Chapter 9:Battle To the Finish."Come on,Ghost.We're going to fight.Now!"The Ghost floated upward and glowed blacker.Copycat leapt out of the way and sent a Thunderbolt her way.It certainly shocked her,but she still was far from quitting.Ghost tried to curse her again,but Copycat again,dodged and sent a Flamethrower at her.She only recived half the damage.For a while,it remain like that,until the Ghost finally managed to curse her.Tracey was enraged."Marill,Go!Use Water Gun!"Marill brust out of it's ball and shot a water gun attack at The Ghost.The Ghost turned around and hit Marill with a sickly,black hand.It flew backward and hit Tracey,sending both of the them into the wall."I admit,I kill that one guy that Copycat discribed,but I'm into killing every inoccent person I meet."She turned and advanced on Tracey."Ghost.I have a little surpprise for you."The Ghost turned around,looking angry,then surprised.Tracey raised his head to see what was going on.Copycat was evolving.A white light covered her body.When it disappeared.Tracey saw a very different Copycat before him.Her Raichu-like tail was the same,except it was two times as long.Her ears were rabbit-like now.Her teeth were now inside a sharp-looking beak.Her Meowth-like claws were much longer and deadly-looking now.The wings of Pidgeot were replaced with long,Articuno wings.Her cheeks were sparking with big lightning bolts.She had the V shape on her forehead and two black marks under an eye,which were still Squritle-like.Her leek seemed to have grown too.The leaf on her head had become longer and more sharp and the rings on her neck were a little bigger.The marks of Umbreon were the only thing that remained the same.Without warning,Copycat's tail lashed out and sturck The Ghost,sending her flying."Your rain of terror to all who know you ends now!"Copycat yelled.With that she opened her mouth and sent a powerful flamethrower at The Ghost.As soon as the attack contacted,The Ghost screamed and vanished,yelling some pretty foul lanuage."I heard somethin' nasty."Copycat said sarcasticlly.
To be continued.