Chapter 3:
League of The Ghost.
"Well.When I was still a little girl,my dad told my a story of The Ghost.Acording to league,The Ghost turned in inocent people and saved the most terrible people.You name it,kidnappers,killers,terrorists,that Ghost saved their hides like they were the inocent bystanders.Dad told me that The Ghost hypnotized the inocent and forced them to convice the police they did something they didn't.They didn't know until the sentece.Electric chair,leathal injection,gas chamber,the inocent would only wake up to face their doom and The Ghost would laugh while they wailed for help and pity.You're inocent,right Tracey?Well,I bet that Ghost will try and kill you itself,for dad told me one more thing about it.If the police didn't believe their story or the police are taking to long for trial,The Ghost would release them from the spell and kill them itself."Copycat glanced in Tracey's dircetion to see how he was taking to this news.Tracey looked scared out of his wits."But so long as I'm here,that ghost won't have a chance to hurt you."Copycat added hastily."Yeah."Tracey remained tense,however.Copycat turned to Prof.Oak and said."He looks like me when I heard that story."
To be continued.