
By: DayDreamer


Note: Now this one is one of my most recent ideas. And I am writing it since my anniversary is coming up. On April 23d it shall be one year since I began on The Pokemon Tower and this is how I wish to celebrate it. This story is much different than the other stories I've written and I hope you like this change.

Ash: 15
Misty: 15
Sharon: 15
Gregory: 15
May: 15
Dan: 15
Brock: 19
Max: 10

*Part One*

Ash, Misty, Brock, May, Max, Dan, Sharon, and Gregory were passing through a town in the Hoen Region when the law was passed. The law that changed each of their lives in its special way. Ash had all of the badges to compete once again in the Hoen League. The first time he competed he had gotten Best Four. After that he had gone back to the Kanto Region to compete, then to the Jhoto Region again. He had gotten Best Four, for both of them but as he headed for the Hoen League yet again, he hoped to win this time.

"Oh I can't wait to compete again!" Ash exclaimed "I think I might actually win this time!"

"Don't forget Ash. I'm competeing too." Dan added. "You might have to battle me and I won't go easy on you."

"Nor will I." Ash grinned

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves you guys. "Brock said. "We're still not sure if you guys'll battle against each other."

Suddenly they heard a ring. They turned around to look at Sharon who had a a cell phone. She reached inside her backpack and grabbed it.

"Hello?" she said into it. "Oh hi Daisy! What's going on? Wha-? What do you mean a law? We have to join an academy? But... why?"

The rest of the group was listening intently. They could hear Daisy talking rapidly on the other line. They stood by Sharon look perplexed.

"Fine. We'll take the ferry tomorrow..." Sharon hung up and sighed.

"What's wrong Sharon?" asked Misty

"Yeah. We have to join an academy?" asked May.

"No, not you May. Only Ash, Gregory, Misty, Dan, and me..." Sharon replied. "C'mon let's get tickets for tomorow's ferry then I'll explain..."


"See? Daisy just sent me what the law says." Sharon pointed at the computer screen. They were at the Pokemon Center. "Says that any Pokemom trainer over 15 that is traveling in any of the Four Regions must join The Pokemon Academy for Masters. If the trainer wishes to become a master (water, fire grass, etc.) they must complete three while those who don't must complete only one."

"That... sucks..." Gregory said.

"Yeah... We can't travel with you guys anymore..." Sharon said referring to May, Max and Brock. "You guys don't need to..."

"You sure?" Brock asked. "Ask Daisy to send you the whole entire law so we can see."

"All right." Sharon sighed.

"This sucks." Misty told May. "I mean why do they want us to do this? If they want us to learn more, this isn't the best way to go. Training Pokemon first hand is the best way to learn."

"Yeah, but it seems they don't care." May replied sadly.

"Hey, May, Brock, your parents just emailed me" Sharon said suddenly.

"They say that there's also an Academy for those who want to become Pokemon Coordinators and Breeders right to next to The Pokemon Scademy for Masters!" Ash suddenly exclaimed as he read the email. "Guess we won't be separated after all!"

"Yeah. You have to take some classes in the Pokemon Academy for Masters though." Gregory added scanning the email.

"Cool." May replied "Then we'll see you there!"

"But what about me?" asked Max.

"Sorry Max... Your parents don't want you to travel without May." Sharon replied.

"But, that's not fair!" Max whined.

"Max, you could always go to a school for Pokemon too." Sharon suggested gently."There's one in Cerulean City. It's called Pokemon Learning for Youngsters."

"Yeah, Max." Misty said. "Kimberly, Junior, and Maryanne-our cousins-go there. It's for ages 5 to 13. Kimberly says the year hasn't begun yet so you can go and not miss any of the schooling."

"I've heard of that school," Brock replied. "They say that after you're done you can travel for two years and if you want you can go to The Pokemon Academy for Masters, or keep traveling."

"Cool." Max answered amazed.

"I'll email your parents and tell them about the school. Kay?" Sharon asked.


"So we're all going to a school huh?" Dan asked.

"Why don't we go to the Pokemon Academy for Masters in Pallet Town?" Ash suggested. "That way we won't be far from Max?"

"All right." they all agreed.

"And we'll se you guys there." Brock said.

"You bet." Sharon replied

***The Next Day***

The ferry pulled out of the harbor with Sharon, Gregory, Ash, Misty, Brock, May, Max and Dan aboard. There were many other trainers there too. Apparently all headed to the academy.

"Well," Sharon began sighing. "This may be the last time we travel on a ferry, for three years huh?"

"Yeah..." they all replied sadly.

"But we should at least be happy, since we're all gonna be near each other right?" Sharon asked.

"I guess." Gregory replied.

"But one thing won't ever change," Sharon declared happily trying to cheer everyone up. "We will always be friends!"

"Yeah!" they exclaimed loudly and happily.

***At the Academy***

"Wow is all I have to say..." Misty whispered as she, Ash, Dan, Sharon and Gregory stood in front of the academy.

"Wow is right." Ash replied.

The academy was huge. It had four stone towers, and many windows. There must have been at least 10 floors. The gates that surrounded it had designs of all the types of masters one could become. The front yard had benches full of students and teachers. Apparently they had come to see the newcomers. The teachers rushed inside the school upon the sight of them.

"C'mon. Let's get inside or we'lll be the last ones in!" Ash exclaimed.

They ran inside eager to see the inside. As they entered the front hall they saw other trainers hanging around by the stairs which was covered with a red carpet. The larges windows had purple velvet curtains which prevented light from ciming in, but there were lanterns lit along the walls

Many they saw were heading into a room, that was brighter than the hallway they were in. They headed for the room amazed by the front hall. But as they entered the room, they were astonished. It was a rather large room. They were 8 large tables aligned with many trainers. All the way at the was a small cafeteria. They saw teachers talking to some of the trainers and pointing to the tables. They had notebooks with them and wrote down what the trainer said. Suddenly a teacher came up to them with a clipboard.

"How long are you five planing to stay?" she asked them briskly.

"Three years." Sharon replied quietly and nervously.

"Uh-huh. What type of master would you like to become?" she asked scribbling rapidly on the clipboard.

"Uh... I would like to become a Water Pokemon Master." Misty said nervously

"That's the second table. On our left." she replied scribbling. "Next?"

"Um... Ice Pokemon Master." Sharon muttered.

"Ice and Water are at the same table. Same table as her." she pointed. "Next?"

"Pokemon Master." Ash declared proudly.

"First table. Next to theirs." she replied pointing at Sharon and Misty. "You?" she asked Dan.

"Pokemon-" started Dan.

"Same as him." she replied curtly. "And you?" she asked Gregory.

"Fire Pokemon Master." Gregory said with quiet pride.

"Third table."

They headed towards their table eagerly. There were a few at each table but all looked nervous.

"See ya later." Sharon and Misty said to the boys.

"Later." the boys replied as they walked to their tables.

An hour passed and still more trainers came. Sharon, Misty, Ash, Dan, and Gregory each sat at the ends of their tables nervously. Soon fewer and fewer trainers came to the room. Half an hour later the teacher with the clipboard closed the doors, and headed towards the front of the room with the rest of the teachers.

"Welcome." the teacher with the clipboard said loudly. "To The Pokemon Academy for Masters. You have all been assigned to your tables. Your uniform is being passed. You only get three sets of uniforms, you must wear them to each class and when you are in the school or the grounds." While she talked the other teachers passed out black shirts, pants, and a black shirt and also a cape with the color red, green, or blue depending on the table it was . "I am your Headmistress, or Principal Peterson-whichever you may like to call me. Tomorrow you start your classes. That is when we shall give you, your schedule. This is the cafeteria where you shall eat your meals. The supplies you need is in your dorms so you needn't worry. If you have any questions please ask the professor, or teacher in charge of your dorm. That is all."

Talking erupted from all the eight tables. Teachers were at one end and shouting.

"Ice and Water students, please come with me!" a female teacher shouted.

The said students stood up and followed. They were led out of the cafeteria and out the door. They walked out carrying their uniforms each nervous. They crossed the street and found themselves in front of a huge apartment colored blue.

"Good thing blue's my favorite color or I would've been whining." Sharon muttered to Misty.

They went inside and saw two flights of stairs, on on their left and another on the right. The windows were also covered with velvet curtains but they were a black color. the floor was covered with a black carpet.

"Girls dorms are on your left, boys on your right. I am Professor Whitney. I sleep on the first floor. My dorm," she pointed to her left and they saw a door there ",is over there."

So Sharon and Misty went up the stairs to the 7th floor, where they found a dorm with their names on it. Their sisters had called the school and had asked to save them a dorm for them. They opened the door and gasped. The walls were painted lavender and the two beds were twin sized beds. There were two desks at opposite corners and right next to the desks were small closets.

"Wow..." Sharon whispered as she closed the door behind them.

"I think I'm gonna like being here for three years..." Misty replied smiling


Note: Long first chapter huh? Oh and just so ya know, if you're confused by who gets what color here's a list:

1.)Fire Pokemon Master-Red.
2.) Water/Ice Pokemon Master-Blue.
3.)Electric Pokemon Master-Yellow.
4.)Fighting Pokemon Master-Brown.
5.)Grass pokemon Master-Green.
6.) Pyhsic Pokemon Master-Purple.
7.)Pokemon Master-Black
8.)One yearers-White

Oh and their shirts, skirts and pants for all of them is black kay? Just though I should clear that up. Reviews plz!