Dragonitemare presents
Pokemon Crystal series
Ep. 10
Ash's friends are packing up their villa ready to leave for Pallet Town. We
see Misty, Brock, Togepi (shudder), Justin who was invited to the Ketchum's
post tournament party, Mrs. Ketchum, Tracey, and Old Man Oak packing up
their suitcases. And God only knows what's in each one.
Misty then asks the inevitable question, "How are we getting home?" I guess
Pallet Town is her new home now that she has met Ash ...and the same could
go for Tracey now that he's found friends of Prof. Oak. Oaky answers that
they're all going to pack their suitcases and take a charter bus back to
Pallet Town.
Misty really likes the idea of taking the bus but then pauses
.................... and then wonders where Ash is. We then see Ash and
Pikachu coming out of his room with totally stuffed suitcases dragging them
along the ground. Misty reacts to her apparent boyfriend’s block-headedness
saying, "Ash.... when are you going to learn to stop stuffing yourselves?"
Guess all that souvenir crap he brought kind of stuck with him...... I
guess with Ash it's ..... you live, you learn, you forget what you learn.
"Uggghhh.. why.... do I ...... have to have........... all ...... this
stuff?", groans Ash as he drags the suitcase. "Pi...... pika ...... pika
....... pi ..... ka....... chu!!!!" moans Pikachu as he struggles to carry
his little mini-suitcase. "With that much stuff.... I don't think there
will be any room on the bus." states Brock. "Toge-prii", roars Togepi.
Ugh.... that Togepi!
Mrs. Ketchum then yells to the crew, "Come on Ash.... the buuuss is
heeerrre!" and they go outside to get to the bus.
<cue intro>
We see the twerps board the bus as sitting near the back of the bus (in
disguise) is Team Rocket. "Why do we hafta take dis crummy bus?", yells
Meowth. Jessie answers in silent anger, "Because.... we have to find
some way to get back to that twerp's hometown!"
"Don't feel too badly about the bus.", says a cute girl sitting across from
them. "My name is Kelly.... and there are many great things to do on these
kind of busses." She then goes into detail about all the neat features
about this bus that makes TR oooh and ahhh. Some things include the free
sodas, ATM machine (on a bus??), and the mini-tv which can play movies. She
concludes, "You might not want to leave this bus!"
Wobbuffet then pops out as it patiently salutes TR and then Jessie groans
and yells at it, "Maybe I should leave you on this bus!", and then she
brings it back into the pokeball as it Woooobbuuuuhhhhs. "Maybe we should
get out our snacks for the busride!", adds Jessie to which James and Meowth
shout a nice loud, "Hurray!", as Kelly giggles along with the "tourists".
Jessie then gets up and stretches for the food in the overhead compartment.
..........yeah baby, stretch!. She gets the food and then turns around and
sees Ash and Pikachu and then panics as she drops the food. Meowth then
tries to ask why she dropped the food but Jessie hushes him before Meowth
can get out too many words.
"Quiet..... the twerps are on board.", whispers Jessie. "All right", says
James who is wearing a hilarious tourist disguise with blue shades, a
camera around his neck, and tee shirt with a map of I guess the Johto
league on it. And to top it off.... his hair is dyed blonde.....
COOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL! he he he. James then adds to his fellow disguised Rocket
members, "Now, when Pikachu boards off the bus, we can board it onto our
possession.", in his usual gay voice. The others also like the idea.
Meanwhile, Team Toyboy is sitting a couple of rows in front of TR where Ash
tells Misty about the mysterious woman she saw. "This woman in back of me
looked awful familiar.", he says stupifying his remaining brain cells. But
a horny Misty calms him down saying, "Don't worry about it Ash, just enjoy
the rest of the bus ride...... like Togepi." Oh Togepi's enjoying it all
right..... enjoying the message it sent to the pokemon world. Aaarrrrggghhh
Justin.... who is in the seat next to the lovebirds tries to thank Ash for
letting him hang out at their place for a little while before he goes off
to look for a school. But Ash's attention is drawn to Misty as she
continues to hit on Ash. The ignorance of Ash and Misty displeases
Justin... but he keeps it bottled up.
The bus departs and it starts to move. We pick up our story with everyone
on the bus which is boarding the highway. "Hey mom!", asks her crackbaby
son, "How long until we make it back to Pallet?" Mrs. Ketchum, who is
flirting with Old Man Oak a couple of rows in front of them, tells Ash,
"Well son.... it's going to be at least a couple of hours before we make it
home. So enjoy the ride."
"Hey", yells Brock who is flirting with Tracey in the row in front of Ash
and Misty, "It's a beautiful day and a very nice bus ride..... why don't we
let some of our pokemon out?" "That's a great idea!" yells Ash. Justin also
agrees and lets out one of his pokemon, but unfortunately it's Nidoqueen
and it comes out right on Justin lap crushing him (GETCHA MIND OUTTA DA
GUTTA DAMN YOU!). He then calls back Nidoqueen.
Misty laughs and suggests, "Um, I think we should only let out our smaller
pokemon out.", as Psyduck decides to enjoy the scenic bus ride with a
pleasant "Psyyyy" and Misty responds to Psyduck that she gueses that he's
all too willing to go along with the idea.
And so, the twerps decide to ignore the no pets rule (After all, pokemon
are our friends, not our pets, right Ash?) but the bus driver (who looks
like he's drugged on some happy pills) doesn't care and he continues to
commit his DUI which is a felony in a lot of places.
Ash lets out Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, and Totodile. Tracey lets out Venonat
and Azumarill while Justin brings out Raticate and Hoothoot. Brock lets out
Geodude and then Pineco but then Brock remembers Pineco's tendency to
explode and calls it back. No one would want the bus to blow up... cuz then
it would become the movie Speed. Finally, Misty brings out Staryu and then
Goldeen which just flops around back and forth on the bus floor before she
calls it back realizing that Goldeen can't come out.
So now all of these pokemon have turned the bus into basically a moving
jungle and of course none of the other passengers care as long as their
kids see the pretty little pokemon. Then, Togepi tries to prove it's
invincable by........ alright! it's going to jump out the bus window!
Pikachu looks up and sees what's happening and tries to stops the freaky
egg thingy. ................ no ............... no ........ no, don't stop
it Pikachu!!! Togepi then prepares to leap but................... damn!
Bulbasaur brings it back into the bus out of harm's way as Pikachu who
tried to save it, smashes it's face into the window.
Ah, hell! It was worth rooting for!
So then we see Staryu playing around with Azumarill and Totodile as it
unleashes its insane energy with it's patented dance. Venonat and Hoothoot
have somewhat of a staring contest while Cyndaquil and Raticate play with
Geodude and this is all on one bus! Mrs. Ketchum, who gets all charmed over
cute pokemon, tells Oaky, "All these pokemon are making the bus come alive.
Justin then looks over to Ash again and tries to tell him that he's having
a great time already but gets somewhat depressed when he's ignored again as
he's paying attention to Pikachu and Bulbasaur.
Kelly then gushes to TR about all the cute pokemon that she is seeing and
adds, "This ride is going to be better than I thought!" "Those twerps'
pokemon ARE better than you think.", whines James as Kelly giggles again.
Shifting towards the back of the bus, we see that Team Rocket is kind of
bored. "While the twerps get to have all the fun, we still have to
work..... and lose.", groans Jessie who is wearing a pink polo shirt,
safari shorts, and a visor. Wobbuffet then pops out again to the shock of
TR. "Hey, if you're not going to help us, then don't blow our cover",
sneers Jessie as it returns to its pokeball.
"Lighten up, Jess! It's a long ride..... we could pass the time with a
classic sing-along.", states James. "That's a great idea!", proclaims
Jessie as Meowth and James start to sing 100 pokeballs in the sack singing
way out of tune and annoying everybody's eardrums.
Everyone, including most of the pokemon, cover their ears in horror. Except
for Totodile, who hilariously enough, is singing and dancing along with TR.
Misty then yells that their singing is like sandpaper against a blackboard.
Ash then retorts her (for flirting purposes) stating, "Well that's what
your yelling is like!", as Misty shouts even louder after Ash's diss. Old
Man Oak tries his darndest to cover his ears; Brock and Tracey do the same
as Azumarill's head seems to want to explode thanks to it's ultra-sensitive
hearing Jessie then yells at them to quiet down yelling that, "You're just
making this annoying bus ride annoying!"
Wobbuffet decides then to pop out for a third time yelling loud and clear,
"WWWWWWOOOOOOOOBBBBBBUUUUUUHHHHHHH", to TR's shock. Jessie calls it back
once more and growls, "Speaking of annoying!"
Team Twerp see Wobbuffet pop out but no one can put 2 and 2 together to
realize that it's TR even though Jessie's hair looks no different. We could
understand Ash not recognizing cuz he's the dumbest moron in the world of
pokemon. We can understand Oaky and Mrs. Ketchum not recognizing because
they can't identify a TR disguise. We can understand Brock and Tracey
because Brock and Tracey have their eyes in his dirty sketches. But we
can't understand how Misty couldn't recognize TR........ it's probably
Togepi's leeching that took away some of her memory.
TR then squats back down and Jessie mutters, "Uggggghhhhh, let's just get
down to business...... now James, how are you going to capture that
Pikachu?" "Well Jess, I'll take a picture of Pikachu with this phony camera
and the flash will blind the twerps' eyes. Then all we have to do is grab
Pikachu and escape!" Jessie and Meowth like his plan and Meowth whispers,
"Heh, that'll be somethin for dose twoips to pictcha."
Jessie tells Meowth and James excitedly, "Well, what are we waiting for?
Let's get going." James then interrupts, "Ugh.... let's do this in a few
minutes.", when Jessie asks why he complains, "I really have to use the
bathroom!", making Jessie and Meowth fall over.
So James heads towards the back of the bus where the bathroom is while
Meowth whispers to Jessie, "Did you tell him dat one of dose twoips is
already in da bathroom?" She responds, "No, why?"
And then...................... oh God!!!!! .......................... we
hear a scream and an eeeeeeee! from the back of the bus as someone is still
finishing up going to the bathroom though the pervert left the door
unlocked. James opens the door and drops his jaw at the sight. "I'm so
sorry sir.... here, you can use the bathroom now.", says a spooked Justin
knowing that a guy has just seen his special no-no place.
I guess perhaps James may not just be going to the bathroom in there now.
When Justin gets back to his seat (pervert)..... ahem, he tries to tell
Tracey and Brock (people with much more intelligence than Ash) that the guy
he just passed looked awfully familiar proving that he's no genius either
(although he isn't retarded like Ash). But they're too busy paying
attention to the dirty sketches to notice Justin speaking to them so Justin
then just looks out the window not noticing Psyduck right next to him. "You
know, I'm thinking about as much as you these days.", says Justin towards
Psyduck even though it probably doesn't understand English that well as
Psyduck Psyduck's in response.
James then comes back from the bathroom with Jessie shouting, "It's about
time." James responds, "I had to wait for that twerp to finish", which
means he had to get him out of his mind before he could pee. "Oh well who
cares", snaps Jessie, "Let's get our plan into action!" James and Meowth
agree to begin now.
<cue commercial> Who's that pokemon???
............... It's Articuno....... "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
Ash looks adoringly at Pikachu as it enjoys the scenery out the window with
Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, and the evil Togepi. "Great bus ride ain't it
Pikachu?" asks Ash. "Pikachu", confirms as Bulbasaur adds, "Bulbasaur
(yes.... Togepi is my master)" Togepi then roars, "Toge-prii", as Cyndaquil
can only get in a "Cynda".
Our wonderful group of tourists then approach Ash and Misty and Jessie asks
them if they could take a picture of Pikachu and the other pokemon.
Ash, who couldn't find a haystack in a needle factory, says that it's okay
for them to snap a picture of them and and their pokemon. So everyone
gathers their pokemon on the moving bus together for the supposed photo-op.
"Okay.... now everone say 'Pika!!'", shouts Jessie. James quietly snickers
to himself and then presses the button to take the shot.
But oh no........ what's this? It appears that TR's camera flash is so
bright that it blinds Team Toyboy (including Justin). In the confusion, TR
encases Pikachu in their trademark shockproof case and Ash sees them near
the back of the bus with Pikachu once the crew regains its sight.
"Pikachuuuuu!", yells Ash helplessly, "Hey! ..... it's you!", he figures
out (since he's a master detective..... you know) with the rest of Team
Twerp looking on in anger.
"Aha! Prepare for trouble... we've got Pikachu"
"And make it double.... we got a free ride, too"
"Give back Pikachu now!", yells the voyeuristic Tracey Sketchit
interrupting the motto for no apparent reason.
"To protect the world from deva.........stAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" she screams
as the bus starts to weave out of control.
"What's goin' ooooonnnn?!", shouts Meowth.
Misty then yells them as all the passengers starts to get tossed around.
"That flash from your lousy fake camera blinded the bus driver...... now he
can't drive!", yells Misty as she does everything she can to sacrifice
herself for the ever stronger Togepi. Then the bus hits a massive pothole
which sends everyone up into the air and the driver flying out of his seat
conveniently knocking him into unconsciousness.
Brock rushes over to the driver whose name is never revealed as Tracey and
Prof. Oak follow him. Brock shakes him to try and get him to respond but he
is out cold. "This is bad!", yells Brock as Prof. Oak plays doctor
................ Oops.... my bad.... he is a doctor!
Anyways..... Oaky tells Tracey and Brock to try and drive the bus together
as they try and figure out how to control it. "We have to stop it
somehow!", yells Brock. "Let me try the break!", responds Tracey who steps
on the break as it begins to slow down.
But then another huge pothole is hit and it somehow pops two of the bus's
tires to the horror of the voyeuristic one. "Aaaaaahhhhhh! The brakes have
been cut!", screams Tracey in horror as everyone starts to panic. Everybody
calls back their pokemon as the bus bumps back and forth along the
Hmmm..... they must be riding with Firestone tires!
All of the pokemon return including Totodile who is still doing its insane
jig as it is sent moving back and forth before it returns to its pokeball.
.................. love dat Totodile. Even when a crisis is unfolding, it's
still insane enough to keep dancing. God bless him.
Team Rocket is also panicking at the turn of events as the bus continues to
roll on its rims out of control.
Oh Good God!......... I've accidentally created the pokemon version of
Team Rocket ..... though they aren't as evil as Dennis Hopper ...... are
still the so-called villains of this one and they are determined to escape
the bus ride from hell with Pikachu and also......... more
........................... to become movie stars!!!!!!!!!
Oh, wait......... uh, I mean .... to finish their motto. Sorry. Meowth
yells, "We gotta get offa dis buuuuuusssssss!" "But how are we going to get
off?", complains Jessie as James adds, "We have to finish the motto!" "Da
hell wit da motto, we have to save ourselves!!!!!!", yells Meowth at the
two shapely figures. Jessie retorts, "Those twerps will stop the bus while
we can do our duty!"
Make of that what you will...... TR then tries to continue their motto.
"To protect the world from de... va...... station"
"Give me back Pikachu..... now!", demands a bull-headed Ash as he charges
at Jessie but Jessie then tosses Pikachu's case to James in a game of
crackbaby in the middle.
"To...... uuuggggghhh...... unite all people within our nation" stutters
James as the bus rocks violently back and forth.
Where are these roads from???? New York City??!
"To ..... denounce ...... the evils ............ of truth...... and love"
as Ash trips and falls on his face.
"To extend....... our reach........ to the stars above!!!"
"Aahhhh! Jessie"
"James... uuuggghh!"
"T... T.... Team Rocket blast off.... at the ....speed of liiiiiiight"
"Surrender now or ................ or ...... or prepare to fiiiiiiiight"
"Wobbbbuh!" proclaims the patiently pleased Wobbuffet as the force of the
bus pulls him forward.
"Soives him right for doing that a third time!", remarks Jessie as she
watches Wobbuffet bounce around. Ash by now has gotten up and demands to
get back Pikachu as then he and TR scuffle. Meanwhile, onto people that
actually may have lives worth saving.......
"We've got to get off this thing!", says Togepi through the mouth of Misty
in order to avoid it being cracked in a crash. "But how can we possibly get
off... this bus isn't slowing down at all!", says a distressed Delia
Ketchum. Justin provides an idea saying, "I might have an idea..... I don't
know if it will work but we have to try!", yells Justin as he sends out
Dragonite through the window and yells at him get everyone off the bus
"We're all counting you, Dragonite!", says its trainer as Justin goes in
front of the bus door flying with the out of control demon vehicle. "Get us
off of here one at a time!", commands Justin as Misty is commanded by
Togepi to butt in front of everyone and go first. She hops onto Dragonite
who takes her and Togepi to the curb to escape any potential danger to the
almighty Togepi..... ugh!
"We can't just keep doing this forever!", yells Tracey as Brock retorts
back to him, "Let's just keep steering a little longer so Dragonite can get
us all off!" Then, Kelly and couple of other passengers (passengers
didn't really play any factor at all until now!) come up and claim that
they have pokemon that can help get everyone off as well. They send out a
Pidgeot (Kelly's Pidgeot), a Fearow, and a Skarmory. They all fly off
carrying one passenger at a time to safety.
But the bus is still going too fast and it eventually has to crash!
................. right? So Brock and Tracey do their best to control the
bus as the remaining passengers patiently wait for the escape jets
(pokemon) to return. The bus is out of control and Team Rocket is causing a
ruckus in this pokemon version of speed. Where's a hero where you need him?
Well.... Keanu Reeves is unavailable ............. but at least we still
have ............
................ Action Hero Ash!
Ash is (idiotically) not worrying about getting off the bus. He is trying
to get Pikachu back from TR. He tries to charge at Jessie (and who
wouldn't?) to get Pikachu back but Jessie throws out Arbok to keep him at
bay momentarily. Team Rocket then tries to escape but........ the bus is
still moving!!!
"Aaaaahhh! We can't get off until this stupid bus stops.", yells Jessie
"Come on James.... be a man!" "Eeeeeeeee .............. I can't do it.....
I'm scared!" yelps James (he he he) to the disappointment of his TR
companions. You read it here James said he couldn't be a man...... heh.
While TR turns chicken and Ash fixed on Pikachu but held away by Arbok, and
Old Man Oak able to wake the bus driver although he can't do much since
there are no brakes, the rest are waiting for the pokemon to rescue them.
It looks like they'd be too late until Dragonite shows up and catches up
with the bus to help rescue the passengers.
One by one..... the pokemon come to the bus and back to rescue everyone on
the bus. Dragonite then Pidgeot, then Fearow, then Dragonite decides that
since he's so fast he'll cut in line and rescue someone, then Skarmory and
the process repeats until there are only a select few left.
Tracey and Brock are about to hop off when Brock notices that Ash is still
trying to get Pikachu from Team Rocket. Brock yells at Ash to get off not
even caring about TR, the cold sonofabitch. But Ash shouts back that he
can't go until he gets Pikachu and deals with Team Rocket then assures
Brock that he knows what he's doing.
.............................. Okay....I guess we can start making funeral
arrangements now.
So Tracey gets off on Skarmory (the steel is the only thing that can keep
it up in the air with all that weight) and Brock goes off on Pidgeot
leaving Ash and TR on the bus. Jessie notices that the bus has NO DRIVER
<gasp>. So she shouts at James, who is already an avid driver to take the
wheel although he still has no license.
And then the inevitable finally happens ........ the bus finally veers off
the highway and is headed for a forest. Back at the side of the highway,
Brock and Tracey arrive on the ground as they reunite with the rest of Team
Toyboy including Misty and Mrs. Ketchum's baby's daddy (Prof. Oak).
"All right...... I think that's everyone." assumes Kelly until Misty panics
and shouts, "Wait..... where's Ash?!" Misty and Kelly then gasp in horror
when Brock tells them that Ash didn't get off the bus yet. Kelly then yells
at Pidgeot to go rescue Ash and hurry. Pidgeot takes off as Justin suggests
that they follow it to the agreement of the other twerps. The driver then
tells them to go help their ADD afficted friend as the rest wait for a new
bus to finish the trip.
Back at the bus..... Ash is still more worried about Pikachu than saving
his frickin' life! As Pikachu pika's in fright, the bus appears to be
headed for the wall of a cliff. TR, with Pikachu in their special
shockproof glass cage, screams as the bus heading straight on into the
wall. "James!!!!! Turn the wheel before we're all crunched!" screams Jessie
while Wobbuffet wobbuh's in terror. "I'm trying", whines James as he makes
a sharp right.
The turn was so sharp though... that the bus falls over on its side ripping
open the back door of the bus. The bus then hits a huge bump as it spins
around which forces Ash violently out of the bus, and smashes the demented
little pokemon trainer into a wall of rocks and fallls down unconscious to
the horror of Pikachu. The bus still keeps going despite falling over on
its side as Meowth, James, Arbok, Wobbuffet, and Jessie (with caged Pikachu
in arms) scream in terror as the bus is about to collide and spin into the
The bus crashes tossing TR into a pile of bodies as a fire breaks out.
Pikachu sees it's best friends in the whole wide world lying helpless on
the ground so it tries to shock its way out of the cage inside the fiery
inferno. "Poor baby.... everything's up in flames.", sniffs Jessie who
feels somewhat bad for Pikachu even though she's the villain. "And so is da
gas taaaaaaaaannnnnnkkk", cuts in a shouting Meowth knowing that the fire
will make the gas tank explode.
We see Jessie, James, Meowth, Wobbuffet, and even Pikachu (after stopping
in its attempt to break open the cage) gasp as then...................
KABOOM! The bus does indeed explode as Team Rocket is sent blasting off
again punctuated by a "Woooobbbbuuuhhh" ......... and even a "Chuuu!"?
The camera then shows Ash lying face down unconscious next to the burning
bus. The rest of Team Toyboy then shows up the see the fallen pokemon
master. Mrs. Ketchum, Brock, and Misty then run over to see if Ash is okay.
Justin brings out Gyarados to extinguish the bus fire. Misty stops crying
(an emotion not even the powerful Togepi could control) at the site of the
half-dead Ash, gets a determined look on her face and calls out Poliwhirl
and Staryu to help Gyarados fight the fire.
In another area meanwhile, TR land after they were sent sky high in the bus
explosion. They were 100 times as far as Ash..... but they're okay! That's
because Team Rocket has been in so many dangerous and painful happenings
that they are not able to be knocked out or killed by such a dangerous
landing unlike Ash.
"Your idea was bright", mocks Meowth towards James. "Too bright!", adds
Jessie. Meowth then moans, "And dat's why we were BUS-ted." But then they
hear a peculiar..... but familiar voice, "Piiiiiii-kaaaaaaa." "What's
dat?", asks Meowth. Jessie then notices that the sound is coming from under
Jessie's ass (GETCHA MIND OUTTA DA GUTTA). Jessie then sits up as a bleary-
eyed TR notes that it is Pikachu still in the glass jar.
"I....... I...... It's Pikachu?!", wonders James. "Wait a minute....", says
Jessie, "That means................................ we...... succeeded!" as
she gets all blushy. "Oooooh!" oooh's James, "We didn't lose for once!"
"Our quest ta finally capture Pikachu has finally paid off... afta all the
shocks and bruises", sniffs Meowth as they celebrate their victory loudly
as Wobbuffet shares the victory with them.
Jessie then asks the others, "Hey.... how should we celebrate?" James then
gives the hilarious response, "Let's have a slumber party tonight!", to
which the others immediately agree as they yell and cheer themselves.
Note: Usually.... slumber parties are held by friends who want to sleep
together in separate beds AND DO NOT INVOLVE SEX rocketshipping maniacs.
Jessie does not mind this because it may be a chance for cheap piece of ass
once James falls asleep. But James came up with the idea so he could gab
the night away with girl talk which we know James is really good at.
"Oh no", gasps Prof. Oak in the sight of his son. "My babyyyy!", cries Mrs.
Ketchum as she gets consoled by Old Man Oak. (As if we needed more proof of
their affair.) "Ash is in bad shape..... we have to get him to a hospital
fast!", demands Brock. "But exactly how are we going to find the nearest
hospital?", asks Justin whom appears to have somewhat lost his sanity at
the moment.
And as Team Toyboy gathers around their paint-chip bellied, brain-dead, and
fearless leader in stunned fashion, we see what could be the end of the era
of idiocy. This is because Ash's pokemon journey has been at the very
least..... momentarily put on hold. But as one action hero goes away,
another equally dodgy (probably more dodgy) main hero will come out of the
darkness(or the outskirts of Viridian City) to begin another era........
next episode!!!!!