Unknown Power
By Star
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Well, lets see… I don’t own that, or that… Nope. I own nothing except my characters and plot.
When I saw the town I was left in shock. From the humble name I assumed that New Bark Town would be a small cluster of houses. I was right. It was the amount of people that surprised me. There must have been about 100 families there! All the parents were kissing there kids goodbye and crying their eyes out. I gave a sigh wondering who my parents were. What a crowd! The butterflies were flying in my stomach.
“Mam? Do you know where the professor’s lab is?” I asked a passing mother.
“That big building over there,” she replied. Staring at the what must have been five story lab I thought to myself, Now how did I miss that? I sighed, They’ve sure gotten bigger than I remember them last.
“Oops, sorry,” I apologized as I bumped into a passing girl. She had flaming long hair tied back in a tidy ponytail.
“Hi! I’m Candice and this is Aileen!” she told me, talking very fast and pointing to girl behind her with short, blonde hair. “We were just looking for another party member! Will you join?”
Staring into that eager face I could only manage to say, “Umm… sure?”
“Great! See you after Pokemon selection!” she yelled as the two of them had both run off, hair bouncing in the wind.
I could only stare blankly back, not sure of what I’d just agreed to.
I stood by the door, waiting impatiently for the professor to let us in. Finally he opened the door, only to be trampled. As I walked in the butterflies doubled.
As soon as the professor recovered he went immediately into his speech. “Hello, my name is Professor Elm. In a moment I will be releasing you to look at the Pokemon. You may choose one and only one of the Pokemon in these cages. In a time where to people want one the Pokemon will decide, so keep this in mind. Remember, these will become your friends for life so choose wisely. To all parents: please no late submissions. You have 30 minutes. GO!!!”
There was a huge rush as trainers pushed and shoved to see the Pokemon. Hundreds of Pokemon in 30 minutes? That’s just great! I groaned inwardly. There were rows upon rows of Pokemon. How to choose?
Hello? Came a soft, cool voice.
“What? Who said that?” I looked around me puzzled, but I didn’t see the voices owner.
Shh! Why must you humans be so noisy? came the voice again.
Humans?!? I looked at a cage and saw an Espeon sitting there. “Maybe I’m just going crazy, but did you just talk?” I asked, trying to ignore the weird looks I was getting.
Yes. I want you to be my trainer.
“…Why me?” I asked, still recovering from the shock.
I have my reasons.
“OK…” I agreed, still unsure.
Just then a bell sounded showing that the thirty minutes were up. With a last glance at the purple cat I rushed with the other soon-to-be trainers. Elm started giving out Pokemon. Finally, “Espeon!”
“Here goes nothing….” I went up to receive the Espeon. So did another kid. Great. Just Great.
“It seems we have a conflict. We will let the Espeon decide,” announced Professor Elm. We sat there for a while, but nothing happened. What is it thinking? I thought it wanted me to be its trainer?!? “Seeing as the Espeon is taking its time we will move on…”
What’s my name? the Espeon asked.
How should I know? Umm… Celestial, Star (hehe), Star Light, Moon, Moon Beam… Is it Moon Beam?
Yes, it replied simply as it strutted towards me. This gave me the creeps, but I shrugged it of as an Espeon thing.
“It seems the Espeon has decided. It will go to Crystal!” announced Professor Elm. The other kid stomped back.
As I sat down, Moon Beam in my lap, Elm was just starting his speech. “Here are your Pokeballs and Pokedexs. Your first badge is at Violet City. Any questions?” My hand shot up. “Yes?”
“Do we have to complete the Pokedexes or something?” I asked. This received several giggles.
“No,” he said, trying not to sound frustrated, “Ash did that years ago. I’d advise you to stop playing video games.”
The next thing I knew I was outside with Candice and Aileen.
“Next stop, Violet City!” announced Candice, “So says the leader!”
“Who made you the leader?” I objected.
“Me,” stated Candice. I pulled a mallet out of nowhere. “Oww… that hurt!”
And we argued down the lane.
Authors Note:
Hi! Sorry I haven’t been updating as much as I’d like but I’ve been busy doing homework and stuff. Stuff being TV, computer games, online comics, reading, video games… I am trying to catch Ho-oh! You can just shut your mouth, Moonbeam! My mouth is shut. Look, this is
MY story! You are not the boss of me! Says her.
Look, I don’t have time for this. A-N-Y-W-A-Y. The name Candice means “Fire
White,” fire for the red hair. Aileen means “Light Bearer,” even though I was looking for electric, blonde is light, right? Rhyming is accidental. I’d like to thank the author: Skyler Vane of Versus City for being the only person to review. I mean only! You can find her as an author in OT, Gen, and Other. Is there anyone else reading this story? *knocks on computer screen* I don’t even know how many people are reading this! If I know your there I’ll update more! I take requests! Go ahead and review to say “Hi, I exist. Like your story. Can you have your pokemon annoy you?”
*runs away from Moonbeam in fear* Note: no one asked that, but I feel you deserve it for waiting. I might even take story request. I’m sure I could, um, try to convince Diamond for a group one. Cool plot complications coming next update or so, so stick around. And for the wait, here is a Star doll to strangle! *smiles while handing every reader a Star doll* LONG authors note today. That’s all!
Hope to write more soon!
You haven’t seen the last of me! I shall take over the computer! *Moonbeam does shifty eyes and sinks into shadows*
Right… *sweat drops* you’d think she’s an Umbreon.