Chapter One
A/N: This fic will be the first crossover ever attempted that I know of to mix Warhammer 40k with Pokemon. The story will take place on a small Hive Class Planet that thrives on industry. A planet Known as Armageddon. And yes this is a real planet. I even have an Armageddon Codex featuring the rules for Black Templars (a chapter of Space Marines that I use).The Pokemon may seem a little? Satanic at first, but that is only a few of them since some of them will be replacing the Daemons. Not all the Daemons, just a few. The Blood Thirster stays. And I do not plan on continuing my first fic for it never got any feedback. I will however Update this story if the results are good, which means? SEND SOME FEEDBACK, DON?T RELY ON OTHERS TOO, CAUSE FOR ANY FIC I HAVE WRITTEN FOR ANY SITE, I NEVER GET REVIEWS, NOT EVEN COMPLAINTS. Thanks you, and enjoy.
Day in and Day out, the ever so faithful citizens of the Hive Class Planet Armageddon labor in the Governments Wealth. Now not to sound,? undemocratic, but how is it power to the people when the people have no say in there lives. For my 19 years wasted on this Industrial Dump, I watched the masses of People droning on with their lives, as if every movement, every action was programmed into them. They labored for this ?Democratic? Government to receive nothing in return.
Even those who fight for the planet whose name means the end of the existence, are enslaved for the safety of the Government. How would a city handle the thought that they could be so easily overcome by just a couple of daemons of Chaos. The Government couldn?t handle such thoughts in their society. It would prove their instability. And how would the citizens handle the knowledge that there is Chaos among themselves. Waiting for the arrival of their Daemon Prince. The Citizens would flee in fear for their lives.
I have noted the corruption, corruption far exceeding the tale of New York?s Tammany Ring. 15 years wasted, observing a cycle, never to be faltered unless threatened.
And what is to become of me. Am I too be enslaved like all those before me.
?Only time will tell young master.? A rough voice returned. Its rusted tone gave an intimidating image to the stocky warrior.
?Yes Master Rinehart.? I had forgotten about his telepathic abilities. Master Rinehart was Chief Captain of a Space Marine Chapter known as the Iron Hands. The old Psychic was quite a remarkable warrior, despite his size.
?And your democratic views will not be accepted in the Empire.? Master Rinehart returned, ?Now hurry on too the ship before it launches without you.? He ordered.
?Yes sir.? I replied. I was never one for flying, maybe that will change, Since after all I have been chosen by the great Chief Captain of the Iron Hands.
I boarded the Large Vessel that at one time was the invasion fleet of Angron and his Demonic hordes on the first War for Armageddon. It had since then been repaired by the Chief Commander of the Space Wolves, whose name I always forget. I recall it being Logan or something similar.
He participated in this first war, along with the Grey Knights. If it weren?t for them I wouldn?t be here. The Grey Knights that is. The only problem is that they are a bit too religious for me. Everyone on this waste land is Atheist.
I deeply inhale and boarded the Ship. Maybe it won?t be that horrible. If were lucky, we won?t run into any Tyranid Hive Fleets. Those blasted creatures own the warp space practically. And the fee for traveling there Highways is death.
* * *
My eyes grew wide at the sight of the ships interior. It seemed to be a Training facility, and even a Research Laboratory. Many Daemons that I recognized as Daemons of Neargle were locked up in cages and put into a chronogetic sleep, one similar too that of an Eversor Assassin.
?Impressive, huh?? Rinehart asks nonchalantly.
?Very.? I return in awe.
?Why don?t you look around??
I nodded and hurried off. My first stop was to see the Daemons. I have always been fascinated by them.
I recognized some Houndooms, Vicious Daemons, used as Sacrifices to summon The Blood Letters or A Blood Thirster. At one time they made up the Bulk of A Chaos Horde, but now they are just sacrifices. I have had the luxury of being in ones acquaintance. Luckily I was armed with my Training Staff, but that was three years ago, when I was first noticed by Master Rinehart. It was a Training Exercise that I passed with Flying colors, or so he says? anyway.
Besides the Houndooms, I also recognized some Misdreavous?, Ghoulish Creatures with incredible Psychic Powers. I am fortunate to never of had a run in with one, but I?ve seen the result of collisions with them. The victims Skin was all gone, as were his eyes and his scalp. He appeared Broken, Like a Rag Doll with it?s Feet Nailed to the back of its head, only he had no nails connecting him?anyway.
I continued to study the Daemons through the trip. The Satanic scowls and grins sending sharp shivers down my back. I reached for the Glass on the case of one of the Daemons Imprisonments. This one I didn?t recognize, yet it didn?t seem all so?Chaotic. My hand was just a few inches away from the Glass, when suddenly, its eyes opened revealing Cobalt Blue pupils. I fell back, and quickly crawled away. It brought up a clawed fist and punched it?s way through the Cage.
Once free, the Red Lizards tail ignited and it curiously studied it?s surroundings. Its eyes wandered around the ship, until it?s gaze set on me.
With it?s head cocked to the side, it opened its mouth as if to attack, but only yawned out a faint ?Char.?
I scurried off the floor feverishly, as if Fabius Bile himself were behind me. The creature saw my wild outbreak, and swiftly attacked.
I found myself once again on the floor, but this time a column of fire raced down on me. With one graceful slash of my sword, I was capable of dispersing of the flames.
?Bravo.? A voice cheered.
I turned around to see Master Rinehart applauding me.
?You finally concord the power of the sword. Your skill is still at its minimum, but within time you will be a deadly warrior. You and your Charmander.?
?A Charmander?? I questioned
?Yes, The Daemon you defend yourself against.? Rinehart answered, ?I want you to Train it. The emperor believes that Those Daemons who have not been tainted by the foul ways of Choas may be able to fight for our Cau-.?
He never got to finish. The Ship trembled beneath us, and somehow I knew it was trouble.
A/N: What Do You think so Far? REVIEWS PLEASE! sorry for that little outburst. This is only the first chapter which is basically introducing the background so next chapter will have more juicy stuff (killing, yay). And I?m changing my army from Black Templars, to Chaos Night Lords. Not that anyone cares, but if u do, ask, and I?ll send you a list of my 1958 point army, and you can tell me what u think. DON?T FORGET TO REVIEW!!!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Warhammer 40K, it is a product of Games Workshop, and along with that I do not own Pokemon, and whoever does is really lucky.