Hello all this is my first fanflic please send me what you think at dacarlsen4@yahoo.com
Ok enjoy
Narr: Our journey begins as we meet are heros walking along the road and as always....
Ash: I did not
Misty: Did too
ASh: did not
Misty: did too
Brock: Pikachu how long are you going to let them fight its already been 30 minutes.
PIkachu: pika chu pi ( ohh say another 2 minutes or so )
Misty: DID TOO
Pikachu: pi pika chu pikachu (or right now)
Pikachu: pikachu (thunder)
Ash @ Misty: ahhh owwww ahh
They fall to the ground it pain.
Brock: finally
Pikachu: pika pi (agreed)
ASh: Brock where are we?
Misty: groans in pain
Misty's not used to electric attacks like ash is (;
Brock: lets see if you guys hadnt been fighting over a apple you would have noticed that we are lost!!!
Brocks face is red with rage as ash is down on the ground suprised at the outburst.
Misty: Ok where was I (she had forgotten what they had been doing)
Brock: oh brother, ok misty where lost in a middle of the forest
Misty: ohhh ok
?????: Ohh just go south about 500 feet and youll find the road
Ash @ brock @ misty: Whos that?
?????: Oh how rude of me my names David
As he comes out of the shadows they see hes about 5 10, blue eyes,has a full pokemon belt on him and has a typhlosion next
too him.
Ash: nice to meet you David
Misty @ Brock: Hello David
Im assuming you are heading towards horita city
Ash: yes im going there to compete agaisnt there gym leader
DAvid: yes thats is also why i am headed there>
David: well nice to meet you.
David: bye
Ash @ misty @ brock: bye
David walks away with typhlosion next to him
Brock:Hmm something about that guy was weird>
ASh: nah hes was just being nice thats all
Brock: maybe youre right
Ash: lets set up camp
Misty: ya brock lets do that
Brock: ya ok
Narr: some where farther down the road
David: Hmm well i wonder if they assume anything, oh well
Hes uses his abilitys to light a fire
typhlosion: ty ty sion losion ( I doubt it there just a bunch of kids)
David: I guess your right.
typhlosion: phlosion ty sion ty (of course i am)
david: dont get cocky
typhlosion: ty phlo sion ty ty (try to stop me)
David: Dont tempt me
typhlosion: typlo (ok)
Back at the camp of ash, misty , and brock.
Ash (thinking): I wish misty loved me oh well.
As he turns his head to go to sleep.
Misty (thinking): I wish i could just tell him how i feel but i dont want to be rejected.
She tosses and turns and finally falls asleep.
Brock (not thinking speaking :) : Oh nurse joy how happy i am to see you, no misty stop pulling my ear.
narr: the next day as the trainers start to wake up.....
Misty: Theres a bug in my sleeping bag get it away get it away
(as the poor catepie runs for dear life)
Ash @ Brock: laughing untill they could not laugh anymore.
ASh: uhhhhhhh
out of nowhere misty pulls out a 10 pound steel mallet that she uses to give ash his morning beating.
Misty: Brock dont make me use this on you
Brock: umm how about I make some breakfast.
Misty: good idea
Ash: pikachu how many fingers am I holding up?
Pikachu: pikapi pika chu chu (im confused very confused)
ASh: ok
he falls on the ground in a mallet induced slumber
Brock: maybe he will wake up soon.
Ash: um why did i eat a bike tire mommy?
Brock: maybe not
Narr: At the camp farther up the road.
David: typhlosion where did my food go?
typhlosion: ty plosion typhl (do i have to answear that question)
David: So how much of it did you eat
typhlosion: phlo ty plo sion (um all of it)
David: (sigh) So much for breakfast
David: lets go beat the horita gym leader and get the poison badge
David: ok lets see it will take us ten minutes to get there
Ten minutes later....
David: I challenge you to a pokemon battle
???????: I accept this challenge by the way my name is Johnson
Johnson: this will be a 1 on 1 pokemon battle
David: ok go typhlosion
typhlosion: typhlosion ( alright)
Johnson: go venomoth
Venomoth: veno veno moth (oh crap)
David: typhlosion use fire blast.
Johnson: venomoth try to avoid the blast
Venomoth: veno moth veno (I dont think I can)
Venomoth was hit halfway by the fire blast but it was enough.
David: this was a good battle now may i have my poison badge
Johnson: here you go
he tossed it to David
Johnson: Have a nice day sir.
David: Thank you.
Narr: meanwhile our heros are on there way to the gym....
Ash alright there it is
They see a man come out with a typhlosion next to him but they were to excited to notice it was David.
Ash and company entered the gym and noticed the gym leader heading towards the back room.
Ash: wait
Johnson: my name is johnson I am the gym leader here at the horita city gym please give me 5 minutes to recoperate
and I will be right out.
Ash: ok
5 minutes later he came out the back room
Johnson: ok this will be a one on one pokemon battle for the poison badge
Ash: ok i chose you pikachu
Pikachu: Pika pika chu (alright lets kick some but) as sparks shoot from his cheeks
Johnson: ok beedrill lets do this
Beedrill: drill (lets do this)
Ash: pikachu thunder bolt
Pikachu: pikaCHUU (thunderbolt)
Johnson: evade his thunderbolt beedrill
Beedrill: bee (yes)
Beedrill evades pikachus thunderbolt and gets ready to attack.
Johnson: Ok beedrill use use pin missle
the pin mislle gets closer an closer to pikachu what will be the outcome find out the next time in pokemon the stranger
Sorry about no team rocket they will be in future episodes as will be other suprises
Send youre opinions to dacarlsen@yahoo.com
See ya Davidpikachu