Chapter 6:Who and Which? Everyone instantly started arguing about who would go next and the noise was annoying me to death."SHUT UP!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.There was silence,then."I have an idea that will solve this problem.""What would that be?"Jolt asked."Since I went first,I will chose one person to go next,then that person will pick a story.When the story is finished.The person I called on will call on someone else and they will pick a story and so on and so forth.Sound good?""Yeah."agreed Ieyre and Bayleef.
"OK then.I choose......"I looked around at the hopeful faces."Pikachu."he smiled and said."The story I chose will be...."he paused,thinking."Who Framed Tracey Sketchit?"The backround instantly began to change,the ground was shaking hard too.Angel Clefairy,PokeZ,Dragonair09 and I lost our footing and fell with a heavy thud to the ground.The next second and we were outside a mansion."Wow.What a ride."Angel Clefairy said as she got to her feet.The rest of us did the same.
A high-pitched scream came from somewhere behind us,causing most of us to jump."Whoa! I didn't know I made the murdered person that loud."The door suddenly banged open and two people came running out.One was the Rocket and the other was."Tracey? How can you like him now?"Angel Clefairy asked me.I turned to her and said."It was my story,remember?"She nodded.The two figures moved swiftly toward the woods when we saw another shadow,belonging to the real Tracey Sketchit.He was glued to the spot,looking unsure what to do.A few seconds later,we heard."Freeze!"and we watched as they hand-cuffed Tracey and took him away."Wow."said Angel Clefairy."Don't think Tracey's stuck in jail.Or that he will go to the station alone either."I said."Freeze!"We turned.Officer Jenny,back up with about 10 other officers,pointed her gun at us.
To be continued.
Another cliffy.I think....Even if it isn't,I liked the ending part to this chapter.How'd you like it? Contact me at to review.I look forward to reviews,but NO FLAMES!!