
Part 10:

Explain but Make a Choice

Note: Ha Ha! Here is the chapter that’s full of drama that you’ve all been waiting for!

Ash: 16
Misty: 16
Sharon: 16
Damien: 16
May: 15
Brock: 20
Max: 11
Dan: 17
Britney: 20
Mary: 11

“Oh my God... Dan?” Misty whispered her eyes widening.

“Misty? Is it really you?” Dan asked incredulously.

“Mist what’s going on?” Ash inquired puzzled. “Who’s he?”

Misty turned from Dan to Ash in fear. Then to her surprise, she heard another movement of bushes to her right. She stared as Sharon appeared with Brock, May and Max... Sharon’s eyes looked at the scene before her. Her first words were, “Oh... shit...”

“Sharon! Hi!” Dan exclaimed. “”Hello Lily.” Dan waved to Sharon’s Pikachu who stood stunned on Sharon’s shoulder.

“Misty who is this guy?” Ash asked again, pointing to Dan in somewhat disgust.

“I’m Daniel Everwaters, Misty’s boyfriend.” Dan replied coolly. “You can call me Dan…err…”

“Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, Misty’s other boyfriend. “ Ash snapped glaring.

“Oh crap…” Sharon whispered staring at Dan and Ash glare at each other.

Misty stared from Dan to Ash, tears of fear in her eyes. They both stared at her with a look of puzzled anger. She covered her face with her hands and shook her head.

“You have to tell them Mist…” Sharon whispered.

Misty took her face out of her hands and looked up at Ash and Dan. She had to tell them… She couldn’t think of the consequences right now…

“Look… Ash… Right after me and Sharon had that fight, five years ago I headed straight for the ferry once the blimp broke down… I had every intention of going home but then… I met Dan…” Misty looked at Dan, smiling. “He saved me from drowning…. I stayed with him for a year and a half then I went home for another year and a half….”

“Were you going out with him?!” Ash demanded furiously.

Misty nodded solemnly and continued, “With Dan I felt nice so I agreed to go out with him… Finally when I came looking for you and found you, I felt so bad because I knew I was in love with you and you liked me… It’s just… Dan was the only other guy who showed they cared for me besides Rudy…” Misty closed her eyes and looked away from both Ash’s anger and Dan’s shock. “That’s right about when I forgot Dan for good or at least I had…

“After yesterday I knew things would never be the same… So I knew I had to break up with Dan… And well…. I really intended to break up with him Ash…. But now… I don’t think I could choose…” Misty sighed.

“Well you’re going to Misty. It’s either me of him! Choose!” Ash snarled.

“What!?” Sharon yelled in outrage making everyone jump. Everyone seemed to have forgotten each other was there. Now everyone turned to see a furious Sharon. “You’re not serious are you!? She just told you, she can’t! And you’re gonna make her?”

“Relax Sharon….” the tall black haired and brown eyed boy behind Dan replied soothingly.

“No Damien, I will not relax!” Sharon snapped. “This is totally harsh on Ash’s part!”

“Well he should be!” May piped up angrily. “He just found out the girl he likes is two-timing him!”

“Oh please May!” Sharon retorted rolling her eyes. “You just saying that cuz you want Ash for yourself!”

“So what if I do?!” May countered, eyes flaring. “Misty doesn’t deserve him! Especially not after this little secret came out!” May went on pointing at Misty haughtily. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she was selling it out to every guy she met!”

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!” a girl behind Dan shouted. ”You have no right to insult Misty like that!”

“You don’t even her!” another small girl from behind Dan added fiercely.

“Oh and like you do?” May responded sarcastically.

“Yes we do.” Dan glared angrily. “She is our best friend and we know for a fact that she is nothing like you say she is!”

“Oh? And how do you explain this?” May asked sardonically as she gestured at Misty, Ash, and Dan.

The two girls already at May in anger. One who was the tallest and oldest had white king, black hair and brown eyes, had her hands balled into fists. The smaller girl who was a red head with light skin and bright cerulean blue green eyes, had her arms crossed as she glared at may.

“Britney… I think you should calm down…” Damien whispered to the tall raven haired girl.

“You too Mary.” Dan muttered to the small red head.

“Just because you’re my brother, doesn’t mean you can order me around!” Mary yelled, enraged.

“Misty! Choose!” Ash repeated.

Misty turned from Ash to Dan in Fear. The four girls and two boys continued to argue as Brock and Max watched on, helplessly. What was she going to do? She couldn’t choose between the two boys of her life….

Dan… made her feel safe secure and cared for. Ash… made her feel passionate, loved and happy…. How could she choose? Misty watched as the girls argues then looked back at Dan and Ash who had begun to argue even more fiercely. Misty closed her eyes, trying to black out the voices… She couldn’t…. She had to stop this. Opening her eyes, she squared her shoulders, eyes flaring.

“That is it!” Misty screamed angrily. “I don’t want a word out of any of you!”

“Well of all the rude-!” May started but Sharon cut in, “Shut it May!”

“Ash, Dan!” Misty rounded on them scowling. “I’m not choosing either of you! Ash I have never seen you act so disgraceful towards me as you have today! How dare you let May insult me after telling me, you loved me?! At Least Dan defended me!” Misty glared fiercely. “I mean after all we’ve been through?! You just stand there and say nothing!”

“Look Misty!” ash started, angrily. “Don’t you dare say shit to me! Don’t you dare reproach me! I mean I just found out my girlfriend already has a boyfriend! Now I want you to choose!”

“I will not be forced to Ash!” Misty snapped.
“Fine then!” Ash replied forcefully. “Now I see you prefer to roam before choosing. I want you to leave!” Ash went on furiously. “Go be a slut elsewhere!”

“I am no slut ash Ketchum!” Misty shouted, tears of anger and despair in her eyes. “But fine! I’ll leave! That way you can be alone just like you always wanted! And May,” Misty turned to May angrily. “,you can have him for all I care!”

Misty grabbed her knapsack and stomped out of the clearing, tears were streaming down her face but she kept her head up all the same. And as she left, Sharon grabbed better hold of the backpack and walked up to Ash in anger.

“Ash Ketchum, I have one thing to say to you: YOU ARE THE LOWEST SCUM OF THE EARTH! How dare you call Mist a slut!? How could you!? What the hell were you thinking!? Do you have any idea what you’ve lost!?” Sharon screamed uncontrollably. “You’ve lost the love of your life and a best friend in the process… You now have so many enemies…” Sharon glared scowling. “And trust me… I’m one of them… Don’t you dare come near Misty… Or you’ll regret it…. You’ll regret it… Cuz if you hurt Misty again, I will never forgive you nor will I let you near any of my family… Good bye and good riddance!”

Sharon began to walk off in the direction where Misty had gone but stopped short beside Dan, Britney, Damien and Mary.

“Good bye Damien, Britney, May… It was nice seeing you guys again…” Sharon muttered. “Bye… Pikachu…” Sharon bent down to cuddle Ash’s Pikachu. “I’m sorry you had to see this…” She got up and turned to Brock and Max, smiling lightly. “I’ll see you guys around…” And as Sharon began to pass Dan she said, “I hope I’ll see you again Dan… After all… you didn’t force Misty to choose…”

Sharon left, following after Misty, eyes flaring and hands balled into first… She never looked back… Not once…


Misty walked, not stopping at all. She knew what she had left behind, she would never get him back… But how could he…? How could Ash have done that after all they’d been through…? Especially after… Misty sat down on a log.

How could he…? Misty felt more hot and wet tears begin to fall as she stared up at the setting sun.

“Why…? Why?!” Misty cried out.

“Misty…” Sharon came out from the trees. “Forget him…”

“It’s just… Sharon… we… we… I… we spent the night…” Misty sobbed closing her eyes. “…Together…”

Sharon looked at Misty full of pity. She knew exactly what Misty meant… But Sharon knew Misty had to get over him…

“I loved him Sharon!” Misty choked. “I loved him like no other…”

“He doesn’t deserve you Mist…” Sharon whispered. “I mean just look at what he just did to you!”

“What did he do…?” Misty whispered.

“He used you…” Sharon muttered feeling ears well up in her own eyes…

Misty sobbed. She knew Sharon was right… Ash didn’t deserve her love… She should just forget him… But how…?”

“You’re right Sharon…” Misty replied, raising her head. “I have to…”

Misty stood up and faced the setting sun with a tearstained face. She had to forget Ash… She just had to… Misty needed to get over him… Now… and forever… Misty needed to wipe him from her memory, so he couldn’t hurt her anymore… Never again would her with making choices… Never again….


Note: Well next chappie we’re going into a different scene dudes! Lot’s of new stuff happen! It’s so exciting! OMG! LoL. If you don’t get me too bad! ^_~ You’ll have to wait for the next chappie! Oh and btw sorry if I haven’t replied to any of your reviews but since I just got my new internet installed it’s been sorta hectic with my computer. By Friday hopefully it’ll be up and running!

Also since now I am in the Pre-college Program I will probably have less time to do much. So sorries dudes!

Byes & L8rs dudes and dudettes! :D

Reviews plz!


I’m sure they’ll make me feel special! ;]