Warning: This exciting story contains violence...
By: Deus Ex
The day has finally come for Denton to prove himself worthy, and determine what exactly it is he is capable of. Of course, out in the world he'll discover much more. Denton was sent down to the training level of the compound to begin his month of 'hell'. He had remembered what Kenji had mentioned. He silently awaits to begin...
06.01.2055; Generalization Phase (GP) - Day 1
As day 1 begins, Denton finds himself receiving the uniform in which they will train. He puts it on. The uniform was different from any other military combat or training suits, this one is much more likable. The other 5 persons also received the uniform. A man entered the room we were in; he looked like a Drill Instructor.
Drill Instructor: "ATTEEEN-HUT!" we all immediately stood at attention. It seemed the other 5 were from a military background also. "How do you like your uniform, girls? Comfortable?"
All: "Sir, yes sir!"
Drill Instructor: "Good! There supposed to be. We are preparing you for life as a secret agent; so naturally, you would use clothes that you feel comfortable in. That's if you get chosen to join. Only one of you will be chosen." He inspected us for a moment. "Alright, I'm Agent Gunther Hermann. As you can clearly see, I'm mech-augmented (mechanically augmented; the people with these volunteered for these, which were cosmetically seen, ex: a bionic arm). Of course, you have the choice to be nano-augmented, a new technology. Introduce yourselves!"
Trainee: "Sir, John Spartan, sir!"
Trainee #2: "Sir, Simon Phoenix, sir!"
Trainee #3: "Sir, James Dunn, sir!"
Trainee #4: "Sir, Chris Spade, sir!"
Trainee #5: "Sir, Marcus Armstrong, sir!"
Denton: "Sir, Sam Denton, sir!" I heard a slight snicker.
Agent Hermann: "So you're Denton, eh? Mmm." There was another slight snicker. "What was that?!" Silence. "Hmph. Before we start, I have to explain something. You will be trained in 12 main areas. There will be other stuff taught also, but these are the basic. They are:
Pokémon - Proper training & tactical use of pokémon.
Computer - The covert manipulation of computers and security consoles.
Electronics - By studying electronics and its practical application, agents can more efficiently bypass a number of security systems using tools and multitools.
Environmental Training - Experience with handling a number of environmentally dangerous situations.
Lockpicking - Lockpicking is as much art as skill, but with intense study it can be mastered by any agent with patience and a set of lockpicks.
Medicine - Practical knowledge of human physiology can be applied by an agent in the field, allowing more efficient use of medkits.
Swimming - Underwater operations require their own unique set of skills that must be developed by an agent with extreme physical dedication.
Weapons: Demolition - Training in explosives. Arming and disarming.
Weapons: Heavy - Trained in the use of heavy weaponry.
Weapons: Low-Tech - The use of melee weapons such as knifes, throwing knives, swords, pepper guns, and riot pods.
Weapons: Pistol - The use of handheld weapons, including the standard issue 10mm Pistol, its stealth variant, and mini-crossbow.
Weapons: Rifle - The use of rifles, including assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, and submachine guns.
We have 4 skill levels for each one of these categories.
Untrained - Everything is normal.
Trained - Performance slightly increases.
Advanced - Performance is advanced.
Master - Master of that specific skill.
We can only train you to the 'Trained' level. For each skill, a higher level does something better or different. For example, if you are untrained in, lets say, Weapons: Pistol, everything would be normal and you could still use a gun. If you raise that skill level to master, accuracy increases +50%, reload time loses -0.5, and damage is increased x2, from the base stats of that weapon; an Agent is lethally precise and powerful with pistols. There are also weapon upgrades/mods...which we will also take some time into. Is that understood?!"
All: "Sir, yes sir!"
Agent Hermann: "Oh yeah, this is going to be the most dangerous training you've had...it is possible to die, we've seen it before, and it won't be the last. If however, you do survive, but are not chosen, these events, the whole coming here and training, will be erased from your memory. If anyone would like to drop out now, come forward." No one responded, they all had worried looks on their faces. "Good! Let's go do some PT (Physical Training)!!!!"
We all went out and did PT for the rest of that day.
06.02.2055; GP - Day 2
Agent Hermann: "All right, WAKE UP!!" I woke up startled. "Time to hit PT! Move your asses, now!"
All: "Sir, yes sir!"
We did PT for about 2 hours. Then we all showered and into the cafeteria it was to eat some breakfast. Then we regrettably did PT for the whole day, taking only 10-minute breaks. It was pretty harsh, but it seemed as they were building up our physical stamina and strength. By the end of the day all of us, even me, were exhausted.
06.03.2055; GP - Day 3
Same today as was yesterday...PT, PT, PT, and more PT!!! I could swear we did more than 200 pushups and more than 5 miles of running, or at least it felt like it. I guess they meant 'living hell' by 'Generalization.' We took showers and off to bed it was...my muscles ached from the soreness.
06.04.2055; GP - Day 4
I'm beginning to get used to PT, and I'm lucky, cause all Agent Hermann did was drill us to the ground. Some of the others weren't doing so well, but I didn't mind them since they've all been ridiculing me. Bastards...
06.05.2055; GP - Day 5
Hmmmm....what's this? MORE PT??!!! Yes, more PT, I was actually starting to like it for some odd reason. One of the trainees, Chris Spade, just blacked out. He couldn't take it any longer. They took him out and there were 5 of us remaining. These people look pretty tough to me, and it didn't seem like they were going to give up soon.
06.06.2055; GP - Day 6>
Even more PT, this time even more intense. We've been training in almost every aspect of getting around, rope climbing, swimming, environmental hazards and training. I begun to wonder if this is all we were going to do. What happened to the pokémon? The guns?! Agent Hermann seemed to like watching us suffer from the hell that is this phase. I wasn't tired today because by now, I was used to it. The others however, were tired.
06.07.2055; Generalization Phase - Last Day
Agent Hermann: "Alright you filthy maggots. As you know, today is the last day of the GP stage. Instead of PT, you will take your first test; pass and you go to the next phase. This is a PT-Obstacle course test. OUTSIDE!!" Everyone scrambled outside after finishing their breakfast.
Agent Hermann: "First, the Physical fitness portion. You must gather at least 250 points. Pushups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and a run. Lets get started!"
All: "Sir, We are ready sir!!" I wait my turn as the others take the test.
Agent Hermann: "Pushup position! Up, down, up, down, begin counting Denton!" the others had already finished, it my turn.
Denton: "Three! Four! Five! Six!...Fifty! Fifty-one! Fifty-two!...One-hundred!"
Agent Hermann: "Sit-ups! Count!"
Denton: "One, two, three....twenty....forty....seventy....eighty-seven...One-hundred!" I stopped at the required. I completely went though the PT portion. We took a 20-minute break, and Hermann came to call on someone to begin the Obstacle course.
Agent Hermann: "Spartan." John went along with him. A few minutes later... "Phoenix." "Dunn." "Armstrong." "Denton, your turn."
Denton: "Okay." He took me to the beginning of the course.
Agent Hermann: "Here's the beginning, I'll meet you at the end, you have 15 minutes max, alright?!"
Denton: "Sir yes sir."
Hermann goes around to the end and I wait for his signal. "Go!" I blitz off into the course. Once inside, my first obstacle to overcome was a huge wall. There was a single rope leading up the wall. Grasping the rope I begun scaling the wall. Up top, there was no other way but to slide down a single rope hoping not to fall in the dangerous toxic liquid below. I took into my hand the sliding mechanism, and descended at a pleasing rate. I tried my best not to let go. Once over safe ground I dropped and proceeded to the next obstacle. This time, I needed to crawl under a low barbed wire structure. The ground was muddy, and I got all dirty, not that I cared. One of the barbs caught and ripped open a small hole in my clothes, and a bit of my skin. I begun slightly bleeding, nothing big, just a nick. Finished, I got up, looked around, and went on. This test was pretty easy, considering what I went through the past week. I came up to a lake of what seemed like dangerous liquids. I spoke too soon. Observing the green-purplish lake, I noticed some stepping-stones providing a path.
Denton: "Whoa...here goes nothing." I took a deep breath and lined up with the first stepping-stone. The stones were big enough for one man. I jumped, and landed on one. Safe. Jumped again, and landed on another. The stones wobbled a bit as I continued jumping. I saw the last stone and jumped. This one almost top-sided; I immediately jumped to land stopping for a minute. I had about 3 minutes left. The field ahead was empty, and I could see the finishing point ahead. I proceeded unwarily, *BOOM!* an explosion inches away. I wasn't hurt. I continued down the field wondering if there were mines or bombs. *BOOM!*, another one to the right, I felt it this time. Mines, definitely mines. I began running, looked up and what do I see? BOMBS!! Dropping from above! I moved out of the way of the first one. More continued to drop, *BOOM!* *BOOM!* *BOOM!*. Running faster I reached the finish point with a minute and 30 seconds remaining.
Agent Hermann: "Good job, the fastest time."
Denton: "Sir, thank you, sir!" I heard some slight *hmph's* coming from the others.
Phoenix: "You beat me, Denton. That's awfully rude of you."
Agent Hermann: "Alright boys, go to your rooms."
I looked at Phoenix sharply and left. In the room, I took a shower and sat on my bed.
Phoenix: "Sam, Right?"
Denton: "mm-hmm."
Spartan: "As in?"
Denton: "Sam."
Armstrong: "Just Sam? Not Samuel? Or could it be.... SAMANTHA?!"
Phoenix: "Yeah. Samantha, very nice." I rolled my eyes and ignored them.
Agent Hermann: "Good job, boys." I guess since we passed that week, we earned the boy title instead of the girl. "Tomorrow we'll begin the Secondary Phase. We will start working with guns and combat and your individual skills. See you tomorrow."
I went to bed along with the others, and had a good nights sleep.
06.08.2055; Secondary Phase - Day1
Agent Hermann: "Wake up! Everyone! Up! PT for 1 hour, then we begin."
All: "Yes sir!"
We all did PT and breakfast proceeded. Everyone was bragging about what skills they were going to take, and what guns and pokémon they were going to use. I kept quite and waited. Hermann soon appeared along with 4 other assistants.
Agent Hermann: "Okay, today we're going to begin training you individually, it is much more efficient. These are the people who are going to train you," he signaled them. "You're assigned assistant will from now on be your only trainer, but I'll still be doing PT," he chuckled. "Here are your designations." He handed us a clipboard with names on it. It was the list of who got whom.
I checked the list and I was assigned to Hermann. We went about our business to our part of the training level. He explained about the different types of guns, and ammo.
06.09.2055; SP - Day 2
Today was more 'in class' lessons and lectures. He taught about the different skills, why they have those skills and how to level up in them. He then began talking a little about pokémon. Later that day we headed to 'The Range', where I practiced firing many different guns. At first I felt like a beginner, since it had been so long ago when I used any guns.
06.10.2055; SP - Day 3
Agent Hermann: "Come on Denton, we're not going to have any in-class time today. I have lectured all I can. We're just going to be working in the different skills from now on." We began with Computer, Electronics, and Lockpicking. We spent more time on Computer and Electronics than Lockpicking, I guess just to get them over with. This training month started to seem a lot more pleasant, after 'hell week' of course.
06.11.2055; SP - Day 4
Today, after PT and breakfast, we continued working on those three skills. The first of the day was spent and I gained the 'Trained' level for both. Towards the end of the day I gained the trained level for 'Lockpicking.' He gave me a sort of quiz on the skills. One part of it was that I had to hack into a low-security computer terminal. Another was to bypass an electronic panel with only a couple 'Multi-tools'.
06.12.2055; SP - Day 5
Hermann started training me in Environmental, Medicine, and Swimming.
Agent Hermann: "With experience, an agent can maximize the effects of certain armor and other gear. The result is that any residual damage that the armor, etc. 'lets through' is minimized. In other words, a 'Hazmat' suit can only block 25% of the damage caused by a radiation hazard, if you have no Environmental Training. An agent with advanced ET reduces that by a further 50%, which means that only about 37% of the radiation damage gets through."
Medicine was basically how to use medkits. This is what Hermann says:
Agent Hermann: "The nanomachines of an augmented agent will automatically metabolize the contents of a medkit to efficiently heal damaged areas. If you have medical training you could greatly expedite this process."
06.13.2055; SP - Day 6
Today I completed the trained level for all those three, and took another quiz.
Agent Hermann: "You ready for tomorrow, Denton?"
Denton: "Yeah, I'm prepared."
Agent Hermann: "Good."
06.14.2055; SP - Last Day
Today everyone met in the Main Room, we were going to take another test. First we did PT this morning.
Phoenix: "So Denton, learn anything useful? Or were you too stupid to?"
Denton: "Leave me alone."
Spartan: "Why whaddaya gonna do? Charm us with your girlishness?"
I suddenly looked up at him angrily. I got up, but before I could do anything, Hermann and his assistants walked in.
Agent Hermann: "Alright, today we'll have another test. Your assistants trained you each in the same skills this week; we'll put whatever you learned to the test. Let's begin."
As the last time, I awaited my turn to go. An hour passed and it was finally my turn.
Agent Hermann: "Let's go Denton."
He led me to the beginning and gave me a few items.
Agent Hermann: "Here is your Hazmat suit, radiation counter, rebreather, multi-tool, and lockpicks. 15 minutes Denton."
I was given the signal to start. I went through the door, and into a corridor with a dead end. "What's this?" I asked myself. I made my way down the hall to a computer. "Oh," I quickly hacked the computer and open the door next to it. The next room was filled with water. I put on my rebreather, and dived in. A rebreather is a disposable chemical scrubber that can extract oxygen from water during brief submerged operations, and it lasts about 60 seconds. I got through the pool and to the next room.
The radiation counter I had started indicating slight levels of radiation. I stopped to make use of the Hazmat suit, there were surely going to be higher levels as I proceed. I walked down the room and noticed an electronic panel next to another door. I quickly used a Multi-tool, and entered the next room. There was a computer, I hacked the computer and searched for a clue. I found a program that turns off the radiation. "They must want me to stop the radiation." I turned it off and went on my way. The next task was to open a mechanical lock with my lockpicks. It took about 30 seconds to unlock. I then kept on and made it to the finishing point.
Agent Hermann: "Good job."
We all went back to our sleeping area. I quickly fell asleep, and had a good night's rest....after dinner of course, heh.
06.15.2055; Primary Phase - Day 1
Agent Hermann: "Today we'll be starting the Primary Phase. Again, you will go with your individual assistants and train in the remaining areas. Have fun."
Over the next few days we were to work on all the weapons categories, maybe we'd actually get to pokémon towards the end. Today Hermann just went over the basics. Tomorrow, he says, we'll actually go out and practice.
06.16.2055; PP - Day 2
We started practicing the Pistol skill today. Shooting targets and moving objects was how the day was spent. I had gained the trained level for this one.
06.17.2055; PP - Day 3
We started with the Rifles portion. We practiced with Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and the Assault Shotgun; again shooting targets and moving objects.
06.18.2055; PP - Day 4
Today we used Heavy weapons, and I do mean heavy. Towards the end we started blowing up shit with Demolitions. But there were other types of demolition weapons we used. We worked with an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) grenade, Gas grenades, and a Scramble Grenade.
06.19.2055; PP - Day 5
Today I started playing with Low-tech weapons. While being 'low-tech', some of these were still slaggin' cool. We used throwing knives, a Riot Prod (which is a stun weapon), and towards the end we used swords. Man, these agents really get trained in a lot of areas. At night, Hermann and I had a sword fight, it was sorta exhilarating.
06.20.2055; PP - Day 6
Agent Hermann: "You've caught on pretty quickly, Denton. You're going to make a fine agent. Since we finished everything, just go ahead rest."
Denton: "Alright, thank you sir."
06.21.2055; PP - Final Day
Once again, everyone met in the main room. It was time for another test. I was called in first this time. I was taken to the range to begin with pistols. *Bang, bang, bang!* I shot many targets, and then the moving targets came. I waited for the right moments to shoot. *Bang, bang* The pistol test was over, next I took the sniper rifle test in the same range, but the targets were further off. Zooming in, I picked off every target, moving or still. I was then taken to a room and given an Assault rifle. The training sequence started. Targets appeared every which way I turned, and moved around. They then disappeared, and then reappeared. I began shooting each target to the best of my ability. *Tat-tat-tat-tat* Behind me was another, I turned and shot. In a couple seconds the sequence was over, and I was taken to another area, this time with Heavy weapons. I was given a LAW (Light Anti-Tank Weapon) and told to disable a tank. I saw the tank, targeted, and fired. In seconds the LAW rocket reached its destination. *BOOM!* The test was over and I went back to the main room to wait while the others finished.
Dunn: "How'd you do?"
Denton: "Pretty good I believe."
I sat back and waited. After about an hour or so, everyone had finished. Hermann came in and congratulated us all on a good job. He sent us all back to our rooms to wait the next and final phase.
Agent Hermann is back at his office going over some papers. Just then, Joseph Manderley and Agent Kusama walked in. Hermann looked up and greeted.
Joseph: "How's he doing?"
Hermann: "Hmm?"
Joseph: "Denton, how's he doing?"
Hermann: "Oh, he's doing well. What I don't understand is why you're drilling everything into him in one month. He's gonna be a field agent. The ladder of us took a hefty while in training, perfecting our skills. And why this nonsense with the other trainees? We all know he'll surpass all of them."
Joseph: "We need him now. Besides the Nanomachines we have ready for him will raise his abilities."
Hermann: "Those things must really be something, eh?"
Kusama: "Yes, but we fear he'll not be the only one nano-augmented out there. He might encounter foes with this same technology."
Hermann: "Hey, wasn't there a female agent due to receive nano-augs also?"
Kusama: "Yes."
Joseph: "We'll most likely partner Denton with her."
Finishing their conversation, Joseph and Kenji left with affirmative smiles. There was now only one more week left, in which now they'll focus on pokémon training and the final test.
06.22-28.2055; Elimination
Agent Hermann was explaining how this was the last week we had, and that it was almost time. The trainees all went their ways with the assistants. This week, they would focus on pokémon and leave a day or two to rest for the final test.
Agent Hermann and Denton, now in privacy, discuss the important matters of pokémon, mainly the basics. But Denton sensed something wrong with the way Hermann viewed pokémon, and how they were to be treated.
"You should use your pokémon only for fighting. They are like machines, and therefore ought to obey your orders," he would say. This troubled Denton vastly.
"But sir...aren't we supposed to give our--" Denton said with a displeased look before he was rudely interrupted by Hermann.
"Do not question me, Denton. Just keep your mouth sealed and listen." Discontented, Denton kept quit and listened. Although some of Hermann's ideas were not appealing, few others were realistically good.
The agency's top professional man on pokémon came down to further educate Denton on pokémon. Agent/Dr. Phillip Carter. Denton warmed up to his ideals extensively more than Hermann's. He mentioned that he himself did not like Hermann as much. Dr. Carter was the leading researcher, breeder, inventor, etc. in the field of pokémon and pokémon technology. Now that he works for SMF, Kenji also works along side of him. He claimed that he had made an even newer version of the Pokédex, and that Denton would receive one once and if he gets in. The remaining days were spent learning and quizzing on pokémon, and Denton had gained a new friend.
06.30.2055; Elimination Test Date
Denton was given his day of rest, but now the day had come. Dr. Carter said his farewell and wished Denton good luck. Agent Hermann was now back in the scene and it was time to take the test; it was Denton's turn.
Agent Hermann: "Alright Denton, it's time. No pokémon will be used for this exam; we simply just didn't have the time. You will not be timed, however, you will be scored. And you will be credited if you make it out.... alive." Denton: "Okay, sir. I'm ready," I said falsely. I really wasn't ready. I didn't know what to expect. I was given a pistol, an Assault Rifle, and a few other items. The time was now, and I entered the course.
I'm not even going to get into detail with what happened in there. I did actually almost get killed in there. It was as dangerously as they said it would be times 2. There were actual gunfights with actual munitions. The hazards were the real thing too. I did get injured quite a few times. I was taken care of immediately after I finished. But some of us weren't as fortunate as I. Two of the trainees were killed. And now, it was down to 3 of us...John Spartan, Simon Phoenix, and me.
07.01.2055; Elimination Day
We all had lined up waiting for someone to be chosen. Hermann stood in front of us with his assistants and the name of the one to be recruited.
Agent Hermann: "Denton...Welcome to the force," he said with a slightly excited tone.
Denton: "YES!!," I cheered. I looked to the right and saw Manderley and Kusama there.
Kenji: "Congratulations."
Joseph: "Come to my office, we have to do something."
Agent Kusama, Agent Hermann, Dr. Carter, and a women were all there in the office with me. Joseph was near a computer. He had my whole file on screen, my whole documented life. The only thing that proved I still existed.
Joseph: "Do you know what this is?" he asked, pointing to the screen. I nodded in acknowledgement. Joseph reach for a button, pressed it, and it was gone...deleted. Everything that was me vanished. I was actually pleased though. Joseph went into another screen. It was the SMF database; he created a new file and entered a name.
Joseph: "We all got together and decided on a new name for you, your codename. From now on, when you are asked: 'Who are you?' You will simply reply, 'Draigen'."
Denton: "I like it. Why, thank you."
At that, I was then given an ID, a standard issue pistol, a standard issue armor, and a new identity. Through the day I was given and explained a lot of stuff. Like, the money we use are 'Agent Credit Points' which are completely compatible with the dollar and is able to change formats if necessary, hence 'ACP'. I was given 1000ACP to start with. Also, I was explained how it was that I gained levels to my skills. I was given a SP (Skill points) counter and 1000SP. They were to be distributed as I wish (It was explained to me that the nanomechanisms that were to be implanted had charge of the effects.), and I was told that SP is involuntarily and unnoticeably earned out in the field.
I was then sent down to the lab to get my all the nano-devices installed. Jaime Reyes, the doctor for the nano-technology and augmentation division, greeted me. I was in the lab for hours as they performed the process. After everything was finished, I was told that two augs were installed for me, the IFF (Identified Friend or Foe) that tells me who is bad or neutral. And the Infolink, which is a one-way micro-transceiver array that allows me to receive messages from Control, and to store and later retrieve maps, conversations, and notes.
I was explained how an installed aug can be upgraded with 'Upgrade Canisters'. A canister that contains highly specific nanomechanisms that, when combined with a previously programmed module, can increase the efficiency of an installed aug. Upgrades can be done by me, but the installation and programming of the original aug has to be done by a 'Medical Bot'. I was told that there are 9 locations in my body where the augmentation will be.
After a long day I decided to just go to my living quarters and sleep.
To Be Continued...