Warning: This deep and exciting story contains violence...
By: Deus Ex
Draigen's suspicions began to arise, while Kenji was still withholding his information. But in the meantime, Draigen decided to go along with SMF until it was all clear. Manderley received an e-mail, requesting an assassination by Draigen. All the info (false of course) necessary to fool Draigen, and SMF, was sent. This of course worked like a charm.
Draigen has been called to Manderley's office in order to receive his new mission. Jade, was also called to be paired with Draigen.
"Draigen, Jade, your going to Los Angeles. Your mission is going to be to assassinate the Vice President," continued Joseph. Draigen and Jade only looked at each other. "The Vice President has done some bad things, one of the most, Treason. He's been charged on accounts of selling top secret U.S. info to China, and Russia. This man is a traitor, and must be stopped. These are your orders, and the info necessary, don't fail me."
Draigen took the file and left with Jade. They were to leave immediately. Before they did, Draigen went down to A-5 to stock up on some items. Down there he met up with Kenji, who was also gathering equipment for something.
"Hi Draigen," greeted Kusama.
"Hey, still investi--" he was interrupted by Kenji's nod.
"Not here. Shh. Buy as many augs as you can, okay? Have you told Jade?"
Draigen nodded. "No, I'll tell her during this mission though."
"Oh, I heard about it. Sounds fishy, I'm already looking into it. I'll contact you if anything, k?"
"Yeah, gotcha."
Kenji left with his 2 duffle bags that were full of something heavy. Draigen took his advice and went to the Aug department. He had accumulated over 20000ACP now, so he could buy quite a few things. He bought himself a 'Run Silent', 'Targeting', and 'Vision Enhancement'. He bought a couple Upgrade canisters and upgraded all his Augs to 'Tech 2', Speed Enhancement to 'Tech 3'. He bought a SNR-30 sniper rifle, which was the best SMF had. Ammo, and other items he might need for the future. He also purchased the strongest, high tech Ballistic Armor. He also bought some pokémon items too. Despite all this, Draigen had over 10000ACP left, because all of SMF's merchandise, although the best, was not very expensive.
Jade made some accommodations of her own. Installing some Augs of her own. SMF had little variety, but it didn't matter. She didn't buy as many things as Draigen did, however, she didn't know of the circumstances. "Maybe Draigen and I will come closer together on this mission, hehe," she thought to herself. She finished and went up to meet with Draigen.
Draigen and Jade finally left, taking Jock's helicopter to LA. About 5 or 6 hours later, they arrived in LA, and Jock dropped them off on the roof of the hotel they were assigned to stay at.
-Los Angeles; Red Lion Hotel-
Draigen and Jade arrived at their hotel room, but it was late at night, and they were tired from the trip they took. Draigen just finished showering and prepared for bed.
"I don't know about you, but I'm going to sleep. I'll start tomorrow, besides, we have a day or so left for reconnaissance."
"I think I'll go to sleep to," she said looking at the bed.
"Go ahead, take it," said Draigen, noticing Jade's look.
"Then were will you sleep?"
"I'll find a place on the floor," don't mind me.
"Okay. Suit yourself." Jade slipped into bed wearing her gown, while Draigen remained awake, sitting down on a comfortable chair in the balcony, looking at the bright stars overhead. After awhile, Draigen fell asleep in the chair itself, waking up a couple hours later to find himself facing the stars. He entered the apartment, closed the glass balcony door, and made his bed on the floor.
The next day came and Draigen woke up early. He got up and performed many exercises. Jade woke up while Draigen was facing the balcony, finishing up his last exercise. Jade waited until he stopped, to greet him.
"Good Morning agent," she said in a delightful morning tone.
"Hey," was Draigen's response. "Get ready, we're going out for some reconnaissance, we have only a day left." Both Jade and Draigen got ready and left for the area in which the assassination was to occur.
-Out in Hollywood-
"Okay, now, intelligence says that the Vice Prez, and the President, are going to appear hear for a movie premier," Draigen informed, pointing towards the area in front of the theater. "That means, we would have two chances for the kill, before and after the movie. Though, our mission states that it should be done afterwards." He looked up at the only two buildings in the area in clear view of the theater area. "That means, while they are coming down this way," Draigen said, simulating the scene. "The best place to be for the kill would be, atop that building, the first roof, halfway up." Jade looked to the top of the building Draigen pointed at.
"Okay, I'll be down here, exiting with the rest and monitoring the situation down here. Here," she gave Draigen a small two-way radio. " I'll be in touch through this."
"Alright, I'm going to go check that building, make sure the potential for kill is positive."
"I'll go with you," Jade added, accompanying Draigen.
"Apparently this is a public building, we'll have no trouble with security." They made their way up to the halfway rooftop and Draigen looked over the edge, and scanned below. "Perfect. I'll be right here," stated Draigen, as his stomach began rumbling. "Let's get back, I'm hungry."
Jade giggled. "I can see that."
They decided on going out to eat that night at a fine restaurant. They had a good eat and walked back to their hotel suite. They came to an alley where they heard some screams. A man and a woman, who were making out, were chased out by a trail of steaming fire.
"Run!" cried the man.
A Houndour jumped onto the sidewalk, as if he was gesturing his pride. He looked at Draigen in rage. "Houndour, dour houndour!" barked the pokémon. Houndour was enraged at Jade and Draigen not responding to its demands. The Houndour fired a Flamethrower attack at Draigen unexpectedly. Draigen was pushed back but not injured. That attack seemed to be a warning one. Draigen responded to this by releasing Gon. "Scyytheeeer!" it commented as it was released.
"Scyther, could you tell me what's wrong with this Houndour?" asked Draigen.
Scyther listened as Houndour warned once more. "It says we're on its property. That if we don't go away now, he's gonna fry us."
"Let him try," Draigen said with a smirk. "Gon use your Slash attack!" he commanded. The Scyther performed his Slash attack with amazing speed. The Houndour had no chance to dodge. Jade watched the battle with eyes wide open in amazement. The dog became wounded, bleeding from a cut on the right half of his face. It continued to battle, despite the wound. It shot a flamethrower in which did a little amount of harm to Gon; Draigen now begun to be astonished. The Houndour also widened its eyes at this. It then attacks Gon with a quick bite attack that caught the Scyther on the ankle.
"Use your Wing Attack!" Gon flew up, then down at the Houndour, this time, missing it. Houndour decided to use its Flamethrower once more. This time, the thick steam of hot fire, almost seriously injured Gon. He was noticeably weakened. "Hurry, give him a Skull Bash." Gon lowered his head, and while floating in the air, sped at Houndour. Hitting it with considerable strength, considering he's weak, the Houndour was knocked down, and almost out. Draigen took one of his balls out and threw it at Houndour. The energy absorbed the pokémon into the ball. There was a little struggle, then it stopped. As Draigen went for it, there was another short struggle, the Houndour finally gave in and Draigen had a second pokémon. For Draigen though, this was no time to cheer. He ran back to the hotel to treat both his pokémon with some items bought at HQ.
-Red Lion Hotel room-
Back at the Red Lion, Draigen let out his two pokémon, tending to Houndour's facial wound first. Spraying some 'QuickHeal' solution, and using a moist towel to stop the bleeding; then a Super Potion, to finish up.
"It'll leave a scar," Draigen said to Gon, but Houndour understood what he said.
"Houndour dour dour, houndour dour houndour dour," remarked Houndour. Draigen looked at Gon, still needing time to completely understand his new pokémon.
"He says he doesn't mind. That you and I were the first to even touch him, and that he now will obey and respect his new friends."
Draigen smiled and looked at the Houndour in its eyes. "Thank you Houndour. Would you like a nickname to?"
"Houndour houn," replied the dog.
"He wouldn't mind," translated Gon.
"Okay, I'll come up with one soon if I do nickname you."
"Need help naming him?" asked Jade who was getting ready for bed. Draigen chuckled.
"I could use some suggestions," answered Draigen.
"Okay Houndour, I'm gonna let you sleep outside your pokéball, for tonight." Draigen finished healing
"Houndour," thanked the dark pokémon.
Draigen turned his attention to Gon, healing him also.
"So Gon, what happened back there, what the hell was that?"
Gon sighed, and proceeded explaining what it was.
"Well you see, the MJ12 along with the military had trained me. I was chosen as the leader of S-SAT-2, the Special-Scyther Assault Team 2. There are only 8 of these teams with a group of about 20-30 Scyther."
"S-SAT-2, whoa," interrupted Draigen.
"Any way the leader of each team is given something, which we Scyther don't know what it is, that makes us do extraordinary things. The former S-SAT-2 leader was training me. When I was transferred to New York, I was gonna receive special training to control these abilities I have. Right now, they only occur by instinct, I don't know how to control it, much less use it in the heat of battle."
"Wow, so you have special abilities? Kinda like me, but then does that mean.... Does this make you the strongest pokémon, the strongest of the Scythers?"
"Oh no, please. There are pokémon stronger than I. And as for Scythers, there are notably two who are stronger. Besides I'm only at level 29. The leader of S-SAT-1 is roughly at level 40, maybe more. MJ12 says that we are the strongest and smartest Scythers. Heh, I showed them how smart I am."
"So, then, why did you escape?" asked Draigen finishing up healing Gon.
"It was a horrible nightmare. I can't bear tell you the times we past there. Memories still lie in my mind today, haunting me. Then I remember I have you here, to protect me."
Draigen thought for awhile. 'This was a Scyther, and there was something so terrible that would even terrify this pokémon?' He thought more. "Gon, I'm going to help you gain control over your abilities. And when the time comes, we're gonna bring down MJ12 and the military."
Gon looked into Draigen's eyes, which calmed him to hear that. "Thank you..."
Draigen recalled Gon back into his pokéball, got ready for bed too. Jade was still up and heard everything that was said.
"You mean that?" asked Jade.
"Yes," replied Draigen confidently.
"So what's this MJ12 thing you speak of?" Draigen looked at Jade immediately. He went on explaining what happened with Kenji and all. Jade went to sleep, thinking about it over night. Draigen also fell asleep on the floor, resting for the big day tomorrow.
-Roof across from theater area; 20 min before movie ends-
Draigen and Jade were at the rooftop above the theater waiting for it to end. Draigen readies his SNR-30 sniper rifle. Jade took out a small silver container.
"Draigen I don't know why, but HQ gave me a new bullet they want you to use. They say it's an 'Ice Projectile'. It melts inside the target so that no one can find and identify the bullet." Jade handed the container to Draigen and left to join the movie across the street.
With about 5 minutes till the movie ended, Draigen took out the Ice bullet and loaded it into the rifle.
"Ice projectiles? What will they think of next...Fruity Flavors," remarked Draigen in a sarcastic tone. He looked through the rifle's scope down at the entrance to the theater as the movie was finished, and the crowd begun stepping out. Draigen looked through his scope calmly targeting the now visible Vice President. He followed as the VP walked to his car, trying to get an impossibly clear shot.
"I can't get a clear shot!" exclaimed Draigen over the radio. "I can't do it!"
Just then a sharp crack was heard. The bullet ripped through the air, hitting its target with lethal preciseness. Draigen surprised and scared looked through his scope to see the situation. Jade called on the radio.
"YOU SHOT THE PRESIDENT!!!" yelled Jade.
"No I didn't. I didn't even fire my rifle!!!" replied Draigen hysterically.
"Then how was the president shot?" Jade looked around. The crowd below had looked up and found that Draigen was across the street. They pointed up at the building.
"Look! Up there!" cried the people below. Draigen noticed this and put down his weapon. Jade called over the radio.
"Get the hell outta there now! RUN!" Jade ran off herself, but not before noticing what seemed like a human shaped figure on the only other building facing the area. The figure then vanished.
"It's done sir."
"Excellent. It begins now."
Draigen left the rooftop and hurriedly ran down the stairs. In the main lobby, Draigen saw that the authorities were coming his way. He turned and tries to find an exit the back way. He found it and went out into an alley.
"There he is! Get him!" Shouts from the police and guards were heard. Draigen ran away as fast as he could, remembering his 'Speed Enhancement' and using it. He got a transmission from command, they new and were monitoring the situation.
"Draigen get into the that hotel and in room 245. Stay there until it's safe."
Draigen opened the door to a hotel (not the Red Lion) and made his way up to room number 245, which was on the second floor. He stood there, looking out the window to the police cover street in front of him. Across the building, on another were shooters who begun shooting at Draigen. *TAT-TAT-TAT!* The bullets zinged through the window as Draigen crouched to avoid them.
"Lets go," the shooters leader said. They left and Draigen looked back out the window.
"Okay, we have the man in the second floor room 245. I want one SWAT team to go up and get him. If that fails another SWAT team will engage," commanded a SWAT team leader.
The first SWAT team made there way up while Draigen saw them come in. "Shit," he remarked. He noticed the floor was fragile and breaking. Draigen got up and start kicking and jumping at it. The SWAT team advanced closer to where Draigen now heard the footsteps. As they opened the door to the apartment and commenced firing their weapons, Draigen made one last jump, the floor below him crumbled and he fell through. Draigen looked up at the hole and ran into some double doors. It was the cafeteria. "Shit! He's below us!"
The commander on the street prepared another team. "According to blue prints, this idiot just trapped himself in the cafeteria, and there's no way out. Team you know what to do." The 2nd SWAT team entered the building and stopped at the cafeteria doors. One man threw in a gas grenade to smoke Draigen out. Draigen saw this and covered his nose and mouth till the effect of the gas was over. The SWAT team made their way in the dark cafeteria, flashlights on. Draigen had no choice but to fight back because his pokémon were left in the Red Lion room. Draigen didn't expect this. One man came extremely close to Draigen who was hiding behind a counter.
Since Draigen also had no gun, he elbowed the man in his stomach, took the gun in hi right hand and knocked him out with the bud of the gun. Draigen fired the sub-machine gun as the team returned fire. *T-T-T-T-T-TA!* Draigen shot one of the men in the groin, disabling him temporarily. Draigen moved to dodge the return fire and killed the remaining SWAT team members mercilessly. He looked at one SWAT member who was about the same height and build as Draigen. He took him into a small storage type thing, and used the SWAT uniform as a disguise, and put on the mask. Another SWAT team entered the cafeteria. Draigen picked up one of the downed men who was still alive.
"He needs help, I'm taking him outside," Draigen said to the fooled team. Draigen proceeded outside and placed the man on a stretcher near an ambulance. He took his mask off and walked away, heading to the Red Lion. Back in the cafeteria, the team found the man with no uniform dead. One man contacted his commander.
"He's got Smiths' suit!! He's in a SWAT uniform."
"Damn it, we lost him."
"He's one the street in a SWAT uniform."
"I see, I got him," replied a sniper. "Come on I can't get a clear shot," the sniper raved as he followed Draigen. Draigen suddenly disappeared out of sight of the sniper after walking behind a tree. The sniper looked around furiously. "I lost him!"
"That's okay, get outta there. We'll deal with him later."
-Red Lion Hotel room-
Draigen got to the hotel and took off the SWAT uniform, putting some clothes back on. Jade was already there, worried. She turned on the television, it was already night.
TV: "Today was a sad day for everyone. The president was shot by some creep who had nothing else to do. The killer now identified as Frank Parker, disappeared without a trace, but the murder weapon was found, and an empty shell inside proved the killing. The president also disappeared somehow, from the ambulance that was taking him to Central Hospital. No clues have been found to how, or where he is."
Draigen looked at the hand sketch of himself on the TV screen.
"Tell me the truth, did you fire that weapon and kill the President?" asked Jade.
"No, I swear, I don't know how they found an empty shell in the gun I stupidly left there." Draigen thought for a moment. Then something came to him. "Oh my god, the 'Ice Projectile'! It wasn't meant to melt inside the target, it was meant to melt inside the gun." Draigen thought some more. "SMF...."
"Are you saying they set us up?" asked Jade.
"No, I'm not sure, and it's best to shush about it for now and keep working for SMF." Just then the phone ringed. Draigen picked it up. "Hello?"
"It's Manderley. What happened, was it a misfire?"
"No! I didn't fire my gun, sir!"
"I believe you, wait there, Jock's going to pick you up."
"SIR! I've been accused of killing the president. Do you know how this feels??"
"Don't worry, Jock's coming, we'll protect you." Joseph hung up, and Draigen slammed his hand on the nightstand. Moments later, there was a knock on the door. It was Kenji.
"What are you doing down here?" asked Draigen.
"Draigen, listen to me, the President is not dead. He's in the chopper with Jock and I. I want you to hold him at your place in New York."
"But how?"
"I discovered 'their' plan for this mission. I came down here and met up with the president the night before. I gave him a ballistic vest to wear, so he isn't even wounded. Come hurry. HQ's waiting for you."
Draigen and Jade got all their stuff together, and left. Up top Jock had the chopper ready, and they all headed home.
"Don't say anything about this, okay you two?" asked Kenji.
"Sure," both Draigen and Jade replied.
To Be Continued...