
Part 6:

Where am I?

Note: Well here ya go people!


Ash: 16

Misty: 16
Sharon: 16
May: 15
Brock: 20
Max: 11


'She can't say it wasn't fair cuz she said it herself...' May thought. but soon Misty's voice echoed in her mind. 'Remember May: All's fair in Love and War...'

***3 Hours Later***

Misty sat up sleepily. Every hope in her body ached. The wonderful sleep soon left her as soon as she sat up. It was dark. Very dark. It was also wet. very wet.

"Ugh... What hit me...?" asked Misty. She looked around but she couldn't see much. "Where am I?" She looked down at her watch. "7:30?!? It's been three hours since lunch!

Misty stood up and suddenly realized with a frightful jolt that the only Pokemon she had on her was Politoad.

'Oh crud...' Misty thought slowly. 'What happened anyways...?' She took out her flashlight she always had in her pocket and shined it around the vicinity. (Misty had left her knapsack with the others when she had gone to wash the dishes) 'Damn dude... I'm right in the middle of a cave.... behind a waterfall... I'm so dead... I only have Politoad and not other Pokemon so i can basically say that I'm screwed can't I? No food... No water... No nothing... Why haven't the others started looking for me? I mean-OH CRUD! May!' Misty suddenly felt a surge of anger as the whole thing came back to her. May sending her Beautifly to put her to sleep and the wicked grin on her face as she fell into the darkness of sleep. 'OH! When I get my hands on that shrew I'll-I'll-...If I get out of here...' she thought looking around.

She was first going to have to get out of there then think of what to do. She quickly stepped out of the cave by the side of the falling water without getting too wet. She quickly proceeded to drink some water. She was hungry and thirsty. She flashed her flashlight by some bushes and saw some berries.

Misty ran over to them and picked off one. She nibbles it lightly and to her immense relief they weren't poisonous. She began to eat them at the handfuls. her hunger soon became sedated. She looked around and sighed. She was just gonna have to wait till morning before trying to make her way back to camp. Yawning she stuffed a few more berries into her mouth then headed back to the cave behind the waterfall to sleep.


"Where could Misty be...?" Sharon wondered aloud to Max as she paced about the bedroom. "I mean she would never act like this... not since the days before she had met Ash... It's just not like her..."

"I know Sharon but what can we do? We can't really say anything without proof. Besides i doubt May'll have done something bad... I mean she's crazy and all but to do something really drastic like kill or anything-it's just crazy..."

Ash and co. had gone to the Pokemon Center and had gotten two rooms. Sharon and max were in the girls bedroom since May had gone outside with Ash while Brock slept in the boy's room. Sharon and Max were conferencing and brainstorming on what could have happened to Misty.

"You never know Max. When a woman's in love she'll do just about anything for the man she loves... Take it from someone who knows..." Sharon replied wisely.

"What are we gonna do Sharon? May is like seriously flirting with Ash and it's disgusting you know..." Max asked sighing.

"We'll just have to wait till tomorrow dude. Maybe may was telling the truth... Still to think... She's out there somewhere in the forest tracking down a Pokemon...? It's just nuts dude..." Sharon noted yawning. "Not like thre Misty I know dude..."


"May what do you wanna talk about?" Ash asked dully "I really want to see if Mist is back or not."

"It's just that I need advice Ash... on a boy... Look I really love this guy but I don't think he loves me back. What do you think I should do?" May question sweetly as she got a bit closer to him.

"I've told you May... Just tell him how feel... or the moment will just... pass you by..." Ash replied dully, wishing he had taken his own advice, two years ago and told Misty his own feelings in the clearing she and him had been left alone in.

"You're right..." May bit her lip as she closed her eyes. She really wanted to win Ash 's love before Misty did. This was why she had destroyed their friendship wasn't it? Yet had it been worth it? "Look Ash... I love you!" she exclaimed as she threw herself against him.

She kissed him passionately as they sat on the bench beneath the tree. She heard Ash groan as she slid her hands behind his nape. May felt shivers of pleasure as Ash held her... Then quite suddenly-

"What the hell are you doing May!?!" Ash yelled pushing her away from him. "You know I love Misty!"

"She doesn't care about you Ash!" May shouted angrily.

"Yes she does!" Ash retorted grabbing her by her arms and looking her straight in the eye.
"If she did wouldn't she be here instead of me!?!" May shot back fiercely.

Ash let go of May at these words. As much as it pained him to admit it, May was right. Hadn't he told Misty, he liked her two years ago? Hadn't he asked to talk to her right after lunch? Hadn't he given her a kiss? Didn't that mean anything to her? Then why wasn't she here, confessing her love instead of May...? Why...?

May was watching Ash intently. What was going on in his mind? She saw the pain cross his face as he thought. May knew that he was thinking of how she was right. May sighed nervously. Could her one true love be going back to Misty and how he still had a chance...? No... he couldn't... She wouldn't let him... She had to take action now.

"Ash please understand... You don't need her... You've got me... Let me make you happy... Let me be the one who loves you... Choose me..." May whispered as she gently took hold of his hands in hers.

Ash stared at their entwined fingers for a moment, shook his head, got up and left May sitting there by herself. As Ash walked the only thought in his head was that of Misty... Did Misty like him of not...? And if she did wouldn't she be here....?

***The Next Day***

"Oh crud dude..." Misty muttered as she walked through the thicket of trees. "At his rate, I'm never gonna get back to camp..."

Misty had been walked for an hour, and still hadn't found her way back to the others She didn't know whether or not they had taken her knapsack of not and this was just getting worse by the minute.

Misty looked around and saw nothing. as she walked she saw Pokemon running here and there. She soon strayed onto a familiar path and found herself in the clearing where they had camped the night before. She looked around and to her immense relief she saw her red knapsack. Running over to it she saw a few bits of fruit left by non other than Sharon for it had Misty‘s name on it in handwriting, Misty recognized as Sharon's.

Misty also found two notes. She opened one and saw it was from Sharon. It read:

Misty... WHAT THE HELL WHERE U THINKING, GOING OFF ALONE W/ MAY!?! DON'T U NO SHE HATES U!? R U COMPLETELY OUT OF UR MIND!?! UGH!!! WAIT TILL YOU GET BAC, I'M GONNA KILL U! Btw b careful! I don't care wat u do as long as u get bac w/ us. We're waiting 4 us @ the Poke Center k? HURRY! May's getting close 2 Ash! WAY 2 CLOSE! It's getting disgusting!

S haron

Misty sighed. That was just like Sharon. yell first, Talk later.. Misty quickly proceeded tot he next note. This one from Ash...:

Misty, please hurry ok? I really need to talk to you about something important... I hope you catch that Pokemon... must be really cool if you chose to go after it, instead of talking with me... take care of yourself Misty. Remember I really do and truly care about you. And also remember what I told you two years ago! Even when you feel as if no one likes you or cares about you.... I do okay?



Misty smiled as her heart glowed at Ash's letter. He did at least like her... Maybe that meant she had a chance with him. Still to think she was here, stranded and May was at the Pokemon center flirting with Ash in her absence just made her mad.

Misty sighed and even more determined than she had ever been before she headed out on the path again. But just as she was nearing a sign: Welcome to... but she didn't read the rest because the next thing she saw was...

"Beedrils!!!" Misty yelled uncontrollably as she ran away in the opposite direction.

But apparently this was the wrong thing to do because they quickly flew after her. Misty ran back into the forest as fast her legs could carry her. She wanted to put as much distance between her and the flock of Beedril.

As she ran though she passed by dozens and dozens of trees and bushes, burying herself deeper and deeper into the forest. Finally when she ran into a cave off to the side of the path she was running on and lost them.

Panting, she sat on a rock, trying to catch her breath. Once her heart began to beat normally she walked out of the cave and saw that the sun was beginning to set. Sighing she decided to leave her knapsack in the cave and went to look for food.

Misty knew that this was a test... This was meant to test how true and strong her love for Ash was. Was her love strong enough to get her through this? Or was she to die alone in the midst of the wilderness all alone and bare like the true and inner Misty felt inside...?


Note: Cool chappie huh? All suspenseful and mysterious... OOHH! LOL! Next chapter is yet to come!

Reviews plz!


They make me feel special! ;]