"The First Field"
"Noctowl, Gust!" I yelled. Noctowl flapped his wings and shot white streaks
of energy at Paras. Paras growled shook the attack off.
"Paras, Poisenpowder!" Janet yelled to her Pokemon.
"Noctowl, Whirlwind it to the ground and then use your Quick Attack!"
Noctowl whirlwinded the green powder to the ground and then slammed into
Paras, knocking him to the ground.
"Paras, Slash attack," Janet said to Paras. Paras jumped up and slashed
Noctowl in the face as hard as possible. Noctowl started to stutter back but
shot a blue beam of light from the unibrow on his head. The attack hit Paras
and sent it flying up to the ceiling.
I looked at Noctowl, shocked. "Noctowl, do that Psybeam, again!" Noctowl
used another Psybeam. This time, Paras moved out of the way and used a
Scratch. Noctowl fell to the ground this time.
"Paras, Stomp!" Janet ordered. Paras started to jump onto the fallen
Noctowl, but Noctowl moved out of the way and used Drill Peck. Paras looked
like it was in bad shape. It wobbled around and had a huge scratch on his
"Paras, you can do it," Janet said. "Stun Spore!"
Paras shot a giant tornado of golden powder from his two mushrooms.
"Gust, Noctowl!" I cried. Noctowl blew the Stun Spore Pwder back at Paras,
paralyzing him, but Noctowl still got some Stun Spore powder on him, and fell
to the ground also, when he brathed it in.
"Noctowl is unable to battle. Paras is unable to battle. The first round
is a tie!" the refree said raising both of his hands in the air.
"Okay, I choose you Pikachu," I said to my furry friend. Pikachu jumped
off of my head and onto the battle arena.
"The opponent is Pikachu. Go Venonat!" Janet said. Venonat jumped out of
the Pokeball and his eyes glowed red.
"Pikachu, let's end this quickly, with a Quick Attack!" I said. Pikachu
jumped all over the place, vanishing, and reappearring. My Pikachu was
probably the fastest Pokemon in the world next to Rapidash.
"Venonat, look out!" Venonat fell to the ground as Pikachu tackled him
from the side. "Confusion, now!"
Venonat shot a mix of a blue and purple beam from his body. "Pikachu,
Thunderbolt!" Pikachu shot a big beam of white elctricity from his body. The
two attacks met each other and the both grew into a huge ball of power.
"Pikachu, harder!" I cried.
"Venonat, keep going," Janet said. The ball got bigger and bigger until
I heard a CRACKLE! It exploded in a brilliant flash of white light. I covered
my eyes. When the smoke cleared, both of our Pokemon were floating in the
air, surrounded by their Light Screen attacks. Pikachu in a yellow ball,
Venonat in gree.
"Incredible," Janet muttered. "Both Pokemon used Light Screen to avoid
that huge explosion."
The two Pokemon slammed at each other in their little balls of light.
Eventually they both fell out of their pods and landed on the ground. Venonat
used Tackle, and Pikachu jumped right over his head.
"Pikachu, Slam," I ordered. Pikachu's tail glowed white and he smacked
Venonat in the head. Venonat fell back and Pikachu used Quick Attack.
"Venonat is unable to battle," the refree announced. "The winner of
round two is DK." Pikachu gave me a thumbs up.
Janet took a Pokeball out of her handbag and thought about it for about
twelve seconds. "Pinsir, go!"
Janet's Pinsir was huge! I don't mean, naturally big, I mean it was
twice as big as most are supposed to be. I'm talkin' monster truck big!
"Wow," Janet muttered. "My Pinsir is unusually big, and your Pkachu is
unusually small."
"Pikachu, don't let that get you down, use Thunderbolt!" Pikachu used
Thunderbolt, but Pinsir didn't even feel it. His body absorbed it.
"Pinsir, send it, back!"
Pinsir's pincers glowed yellow and he shot the Thunderbolt back at
Pikachu. Pikachu fell to the ground, hurt. "Pikachu, are you okay?"
Pikachu groaned in reply. The refree picked up Pikachu and sat it on a
chair behind me.
"Houndour, it's all up to you," I said. I threw Houndour's Pokeball in
the air. My dog-like Dark/Fire Pokemon growled as he stared down Pinsir.
"Pinsir, it's just a little puppy, use your Stomp!" Pinsir jumped into
the air and started to stomp on Houndour's head, but Houndour shot an Ember
into the air and knocked Pinsir backwards. Houndour then used Shadow Ball. He
used Ember and Shadow ball over and over. Pinsir and Pinsir kept flinching,
but never fell down.
"Impossible," I muttered.
"I've had Pinsir since I was five years old," Janet said. "Its Endure
Attack can last for up to two hours. It can take just about any attack and
not even fall. My Pinsir has been undefeated for the past two years."
"Houndour, Night Shade!"
Houndour shot a silver beam out of his forehead. Pinsir knocked it away
and Janet laughed. "An attack like that isn't going to put away my Pinsir!"
"Houndour, don't let her get into your head!"
"Pinsir, this is almost embaressing. Use Gullitine and finish off
Houndour." Pinsir threw Houndour into the air and opened his pincers.
"Houndour, Fire Spin!"
Houndour twirled in the air and shot a beam of fire out of his mouth. It
surrounded Pinsir. Houndour bounced off of Pinsir's head. Pinsir's body was
on fire! Houndour shot more flames at Pinsir. Pinsir almost screamed in pain
as it lied on the ground and pounded his fists.
"Pinsir, return!" Janet yelled as she hung her head down.
The refree rose my hand in victory. I hugged my Houndour. It licked my
face. I turned to Janet. She handed me a green badge in the shape of a
diamond. "This is the Pinbadge to prove that you defeated me," she said. "And
the prize money for beating me is $100 so here."
She winked at me. "The next gym is in Lure City for the Aquabadge.
You'll have to beat my friend, Willy. He uses water an ice types. Good luck."
I went downstairs and met Erika after I healded my Pokemon.
"How did your match go?" she asked. I showed her the badge in the wallet
I had. "Ohhh, good job guys! Oh, and before I forget, there was a contest in
the shopping center, to guess how many beans were in a jar, and I won a
Poliwag! I nicknames my Staryu, Star, and my new poliwag, Swirly."
We continued on to our Pokemon journey.
To be Continued