her with Pikachu and Sandshrew on each's inner shoulder even though they didn't move their legs. "That's accurate!", they both confirm to the world as Sandshrew
adds his confirmation, "Shrew!", before Justin and Misty slide back out w/o moving their legs. "You also engage in these trades with other trainers and researchers where you buy and sell paraphernalia that I can't discuss on a 'kid's' tv show", adds the aptly-minded Tim.
Once again, Justin and Misty slide in to agree with Tim as Crystal then yells at them, "Why do you theorize all these dumb rumors??!!" Lex then assuages her whispering, "Hey.... between and me... we know about all your activities with you and your friends. It doesn't mean we don't like you. In fact, all of our followers including us are big fans of yours and are rooting for you in the Kanto League."
"That's right", calmly assures Tim, "We would never use our information to embarrass or ruin a person's reputation", as he attempts to keep his secret website from being ruined by a bunch of punk kids by making them believe that they're all sugary and innocent. "Well okay..... just don't ever get any of us in trouble or you won't want to see us again", replies Crystal who has been convinced by the two that the website is kid friendly. "Never worry about it guys.... because we prevail with the truth.... we're the three dodgemasters!", proclaims Tim boldly.
"The Dodgemasters?", asks Crystal. "Oh.... since we're the leaders of our website, we're the dodgemasters and all of our website regulars are dodgers" answers Lex. "Sounds neat", proclaims Justin like a dork. Misty
then adds, "You must have an endless amount of pokemon information if they call you dodgemasters!" "Guess so!", replies Tim who's body language perhaps suggests that he's trying to hit on Misty. Lex giggles at everyone's antics and then yells, "Who wants lemonade?"
The threesome along with Pikachu and Sandshrew yell in eager excitement as they finally have a chance to have something to drink. They may not freeload as much as they used to with Ash not around.... but they'll still take a drink or bite to eat or drink here and there. Especially since we haven't seen any of our protagonists freeload for quite awhile (unless you count the hospital). Lex tell them that they know that they're on the road all the time and that they eat at others' places so she figured they could use something to drink. This really translates into her telling them, "Eh.... we know you're a bunch of helpless freeloaders so I might as well offer you something beforehand."
But hark, while they drink up the lemonade and have a grand old time, TR is watching all the fun they're having and they're overhearing the dodgemasters brag about how much pokemon info they have. ????????????
........................ well............ at least Jessie is witnessing this anyway. "Are you hearing this James?", she asks him while she looks on with those trademark ultra high-tech binoculars.
James comically answers back to her, "Yes yes..... I hear you already!!!” Jessie shouts back angrily, “I don’t mean hear me.... I mean
hear the twerps!!!!!” James answers back that he’d like to but there’s only one set on binoculars for them and she’s using them. Couldn’t we share, Jessie? Pleeeeeeeze?”, whines James <heh heh heh>.
"I'm afraid we can't do that", answers Jessie and James then whines why not but Jessie fires back with her reasoning. "If we split the pair of binoculars it would my eye line up with the opposite eye socket and that would mess up the lines on my beautiful face", she explains as James sighs in grief. Meowth then cuts in, "But aren't ya eyes already messed up by dose binoculas?" Jessie then steams in anger as she knocks Meowth down from the top of the tree they're looking from. "That's teach anyone who messes with my looks or my plans!", exclaims Jessie.
"Now that Meowth has learned his lesson, let's go swipe those guys info", schemes Jessie as James replies, "Roger!" "Just how do we get down from so high up?", questions Jessie. James thinks, "Hmmmm", before
Wobbuffet makes its appearance and surprises J & J from behind sending them falling to the ground below. This once again proves TR's super human pain tolerance because if anyone else took a fall like that they would have been dead...... but not TR.
"Well dat was certainly da easy part!", utters a fallen Meowth already on the ground. "Yeah.... too bad it ended with a hard landing!", says James fulfilling the show's quota for PUN-ishment. All three of them groan in pain on the ground as Wobbuffet looks down upon them with a sweatdrop before proclaiming what it had seen............. "Woooooobbbuuuuhhhhffet."
Back inside their little...... uh ........... hut, yeah........... hut, Tim is amazing Misty with....... uy............... his pokemon knowledge not ......... doh....... GETCHA MIND OUTTA DA GUTTA and don't make me say it again!!! Misty wows in response (maybe he can pimp after all...... uh... what did I just say???!!!!). Crystal notices that the dodgemasters are still working as they lazily enjoy their lemonade. She asks them if they're really that busy on a regular basis and Tim says that they are claiming good pokemon dirt can't go unpublished very long.
Misty asks what helps them to go so long and Justin butts in quickly, "I bet it's Lex's secret lemonade formula", as Togepi roars in agreement since the lemonade has given it more leeching energy. "I'm flattered but I don't think it's my lemonade!", responds Lex. Tim then answers, "I think what keeps us going is our mascot." "Your mascot?", answers a curious threesome. "Yes.... This pokemon always keeps us happy and energetic because its always happy and energetic. It's the best ever pokemon!!!", declares Tim.
"A pokemon as a mascot..... sounds like a great idea!", says Misty. "Maybe the Dallas Cowboys should try it", adds Justin. Crystal fires back, "You should know that the Cowboys are has-beens by now", knowing full well about teams that have a history of drug problems while Sandshrew just shrugs its shoulders in confusion uttering, "Shrew sandshrew!!"
Tim throws out the mascot and out of the pokeball comes Koffing with its infectious smile and everything. "Kofffinnnnnnnnnnggg!", shouts the Pokemopolis mascot pokemon with a smile going a mile wide. "Koffing?", states the threesome in shock as Pikachu adds a puzzled, "Pikachu?!!", then Crystal asks them why Koffing.
Tim replies that it's pretty obvious educating the trio about how Koffing is always smiling and how Koffing is never feeling down. While Koffing is bobbing around to the delight of Sandshrew, Pikachu, and the evil Togepi he further explains that is why when any of them are feeling a little low, Koffing never fails to cheer them up. Misty then finally notices after years of studying pokemon that since Koffing is always so happy, then that must be what makes the dodgemasters so happy.
"Um excuse me for a second.....", interrupts Justin, "but a little while ago you proclaimed that you were the three dodgemasters but there are only two of you here", he observes astutely. "Hey... that's right! Who's the third?", notes Crystal who didn't pick up on it right away but still realized it light years ahead of Ash.
"Oh.... you're talking about Brandon", notes Lex. Misty asks where he is right now and Lex replies that he must be upstairs. "He must be really busy if he's up there and not chillin' with us", concludes Crystal as Pikachu pika's and leads the way upstairs so that everyone can meet him. Justin comments with a sly look towards Misty (the pervert..... he's horny and wants her.... ugh), "I bet he's the workhorse of the group." "He must be really busy if he didn't even come down to greet us", notes Crystal.
"Brandoooon....... we have coooompany!", shouts Lex as she opens the door. "Hey", greets Justin, "Eh...... what's he doing?" "Ohhhh..... he's probably in our interactive forum squabbling with some of our followers
about petty subjects like exactly how gay Snubbull is or something", Groans Tim. Lex encourages Brandon to say hi but....... he's feeling....... less than happy.
He shouts out dramatically in frustration, "Those damned boardset=fox fools.... trying to ruin MY forum. Well.... heh heh..... they'll get what's coming to them. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah..... this website is getting out of control!!! (He turns towards the threesome) And since when did we have guests.... was I informed? Ooooooooooh no!!! What a well run place this is... heh heh."
"I wanted to tell you but we were all too busy with all different stuff", explains Lex who calms down her companioooon Brandoooon. "Ok.... fine", quips Brandon, "But will ya guys take it easy?? I have to spend some serious time posting nonsense on our site...... and I have to pee!" He takes a few steps before his mighty senses detect something evil within the premises.
So he feels obligated to warns the other supernatural force, in this case it's Togepi, that it won't go down quietly as Brandoooon points to Togepi shouting, "I'm onto you!!!!!!!!" Togepi pretends to just look like a confused baby chirping, "Togi?", when its really using Misty to use up more of her energy to keep Togepi safe from the apparent threat to its eventual reign. Brandon then triumphant walks away and goes into the bathroom.
Man....... somebody puh-leeeeeeeeze give that man a well-deserved Oscar!!!!
"Nevermind Brandoooon..... his style is very unorthodox", concedes Tim as Koffing adds a joyous, "Koffiiiiiiiiinnnnng!", in agreement. Crystal then agrees as Justin then becomes a pimp again saying that Crystal is totally unorthodox. This sparks a quarrel that is much lacking in the Pokemon Crystal series..... a lovers' quarrel. "What do you mean by that?", shouts Crystal as the high has apparently worn off and she is ready to beat the tar out of Justin.
But she never gets the chance to do that as a massive explosion is heard coming from just outside making everyone notice the boom. "What was that?", gasps Tim in non-frightened concern, "... an explosion?" "Let's
go find out!", declares Justin who switches from pimp to marine sargeant.
When they get downstairs, they notice a big cloud of smoke coming from outside. Misty wonders out loud what the hell is going on out here. "Maybe it's those darn rocketshippers", sneers Tim and then we hear the
cackling of Team Rocket though none of them can see the heroic trio. "Those laughs!", shout Misty sounding like she knows who they are. They aren't led by Ash after all...... "Those three!", shouts Justin knowing exactly who they are. Crystal then quips in her mind, "Here we go again!", as she thinks to herself that she needs to roll another joint.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon??
The shadows of TR finally appear after minutes of standing behind the billowing smoke and cheesy commercials.
"Prepare for trouble... we're up to no good!""Meowth, that's right", screams Meowth as Wobbuffet stays away for now and chooses to be patient.
"You again..... don't you three have the word quit in your vocabulary?", shouts Crystal who obviously knows little about the determination of TR unlike Ash whom they've followed around hundreds of times. "Ha...
not until we become world dominators... then we'll expand our vocabulary tenfold!!!", comically replies Jessie to her new Cassidy-like lesbienne rival. She goes onto say, "Once we steal all of these guys information, then we'll become so knowledgeable and dominant, we can get Meowth speech lessons! Ahahahahaha!" James then adds, "And I can finally add 'quit' and many other fascinating words to my special vocabulary."
Yep... you read it here. James has a very "special" vocabulary...... And it is all too special.
"Quit fooling around.... you're not just going to waltz in here and steal all the data we worked for!", responds Lex. "That's right!", shouts Misty who has become the loud feminist goody two-shoes of the group (I'm guessing that Brock was the original feminist).
"And besides", adds Tim, "We know all about you three from Team Rocket..... we've followed you and we know all about you!" "Hey.... we have followers!", exclaims James sounding as gay as he possibly can. Jessie then turns and lies to the twerps that they have just as many fans as they do. Everyone knows that TR has more fans.... especially in Pokemopolis.
Tim then continues that he knows all of TR's dirty little secrets which makes J,J, & M sweat. "I know all about you (pointing at Jessie), you (pointing at Meowth), and especially you (pointing at James)", states Tim. James squeals, "Eeeeeeeeeeeeee..... eehhh!", nervously since the thick/stoned twerps don't realize he's gay even though its so dreadfully obvious.
James, who is still shaken that someone knows his little secrets (if you can honestly call that a secret), tells him that they'll have the last laugh when they steal their personal data collection and then laughs like a gay man trying to act straight. "Time ta put dis oparation inta full gear", says a scheming Meowth. "Roger", replies James who seems to
be obsessed with Roger today as he sends out Weezing (who if it was human would never get laid) and it blankets the threesome and the dodgemasters with smog.
"Ha hah", laugh Meowth at everyone's misfortune, "Now it's time ta fire up dis baby!", referring to yet another vacuum located under the balloon which TR is now in as Meowth activates it by pressing yet another red button on yet another remote control. The vacuum hose sticks through a window and begins to suck up the dodgemasters work.
Everyone else meanwhile is still being choked up by Weezing's smog. Crystal complains that she can't breathe so Justin decides to send out Kabutops who whirls the smog away with a swords dance which should only turn the smog into a tornado. But then again... this is the pokemon world and physics only apply when its convenient so the smog clears away. Justin thanks Kabutops (not telling it that he did that to impress the chicks) and then looks for Team Rocket.
They all spot TR up in the happy-buddha faced Meowth balloon sucking up the dodgemasters' data with their vacuum. "Aaaaaaaaahhhh.... our website info!!!!", shouts Tim in horror. Crystal tells Pikachu to stop them with a thunderbolt and she throws Pikachu up so it can dramatically warm up. "Hahaha! Tank you.... we'll be glad ta take Pikachu, too!", says Meowth who's ready and anticipating Pikachu.
Meowth moves the vacuum towards Pikachu sucking it up before it can shock them. "Oh no...... Pikachu!", shouts Crystal doing herself a lot of good <sarcasm> when she could just use Cyndaquil to burn down the balloon or Noctowl to fly up there and pop the balloon. But instead of thinking, she's just shouting uselessly which could just be one of many growing symptoms of Brain-dead Main Character Syndrome.
..... Or it could just be the weed actin up.....
TR laughs as Meowth proclaims that they aren't done. He yet again moves the vacuum via remote control to sweep up Sandshrew despite a valiant effort by Crystal to hang on to it. TR's vacuum sucks up all of the articles that Tim and Lex saved up as Lex proclaims that things are not good. Crystal roars like a man and declares that she'll put a stop to this and begins to throw out a pokemon.
But Team Rocket isn't done as Jessie laughs, "Aha! If you like our show so far... then our finale will blow you away! Ha!", as she first then James and Meowth begin to throw bombs down on the crew assaulting them.
They are all running around in panic knowing they have to do something. "Aaaah! Were gonna get hurt!", shouts Justin in fright as he witnesses Kabutops get its ass blasted (THIS IS YOUR ABSOLUTE FINAL WARNING!!!) by one of the bombs TR threw. "Kabutops.... no!!!", shouts Justin in dismay as he rushes to see if one of his prize pokemon prospects is okay.
Team Rocket is about to pull out and escape with their loot. "Sorry we had to vamoose but I had a ton of fun with all of you", says James buoyantly as he looks towards Tim. ........... make of that what you will..... As TR laughs and starts to float away while Crystal yells futilely, "Come back with my pokemon now!", the dodgemasters front door booms open. As Crystal and Misty both quip, "Huh?", we notice a pissed off Brandoooon.
"Who ruined my bathroom while I was using it?!", yells Brandon. "They did!", say Tim and Lex as they point to the TR balloon, "And they also stole our information", Lex adds. "Koffing!", adds their mascot brightly to put an exclamation point on their troubles. Misty fears that they are going to get away with the dodgemasters' data as well as Pikachu and Sandshrew. "Not on my watch they ain't!!!" proclaims Brandon boldly, "I'll bring them back here!"
"Buuuut Brandon..... how are you going to stop them now that they're getting away?", asks Tim wisely. "With your secret weapon...", states Brandon. Tim is stupified and asks what he means and he replies that he's going to use Tim's trademark medal he normally wears. "My medal!!! What are ya thinking ya crazy nut?", asks a dumbfounded Tim. Brandon replies, "I know exactly what I'm doing! I'm going to fire this up there with my slingshot and bring the balloon down."
Crystal is then prompted to ask him the obvious, "But what if you miss?", as she looks at him dumbly. "I wont miss..... you should know I'm a slingshot master", comments Brandoooon. "What the heck has become of this story??", asks Crystal, "Ah well.... I just hope this works!" Brandon launches Tim's trusty medal high into the sky impressing everyone, especially Misty (she wants him...... whore!).
TR is laughing away thinking that they won this time. "We'll be able to come up with so much juicy gossip with all this data!", says Jessie. James drools at the thought of reading many newspaper articles about tough, brawny pokemon trainers stating, "... And that makes my mouth water just thinking about it." Then, the medal that Brandon fired hits the balloon bringing a frightened TR down about 500 feet towards the earth or pokemon world or wherever this is.
It would kill any normal person but Team Rocket is composed of super villains and they walk away from the fall landing a brief distance away from the dodge house. Lex, Tim, Brandon, and the threesome rush over towards them as Lex demands they give back their info or they'll be very sorry. "You'll be the ones that'll be very sorry after we spread a lot of dirty gossip about you!", retorts Jessie.
But Crystal is still without her two main pokemon (even though one of them isn't hers) so she shouts at them, "I've had enough of your antics, Team Rocket. I choose...." But before she can call out a pokemon, Koffing bobs out in front of Crystal to everyone's confusion. Brandon also steps out with Koffing and Jessie laughs to her teammates, "Who is this loser?" Brandoooon then yells at TR, "So you think you big criminals are just going to target MY website, huh? Well I don't think so!"
"Well what makes you think you can stop Team Rocket?", replies Jessie, "You're going to fight us with a Koffing?", and then they laugh hysterically thinking that Koffing is nothing more than a subordinate of Weezing.
They may be loved but no one said they were bright.
James then states that Weezing will take care of it...... uy.... wha? Weezing steps out as Tim tells James that it's such a sad, sad soul. Brandon then yells dramatically that they have to get their website back and he sends out Koffing to battle. "Ha! Weezing will make short work of this.... tackle attack!", remarks James. But Brandoooon has Koffing fight it with a tackle of its own as they bounce off each other.
They bounce off each other a couple more times and then James has Weezing use fire blast. Koffing though easily dodges it with double team as it dazzles Weezing. But Weezing uses haze to slow down Koffing and then Weezing tackles Koffing. Crystal prematurely proclaims that things aren't looking too good and Brandoooon then has Koffing tackle it back.
We then see Koffing slam Weezing from many different angles as Team Rocket looks on in shock. "Koffing is da bomb!", says Misty out of nowhere as she's started to grow attached to Koffing and its infectious smile even as its being hit. But Brandon has Koffing battle back with another double team. It moves around too fast for Weezing to keep up with as it tackles Weezing sending it flying.
"Come on, Weezing!", shouts Jessie. "You can't let your lesser half beat you!", shouts James. "Woobbbuuhhhfet!", shouts Wobbuffet in added encouragement as he finally pops up to make its pleasing appearance as it encounters one of its main happy counterparts, Koffing, for the first time. Weezing uses a sludge attack which tags Koffing and then Weezing goes to tackle Koffing.
"Is Kabutops okay?", Crystal asks to Justin. "Yeah.... Kabutops will be fine.... what are you going to do?", Justin asks back. "I'm going to break that vacuum bag", she says as she runs towards the vacuum bag as she uses some kind of razor (perhaps for cutting up cocaine?) to cut open the bag freeing Pikachu and Sandshrew. "Hey buddies", greets Crystal while Pikachu greets back, "Pikachu!"
But Koffing is too good for Weezing..... and isn't that true in life as well?.... and it avoids Weezing tackle. It then blankets Weezing with a smog attack and Weezing is just lost thanks to its happier counterpart. Brandon has Koffing finish off Weezing with a rollout attack. Koffing starts to roll as fast as a smoking tire as it then goes and hammers Weezing knocking it silly.
"Dat Koffing's betta dan I tought", says Meowth. James adds then, "That Koffing's happier than I thought", as he finally starts to realize the added benefits of Koffing over Weezing. "Well since you can't even beat a Koffing.... now we have to do some running!", berates Jessie as she strangles James. They then turn around to make a run for it only to find Pikachu and Sandshrew flanking Crystal.
"Your days of hacking are over! Now I'm going to wipe you guys out like the viruses that you are. Sandshrew.... sandstorm!!", declares Crystal. Sandshrew draws up a huge blowing sand. Each sand particle ripping through Team Rocket like a razor. Sandshrew then turns up the storm by standing up on its pudgy legs and shouting, "Shhhrrrrreeeeewwwwww!", forcefully and the sandstorm picks up intensity and it blows away ascreaming Team Rocket.
"Looks like Team Rocket's blown away agaaaain" "Wobbbb!" adds Wobbuffet for our pleasure.
But that pales in comparison to seeing Koffing finally appear in an episode since the day the original one evolved. "All right", shouts Justin in success while Misty waves "Buh-byyyyye". "Is everything in there?", asks Lex and Tim goes through everything, picking up his medal in the process saying that everything is okay. "And Brandon..... never use my medal like again... k?", says Tim. "I'll use whatever it takes to save my website", he replies as Tim sighs, "That's Brandon."
A little bit later on, the threesome meets up with the dodgemasters and Koffing before they head off again. "I can't thank you enough for helping to rescue my pokemon", thanks Crystal. Brandon makes sure to tell her to thank Koffing for helping out as well. "Koffinnnnnnnnng!", adds the smiling smoking one once more. "I'm sure Team Rocket got a valuable lesson on why Koffing brightens everyone's day", notes Misty with a chuckle.
Lex tells them it was nice meeting them and that their visit will give them a lot more information to work with for their website. "Ha ha.... I guess we're always bearers of good things wherever we go", states Crystal who is commenting about how good things always happen with them around because they're the protagonists on a "children's" show.
"Oh.... and we just need one more thing", adds Crystal, "We're wondering if you'd know how to get to Vermilion City from here." "Oooh.... Vermilion City", quips Tim, "I can tell you where to go... but you have to listen to my directions very carefully or you might get lost again." "We were never lost.... just a little unsure of where we are", interrupts Justin before Misty drags him away saying, "At least you're optimistic but I'd rather listen to him than listen to you", she says.
The way she's dragging him around and yelling at him... it's obvious that she has a huge crush on the dapper and older pokemon trainer. But then again, how many times have I mentioned that before? Certainly somewhere between 1 and 100 times, no?
"Okay... now pay attention", says Tim very seriously before Lex sighs, comes in, and interrupts him. She gives them all the directions the threesome needs, "It's right there... down the path through that clearing."
"Huh?", they all say as they look where Lex is pointing and see the skyline of Vermilion City which makes them fall over. "See I told you we weren't lost", says Justin looking away from the two girls. "They get nervous when I'm...", starts Justin giggling towards Lex about to complete a very dodgy statement. But Lex stops him and says that his girls are leaving without you. "Hurry before you get dumped!", jokes Lex.
Justin then chases after the girls and catches up to them even though he only had to run about 30 feet (about 10 m.). Justin pleads with his hos to hold on but Misty mocks him saying, "I thought you could find your own way to Vermilion City since... we're just a few hours away, right?" Justin then laugh embarrassed that he got shown up by a mullet-haired 15 year old girl. Togepi also squeals, "Togi-togi-prii", in delight at Justin's embarrassment.
They eventually get to their waving of good-byes, good lucks with gym battles and dodgy websites, and the ever so loud/annoying/cute (depends on your take of them) pikas and shrew. And the traveling threesome approach Vermilion City with Crystal starting to concentrate on her first gym battle. "You think I'll be able to do well in this gym battle you guys?", asks Crystal. Justin puts his arm around Crystal (what a womanizing pimp) and tells her, "I'm sure you'll be good enough to win... I'm just as sure about that as my sense of direction", as he tries to fight back Misty's comments.
Crystal displays a sweatdrop knowing that Justin is being a goofy fool. She then blushes and comments, "I'll get my confidence by myself... thanks though." "I'm just happy because I've been thinking about that
Koffing", notes Misty. "I guess Koffing can even cheer up our spirits when he's not around", states Justin and Pikachu adds, "Pi-pikachu", more delighted than usual. And so the traveling threesome finally makes it to Vermilion City... but not before witnessing a huge piece of justice in the pokemon world.
And they also finally learned how much Koffing can brighten one's day... and that moral is one Pokemopolis faithful following would be so ultimately glad if Team Toyboy really discovered.... The Joy of Koffing
To Be Continued