A/N: No pointless ramblings from me (unless you
count the fanfic itself as a pointless ramble) except that I’m writing this for
one of my best friends ever, Dragonfree. I’ll be addressing her as Butterfree
the whole chapter though, it makes the title sound way more… alliterative. If you haven’t read her fanfic, “The Quest
for the Legends”, close this window, click “OT” up there and select “Dragonfree”
from the list and for the love of pie, read it! (I’m not worthy!) “The Type
Chart” is really worth reading too. It has Kadabra in…
Dedication: To Dragonfree AKA
Butterfree, Happy birthday! Thanks for being my friend ^^
Disclaimer: This… is for a million
dollars. Does Dannichu own Pokémon? Is the answer A: “Yes”, B: “No”, C: “Who
Cares?” or D: “I’m a flying potato”?
You say it’s B? Is that your final answer? WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Whaddya mean, it’s Monopoly money?
--Butterfree’s Birthday--
woke early on the February 18th. She leaped out of her pink bed and
pulled apart her lime green curtains. She gasped with delight.
”IT’S SNOWING!!! IT’S SNOWING!!!” she screamed, running into Sarah’s room and
bouncing on her bed. She then dashed into Nwacha and Sparky’s room and bounced
on their bunks. “IT’S SNOWING!!!” she yelled again, in case there were some
people in Littleroot who hadn’t woken up because of her screaming.
“What on earth are you talking
about, Sianne?” Sarah said, pointing out of the window, “It’s not snowing at
“I know.” Sianne smiled madly, “I
wanted to begin the day with a bit of excitement.”
“It’s not “day” yet.” Nwacha
muttered, very irked at being woken up at 7AM. “It’s not “day” till I get up,
and I’m NOT getting up now!” he rolled over and fell back into sleep.
Sianne looked disgruntled for a
split second and then got her
look” back on her face and bounced downstairs, taking one step and then
bouncing off her tail. Sarah decided that she wouldn’t be able to get back to
sleep again so she resigned herself to fate and followed her mad friend
The kitchen was in the process of
being rebuilt. Dracoru had spent the day before designing it and had hired some
people to come in and re-make it. It was halfway done, the ceiling and bathroom
floor and been mended, the new oven and fridge had been fitted and the floor
had been re-layered. It was looking much better, though the walls still had a
charred look about them and most of the worktops were in pieces. Sianne bounced
over to the fridge and took out a cherry pie and made a banana milkshake. Sarah
made herself a bowl of cornflakes and poured a glass of milk and they took
their breakfasts into the dining room, where Hlin was sitting, drinking a cup
of tea while reading a newspaper.
“Hi Sarah, hi Sianne. You’re up
early.” said Hlin, looking over The Fortree Times to see Sianne utterly
decimating her pie.
“Yeah.” Sarah agreed, “someone,
no names mentioned, Sianne, woke me up, saying it was snowing.”
Sianne failed to take Sarah’s
“hints” that she was mad at her and continued eating her pie, sending pieces of
it flying off in all directions. “Pie, pie, pie, pie…” she sang happily.
Sarah sighed, about to say
something but was interrupted by the phone ringing.
“I’ll get it.” Sarah said, though
Hlin was too engrossed in her newspaper and Sianne was picking up and eating
all the pie crumbs she had dropped on the floor, so she was the only one who was
likely to answer it anyway.
“Hello?” she said, picking up the
“Sarah? Is that you?” Dannichu’s
voice sounded anxious.
“Yeah, how’s Pokéschool going?”
“Great; but there’s something I
really need to talk to you about!”
“Yeah… Dannichu, are you alright?”
“No! I really need your help!”
“What is it?”
”It’s Butterfree’s birthday today and I had her present all planned out but now
we’re having a trip and I can’t do it!” Dannichu said, as if she wanted to yell
but couldn’t because there was someone on the other end of the phone who might
hear her if she yelled. Sarah guessed it was Butterfree.
“Okay, okay. So what do you need
us to do?” Sarah asked, deliberately saying “us” so she wouldn’t personally get
roped into something.
“Well, I had planned to get
Butterfree out of the room for a bit and then decorate it for her and have a
big party, but I forgot we were going on a stupid trip into Petalburg Woods and
now I can’t do it because we have to go! Anyway, while we’re gone, our
dorm will be empty. If you could all come in while we’re out and decorate our
dormitory and get stuff ready for a party while we’re out, it would be great!
Just watch out for teachers that may be wandering around, I doubt they’d be too
happy.” Dannichu said, a note of pleading in her voice.
“Well, I’ll ask the others, and
the response will probably be ‘yes’, but Dannichu, you really need to
plan stuff better!”
“I know… I know. Anyway, I can’t
describe how grateful I am!” Dannichu breathed a huge sigh of relief. “How’s
things there?”
Sarah gulped, thinking of the utter obliteration of the kitchen with the food
processor, stampede of tentacle-bearing objects, Legolas being teleported into
the Pokéworld…”Great!” Sarah lied, “just great! How’s Pokéschool really?”
“Actually, it’s great! The lessons
are really cool and all my friends are here! Sarah the Swinub, Butterfree,
CrazyPika, Missing No, Latios, Chatsy, Mewkitty… everyone!”
“Sounds good, but I’ll have to go
and wake everyone up to make them get party stuff. What time does your trip
finish and you get back to the school?”
“Um… Midday...”
“MIDDAY? We have just five hours
to get there, sneak into a school, decorate an entire dormitory and get all
kinds of party food and stuff ready?”
“Um… yes. Anyway, I’ve got to go.
We’re leaving now. See ya!” Dannichu hung up very quickly. Sarah steamed.
“Grrr, if she wasn’t the person to raise me from level 5 to level 100, I swear
I would kill her.”
“What is it, Sarah?” Hlin asked
from the dining room, seeing the Marshtomp glare daggers at the cordless.
“Urgh… It’s Butterfree’s birthday
today and guess what?”
“Dannichu forgot?”
“Not quite, she planned a present
but now she can’t go through with it because she forgot about a trip they were
going on. Now she wants us to go and get a party ready in her dormitory at the
Pokéschool for midday!”
“You’re joking!”
“Wish I was.” Sarah sighed. “I’d
best go and wake everyone up… you can wake up Dracoru and Daigree though. I
think I still have the marks from when I last woke up Daigree early in the
“Okay then. Sianne, can you help?”
Hlin asked, turning to Sianne.
Sianne, who was crawling under the
table, still looking for escapee pie crumbs looked up, bashed her head on the
table, Thundershocked the evil table and stood up. “Sure!”
minutes later, all the residents of the Lair of Insanity were awake, grumpy,
but ready to go and decorate the dormitory. ”Okay, we need money to buy the
food; Hlin, you have the money, right?” Sarah asked.
“Yeah” Hlin replied, putting a
Pokéball shaped purse in her Pikachu backpack.
“And you, Dracoru and Terra are
ready to fly us over to the school?”
“Yup!” Terra said happily,
delighted that she could fly her friends to Rustboro and back.
”Okay… just give me a minute.” Dracoru said, closing his eyes and
concentrating. Suddenly a pair of magnificent red wings burst from his
shoulders, startling Sparky and Hypello.
“Okay… Hlin, you take Wilber and
Hypello, they’re both really light, if Dracoru could take Daigree and Terra
could manage Blaise and Sparky… is that okay?” Sarah asked, mentally measuring
each Pokémon’s weight in comparison to the amount Hlin, Terra or Dracoru could
manage all the way to Rustboro. Yeah, Sarah liked numbers.
“Yeah, that’s okay. Come on
Hypello,” Hlin lowered her wing so that the Swinub could climb onto her back
more easily, “let’s go.”
Daigree grudgingly boarded Dracoru
and Blaise and Sparky climbed onto Terra’s back and the three flying Pokémon
took off out of Terra’s skylight in her room in the attic.
Sarah did some more calculations,
and by the time Terra made it back five minutes later, Nwacha rode Terra and
Kerrigan went on Hlin. Dracoru came back a couple of minutes after Hlin, due to
his lack of practice a flying, and took Sianne. On the third trip, Luke rode
Terra, Loanlee went on Hlin and Sarah went lastly with Dracoru. By the time
Dracoru landed in front of the school and made his wings vanish, as they were
no longer needed, they had little over four hours to buy everything they
needed, sneak into the school and decorate the rooms.
“I have an
idea; a couple of us should break into the school and find the best way into
the rooms without any of the teachers seeing us, and the rest of us get party
stuff.” Sarah explained her plan to everyone. “Sound good?”
”Great idea,” Blaise agreed, “but who should go in?”
”Well, “Hlin said, “I should think that small, fast Pokémon would be best.
Daigree, the Master of Sneaky, would be great at it, and Sparky would be good
too. You could go as well, Blaise.”
“That’s a good plan.” Sparky
nodded, “Is that okay with you, Daigree?”
”Sure. Fine. Whatever.” The Sneasel shrugged, though inside he was thinking
that it was a great opportunity to show off his ‘sneaking’ skills.
“Right, so shall we all go off and
get the stuff? Maybe if we had a list each or something, it would be much
quicker to shop in twos or threes than to go around in a big group.” Terra
“Yeah, and we’ll need different
places. Terra, can you make a trip to Lilycove for us? It would be great if you
could get some decorations from the department store there. Hlin and I‘ll go
and ask Mr. Briney if he can take us to Slateport. Some drinks from the Beach
Hut would be brilliant.” Sarah said, “I think everything else can be gotten
here, if you look in the right places. Though if Nwacha, maybe you could go
through Rusturf Tunnel and get some of those flapjacks from Verdanturf?”
“Sure.” Nwacha said, “I can hide
pretty well in that tunnel, though last time my rings started glowing and it
scared the Whismur. The tunnel nearly fell in because of their stupid Uproars.
But I’ll be fine, it’s much lighter now and it’s nowhere near full moon.”
“I’ll go to Totodile’s sweet shop
and get some Nutri-Grain bars and Wine Gums!” Sianne shouted hyperly.
“Okay then? We’ll just write a
quick list of stuff we need and if everyone just gets a couple of things we
need, we should get everything pretty quickly. Hlin, do you have pen and some
paper in your bag?”
“Somewhere…” Hlin muttered,
rummaging through the backpack, before pulling out a pad of paper and some
pencils with Skitty on. “Voilà!”
“Okay…” Sarah said, taking the
paper and a pencil from Hlin and attempted to lean on Sianne’s back, but Sianne
was bouncing up and down, making it impossible. Sarah sighed and went over to
lean on Hlin’s back, but her tail flame caught one sheet of the paper and
incinerated it. Sarah growled and just crouched and leant the remaining pieces
of paper against her knee and wrote out what everyone was to get.
“Is that
okay everybody?” Sarah handed the paper out to everyone and they looked at what
they had to buy.
“I’ve got the money, just take
what you need.” Hlin said, passing the Pokéball purse around the Pokémon. “Come
on Sarah, we’ve got to get to Mr. Briney’s. Everyone, we have to meet back here
at ten-thirty. Okay? That gives us all an hour.”
Daigree dashed over to the school, slashed the air ventilation
system and entered through a side-vent, Sparky and Blaise following behind.
Everyone took a bit of money and went to buy whatever was on their list. Terra
flew at her top speed over to Lilycove.
can you come over here a bit?” Sparky said, feeling very claustrophobic, stuck
in a dark air vent above a Pokémon school. The Quilava crawled behind Sparky,
showing him which turning Daigree had taken by illuminating the path of
disturbed dust using her head flame. Daigree had gone ahead of them, finding a
grate near the dormitory where they could sneak into the rooms unnoticed. After
a couple of dead-ends, Sparky and Blaise found Daigree sitting by a grate
looking angry.
“Don’t take too long.” he snapped
sarcastically, “I’ve been waiting here for ages.”
“Sorry.” Sparky apologised and
attempted to lift the grate, then found it was nailed down. Blaise was about to
use Flamethrower on the grate so it would melt, but then Daigree hit her across
the head.
“You idiot! Firstly, if you melted
the grate completely, everyone who walked past would see the melted remains of
the grate and the teacher would assume that someone had broken into the school,
alerting everyone. Secondly, in this air vent, the gas being pumped around is
mostly hydrogen, which is very flammable in confined spaces, meaning it is
risky for you to BE here with your head on fire, fire more than that would
almost certainly ignite all the air in here and the whole vent would turn into
an instant inferno. Which would mean we would be fried alive. “
Blaise blinked a couple of times,
taking all of this in. Obviously she was nowhere nearly as educated in sneaking
as Daigree was. “How are we going to get out then? Shall we go back?”
“No; why would I come this way
just to go back?” Daigree snapped again, “I can slice nails like cheese.”
So he flashed his claws and raked
them across the outside of the grate. Then he lifted it up and moved it to one
side, revealing a corridor beneath. Sparky and Blaise looked at Daigree in
“Go then! What are you waiting
for? Someone to come along and see us?”
Sparky jumped down from the vent first, followed
closely by Blaise. Then Daigree hung from one claw, put back the grate and
dropped to the ground like a ninja.
“Where now?” Sparky asked, looking
around at the school corridors.
“There, you idiot!” Daigree
pointed to a door right next to them.
Blaise cautiously twisted the
handle, and pulled the door, which didn’t open.
“It’s locked!”
“Oh, you are so useless!”
Daigree shoved her to one side and inserted one claw into the lock and rattled
it. Five seconds later a click was heard and he sneaked in like a shadow. Sparky
and Blaise followed, raising their eyebrows at each other and shutting the door
inaudibly behind them.
“Is this the right dorm?” Blaise
asked, looking around at the bunk beds.
“Of course it is! How stupid do
you think I am? Am I going to break into a school and go the wrong dormitory?
No! Look, there’s Dannichu’s Meowthie, Pichu, Phanpy and Blastoise dolls,
Sarah’s plushie Elekid, Butterfree’s cuddly tiger and CrazyPika’s huge
collection of plushie Pikachu!” Daigree
snapped, pointing to each bed as he talked about the owner’s cuddly toys, which
were sitting on the yellow pillows, staring at them through glassy eyes.
“Oh yeah…” Blaise said, feeling a
bit stupid.
“Well, now we know we got the “right
dorm”,” Daigree glared at Blaise for doubting his ability, “Let’s find a
way out that doesn’t involve the air vent.”
“Why not? Why can’t we go back
through the vent? It leaves us with much less chance of getting caught.” said
“Because, you imbecile, when we
come to leading everyone else into the room, how on earth are Hlin and Dracoru
supposed to squeeze into that tiny vent? We’ll have to sneak everyone around
the school unnoticed, and if everyone else is as incompetent as you two, it’ll
be a miracle if we get them halfway!”
“Okay, what
else do we need?” Luke said, looking at his list, squinting his eye. “Sarah’s
handwriting is impossible to read…”
“Let’s see…” Hypello leaned closer
to the paper, squinting his eyes to see it more clearly. “I think it says
“Okay, where do we get those?” Luke
asked, looking around the skyscrapers in Rustboro. Luke and Hypello were
wandering around, completely lost, trying to find a shop that might sell what
they were looking for.
“Maybe we should ask someone.”
Hypello said finally, after wandering around for twenty minutes.
“Yeah. How about her?” Luke said,
pointing to a passing Ivysaur, who was walking along with her trainer.
“Um, excuse me?” Hypello asked,
“is there a shop around here that sells balloons?”
“Yes, I think so.” The Ivysaur
glanced quickly at Luke’s one eye before she set down the shopping bags she has
been carrying with her vines and thought for a moment. “Yes, if you go to
Kadabra’s Party Supplies, you should be able to find some. It’s just by the
Cutter’s house, a little to the left. You can’t miss it.”
“Okay, thank you very much!” Luke
said, glad to finally have some idea where to go. He knew the Cutter’s house
was by the Devon Corporation building, and that was so huge you could see it
for miles around.
“Luke! Did you hear what she
said?” Hypello asked the second the Ivysaur left.
“Yeah… she said how to get the
balloons; the shop should be just over this way” Luke said, walking in the
direction of the Cutter’s house.
“No! I mean she said “Kadabra’s
Party Supplies”. As in Kadabra.” Hypello said urgently.
“Oh no…” Luke said, realization
hitting him forcefully.
“Oh yes. We’ll have to find
somewhere else…” Hypello sighed.
“Wait- how do we know it’s the
nutty Kadabra? It could just be some other Kadabra who isn’t insane!” Luke said
Hypello looked doubtful, but then
Luke reminded him “We only have twenty minutes, and we need to get some
biscuits as well.”
“Okay then, but you have no idea
how much I hope it isn’t the Kadabra we know.”
“I think I do…” Luke said
They made their way over to the
Cutter’s house and found the party shop without much trouble. Looking up at the
shop, they saw the sign above the window reading “Kadabra’s Party Supplies!” in
colorful yellow and pink lettering, though the window itself was very dark so
it looked as if it was closed. Half-hoping it was closed; Luke gripped the door
handle and turned it. It opened. They took a deep breath and entered the shop.
Looking around, they could make
out all kinds of practical joke things and party accessories. As Luke shut the
door behind them, shutting off the only source of light, save for the dim glow
coming though the dusty window, they noticed just how dark it was. Hypello
blinked a couple of times, his eyes growing accustomed to the gloom and getting
stray particles of dust out of them.
Luke plucked up his courage and
called “Hello? Is anyone here?”
He got no reply, save for a
creaking sound beyond the counter, in one of the back rooms. Their curiosity
getting the better of them, Luke and Hypello crept nearer, straining their eyes
in the near-darkness to see what made the noise.
“MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!” suddenly
came a loud voice from nowhere, scaring them to death.
“AAARRRGGHHH!” They both yelled,
jumping into the air in pure fright. Kadabra teleported in front of them,
sitting on the counter with his legs crossed, his eyes closed in some kind of
meditation, his Lotad doll in his lap.
“Can I be of mild assistance?” he
said suddenly, his eyes snapping open, making Luke and Hypello jump again.
“Uh… yeah. We need some balloons.
Have you got any?” Luke said timidly, unsure of what Kadabra might do next.
“NEVER!!!” Kadabra screamed, and
then vanished, taking his Lotad doll with him.
After a few seconds, Hypello
breathed a sigh of relief. “Phew. He’s gone… we survived the wrath of Kadabra’s
inescapable insanity!”
Suddenly, there was a huge flash
of light, like somebody had just lit a huge ribbon of magnesium and there were
loud popping noises. Luke and Hypello covered their eyes to shield them from
the intense light, and then the light suddenly faded, but not completely, just
into pink and blue lighting of normal intensity. Opening their eyes, Luke and
Hypello saw a huge table in front of them, laden with party hats, plastic cups,
balloons and in the center, a huge birthday cake emblazoned with “HAPPY
BIRTHDAY BUTTERFREE!” in blue icing. The two Pokémon looked around, but
couldn’t see anyone, not even Kadabra.
“What should we do?” Luke asked,
after he had accepted that everything on the table was real, not just an
illusion or something.
“I reckon…” Hypello said slowly,
“I reckon we should take all this stuff back to Sarah, Terra and the others.”
“Really? Wouldn’t that be stealing
though? It’s Kadabra’s shop, and if we take it without paying for it…” Luke
said, unsure of what to do.
“Look at it this way; how many
times has Kadabra wrecked our house?” Hypello asked
“A lot… one heck of a lot.” Luke
said, nodding, though still thinking it was wrong to take all the party things.
“And has that cost us a lot in
“Yes, but Hlin-“
“So don’t you think he owes us?”
“Anyway, if he didn’t want us to
take it for Butterfree’s birthday, why has he written her name on the cake?”
“I guess…”
“Great!” Hypello began folding up
the corners of the tablecloth, which were decorated with little Beautifly and
Butterfree. “Now help me carry this.”
So Luke and Hypello took all the
stuff out of the shop, Luke had all the plates, cups and things wrapped up in
the tablecloth which he had slung over his shoulder, holding the balloons his
other hand, while Hypello carried the cake on his back.
about time!” Sarah said on their arrival. “You’re ten minutes late and - what?”
“Hey Hypello, where’d you get the
cool cake?” Wilber asked, looking at the huge cake, his eyes dancing.
So Luke and Hypello told everyone
their story about how the table of stuff materialized from nowhere and how they
assumed Kadabra had wanted to help Butterfree’s birthday be as nice as
“After all,” said Luke,
“Butterfree did let him star in The Type Chart as the Spoon Kid, even
though he did… torture Neo a bit.”
“Okay,” Sarah said, turning to
Daigree, Blaise and Sparky. “You know a way in that all of us can take?”
”Yeah.” said Daigree emotionlessly. “Well; unless you’re as clumsy, noisy and
stupid as these two.”
Blaise glared at Daigree and
Sparky stared at the floor.
“Okay then. Remember everyone: we
have to be quiet.” Sarah lectured, “we’re sneaking fifteen Pokémon and the
supplies for a huge party here, which will NOT go down too well with any
teacher who happens to see us. Sianne?”
“Yeah?” Sianne looked up from her
shopping bag, holding a biscuit in her mouth. She realized everyone was looking
at her and took the biscuit and held it behind her back, though everyone had
already seen it.
“Just… try and be quiet. And as
‘normal’ as possible. I know that’s asking a lot, but can you try? For
“Sure!” Sianne said happily,
throwing the biscuit in the air to emphasize her sincerity. The biscuit hit
Dracoru in the eye.
“Okay Daigree, lead the way.”
Daigree led them in through the
back door, through the kitchen and into the large dining room. From there, they
sneaked along the mini-cinema room and then ran through a corridor until they
found the stairs.
“Where now? How far up do we go?”
Wilber asked, struggling to hold a plate of sandwiches.
“Third floor. Fourth door on the left.”
said Daigree, not bothering to carry anything.
They climbed the stairs, hiding
around one door when they saw a cleaner come past, but then they all ran for
the room. Sparky got there first, he opened the door for Dracoru, Luke and
Terra, who were carrying the most and didn’t have any spare hands to open the
door with. Dracoru set down the long table, Luke set out the tablecloth and
everyone who was carrying food put their load onto the plates that Hypello
passed around. Then they all blew up the balloons, though Sianne kept blowing
them up and then letting them go, letting them fly around the room, making
disgusting noises and then landing in bowls of jelly and such like. The
balloons that were blown up successfully were put in a net, which held them from
the ceiling and Terra was planning to open when Butterfree, Chatsy, Vaporeanna
and everyone came in. Loanlee, who had gotten some glitter and streamers, gave
them to Terra who hung them from the ceiling, making the whole room look very
party-ish. Terra flew back to The Lair of Insanity and brought back Sarah the
Swinub’s Hi-fi and a couple of CDs to play later. While they were waiting, they
lay around on the beds, Kerrigan put her make-up on and re-did her fur in the
bathroom, and they amused themselves by either restraining Sianne from eating
all the cookies or playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.
“Wow, I can’t believe we bought
everything for a party and decorated a whole room and we still have time to
spare!” Sarah said to Loanlee, trying to make conversation.
“I hate parties.” Loanlee replied
”Too loud. And too happy.”
“Ah.” Sarah said, unsure of what
to make of the comment. Fortunately, right at that moment, the door burst open
and in came Butterfree, Sarah the Swinub, CrazyPika, Mew13, Mewkitty, Dannichu,
Vaporeanna, Missing No and Chatsy, all talking loudly and extremely hyper after
the fun trip they just had.
“Oh wow!” Mewkitty turned her head
away from her conversation with Vaporeanna and saw the room.
Dannichu stood, open-mouthed at
the scene; delighted at what a good job her Pokémon had done decorating the
The large dorm had a long table
going down the center, laden with all kinds of food and fizzy drinks, while
balloons and streamers were floating down from the ceiling because Terra had
just pulled the string. The Pokémon had
also found the presents that Butterfree’s other friends had gotten for her and
put them in a pile in the corner.
“Um… Happy birthday Butterfree!”
said Nwacha, noticing the nine Pokéfreaks standing amazed in the doorway.
Butterfree looked around the room,
taking all of it in and looking at all the Pokémon who were watching her to see
if she liked her present.
“It’s amazing!” she said happily, “Is this really for me?”
“Yup!” Sianne said happily, “Dannichu
Sarah shut Sianne up by standing on her tail,
causing her to immediately let loose a Thunderbolt, but Sarah merely absorbed
the attack. “Dannichu planned this for you, got all the food and stuff and kept
it secret the whole time you were at Pokéschool. She planned with us that we
should decorate the room while you were out, so it would be a surprise!”
“Really?” Sarah the Swinub said in
disbelief, amazed that Dannichu could plan anything in advance. Planning
was something Dannichu was notoriously bad for.
“PARTY!” Sianne screamed and
leaped into a chair, grabbed a plate and began stuffing her face with food.
Dannichu shook her head
momentarily before noticing there were Nutri-Grain bars on the table and dashed
over to them. “Come on!” she yelled to everyone, who were only too happy to
come over and celebrate Butterfree’s birthday.
twenty minutes into the party, everyone was stuffing their faces and generally
having a good time, there was a bright flash of light, which made everyone turn
their heads and see someone very familiar materialize into the room.
“No!” Dannichu yelled when she saw
him. She had wanted this to go perfectly, her Pokémon had done a stunning job
of decorating the room and everything was going according to plan. The last
thing Dannichu needed was for Kadabra to come.
“I have arrived,” boomed Kadabra,
“to wish my mutual friend Butterfree a most enjoyable and memorable birthday. “
“Oh dear pie…” Dannichu moaned,
dreading what might come next.
“And so, Geraldine and I have taken
it upon ourselves to… “ Kadabra paused for emphasis.
“Yes?” asked Sarah the Swinub,
wanting to know what on earth Kadabra had done.
“DO THIS!!!”
Suddenly, an army of rubber ducks
wearing different colour party hats came out of nowhere, floated around the
room three times, squeaking to the tune of “Happy Birthday To You” and then
vanished as quickly as they had arrived, save for one that Daigree cut in half
with his claws because the squeaking annoyed him. Kadabra gave a final “Ha!”
and vanished also.
“I think,” CrazyPika said slowly,
“I think that is, without a doubt, the singly most disturbing thing I have ever
“I’ll second, third and fourth
that.” agreed Vaporeanna.
“PARTY!” Sianne screamed again.
A little later,
when everyone from all the other dorms had come in to join the party, Terra had
put on the CD “Totally Pokémon” and everyone was happily singing or dancing to
“All We Wanna Do”, while playing on Dance Dance Revolution or having a rousing
game of Twister, both of which they had banned Terra from participating in
because she always won easily. Sparky, Zizzo and some others were watching
“Pokémon Heroes” on one of the TVs and CrazyPika, Char13 and most of the others
were playing party games that they had grown out of three years ago, but failed
to care. After all the food, except for the cake which Dracoru and Nwacha had
moved out of harm’s (and Sianne’s) way, had been eaten or thrown around, the
table was cleared away, save for Loanlee and Daigree, who were being plain
antisocial, played “Sardines”, which was extremely fun. For those poor,
deprived people out there who have never played Sardines, basically you choose
a couple of people to hide and everyone else goes to find them (this is best
played in the dark). When a person finds on of the hidden people, they hide
with them and so on until everyone is hiding with a bunch of other people. This
is exceptionally fun when you have twenty people stuck in one closet. Sarah (the Marshtomp) and Chatsy had been
selected to hide, and they ran out of the room and into the other dorms to
hide, while everyone stayed in Butterfree’s dorm, listening to Sianne yell to a
hundred. On Sianne’s count of
“HUNDRED!!!” they all ran from the room and began looking for Chatsy and Sarah.
walked along the inky-black corridor, feeling along the wall for a door handle.
When she found one, she opened it and found herself in another dormitory. She
dropped to her hands and knees, looking for a place where Sarah or Chatsy could
be hiding. Opening a wardrobe, she felt around among the clothes hanging in
there, when suddenly she heard a laugh come from the other end of the room. She
immediately closed the wardrobe and ran over to the far end, where there was a
desk. She felt under the desk and her hands felt something distinctly wet and
slimy. “Found you, Sarah!” she whispered and there was another giggle from
under the desk. Butterfree strained her eyes in the dark and made out Dannichu
crouched under the desk too. Butterfree laughed quietly and joined them under
the desk, to be joined by Missing No a couple of minutes later, who heard
Dannichu’s fit of giggles and came to see what the sound was. About fifteen
minutes later, Sarah, Butterfree, Dannichu, Missing No, Mew13, Zizzo, Ice,
Hlin, Ruler of Ninetaleses, Latios, Kerrigan, Jigglyskitt, Dark_Raichu, Hypello
and Espeon were all crushed against each other under the desk. In the end they
had to come out because Sarah and Dannichu were suffocating through lack of
oxygen as there were ten people and four Pokémon, one of which was a huge
Charizard, blocking the air flow to the back of the desk. They all laughed for
a bit, all a bit hyper because of the sugar in the party food and then went to
find the others.
They found Chatsy and the others
in an even tighter squeeze than they had been; over twenty-five people and
Pokémon were all crammed together in a cupboard where the cleaning stuff was
kept. They squeezed themselves out and stretched their legs, wanting to play
“Who should be ‘on’ now?” said
LolJolteon, checking her legs weren’t broken after Dracoru had sat on them.
“I dunno.” Dannichu said, “Maybe
we should do the spin-the-leaf thing they did in Pikachu’s Pikaboo!”
“Where would we get a leaf?” Terra
asked, really wanting to play again because being crushed in a closet was just
so fun. Terra had a weird perception of the word ‘fun’.
“I don’t know.” Dannichu admitted.
“Anyone have a Chikorita? A
Grovyle? An Oddish?” CrazyPika asked, looking around.
“No, I have a Sceptile at home,
but we’re not allowed to bring Pokémon to PokéSchool.” Butterfree said.
“I know!” Sianne yelled suddenly,
“I’m thinking of a number between one and thirty-six million. Guess what it
“Twenty-five thousand?”
“Six hundred?”
“Five million, seven hundred and
“YES!” yelled Sianne, scaring
Missing No, who had suggested ‘forty-two’, out of her mind, “Not only the right
answer, but the meaning of life as well!”
“Riiiiiiiiight.” Missing No said,
backing away from the deranged Raichu.
“Okay, so Missing No and…?” Terra
said, still wanting to play the game again.
“MEEEEE!” Sianne yelled, scaring
Missing No again.
“Is that alright with everyone?
Missing No and Sianne?” Dannichu asked.
“Can I hide as well?” Wilber asked,
having never been picked to hide before.
“Sure!” Butterfree said. So
Missing No, Sianne and Wilber all ran off through the dark corridor to hide.
Terra decided to add a bit of fun
to the game and gave them until the end of the song “Pikachu’s Comin’” to hide.
ninety-eight, ninety-nine one hundred, everybody hide… ‘cause Pikachu’s
Comin’!” hollered Sarah the Swinub’s hi-fi. Everyone poured out of the room
when the song finished and went to find the three ‘hiders’.
After several
rounds of the game, everyone was very hyper, but aching so much from being
crushed into confined spaces by everyone else, they decided it was in the
interest of health and safety to play something else. So they played the game
that you could expect any self-respecting (or, in this case, people who didn’t
give a pie about their reputation, or they wouldn’t like Pokémon still. Go
them!) bunch of teenagers would play: Truth or Dare.
Now if you’ve never played Truth
or Dare before, I’ll just have to ask you if you came from the moon. Really?
You really didn’t? Wow, you sure have had a sheltered upbringing. Anyway,
basically you ask someone whether they want a “truth” or a “dare”. If they
choose “truth” you ask them a question and they HAVE to answer it truthfully.
If they say “dare” you get to dare them to do something, normally completely
outrageous, though if it’s a little too Farfetch’d (bad pun alert), they
can ask for a different dare. Getting back to the story…
“Okay, who
wants to dare someone?” Dannichu asked, after they had sat in a circle on the
dormitory floor.
“Ooh! Ooh! Me! Pick me!” Sianne
yelled, waving her hand around enthusiastically.
“Okay, Sianne, your turn.”
“I ask… Sarah!”
“Which Sarah?” Sarah the Swinub
asked, finding that living with another Sarah could get very confusing.
“The Marshtomp!”
“Okay then… Dare!” Sarah said,
“I dare you… to…” Sianne whispered
into Sarah’s ear.
“No way! I’ll get killed!” Sarah
exclaimed, her eyes widening.
“You’re turning the dare down?”
Sianne smirked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Well… okay…” Sarah said, really
annoyed how Sianne could manipulate her in ways that nobody could understand.
She doubted even Sianne knew. Taking a deep breath that could easily be her
last; she shot a jet of water at Daigree.
The entire room gasped. Daigree
turned slowly around, dripping wet, his cold eyes almost on fire. Sarah gulped.
Daigree suddenly leaped across the
room in one jump, his wet fur flicking water over everyone who was staring
open-mouthed at Sarah’s braveness and stupidity. Daigree leaped towards Sarah,
his claws fully extended, when-
“Arghh!” Daigree yelled, hitting a
barrier separating his claws from Sarah. He looked to see that Sarah had used
Protect in order to save her lungs from being removed forcefully from her
ribcage. Daigree smirked and leaped at her again, seeing that her Protect
defense was wisping away at the edges. While Protect blocked all attacks, it
didn’t last long. Suddenly, he felt himself being grabbed from behind.
“I think you want to get to bed.”
Terra smiled cheerfully, holding his claws behind his back. Daigree tried to
pull loose, but found it was futile against Terra’s heavily muscled arms. “You
need an early night,” she said, “and didn’t you know that bitterness causes
Daigree, covered from head to toe
in scars, really didn’t care, but couldn’t do anything as Terra sat him on her
back and flew him back to The Lair of Insanity via the dormitory next door’s
“Sianne… I will KILL you one day.”
Sarah growled at her friend.
“Your go, Sarah!” Sianne replied
“Okay then… I dare…” Sarah looked
around for someone to vent her anger on. She settled on Dannichu for making her
live with Sianne, which was a good thing, but she was mad at her best friend
right now. “Dannichu… to… um…” She said, not really knowing what to make
Dannichu do. Then, Sarah the Swinub leaned over to Sarah the Marshtomp and
whispered in her ear.
“Yeah! Dannichu, I dare you to eat
ketchup ice cream!” Sarah the Marshtomp said, smiling at her evilness.
“Um, okay.” Dannichu went over to the table where
the leftover party food stood and took a spoon of vanilla ice cream and then
squirted some of Sparky’s ketchup onto it. Then she put it in her mouth. Then
she screamed.
“AAARRRGGHHH!!” It’s DISGUSTING!!! Oh dear pie, it’s
AWFUL!” But to spit it out would ruin the dare, and Dannichu hated not
completing dares, so she winced and swallowed the foul mixture. Then she ran
into the bathroom, whether she was puking or simply drinking water out of the
tap nobody could tell, or really wanted to know.
Five minutes later, after Terra
had reappeared and Dannichu had come out of the bathroom looking distinctly…
green, they continued their game of physical torture.
“I dare Sarah the Swinub!” Dannichu
said immediately and then thought of the worst thing she could. This continued;
everyone daring people to do horrible things or asking extremely private
questions, until the order broke loose and everyone began yelling at everyone.
Not in an angry way, but everyone was hyper and disgusted and being both
extremely hyper and utterly disgusted is not a good recipe for peace. Suddenly…
“SHUT UP!!!” Nwacha yelled,
bringing an instant peace to the room, as Nwacha very rarely yelled. Everyone
turned to see Nwacha standing in the doorway, sweatdropping like crazy.
“They’re coming!” Sparky said,
sitting on Nwacha’s back and gazing at the room with horror.
“Who is ‘they’?” Butterfree asked
with some constraint.
“The teachers!” Sparky said
urgently, “They heard you all yelling and they’ve come up to see what’s
happening and they’ll kill you if they find out what happened here!”
“Ack!” Zizzo, Chatsy and most of
the others exclaimed.
“Come on!” Butterfree said
quickly, “help us put this table back!”
So everyone immediately sprang to
work on getting the room back. Nwacha ran down the corridor and used Confuse
Ray on the teachers, which bought the people and Pokémon rushing to make the
room normal a little time.
Dracoru and Hlin used a light
Flamethrower on the balloons, causing then to melt and therefore pop with no
noise. They were incinerated along with the tablecloth, streamers and paper
cups and plates. Sparky swept up the ashes with a dustpan and brush he found in
the store cupboard and put them in the bin. Everyone grabbed a bit of leftover
food and ate it (Dannichu kept away from the ice cream), clearing the
table to be put back in its rightful place. The people from the other dorms ran
back to their respective rooms and turned off the lights. As for the residents
of The Lair on Insanity, they borrowed a rope from MewtwoFan and tied it to the
window of Jolty and Espeon’s dormitory, and slid down it, into the night. Just
as Nwacha slid down the rope, Mewkitty leaped into bed and Butterfree turned
off the light; the teachers entered the first dormitory, which happened to be
Butterfree’s. The first teacher stormed into the room, flicked on a light and
demanded, “What on earth was all the noise coming from up here?”
Sarah the Swinub did her best
don’t-wake-me-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-when-I’m-trying-to-sleep impression
and yawned “What? What noise? We were all sleeping!”
“Yeah!” chimed in Dannichu.
“Why’d you have to come in and
wake us up?” Chatsy demanded, thoroughly enjoying yelling at her teachers, “We were
asleep and then you come banging in and wake us up and ask us why we’re
making noise!”
“Well there was definitely a load
of yelling coming from upstairs!” said another teacher, who was looking around
the room and everyone really looked like they’d been asleep. Butterfree and the
others were inwardly praying that they wouldn’t be made to get out of bed;
everyone was still wearing their daytime clothes. Mercifully there was suddenly
a huge crash from the other end of the corridor, and the teachers ran, hoping
to catch the culprit. Straining their ears to hear who had made the explosion,
there was a sudden “MWA HA HA!” from the same location as the blast, and nobody
really needed three guesses to know who it was. Suddenly there was another huge
bang and everyone in the room saw their teachers being propelled backwards by
some kind of psychic energy, all screaming.
“Live long and prosper,
Butterfree!” Kadabra said, leaning his head around the door and saluting before
teleporting off to goodness-knows-where.
“Thanks, Kadabra.” all nine of
them sighed.
girls,” said one of the teachers apologetically much later, after they had all
recovered from Kadabra’s Confusion attack, “we found out it was a Pokémon who
was making all the noise, sorry we woke you up!”
“So you should be.” Chatsy said,
loving being cheeky to her teachers.
“Well, that was fun.” Dannichu
said, wiping her forehead.
“Yeah, I can’t believe we
got away with that!” Mewkitty said.
“Didja like it though,
Butterfree?” Dannichu asked anxiously, thinking of all the trouble that her
Pokémon went through to make it nice for her.
Butterfree laughed. “It was
--End of part 3--
A/N: Yes, I know it’s really,
really long, but I had real inspiration for this chapter. In case you thought I
was joking, Do NOT try ketchup ice cream at home. Or anywhere. Especially not
at your friend’s birthdays when you’re all hyper and someone dares you to do
it. It is not nice. And I should know ^^;;;;;
Anyways, hope ya liked it