Chapter 5:Double Trouble.Misty and Brock were walking along what appeared to be a peaceful road."I wonder how the others are doing right now.Do you think they found a place as safe as this?"Misty asked as she hopped across some rocks that lead to the other side of a river."I don't know.I hope so."Brock answered after her.The ground started to shake and Misty and Brock looked up to see the peaceful mountain they had passed earlier was really a volcano and it was erupting.

"RUN FOR IT!!!"Misty yelled as red lava began to slide down toward them.Brock screamed and was right behind her."We can't outrun hot lava!"Brock cried out as they run downhill."We've got to try!"Misty yelled behind her.The lava was gaining on them and Misty was now agreeing with Brock.Suddenly,the lava stopped.Misty and Brock stopped as well."I think we're safe."Misty told Brock."I wouldn't count on it."Brock grumbled.Brock took the lead now and,for a while,everything was so peaceful,they just had to let their guard down.Then."Look.We can rest over there."Mist pointed toward a hill with an apple tree on it.

As soon as Misty sat down,however,a bunch of Bug Pokemon came to greet her.Misty screamed and sprang to her feet.Brock was watching a little distance away.Misty came flying toward him pretty fast.The bug Pokemon went after her.Some Caterpie sent a String Shot attack her way and Misty got tangled up in sticky webbing."Brock!"he was by her side in an instant.They pulled on the webbings,trying to get Misty free.Finally she was free and they were gone,trust me.

Meanwhile,Troublemaker was on the floor laughing so hard,there were tear stains.She had seen Ash and Tracey get stuck in the Rocket Pit and Misty and Brock running from lava and harmless bug Pokemon."Humans are so amusing.Let's see what Jessie and James are doing."Troublemaker's eyes glowed red and,if you were standing in front of her,you would've seen Jessie and James in her eyes.

To be continued.