Warning: This deep and exciting story contains violence...
By: Deus Ex
Days past as Draigen and Jade worked normal days for SMF. No missions or anything serious has been coming up. Draigen took this time to train Gon (Scyther), and also get to know more about SMF and it's people. He also used this time to upgrade his skills. Pistol, Rifle, Computer, Electronics, Medicine, and Pokémon were all upgraded to Advanced. His relationship with Jade kept a steady pace, it wasn't advancing too much, nor did they feel it was necessary; even though, both wondered what it would be like. One day, while doing some research, Draigen found that his friend, Kenji Kusama, had been a field agent. "Why would he lie to me? What's there to hide?" Draigen asked himself. It troubled Draigen. "Is he still a field agent?" More days past and Draigen's questions remained unanswered. Neither did he bother to ask Scyther what was up with them. Then one day, Draigen just decided to walk around town; this, however, would be the start of chaos, and Draigen realizing what he had to do...
Draigen went down to a place he had heard of, the 'Underworld'. It was run by, and protected, an ex-SMF agent named Jordan Shea. It was a place in which a lot of people came to 'get away'. Reaching the entrance, Draigen saw a sign. No weapons allowed. Draigen told himself not to show his weapon around. He entered and saw many people at a bar. There was lots of booze, soda, and junk food lying around where people had finished their stay. All kinds of people resided here, hookers, bums, rich, and Jock was here too, having a drink. Jock noticed Draigen and welcomed him.
"Hey! Draigen! What's up? Come here to unwind?"
"No, I'm just checking the place out," replied Draigen.
"Well...hey! This is Jordan," introduced Jock. "Jordan, Draigen."
"Hi, anything to drink?" offered Jordan.
"Just give me some soda."
"Alright, here you go," said Jordan, as she passed over a can and a cup with ice.
"Thanks," thanked Draigen. "So, Jock, what's your story?"
"Well, I'm just a pilot for SMF. Although, your buddy, Kenji, has some seriously weird shit." Draigen pursed his lips at this. "But anyway, my parents were killed by the NSF, so I was recruited to SMF to take agents were they need to go to take out the bastards. Other than that, there's nothing much less interesting about me. But, I seriously advise you to talk to Kenji, if what he's saying his right, I'll be on your side all the way, my man."
Draigen became very intrigued at what was it that Kenji was hiding. "Jordan, I see you're mech-augmented. How does it feel?"
"I feel normal, but with super strength, and stuff."
"Did you know Hermann?"
"Oh yeah, that pain in the ass? Lemme tell you something, Gunther gave his life and loyalty to SMF. He only gives it to others who have proven themselves to him. This does not apply, by the way, to any 'wet-behind-the-ears' kid with a cool sense of fashion and no scars - i.e., you."
"Heh, thanks I'll keep that in mind," assured Draigen.
"Hello kid, my name's Joe Greene, tabloid reporter."
"Hi," responded Draigen.
"Heh, I know all about SMF and their duties, but I wanna know more about you."
"Well, your not getting the chance," stated Draigen.
Just then, Draigen received a message through the infolink. It was Alex Jacobson, the Communications Tech.
"Hey, Draigen, a hostage situation has been reported. Manderley wants you to go. It's at the Hilton hotel. Nicknamed 'Ton. I advise you to engage as soon as possible. Over."
The 'Ton hotel was not too far away. Draigen wrapped everything up and left Underworld. He ran to the hotel.
-The 'Ton-
Draigen got to the hotel soon. "I can't go in the front," he said to himself. He looked around and noticed a wooden fence near the hotel with a small hole, yet it was big enough for him to squeeze through. He slipped through the hole into an alley behind the 'Ton. He received another transmission this time from Kenji.
"Draigen, I pirated this signal. SMF does not know I'm contacting you, and it's for the best. Listen, you're near my apartment. I want you to go there and check out a few things I left for you. It's up that fire escape, couple flights up, the only open window. Decide if you want to help me or not. Over."
Draigen looked up and saw the fire escape. He jumped up to the ladder and climbed the flights. He came to the open window and entered Kenji's apartment. As Draigen scouted the apartment, he found a note on the table.
"Draigen, |
Draigen checked the Datacube and got the password. He logged in, and read his (somewhat troubling) e-mail. After that he found the Aug canister Kenji left for him. It was 'Speed Enhancement'. He walked over to the Medbot and installed it. Then used the Upgrade canister to upgrade it to 'Tech 2'; in which his speed is 14 (from an original 10), his augmented jump height from a standing start is 5ft (from 3), shock when falling and landing on feet is reduced. With that finished, he drew his weapon and stepped out of the apartment.
The terrorist were right in the hallway, saw Draigen and about to shoot a hostage. Now was the time to try out his new ability. Turning it on he dashed to the side of the terrorist, and fired three shots into him. "Whoa..." thought Draigen. Turning it off to save Bio energy he fired four more shots into the other terrorist. He utilized the stairs and went down, only to find that the 'Ton manager was being held at gunpoint. Before Draigen could react, the terrorist started shooting at him. Turning his Speed Aug on, he dodged the bullets, stopped and turned it back off. The terrorist only looked at him in astonishment.
"How the hell did you--" the terrorist was unable to finish his sentence because two shots into his chest hushed him up.
"Thank you, sir," cried the Manager.
"You're welcome." Draigen walked out of the hotel, concealing his weapon. Just then he got a call on infolink.
"Good work, Draigen," it was Alex. "Manderley said you could take some time off. Have fun." Draigen got another call almost immediately. It was Kenji.
"Now's our chance to investigate further. Come to that dark alley you see there."
Draigen walked over to the alley, and found Kenji in the shadows.
"Listen, I'll tell you all I can in awhile, but I need you to do something. I have friend, he likes to be called Smuggler, which is what he does. Go there, tell him Kenji sent you," he said while giving Draigen a map to Smuggler's place. "He'll ask you to do something which is imperative to my investigation. I would go, but I need to do something. I'll keep contact with you."
"Are you sure about what your saying?"
"Positive. Why, are you with me?"
"Okay, good luck, and remember, the password is 'Bloodshot'," his hand reached out to shake Draigen's. They shook hands and left.
-The Smuggler-
Draigen finds himself behind a subway station. He pushed the button on the wall, of an intercom.
"Who is it?"
"I'm Draigen, Kenji sent me."
"Come in." Smuggler unlocked the door, and Draigen walked in.
Once Draigen got to the Smuggler, he found that his prices are on the high-side. But Smuggler was up for a deal.
"Listen, my friend, a fellow named Ford Schick, is being held captive by some mysterious government thugs with a base in the sewers. If you can get him out, I'll drop my prices. You gonna help me?"
"Good, here's the key that'll open the trap doors leading to the sewers."
By the subway, Draigen found the trapdoors opened them and into the sewers it was. He proceeded into the water and down the tunnel, until an 'L' shaped intersection. Draigen looked around and saw a laser trap. He looked up and found a turret. "If I trip this laser, I'll be done for." Making sure he did not trip the laser, he passed it and continued. At the far end of the 'L' was a ledge with a ladder going up. He climbed up and found two corpses, an NSF terrorist and someone in a uniform Draigen hasn't seen before. Off the unfamiliar one, Draigen took a couple lockpicks, multitools and a door code, 2167.
Draigen returned to the junction and noticed a box on the wall. He picked the lock with a lockpick. When it was opened, there was a keypad inside. Draigen entered the code 2167. The door opened and Draigen headed in. He went down the hallway and came to a laser trap, which he easily crawled under. In the next hallway, there was a security camera opposite a security box. Shooting the camera so he wouldn't be noticed, Draigen got to the security box, and hacked it. Another door opened to a room with a large pool in the center. Above the pool were a ledge, and a bridge leading across to the other side. On the bridge was a sniper, trying to pick at Draigen. Loud cracks in the air were heard as the sniper continued. Draigen returned fire, trying to get a clear shot before the sniper got him. Finally, after many shots, Draigen reloaded, and fired two last shots, which caught the sniper dead center.
Relived, Draigen found and climbed up a ladder. He came to a room, which seemed to have many troopers in it. "Gon, come on out," he said quietly as he let out his pokémon. "You have special combat training right?"
"Yes, wh--" Gon listened to the sounds in the next room. "Oh, I see, alright I'm with you on this."
"Alright, I'm gonna open the door slightly and throw in a gas grenade, after it detonates, we'll go inside and kill everyone, you got that?"
"Yes," said the Scyther in a determined tone.
Draigen opened the door and rolled in a gas grenade. Moments past as it exploded and smoke filled the whole room, the troopers inside started coughing and rubbing their eyes. "Lets go." They busted in and went about killing the troopers. Gon started off slicing a man's head off, then continued with slashes and amazing kicks. Draigen went in and fired three rounds into the first one he saw. There was gunfire from the troops, but they were too blind at the moment to know where to shoot. The two continued, and finally finished, killing about 8 troopers or so. Both relieved, Draigen let Gon stay out of its pokéball. Gon looked at the corpses and realized something.
"Hey, these are...." Gon examined them closely as Draigen examined a Datacube containing the security code for the complex. 'Login: MJ12; PW: coupdetat.'
"MJ12? Hmmm. What's an MJ12? Is this what Kenji was referring to?" Gon looked up at Draigen.
"Draigen, these are the MJ12. I only know them by this name but, these are the guys who supervised my training as the leader to all the Scythers."
"WHAT?! You mean the military wasn't involved with this?"
"No, they knowledgably were, along with MJ12. I think."
"Hmm, let's finish this mission and get back to Kenji."
Using the security code, Draigen went to a security panel near the ladder where he climbed up, and used it's 'Special Options' to rotate the bridge so it crosses over to the rest of the complex. Draigen used the bridge and entered the rest of the complex. There was a trooper there who was immediately killed by Gon. They went down a couple more empty hallways and came to a keypad. There was a trooper just inside the next room. Draigen shot him through the window in which he saw the trooper. In the room was a lift, going down. Draigen and Gon took it down and came to a chemistry lab. Inside was a man, standing there for no reason.
"Are you Mr. Ford Schick?"
"Yes I am. Come to rescue me?"
"Yes. Come with me."
Draigen noticed a datacube giving him another computer login. Beside it was a computer, which Draigen used the login and found some concrete data about MJ12. First of all, it was known as the Majestic 12, hence MJ12. MJ12 is a super-secret organization, even more so than SMF. Draigen closed out of the computer, recalled Gon, and brought Schick with him and exited the complex, and back to the Smuggler.
-Back at Smuggler's-
"Thank you for rescuing the guy, Draigen. I owe a lot to you."
"No you don't Smuggler, I got everything I needed. And just consider it a privilege that I don't arrest you and take you in, heh heh."
"Heh, thanks man, take care."
Draigen left the Smuggler's place and begun walking back to his apartment. Just then Draigen got a message on infolink.
"Hey Draigen, Alex. We found out were the NSF's generator is, along with one of NSF's top leaders. A squad has been sent there, waiting for you. Get to the Osgood & Sons Warehouse, find and destroy the generator, and capture that leader."
Draigen headed for the warehouse not too far from where he was.
Draigen used his assault team to raid the warehouse. It took them but about 20 minutes to find the generator. Draigen attached a LAM (Lightweight Attack Munitions) to the generator, and destroyed it with a loud *BOOM!!*. As Draigen was headed back to HQ, he was stopped by Kenji. Draigen told him everything that happened with the MJ12. This confirmed Kenji's suspicions and told Draigen that he'll talk to him later. Draigen was relieved by Gunther, who was dropped off by Jock to join the cleanup crew.
Draigen got on Jock's chopper and left for base.
"Page, Draigen's finding out things he isn't supposed to be. That Kenji's been leading him on."
The man slammed his hand on his desk. "That Kenji has interfered way too much, but he won't anymore."
"What do you propose we do?"
"Send an e-mail to Manderley, and pay him a visit. That damn field agent is going down."
"And Draigen?"
"Bah! We don't need him much anymore. Get Manderley to send him on some mission, assassinate the Vice President, who's one of us. In the process, we're going to frame Draigen of an assassination of the President."
"Oh yes, the double-crossing Vice President, and the President are meeting in four days."
"Yes, after that, let SMF protect him for a while. Send him to assassinate NSF's leader, Juan Lebedev. Manderley got the info on where Lebedev was. Then BAM! No more Draigen."
"And Jade, sir?"
"Hmm. Draigen might get her on his side, frame her as an accomplice. We'll get rid of both of them. They'll be the most wanted couple in the world..."
To Be Continued...