How My Heart Almost Got Broken!

By: DeSiReE
::No Pokemons, Misty's point of view, long distance relationship, Misty and Ash are btoh in different schools but both are in grade ten, I think that's all the notes::

DISCLAIMER:  I don't own the characters of Pokemon, So you can't sue me because I am doing no wrong!

Dear Mandi,

 My stupid, stupid  parents. They sure know how to ruin everything. I can't go to Pallet the weekend, which means I can't see my boyfriend Ash. My weekend is ruined. I don't and I repeat don't want to spend my stupid weekend on Miking Island and I am not going. I'm going to Pallet. I don't care what my stupid parents think. I am going. I told Ash last night that I wasn't going to be able to come to Pallet Town, but you know what I'm going to surprize him and I bet he'll be so happy to see me. We haven't been together for three weeks and we really need to spend a weekend together. Robbie's going to Virdian the weekend so I'm getting a ride as far as there and I know a short cut from there to Pallet and that's where I'm going. So after school Robbie is leaving and I'm going straight with him. My clothes are packed in my backpack. Well, I got to go for now, so see ya!
       - Misty!

 I rip out the letter from my excercise book and I pass the paper to my friend Mandi who sits in front of me. We're in math class and I'm that bored it's not even funny. I just can't wait for this stupid day to end. I want to go to Pallet and I want to see Ash but this stupid day is going so slow.
 Here I am sat down looking at my watch waiting for the bell to ring. I got all of my math work done and I wish that this day was done but it isn't even close. After this class it will only be recess. The bell!!!! "Yes!" I yelled. I jumped out of my seat and I ran out the door. Mandi follows me.
 " I didn't think that stupid class would ever end," Mandi said.
 "Yeah, me either," I agree.
 Mandi passes me a piece of paper. "Here I wrote ya a note back,"
 I smile taking the piece of paper. I read it as we walk down the hall to the mess hall.
 Hey Misty!
 Sounds like if you get caught you could get in a lot of trouble but I guess love makes you crazy. I understand I'd do the same think for Mark but he lives next door to me so.... I don't have to worry about that. I hope ya don't get in trouble... I also hope that you and Ash have fun *HEHE* Anyway, how do you plan on getting away with this? What are you planning on telling your parents when they leave without you? Oh well, hope you have a good weekend anyway we got englsih next. Mr. Micks got a movie for us to watch. GOOD! A slack class! After lunch we have Gym and Writing... that's a pretty good Friday afternoon, hope it goes fast! Anyhow, must go for now okay? Bye!


 I fold up the letter and I put it in my pocket. We're at the mess hall sat down at a table with our friends. We're talking about why Math Sucks and the Friday Pranks that will be pulled this afternoon. I eat my bag of chips and drink my bottle of coke. " I can't wait to get out of this dump," I complain.
 "Why?" Mark asks me.
 " She's going to Ash's..." Mandi tells Mark and finishs it with a kiss.
 "Ohhhhhhhhh.. wait, aren't you suppose to be going to Miking Island with your parents?" Mark asks me.
 "And you think I'm going? Yeah right. I hate it there. Last time Ash and I went this girl tried to get after him . Also, this guy tried to get after me ... I'm never going there again.." I said. I throw my empty bag of chips in a garbage can nearby and I finish my coke.
 " That makes sense, what did you parents say when they found out you wasn't going and that you're going to Pallet??" Rainy asks me.
 " They think I'm going on a school weekend for study buddies," I said. "I hate lying but I don't want to go to a place where I could get blamed for cheating on Ash. I love him so much, and I know that Ash would never do that to me. Plus, I haven't seen Ash in three weeks so..." I look up at the ceiling. I got this dreamy look in my eyes. I just can't stop thinking about Ash. " I really want to spend this weekend with him,"
 The bell rang and I get up and I throw my coke bottle in the garbage. Mandi and I walk to Englsih class together. " I sure hope Mr. Micks got a more sensable movie for us to watch this time," Mandi tells me.
 "Yeah," I agree. " He better not have something stupid like Yvon Of The Yukon again,"
 Mandi laughs. " I sure hope not,"
 We then walk to class. Mr. Micks has picked out the movie Cheaper By The Dozen for us to watch. Thank-Goodness it's good movie. I don't know what I would do if it wasn't.
 This class fly's right by and it is finally lunchtime. My friends and I, eat in the mess hall and we all talk about just anything that comes to mind. I of course is going off taking about Ash and after awhile I just take his picture out of my backpack and I kiss it. "I can't wait.." I say. "You're the best Ash...."
 "Yeah, that's sweet Misty..." Mandi tells me. "But please do leave something for Ash..."
 I blush and smile. "Oh, I have a lot more of this lovey dovey stuff for my Ashy Boy..." I grin. Then I look at Ash's picture and once again I kiss it. "I love you, Ash," I say. "Always and forever,"
 The bell soon rings and Mandi and I go to Gym class. We're going to play soccer!!! "I love soccer," I tell Mandi as we enter the gym with our soccer clothes on.
 " I don't then, but I guess it's alright," She tells me.
 We start to play and I'm picked to be the captain of my team. I pick Mandi, Mark, Rainy, Tim and Jerry of course. My best friends are always my first picks and then I pick Ashley and Tash. My team seems to be pretty good.
 We start to play and I score five times in the first seven minutes. "Whoa..." my class was quite surprized. I have evoled into a better player sense last time. Ash, has been training me.
 "How'd you get to be so good?" Mandi asks me.
 "My baby..." I grin.
 The class goes by pretty quickly and so does writing. We watch another movie with Mr. Micks and then it's the final bell and I leave with Robbie. A close friend of mine, who's in a grade higher than me. We leave rigth away and off I go to see my man.
 We arrive in Virdian at about three o'clock and I take rigth off to the short cut that let to Pallet Town.
 I'm looking at Ash's picture the whole way. "Oh my Ashy, I can't wait to see your wonderful face and I can't wait to feel the taste of your wonderful sweet lips upon mine-" I begin to say but then I;m cut off by a girl laughung.
 "Hehe- Ashy..." A girl says.
 I looked up and there is Ash Ketchum making out with my worst enemy. Melody Stanhope!!!!!!! Tears flow down my blue eyes. I want to die right now. "ASH KETCHUM!!!!!" I yell.
 He and Melody wasn't long to look up at me. "Misty?" he asks. "I thouht-" He started.
 "You jerk!!! How could you??? I love you soo much and you just goes behind my back with this idiot. You know how much I don't get along with her! How could you Ash Ketchum, how???" More tears fall down now and I fall on my knees. "I wish that I would die," I say.
 Ash runs up to me. "Misty, don't say that..." he says.
 "I don't care what you think Ash Ketchum!!!!" I yell.
 All of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder and it's Mandi. "Wa?" I say. I'm quite confused. I look around and I am in Writing class. "THANK GOODNESS!!!!" I yell.
 The whole class looks at me. "Hehe, yeah you can stop starring now!!!" I say. I look at Mandi. "That was the msot horrible nightmare EVER!" I say.
 "What?" Mandi asks.
 "Nothing but all I know is thank goodness this day is soon over I want to see my Ashy NOW!" I say and just then the bell rings. I run out of the school to meet Robbie rigth away and we take off as soon as we both get into his car.
 We arrive to Virdian and three o' clock and Robbie offers to take me to Pallet and so I agree and then we get there around quarter pass three. I run right to Ash's and knock on the door.
 Delia answers it. "Hi Misty!" she says hugging me. "I thought you couldn't come?" she askes me.
 "Oh, I could after. Is Ash home yet?" I ask.
 "No, but why don't you wait in his room. I'm sure he'll be surprized and happy to see you," Delia tells me.
 "Sure," I say. I got into the house and I run upstairs into Ash's room and I wait on his bed.
 No that long later I hear hime come up the stairs and when he walked into his room I ran over to him and I hugged him. "Misty!" he says. "Oh you're here!!!" he says  happily. Then we kiss for a long time and it's getting more passionate by the minute and at the moment I knew that Ash Ketchum loved me and only me, and that I loved him and only him. I also knew that love was true and it was forever!

~It's 1:38am, and I just finished this fanfic. Hope you enjoy!