Dragonitemare presents
Pokemon Crystal series
Ep. 12
Last time, on this Emmy award winning series............. WHAT!!!! It
hasn't won an Emmy yet!? Oh those bastards! They promised me............ Oh
sorry... Team Rocket was ready to deliver Ash's Pikachu to the boss.
Everything seemed to be rosy for Team Rocket until an alert hospital
volunteer (or rehab victim depending on how you see it) named Crystal
became a good Samaritan and took things in her own hands getting back
Pikachu from the "evil" TR with the help of her kick-butt Sandshrew.
TR tried desperately once more to get back Pikachu hilariously disguised as
the twerps. But Crystal was able to defeat them again with some help from
Sandshrew, Misty, and Tracey. After they vanquished TR again, they head off
into the woods to do some "unconceived activities". And then, Crystal shows
up for work extremely late arriving at the hospital with Misty and Tracey.
"Ahhhh, that felt great Crystal", quotes Misty. "Told you guys it would.",
replies Crystal as they enter the hospital. Now we aren't told of what
exactly happens but I think we all know what they were doing.
The trio, Pikachu and Sandshrew then bump into Mrs. Ketchum who kind of
looks like she's on some kind of high herself. Hey! If you raised Ash
Ketchum, you'd probably be on something, too. "Oh you're all okay! Did you
get my baby's Pikachu back?", she asks. Pikachu leaps onto her breasts and
greets her, "Pika-chu!"
She says that she's grateful and thanks Misty and Tracey. "Crystal's the
one you should really thank.", says Misty with a blushing grin on her face.
She thanks Crystal and Crystal replies back, "You're welcome, ma'am. My
name's Crystal.... I volunteer here at this hospital...", she then goes on
to tell her how she stuck her nose in TR's business and rescued Pikachu
with the help of her Sandshrew. "Shrew!", concludes Sandshrew as Tracey
interrupts to halt the party.
"Great! How bout you go with me to check in with your supervisors and I'll
explain what happened to you while Misty brings back Pikachu to Ash? Then
you can meet him.", reasons the chubby little guy. "Okay", shouts an
exuberated Mrs. Ketchum, "I'm sure this will cheer my Ash right up!"
Now.... you've already seen Crystal as a meddler, a pothead, and a gloater.
But in this episode you'll see her as a charmer, a healer, and in the eyes
of some...... a pokemon thief! All this as Team Toyboy (and Team Rocket)
gets to know more about the brand new protagonist.
<cue intro>
We then see Ash Ketchum lying in his hospital bed in a world of suffering
and pain. ....................... Scarf up that image Ash-haters while you
have the chance!
Ash is mad upset....... until he hears a familiar noise that he can't quite
make out but it just sounds soooo familiar. He's heard this sound......
"Pikaaaa!!!"....... heard it many times before. But from where? WHERE!!!?
"Pika-chu!!" ...... "Pika-chu" ......... Oh the thinking...... killing his
already half-dead brain!!!! Eventually, the curiosity gets to him and he
opens his eyes to see.......................
......................... Barry Manilow! Aaaaaahhhh!
Just kidding....... "Pika.... chu!", he cheers weakly as Pikachu is
ecstatic to be back with Ash and it hugs him. "How ya been, buddy?", he
asks as the mouse pika's back in response. So all is well again and Ash and
Pikachu are finally back together again. He then looks at Misty and thanks
her for helping Pikachu.
She looks back at him in a horny (Oooooooh!) manner and tells him, "It's no
problem Ash.... I'd do it again if I have to! ................. but NEVER
scare me like that again!" "Tracey...... you deserve a lot of credit,
too!", adds Ash still weak from surgery. Tracey thanks him but adds, "but
Misty and I don't deserve much credit!", being the humble chubbo that
he is. "That's right", adds Misty, "She deserves the real credit.....",
looking towards the doorway.
And in comes a triumphant Crystal along with Sandshrew by her side. Pikachu
is delighted at her appearance and runs over to hug her breasts. Man dem
Pikachu get all da pussy. "Hey......", moans Ash, "Did you rescue Pikachu?"
"Yeah.... I certainly did!.......... with some help of course. Thanks
guys.", says Crystal as she turns towards Misty and Tracey. "Don't mention
it!", says a blushing Misty (hmmm.... lesbian tendencies??) brownnosing
her, "You're the one who should be thanked.", as Crystal smirks with joy.
"She's very charming!", notes Old Man Oak. "She's also very sweet", adds
Mrs. Ketchum. Brock then provides the comic statement concluding,
"......... and she's just a year too young for me...", in a somber manner.
Heh heh. Crystal then goes into work mode giving Ash some more medical
She asks how he is feeling and he says he feels worn out and adds that,
"I'm having more tests taken here than at any gym I've been to combined."
Crystal asks him if he's a pokemon trainer and Ash, of course, boasts about
all the badges and matches that he's won but then he mopes about how he's
disabled and can't compete in pokemon leagues anymore. Crystal says she
feels his pain but she says, "I wish there was something I could do to help
you", as she strokes Pikachu's fur.
Then.... the surgeon comes in with Chansey alongside Nurse Joy and asks
Crystal if he's ready for some more arm surgery. Ash frowns but Crystal
grabs him (AGAIN...... GETCHA MIND OUTTA DA YOU KNOW WHAT!!!!) and assures
that everything is okay now that Pikachu is here for support as well as his
other pokemon.
Meganium continues to fill Ash with it's magic drug to keep him alive until
necessary surgery is completed. Crystal then looks over all of Ash's
pokemon. "It's good that you'll do anything to keep tour trainer alive,
Meganium!", says Crystal unaware of why Meganium REALLY wants Ash to stay
alive. She is then enthralled by Bulbasaur's rock-hard caring, charmed by
the cuteness of Cyndaquil hoping against hope that Ash doesn't die, and
then feels some connection Noctowl who looks as equally high as she does.
And of course we can't forget that she's thrilled and entertained at the
wild dancing of the insane Totodile.
She chuckles and Nurse Joy tells Ash, "See everyone's here to make sure
you'll be okay." "That's right, Ash." Justin then.... who has just been
hanging around because he has nothing better to do..... asks Crystal if
she's a pokemon trainer since she raised such a fine Sandshrew.
Crystal never turns around to acknowledge Justin but she talks about how
it's always been her dream to become a pokemon trainer. But she then adds
that she's too busy with the hospital to train for a pokemon league.
"That's a shame..... cuz I'm sure you'd be an excellent pokemon trainer!",
notes Justin whose comments seem to fall on deaf ears though he doesn't
think anything about it at the moment.
Nurse Joy then announces that all visitors have to leave for the moment as
they operate on Ash. His little mind starts to quiver but he's assuaged by
Pikachu and then Sandshrew who stay by his side. "Great Sandshrew you have
there, Crystal! I wish I could've caught one on my journeys.", musters an
exhausted Ash out of his mouth.
The other non-medical people file out to do God only knows. Crystal stays
in to help with the procedure and Ash's pokemon also stay for support.
At the same time.............. outside the hospital....................
"Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh...", screams Jessie as we finally see our beloved Team
Rocket. "We actually beat that twerp after so many tries", she quivers,
"only to have those other nosy twerps ruin our success!", she then snaps.
"Even when we win.... Team Rocket still loses.", quips Meowth.
"Well we certainly have an emergency on our hands...", shakes James, "What
do we tell the boss since we don't have Pikachu anymore?" Jessie shrieks in
horror until Meowth interrupts, "Hey.... emoigency! Dat reminds me!"
"Reminds you?", questions Jessie as James finishes, "Of what?" "Well",
starts the scratch-cat, "I overhoid dat nosy Crystal goil sayin dat she was
on her way to work at da Cattalia City hospital before we blasted off."
TR then gets an idea. "Say... since we so close to that place", schemes
Jessie, "We can sneak in while that broad does her work..... then we can
steal Pikachu and her Sandshrew and get some revenge on that no good rat!"
"Which one?", jokes Meowth. "I guess both of them! Oooh.", remarks James
sounding gay.
TR then dresses up like the cast from ER and start to discuss their plans
in medical terms with Jessie, James, and Meowth dressed up as nurses
(yep.... the return of Nurse James). Jessie then concludes, "Once we obtain
entrance into the ICU, we'll give the patient a full AKWG exam and we'll
escape with Pikachu, stat!" Cue Wobbuffet and his patiently waited,
"WOOOBBBBBUUUHHHH!", to the shock of an unsuspecting Jessie.
"What does any of this have to do with you?", asks Jessie as Wobbuffet
responds in a usual patient manner. "Ya know ya blue buddy", schemes
Meowth, "I think we have a spot for for ya in this heist if ya wanna spot
us." "Wobbbuuuhhhffet", shouts Wobbuffet as it is eager to do its part.
"You sure Wobbuffet's help won't be spotty, Meowth?", asks James adding to
the PUN-ishment.
Meowth then calls over his buddies, including Wobbuffet while he whispers
still in his nurse uniform. "Say Meowth.... that idea isn't half bad!",
says Jessie. "Wobbuh", adds Wobbuffet happily agreeing and saluting. "Ok...
then let's get going on the double!", shouts James until Jessie whacks him
shouting, "We're supposed to be nurses!" "Oh", quips James, "I meant to
say.... uh........ let's move the operation into action, stat!", as they
move into town.
Back outside we notice the rest of Team Toyboy (old and new) as they
nervously await the outcome of Ash's surgery. According to Prof. Oak, this
one is the most crucial. The doctor then comes out with somewhat of a
prognosis of Ash's condition. "I'm afraid due to the multiple injuries and
and complications from all the surgeries Professor....", as Mrs. Ketchum
looks like she's about to pass out though I'm not too sure what she'll pass
out from first (shock or too much crack) Ash will probably have to halt
pokemon training for at least several months."
The others react in disbelief as Misty asks if there is any way that Ash
could train in a wheelchair. But the doctor replies that Ash got his ass
kicked so badly that he can't even leave the hospital. "Oh no", reacts
Tracey, "This is horrible!" "I wish I could sympathize all these feelings
with Nurse Joy", adds Brock who still finds any way to get into some girl's
"If Ash can't train ......", thinks Misty, "Then what are his pokemon going
to do?"
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon???
It's Rapidash............. "Neiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh"
Misty & co. .... since Ash is out of the picture for now, it's Misty &
co.................. are outside nervously waiting through the surgery.
"I wonder if Crystal has gotten any feeling for Ash because of the bondage
with Pikachu."(ONCE MORE............ GETCHA MIND OUTTA DA GUTTA), wonders
Misty as she worries that Crystal might try to get to her man. Oh
yeah.......... Misty is worried. "I'm sure there will be nothing to worry
about", reassures Brock. "Yeah", adds Tracey, .........
............................. Oh no! He's going to do it again............
Aaaaaahhhh man!
"I'm sure Ash still likes you more", he finishes in true dodgy fashion.
Misty grumbles and yells, "You don't know what you're talking about!!!!"
Mrs. Ketchum then changes the subject and and talks about if this surgery
doesn't work out, Ash may never be able to train pokemon again.
......................... Oh Gasp!!!!!!
"I just hope the doctors can do their job.", says Misty. We then go to the
surgery scene to see that the doctors, Nurse Joy, and Chansey are working
on Ash while Crystal serves her purpose giving the doctors their utensils.
Meganium keeps applying its super secret medicine into Ash
(Eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww). The rest of his pokemon and Sandshrew look on at the
We see them dissect every single part of Ash's shattered arm. But since
this is a "kids" show we don't see any blood..... right 4Kids Entertainment
4Kids Guy: Right........ and I'm an Entertainment Executor.
I'll call you whatever I want and you'll like it damnit!!! Got it!?
4Kids Guy: Yes, sir.
And when Chansey finishes with one last injection, the operation is
finished and THAT ......... <dramatic pause if you haven't noticed> is when
Crystal makes her move. "Okay.. you can move on and call it a night. I'll
take care of Ash.", she says.
And now................ the games begin!
The other doctors and nurses file out as Brock floats to Nurse Joy. "Oh
Nurse Joy" he says in a sad tone as he holds her hands, "please tell me how
Ash is doing and about the surgery." "Well", quips Joy, "The surgery went
smoothly but unfortunately, he'll need to be in therapy for quite a long
time." Brock then groans to her about how hard it is that his friend is
going through such an ordeal and how it's so nice that she's there for him
and on and on.
You know....... the usual flirt-before-Misty-drags-Brock-away-by-the-ear-
to-the-amusement-of-Togepi routine. Misty then asks if they can go back in
but Joy tells them that Crystal is helping Ash recover and that it'll be a
little while before any visitors can come see him.
???...............................?!............... heh.... sure we know
what's going on in there.
"Oh.... I just love the way that Crystal is taking care of Ash.", says Mrs.
Ketchum who knows how to take care of a man very well. "And she must really
be an excellent pokemon trainer from what I've heard", adds Oaky.
"That's right! She's a great trainer", says his personal slav..... uh... I
mean......... Tracey. "I just wish she got a break from this place so she
could train.", adds Old Man Oak, who like his son, was once a pokemon
Inside the emergency room we see what you all came to see...... thaaaaat's
Crystal is in there
.................................. petting Pikachu's head and discussing
things with Ash. She talks about Ash's pokemon training with him. Of
course, Ash brags about all the pokemon that he's caught and all the badges
and titles that he won. But then he talks about how devastated that his
"career" is put on hold.
Crystal continues to pet all of Ash's pokemon as Ash is impressed that she
can take care of her pokemon so well. She says that competing as a pokemon
trainer has been her dream and that she's devastated because she's too busy
working at the hospital.
Stop a moment! She's so upset that she's not living her dream as a pokemon
trainer??? So instead she's stuck in a "nightmare career" that will
probably let her become a doctor???! Something's f*cked up with
her.......... must be all the drugs she's been smokin'.
Anyway, she continues about how she loves to work with patients at the
hospital and about how she started to "volunteer" at the hospital. She then
tells Ash about Sandshrew and about how she raised it and that it reminds
her of Pikachu in some ways. Ash is impressed with Sandshrew mainly because
it's there and it looks cute. She then mopes about how pokemon training has
only been a side hobby and that she hasn't had time to raise any other
pokemon other than Sandshrew.
Ash then condones her and says he wish he could help (ugh.... moron! what
about all his pokemon.). He then says that she should try to enter the
Kanto league which is something that he actually remembers. "But how will
I compete in the Kanto league without any pokemon?", she asks. Hmmm,
Ash..... you have pretty much a complete stranger taking care of you who
wants advice on how she can enter the Kanto league. What do you tell her???
Catch some pokemon, perhaps?
But no, Ash's genius advice is, "Hey....... I guess you can borrow some of
mine!" Uh boy Ash..... you've got no clue! "Really? You mean it?", asks
Crystal who knows she can believe it because he's a dimwitted 12-year
old. Ash says, "Sure!" but Crystal mopes, "Even if I could compete I'd
never be able to get out of working. I don't think my administrator would
let me.", as Ash then starts to feel weak again.
We then see Justin putting a lot of money into a crummy vending machine to
get food for all the slobs. (Would you venture to say that most of it is
for Tracey?) "Excuse me, sir..... but would you know where Ash's Ketchum's
hospital room is?", asks a mysterious and feminine voice.
When he turns around he notices James disguised in his nurse attire, as
well as Jessie disguised as Nurse Joy with Meowth hidden in her breasts
(lucky kitty). But the best disguise has to be Wobbuffet disguised as
Chansey with a pink robe with the stuffing and the utters at the end. He he
he he.... TR never stops coming up with clever disguises.... even in
episodes that don't even exist.
"Could you please tell me where Ash Ketchum's room is? We have some suppies
for him.", says James. "Wobbuh", adds our patiently disguised Chansey.
Justin obviously is puzzled but inexperienced to TR disguises at the
moment. "Uhhhhhh", stumbles Justin, "he's up in room 323." "Thank you.",
squeams James as they giggle off to find Ash. Justin just stares with a
silly but disturbed look on his face since he isn't used to such TR
Upstairs while Justin buys food for the greedy toyboys, TR observes that
Misty and the others are waiting outside discussing how things are going.
They happen to be talking about Crystal "caring" for Ash. "I hope Crystal
gets a break soon.... maybe she could compete in the Kanto league?", says
Brock. Tracey then flirts with him saying, "You really think she could
handle the Kanto league?" Brock assures his chubby buddy and says, "I'm
sure she can handle herself out there."
Everyone else is really pleased with Crystal.........................
everyone that is................... except Misty who is, at the very least,
less than pleased. "She thinks she can just barge in on his life and bond
with him because she rescued his Pikachu!", bitches Misty, "I hope she's
not one of those girls who will just get with a man on a whim."
Brock then teases her, "Well.......... what did you do when you first saw
Ash?" Misty then bashes him and shouts, "It's none of your business!!!!"
Sorry Misty......... but turnabout is fair play. TR then approaches as
James courteously squeals, "Excuse me... but we have to get on through to
take some samples." The twerps look at them curiously but they let TR
Inside Ash and Crystal have FINALLY gotten around to you know
what............. That's right, they're..........................
..................................... talking about Pikachu. Ash comments
from his bed, "I've never seen anybody handle Pikachu so well other than
me.", in amazement as Crystal is nursing Pikachu. That's exactly when TR
busts in and declares their delivery. "Hello there you two........", greets
Nurse James, "I've come to drop off some goody goodies for Mr. Ketchum."
Heh heh heh ........... love that James.
"Uh.... I don't remember seeing you work around here. Have you brought
dinner?", asks a puzzled Crystal. "Yes", squeals Jessie, "We have brought
you dinner and some some assistance Crystal." "WOOBBUUUHHH", shouts
Wobbuffet disguised as Chansey pleased that everyone is helping.
Crystal is worried that there might be something wrong with Chansey.
......... Like, you know, the fact that it's mouth is crooked and it sounds
like a Wobbuffet. Jessie is displeased and shouts at it in her true voice,
"I thought I could you to keep quiet!!!" "Huh?", mumble Ash and Crystal as
they look on.
Meowth then tears up Jessie disguise and comes out of hiding screaming, "I
can't take it anymore.... it's too itchy in here!!!!" "Meowth, what are you
doing?!", shouts Jessie and that is when Ash figures out who they are.
Brilliant job Ash!
"Aha. Don't prepare for trouble, we're here to heal"
"Make the caring double cuz we're not here to steal" as they do their motto
with an ER type background.
"To protect the world from devastation"
"To unite all people's within our nation", as Cris-tal butts in and shouts,
"Hey yo! Not you again!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love", as she stretches her left leg
onto James left hand.
"To extend our reach to the stars above", as he spins Jessie around.
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light" as a big red R comes from the
ceiling................. ????? Don't ask me how it got there?
"Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!"
"Wobbuhffet", shouts Wobbuffet as Meowth jumps on its head and finishes,
"That's right"
"What do you want?", asks Crystal. "Aha", answers Jessie, "We're here to
help the star of our show get himself better!" "Cuz if he goes down da
tubes", continues Meowth, "So do we!" "But we won't be as hospitable to
you, you female twerp. We're taking your Sandshrew and there's nothing you
can do to stop this operation", finishes James.
Crystals gives them a look and shouts, "We'll see about that!
Sandshrew..... sand-attack!" Sandshrew leaps in the air and sprays sand out
of its mouth but TR is ready for it. "Activatin da supa dupa Woopa suction
davice", shouts Meowth who presses a button. The vacuum is shaped like a
Wooper and it sucks up all the sand as well as Sandshrew.
Crystal looks on in shock as a still half-dead Ash tries to tell Pikachu to
shock TR. But Ash is too weak as he can only cough and spit out blood.
Eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Crystal looks on in panic as she's
worried that her Sandshrew will be taken.
"Well.... it looks like your Sandshrew hit a sandtrap.", laughs James.
"Yeah", adds Meowth, "And now it's goin ta score us a hole-in-one wit da
boss." Crystal gets anxious but then has an idea. She then asks Meganium
and Bulbasaur if they can use their vine whips to keep the vacuum from
They listen to her as their vines wraps around the vacuum just as TR is
about to load it onto their balloon just outside the window. This leads TR
to get into a tug o war with the vaccuum. "I have to think of a way to
destroy that machine", thinks Crystal as Ash looks on in awe at the way his
pokemon listen to her.
She looks at Totodile and asks it use water gun to try and short-circuit
the machine as the tug o war continues. The insane Totodile stops bouncing
long enough to fire water at the vacuum. It does some damage but not
enough to break the machine. Pikachu starts to shock the machine but
Crystal tells it to stop and tells Pikachu that if it shocks the machine,
he'll also shock Bulbasaur and Meganium.
TR continues to try and pull and they begin to get the edge. "Keep
pulling...... we can't quit now!", shouts Jessie as Wobbuffet cheers them
on. Totodile continues to spray its insanely powerful water gun until
Crystal tells it to stop. "If you use anymore water... you'll start to hurt
Sandshrew!", she says. "Your Sandshrew must have a high pain tolerance",
adds Ash out of nowhere.
Crystal then smirks and turns to Cyndquil telling it to short circuit the
vacuum with its flamthrower. It lights up a fire on its ass
(literally), squeals its trademark,
"Quuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllll!", and shoots the fire at the
vacuum. And after a few seconds.... the vacuum explodes sending Sandshrew
flying back towards Ash's bed landing right on the emotionally and now
physically crippled little boy.
Jessie shrieks in horror as James whines, "Our vacuum's in shambles!" "And
so are we", adds Meowth. "Wanna give 'em a thunderbolt Pikachu?", as she
turns to the electric rat. "Pika-chu", it shouts as it nods. It then winds
up and unloads a thunderbolt electrifying TR to its core. Crystal then
gathers everyone together and orders, "Ok Pikachu! Sandshrew! Bulbasaur!
Noctowl! Cyndaquil! Team tackle attack!"
They run together like a group of football linemen and they all slam TR
into the buddha-faced Meowth balloon sending them flying. "Well", mopes
Jessie, "We tried to focus our attention off the twerp." "But our hopes
blew up with the vacuum and it's the same old story all over again", whines
"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off, stat!" "Wobbuuh..... woobbbb!"
How true!........... anyway Ash thanks Crystal for vanquishing Team Rocket
as he explains that they keep bothering him and Pikachu. She replies with a
very memorable dodgy line saying, "Don't worry.... as long you guys are
here, I'll be there for you." Ash then asks her formally if she wants to
compete in the Kanto league for him. She agrees but her boss probably
wouldn't let her off proving how clueless she really is about her co-
She then exits the room and faces everyone outside telling them that it's
okay to come back in. Everyone goes back in ..................... everyone
except for Misty. "Hold on a minute, Crystal!", she barks. <Cowboy
whistling> Showdown time. "What were you doing in there that had to leave
Ash in there with you alone?", she bitches.
But the clever pothead has a response saying that she understands how she
feels with, "you being his friend if you know what I mean Misty?"
Hmmmm....... She groans at him but she rationalizes the situation. "I guess
you're right.", she says. Crystal then puts her arm around her and states,
"Ash is only going to get better..... trust me!" Misty thanks her and they
hug bringing about the first brush with the issue of a lesbian affair.
Misty then gets this strange and funny feeling inside of her which prompts
her to ask a question. ............ NO! Not THAT question!!!! "Crystal",
starts Misty, "If you are able to go out into the Kanto league..... I'll
be happy to come with you!" "Are you sure?", asks a somewhat startled
Crystal. "Well... it's not like staying here with Ash is going to do me any
good." she replies.
That is when Brock comes out and asks them what they're discussing. Misty
said that Crystal has decided to enter the Kanto league. "That's great to
hear....... but ......... what are you going to do with only Sandshrew?",
asks Brock. "Ash has let me borrow some of his pokemon............... now I
just need the okay from the administration.", she says.
And hey...... why not? Why not ask a complete stranger who's a total moron
for some pokemon she didn't catch or raise to compete in some league. You
know he'll agree if you say the right thing.
"Hey Brock..... I'm accompanying her on her Kanto league trip. Do you want
to come, too?", asks Misty desperate to have some kind of male companion
for the next several months. Brock says he'd like to but then adds he's
been thinking about his family and has decided to go see how his crackhead
father and his family are doing.
Yep.... that's how life is for Brock! From one crackhead to another!
But Misty doesn't give up easily. She urges, "Well.... since you've helped
us all this way, it's only fair that we should accompany you to the
shuttle." He agrees and as they are about to go back in, Justin comes up
with the food to everyone's delight as they happily pig out. Justin then
asks them if they saw two weird looking nurses and a Chansey that were
looking for Ash. But Misty looks at him with a full mouth and a confused
look on her face mumbling, "Oh.... I think I thaw them go in, I gueth they
So they all go back in as Misty asks Ash strictly since he's not a bright
kid, "Are you absolutely sure you're okay with lending your pokemon to
Crystal?", to which Ash replies with another brilliantly dodgy line. He
answers her, "I'm fine with it.... I know she has good intentions by the
way she cared for me and my pokemon."
You read it folks! He liked the way she CARED for him.
Moments later, Crystal returns and delivers the good news. "Well the
manager gave me the OK so I can take a leave and compete in the Kanto
League." "Great news, Crystal", replies Tracey. Crystal then asks him if he
wants to join them. He says thanks but he has to continue to "work" with
Old Man Oak.
Justin thinks about coming but he is never asked. I guess it's because he
has no sidekick experience so he just looks on building rage inside. They
all say their good-byes as Ash asks everyone if they want to go with
Crystal, then they have to go with her now. Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Noctowl,
and the insane Totodile all come up (or bounce up) to her to say hello.
Ash asks Meganium if it wants to go, too. But it is too Ash-obsessed to
leave Ash's side and it starts nuzzling his cheek and licking it. "You
don't want to come join your friends?", asks Crystal. "Mega", sternly
announces Meganium which translates as, "You hos ain't no friends of
mine........ Hell no!" She says she understands Meganium's decision
and rationalizes that she has Bulbasaur anyway who's a much cooler grass
"Go on, Pikachu!", urges Ash as Pikachu pika's, leaps off the bed and onto
Sandshrew's back. "Ash", exclaims a stunned Prof. Oak, "Are you sure you
want to give her Pikachu, too! I know you two are so close." He understands
his concern but answers that he's never seen anyone that Pikachu has cared
for more besides him. He then adds, "We'll see each other again.... I know
what I'm doing, professor."
Now to a normal person, if an idiot like Ash claims, "I know what I'm
doing!", bells would ring instantly in their heads and try to prevent it.
But with the way Ash's family and friends are, he can do whatever the f*ck
he pleases regardless of how stupid the decision is.
"Okay.... then I guess it's time to go.", says Brock trying to hurry things
up and get the hell out of the smelly hospital. "We'll keep in touch",
shouts Crystal. Everyone else waives good-bye as Ash yells, "Take care of
Pikachu!", to Crystal before they go.
And so that is how Cris-tal stole the spotlight from Ash and began her
newer, cooler, and even dodgier journey. She along with Misty and Brock
leave the Cattalia City medical center and begin to write a new chapter in
the pokemon series.
But first........ they'll probably take a few bong hits.....