Ash was carrying pikachu with him in a ferryboat
Ash thought about what Brock had said we will meet again Ash dont you worry well
I guess we go follow our own dreams now.
May who was going to get her first pokemon looked
for Proffesor Birch but he wasnt there so she went and thought she might have a
excuse for her parents for not having a pokemon but suddenly she heard someone
yell help!!! It was Proffesor Birch he was being attaked by wild Houndours and
Sevipers which Proffesor Birch accidently stepped on their nest. Their was a
backpack Proffesor Birch yelled at May geta pokemon out of the bag and use
it.May shouted back which one?Anyone she throwed a pokeball into the air it was
a Mudkip.It was sleeping May slapped it out of sleep(Mudkip:you didnt have to
slap me that hard!)Mudkip got mad and squirted water on Mays face.She was
getting angry Proffesor Birch said use water gun on the Sevipers and houndours
now! the pokemons ran away after Proffesor Birch got up he said come back to the
lab with me he said .There was a boy waiting on the chair he looked
he had the most cutest face and had a little
yellow pokemon.She asked what is your name he said my name is Ash Ketchum from
Pallet Towm he said. May! Proffesor Birch called I would like you to have one of
these pokemon for me!What May shouted!Why does it always have to be me May
thought. he said choice number one Treeko choice number two Mudkip I dont like
either one of them she said that one because looks scary and that one for
squirting me!Wait May we have one more he called it out Torchic it said.May said
that one is so cute she yelled I want that one she said then it is settled
Proffesor Birch said your new pokemon is Torchic! he said.May asked Ash to
travel with her because she was scared piikachu was outside his tailgot caught
in the bicycle and pikachu shocked it.May was mad now you idiot she said look at
my bike now hey come back now Ash and she chased him all around Littleroot
Mysteries of life
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make another one soon!