"Dana Trouble"
"Ratatta, quick attack!" George yelled. "Vulpix, take it down with leer attack, quick!" I ordered. George's Ratatta stopped in its tracks. His hairs stood on end. "Ratatta, don't lose to that ugly thing, you're strong enough to shake it off buddy," George encouraged.
Ratatta tried to make faces to rid it. "Ratatta, bite!" Ratatta ran at Vulpix and flashed his fangs. "Vulpix, ember it now!" Ratatta ducked under the stream of fireballs. Ratatta bit into Vulpix's paw. Vulpix roared. Ratatta ran scared. Vulpix finished Ratatta off with a giant fireball.
"Good Battle, Andy was it?" George asked. "And your little friend here, she is amazing."
"Dana?" I asked. Dana blushed as George kissed her hand. I took him by the shirt and pulled him away. "Bye, Georgo," I said. What a jerk, I thought. Making a move on Dane. Dana giggled. "Thank you," she said. Thank you, I mouthed annoyed. I pushed George away. "George, you're only ten, you better go." Dana waved to him.
Little did I know, George worked for Team Rocket. Meanwhile... "Stacey!" George yelled to his real girlfriend. Stacey kissed him. "They think I'm ten," George laughed. He pulled his Orange T-shirt off revealing a black shirt with the letter R sewed on the front. He took black gloves out of his pocket and put them on. "I'll trick Dana, then I'll enter the sand castle building contest with her next week, make her a member of Team Rocket..." He paused took an empty soda can off the ground and crushed it. "...Destroy that Andrew!" Him and Stacey laughed.
I was furious. "Why don't you like George?" Dana demanded. I kicked a bottle cap on the sidewalk I found. "I don't think he's up to any good!" I snapped. "You saw the way he looked at you. I keep having these nightmares about this guy who looked just like George! And he was from Team Rocket." Dana smiled. "I'll be careful, mother!" she teased. "Dana, I'M SERIOUS!" She shrugged and set up the Tent-In-A-Box. All you had to do was throw this little box on the ground and a giant tent that could fit six, five foot tall teenagers popped out.
I put the sleeping bag on. "Vul," Vulpix said. Startled I bolted out of the sleeping bag. "DON'T DO THAT!" I yelled. Vulpix made a breathing sound. I think she was laughing at me. I threw the pillow at her playfully.
As I woke up electricity bolted through my body. It didn't hurt as much as a Raichu but I saw a baby Pikachu with a scar across his face. "Poor thing," I said. I picked it up off the ground. It whimpered. "Poor baby," I muttered. I pulled a First-Aid kit out of my duffel bag and sprayed some Super Potion in its mouth. Pikachu smacked its lips and curled up on the ground. "Dana!" I whispered.
Dana came out of the tent yawning. "How cute," she said rubbing the tiny Pikachu's head with a finger. "That's a permanent scar," I announced. "I'm going to take a walk." I pulled on my sneakers and a clean shirt and walked into the woods.
As Vulpix and I walked into the foggy woods I heard cruel laughter and quiet talking. Vulpix and I stuck our heads through the bushes. George was talking to his girlfriend Stacey. "And she thinks I like her!" George laughed. "She doesn't know I'm fourteen and a Rocket. Today I'll get the best sand castle and destroy Jerry. Drowzee will hypnotize her and her Pokemon every three days so they'll think they're rockets." I gulped. "What will you do with Jerry's body?" Stacey demanded. I don't think she liked the idea of destroying me. "You like him!?" George demanded. Stacey paced back and forth for a moment. "He's cute," she admitted. George snickered. "He's two years younger than you!" he snapped. "You're twelve, he's ten, get it in your pretty blonde head."
I shook my head and ducked out of the bushes. Vulpix heard Ratatta saying to Drowzee another thing in Pokemon talk. "Bellsprout thinks I like her!" Ratatta snickered. "I'll destroy Vulpix and get you to hypnotize Bellsprout, my Love," Ratatta said to Drowzee. "How?" Drowzee asked. "Vulpix knocked you out big time!" Drowzee recovered Ratatta with her recover attack. Vulpix followed me through the dead leaves.
"Dana!" I cried. Dana was cooking bacon on my mini stove. "Dana, George is using you!" I yelled. While I was talking to Dana, Vulpix was talking to Bellsprout. I told her everything. "Yeah right," Dana yelled. "Jerry, I am surprised you would sink this low!" I was furious and sad at the same time that Dana liked George more than her best friend. "Dana, George is fourteen!" Dana stopped before she took another step. "Say what?"
I finished talking and her mouth hang open. "I can't believe him!" Dana raged. She stomped to the woods to George and Stacey's hideout. I grabbed my stuff, climbed on my bike. Shrank the Tent-In-A-Box and rode after her. Vulpix sat in my basket and Pikachu stood on the pegs. I heard Dana's scream. "Drowzee!" I said.
I went to the hideout. Nobody was there. I saw a hole. I peeked in. Suddenly I started falling as the hole grew bigger. "EARTHQUAKE!" I yelled. My bike fell first. Then I fell with Pikachu. Vulpix was falling right above me.
I woke up on the dirt ground. My bike was leaning against the wall. My backpack was on my head. I pushed it off and looked for my duffel bag. It was under the bike. Pikachu was on the duffel bag. Vulpix was on my side waking up.
Pikachu was still sleeping. Vulpix and I walked over to Pikachu. I shook Pikachu. Pikachu yawned and climbed onto my shoulders hanging onto the side of my head. Vulpix jumped onto my head. I rode my bike deeper into the tunnel. I heard George talking. I leaned against the wall and listened.
He said: "I'm sure your little friend is dead. That earthquake Drowzee and Sanshrew made surely spread to your camp by now." He put his face close to Dana's. "If you know what's good for you, you'll join Team Rocket or my Drowzee will make you." I nodded to Pikachu. Pikachu nodded back. I nodded to Dana. She nodded back. "What are you nodding at?" Stacey demanded. Pikachu jumped at them and used thundershock.
George and his Drowzee flew against the wall. Stacey stared at me. She fell to the ground knocked out. She must have been under Drowzee's spell. "You idiot!" George yelled. He threw three more pokeballs. Koffing, Sanshew and Ratatta joined Drowzee. Vulpix joined Pikachu. "Go Bellsprout!" Dana yelled. Three against four isn't fair, but it'll have to do, I thought.
"Bellsprout, razor leaf," Dana commanded. Eight razor sharp leaves flew at Sanshrew. Sandshrew curled up and dodged past them. "Ratatta, Drowzee, skull bash!" George ordered. Ratatta and Drowzee ran at Bellsprout. "Light screen!" I ordered. Pikachu used light screen. Drowzee and Ratatta bounced back.
"Koffing, sludge bomb!" George ordered. Koffing shot a ball of hot sludge at Vulpix. Vulpix fell back in pain. "Pikachu, you can do it, thunder wave!" I ordered. Pikachu shot rings of electricity at Koffing. Koffing was paralyzed. He vanished into the pokeball.
I jogged over and lifted up Stacey's head. "Vulpix, ember," I called over my shoulder. I studied on Stacey. She was struggling to open her eyes. I heard Vulpix shot three fireballs so hard the ground shook. "Duck!" Dana cried. Without knowing what she wanted me to avoid I ducked. Ratatta and Sanshrew flew over my head. They hit the stone wall and fainted.
It was now three against one. "Drowzee, confusion!" George ordered. Pikachu rose into the air along with Vulpix. They fell to the ground in to much pain to battle. "No," I muttered. "Bellsprout can't do this alone." Then Bellsprout did something weird. She moved strangely. She glowed purple. Hundreds of purple stars streamed out of Bellsprout's leaves. Drowzee fainted. "What was that?" I demanded checking my poke`dex.
"Speedstar leaf. One of Bellsprout's most powerful attack. The good thing about it is it learns it at a low level." George stared at us scared. "Sorry," he said backing away putting his hands in front of him as if to shield himself. A smile spread across his face. He took a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at me.
Stacey woke up. She took a pokeball from her pocket. She ripped the R shirt off of her revealing a sleeveless greens shirt. "Pokeball go!" she yelled. A Squirtle jumped out and jumped in front of George. Squirtle sent a stream of water at George's left hand. The gun broke in half. Then the water made George rise up. "What a terrible Birthday!" he yelled as he flew through the rock ceiling.
"I'm sorry," Stacey apologized. "Want to enter the sand castle building contest with me as a token of my thanks." Dana and I looked at each other and nodded.
We went to the beach. Stacey and Dana got into their bikinis. I got into my beach shorts and t-shirt. Other kids were making sand castles.
When we were done it looked like the white house with toothpickes in it and a twig with blue, white and red paper for the flag in back. We used my action figures and Dana's Barbie and Ken dolls, then dressed them in white and black to make them look like body gaurds. We used my toy car model for the limo.
The judge came around. When she was done she blew a whistle telling us to be quiet and listen. "Placing fifth place is George Big." George? No, it was another George. His Dad maybe, or his cousin. "Placing fourth place is Cooper Winters. Third place, Linda and Max Stone. Second place is Mitchell and Michelle Sun. Second place is Dana Campbell, Stacey Lisa and Andy Gettem." We cheered.
The first place was Joey Grandula. "Well, bye Stacey," Dana and I said. Dana and I watched until she was gone.
To be continued