(disclamer)I am in no way affiliated with the corporation
responsible for creating the real Pokemon
I am also not with Nintendo, Gamefreak,
or any other organization directly involved with
the official corporation that owns Pokemon.
When this * is in front of and behind a sentance it means a person is thinking
Example * where am I, * thought ash
Hello, Everyone sorry it took so long I am spending a lot of time doing other things
and am really busy so sorry for the wait anyway without futher ado here is the
next Pokemon Royalty
Last time on Pokemon Royalty: They were on there way to staru town when they came under
attack from magmar and his master prince erif and why is Ghottr so mad about misty being kidnapped.
So here it is this time really without futhur ado Pokemon Royalty (signal for clapping)
Pika pi pikachu (why did you let her get taken), Pikachu said while emitting sparks from his cheeks.
It is not my fault she was taken pikachu, Ash responded. Pi pika chu pi pika ( So it wasent you
who lost brock either was it,) Pikachu Said. Ash looking at Pikachu (with a heated glare), where the
hell did Brock enter the picture, He's probly Chasing the poor Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny
in Pallet Town. (In Pallet Town) Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny please go out with me, Brock cried.
Go Arcanine flamethorwer, Officer Jenny yelled. Brock lost again. blink. ( a spinoff from team rocket get it?)
( 20 hours later) Pikachu return, Ash Said. Ya know ash when he get's out of that pokeball he is
going to fry you right, Willaim inquired. Ash replied, Ya your probly right, What should we do William? Why don't ya get
some sleep if ya havent noticed we are in staru town, Ash. William Stated. Wah, Ash said.
( He had been so focused on the fight between him and pikachu he hadn't noticed they had arrived.)
Well maybe I could get a little.... zzzzzzzzzzzz. Well that kid I believe has just set the record
for falling asleep, In the middle of a sentance no less.
On fire island 2 hours from the lava destroying misty, Ghottr is trying to find where the evil prince from fire
island has hid her.* If Erif has harmed her fire island is going to be the second atlantis,* Thought the very angry Ghottr.
So you finally find where I Went Ghottr, Erif Said. Yes I did it Dosent take much imagination Erif, Ghottr Replied.
You Shall call me a prince you ragmuffin only royalty from any one of the four islands can me or any other prince
by there first name. Erif yelled At Ghottr. Oh then let me tell you my real name.
My name is John waterflower heir to the waterflower dynasty. What that is not possible you died when you were four
while in the ocean in a thunder storm. People thought I had died and I did not want to cause them grief
by coming to them after they thought I was dead. Since you know my secret you must Die. John started a chant that created a
thunder storm and it started to rain What are you doing erif yelled because he was afraid from all that was happening.
Ya know I'm putting a end to this war right now because I am tired of all this devestation
it has caused and if you are wondering why I havent done it before now it is because I didn't want to hurt innocent people
then I learned something you had all your people are in the military from the start and therefor your whole island is a
military zone. Wait John Prince of the water island you would be willing to kill your own sister by destroying the island,
erif said. Where is she, Erif. John yelled above the storm. In the volcano but to get there you would have to leave me here
all alone. What makes you think I won't just kill you Erif, John Replied. What, You would not dare kill me he said in pure
hatred. Good Bye, Erif Prince of Fire Island. With that said he pointed his finger at Erif and a 1,000,000 gigawatt bolt of
lightning killed the evil prince. *I must get to Misty fast,* John thought.
In the volcano The lava is only 100 feet below misty and it is very hot.
Misty is screaming for help when Ghottr flys thru the air in front of her. Ghottr come save me please, Misty yelled at the
top of her lungs. From his hand she noticed there was a very shiny sword on second glance she noticed it was made of energy
Im here to save you misty Ghottr said as he cut the rope that had been holding her still. With that he went towards a boat
on the water that belong to water island and told the pilot to go to the royal harbor to meet Ash and Willaim and to finally
meet her parents. Now just one thing left to do he said as he flew off. What did he mean by that misty thought as he flew off.
( on a second note you must realize that fire and water island are seperated by about 10 miles of water.)
Wow, that is Water Island Ash said as the ferry approched the harbor. Yes it is Ash and it is sure great to be home.
I'm sure it is William im sure it is. Do you think Misty is ok. Ash asked hopefully. I dont know Ash I just dont know.
Wow it looks like a storm is coming up. Ash that not a regular storm. Willaim said. what makes you think that?
Ash asked. To answear his question William just pointed and what ash saw was the scariest thing he had ever seen.
* I'm sorry to all the people who are going to be killed today but I am putting out the flame of fire island* Ghottr thought
By the power I have been given by the sea and the clouds bring up a wave that will have no match in the sand of time.
After Ghottr had said that a wave so huge that it was twice the size of the empire state building washed over the island
of fire and it was no more...