So I'm finally back to this now that university is over and was a bigger success than I ever thought it would be; seems taking time away from writing to focus on studying was worth it. But in the interim, and even before I took time off, I've fallen out of the franchise and haven't actually watched an episode in quite a bit over a year.
But regardless, I am going to try to finish this off for those who are acutally reading, as well as to clear my head and see if I can get into writing for the fandoms I'm currently passionate about (primarily Full Metal Panic! and Tokyo Babylon).
There may be a few missing quote marks, apostrophes or ellipses as Word kinda screwed up the formatting. I've tried to replace them, but I may have missed a few.
Don't know how long it will take for each installment as the world of work is calling at the minute. Hopefully you'll enjoy the last few chapters.
Chapter 11
There had been two more hearings after Ash's, and the solicitors' summing up. As of today, the 13th June, the trials were over. All that had to come were the judges' deliberations and the convictions. It was now a waiting game.
Seto had once again called the extended group to a meeting in Ash and Misty's suite, not elaborating upon what he wished to discuss. They had all settled into an anxious hush, each dreading the possible reason for the gathering.
Izzie relaxed into Brock's embrace, gripping one of his hands with hers. Casting her glance around the room, she took in her each of her friends' depressed visages individually. She felt a little guilty about the circumstances, and somewhat removed from the others. She hadn’t experienced half of what they had during the occupation and found it hard to provide any help to them, as she couldn't fully understand the situation. But she was just happy to be privileged enough to be with them at this time, and to be in a position where she could do something.
Jessie, James and Meowth sat next to her. She had only begun to develop a relationship with the former Rocket members over the last week they had spent in Pallet Town. She hadn't really spoken much to James, but his personality really intrigued her. His childish naivety and seeming unwillingness to stand up for himself (Jessie always appeared to dominate her friend) was overshadowed by his the sense of loyalty and caring she gauged from his actions. Jessie, on the other hand, projected confidence and brashness, but if one could peer through that outward visage, they could see a glimpse of a tender heart.
Gary was harder to see through. When her parents had lived in Pallet and aided Professor Oak in his research, she had spent a great deal of time with both he and Ash. Even then Gary had been somewhat of an enigma. He never seemed to permit those around him to see the deeper part of his soul, never opened up to anyone aside from his family. She couldn't even remember one instance as a young boy when he had cried. Her perceptions told him he still retained that distance, though there had been a few slight lapses in the past weeks. Each lull had been accompanied by one constant: Misty. Each time they spoke together, he became less removed; every moment Ash and Misty showed intimate affection for one another, a blink of a grimace showed upon his features. She didn't doubt Misty’s fidelity for a second, but she had a sinking feeling that this situation was going to end painfully. She wondered if she should maybe bring it up with Misty.
Her vision finally centred upon her other childhood friend, positioned next to Gary. His arms were tightened securely around his girlfriend, his chin resting upon her shoulder. Pikachu was perched within Misty's lap, purring in contentment as the two trainers subconsciously petted him. She hadn't seen a great deal of Ash since their arrival in Viridian. Most of the time he'd spent alone with Misty or in quiet thought. It had been such a change from the young boy she once knew, or even his persona when they had once again come into each other’s life. She wasn't comfortable with the sedate Ash.
Ash felt her stare, looking up towards the brunette. Her sympathetic expression immediately warranted a smile from the teenager, and behind his tired eyes, she could still detect the 'brother' she had grown up with; the same innocence shone, though it had been tempered by knowledge and experience.
A knock sounded throughout the room, causing the friends to jump in unison. Ash stood, his fingers entwined with his redhead's right until he moved out of her reach. He took in a deep breath before turning the handle. Whatever was coming, they couldn't escape it now.
Seto casually made his way into the suite, the wide grin upon his face instantly confusing those gathered. His tie was loose, hair slightly tussled, and his normally upright stance seemed relaxed. He'd never shown an emotion since the first time any of them had encountered him; yes, there were times where it almost seemed that there was something behind his cold expressions but now…he looked almost jubilant.
"Well, kids," he began, his mood filtering into every word. "Looks like you've all come to the end of the road."
The friends exchanged baffled expressions. "What...what do you mean?" Ash asked cautiously, falling back onto the sofa between Misty and Gary, retaking his previous position.
"You've fulfilled your role, done your job. The testimonies are over. You're all free to get out of here as soon as you want," he cheerfully informed them. "All you have to do is ask and transport to wherever you want will be arranged."
"You mean we can go home?" Misty asked, unsure of whether or not to believe what her own ears were informing her of.
"Yep. All that’s to be done is up to the judges alone. Everyone else is free of their obligations."
The group all let out a sigh, one they felt they had been holding for the past fortnight. They felt ecstatic, though were so relieved their reactions were calmed.
"That's...that's great," Jessie uttered, a warm smile passing her features.
"Yeah, thank you," James added.
While the others basked in their relief, Ash felt his delight continue to surge. They could all go home. They could forget about this and finally get on with their real lives. He could start to think about his training once again, concentrate upon his friendships, worry about normal teenage problems.
He wanted to whoop, shout, yell, just show some sign of celebration. He knew he couldn't contain his excitement. He wasn't the type for dignified responses. Without realising it, he felt a fervent 'yes' escape from his lips, a little too loud for Misty's comfort.
Covering her now ringing ear, she turned to her boyfriend, ready to give him a well-deserved slap. However, she found herself unable to bring about her usual form of cruel punishment, seeing the true glee upon his face.
"Ah, do you know when the sentences will be announced?" James inquired.
Seto answered, "It'll be another few weeks and will be announced on the national news as soon as they are confirmed. But my advice to you all is to just try to put it from your mind and just relax. There’s no use getting wrapped up in it. And on that note." He retraced his steps back out into the corridor and grabbed a box set to the side of the door, before making his way towards the table. The sound of clinking glass resonated as he placed the container onto the wooden top. He quickly opened the cupboard flaps, pulling a clear bottle from the depths. "This is a little present from me and the other solicitors, just a way of saying thank you for what you've all done. It's from my region, Shuya." He proudly gazed at the bottle. "Some of the best saké in Japan. I know that some of you aren't exactly old enough for the stuff," he stole glances at Ash, Misty and Gary, "but I don’t think anyone will care."
Awkward 'thank yous' echoed around the room, each individual unsure what else to say in response to his generosity.
"Enjoy your night." He left the room, but not before sincerely adding, "And, once again, thank you. We couldn't have gotten to this point without you all putting yourselves through this." With that, he was gone.
Gary was the first on his feet, lightly jogging over to the box, pulling out a further three bottles of rice wine. "Hey, the guy wasn’t kidding. This stuff is supposed to be one of the best brews."
Ash joined him, examining one of the labels himself, puzzled by the descriptions of the type of rice used and the brewing process undertaken. "How would you know?" Ash playfully jeered. "You a wine expert or something?"
"No, but I've tasted it. It's pretty strong, so you better watch yourself. It could take out a newbie like you."
"I’m not a newbie."
"What? I'd thought your mum wouldn't let you touch alcohol."
Ash slid a hand under the long tails of his hair, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, my Mum doesn't exactly know about it."
"When was this?" Gary quizzed, his curiosity instantly piqued.
Misty came up behind Ash, shoving him lightly. "It was at my eighteenth. We were stuck in a crappy motel room. Not the nicest place to welcome in your adulthood. The only decent thing about the it was the well-stacked mini-bar."
"Ah, so Ashy-boy isn't such a goody-two-shoes as I though," Jessie called from the other side of the room, delighted by the story.
"You've actually been drunk before?" Izzie asked, breaking out in peels of laughter at her vision of an intoxicated Ash. Everyone else in the room had their focus upon the blushing boy, drawing nearer to the table. Why did he have to bring this up? He could never resist a seeming challenge of Gary's.
"Oh, you should have seen him, guys," Misty began. "He had barely finished two of those tiny little plastic bottles before he had trouble standing. Another few and he was telling me how great I was for helping him get to the toilet before he threw up all over the floor."
"Misty!" Ash whined, then suddenly thought for a moment. "I threw up?"
"What? Can't you remember?" Brock laughed, remembering the state Ash had been in.
"I don't remember much about that night," he coyly admitted, before turning his attention to Izzie, now standing beside him. "And don't you dare tell my Mum about this."
"And why not?" she jested back.
"Because...because...well, just because she'll kill me if she knows."
Izzie ruffled his hair in the same patronising way she did when they were both children. The fact Ash was a few centimetres taller than her did nothing to prevent her actions. "Don't worry. We'll just keep this secret between all of us. Anyway, if she knew I was letting you drink now, I don't think I'd be in her good books either."
James hurried placed a number of saké cups upon the table while Jessie took the initiative of opening one of the bottles, pouring generous amounts out into each. "What about you two?"
Meowth and Pikachu, previously taking amongst themselves, gave her a disgusted look. "What, you serious? Pokémon don't go for that human poison."
"(Give me ketchup any day)," Pikachu returned.
"Well, that just means more for us," Jessie delightedly put.
While the others grabbed their cups with confidence, Ash gently lifted his to his nose, smelling the clear liquid. It didn't seem as potent as the brown liquor he'd gulped back in one mouthful a few months before - both Misty and Brock had failed to inform him that whiskey was meant to be sipped - but still he knew it would be enough to overcome his weak constitution. When his companions reached out their arms, setting the cups together, he followed their actions.
Brock started the toast. "To good health."
"To the beginning of new lives," continued James.
Jessie bellowed proudly, "To the end of Team Rocket."
"To friendship," Misty added in a softer tone. The others couldn't help but agree, eyes wondering to each other's faces, the sense of camaraderie becoming more potent.
Taking a small sip, Ash found the saké easy to stomach. But still, he told himself not to drink too liberally. The last time he had just been with Misty and Brock; now there were a number of additional faces he didn't wish to embarrass himself before.
Reclaiming their places back upon the sofas, the friends fell into a form of comfortable silence that had been absent of late. The anxiousness, though not completely banished from their minds, had quelled. The depressive atmosphere had cleared. It was now time to get on with life.
Breaking the cessation, Misty turned to Jessie, James and Meowth. "Where are you guys planning to go?"
They shrugged in accord. "We still haven't figured out a plan," Meowth voiced.
"Working in the fashion industry sounds so exciting, but who'd even contemplate giving us a job." James sighed in dejection. "All the work experience we have is as waiting staff or in construction. And I think we'd be laughed out of the bank if we asked for a loan to start up our own."
"Well, you're free to stay at my home as long as you need to," Ash offered. "This kind of thing is really difficult to get rolling, and I’m sure we're all willing to help you out in anyway possible."
"We don't want to bother your mother..." Jessie uttered.
Ash shook his head, smiling as he remembered his mum's obsession with helping those in need. "Believe me, you won't. She loves to have people to fuss over."
"And while you're there, you can work on a portfolio," Misty chipped in. "That will stand you guys in good stead for what path you decide to take. And if you need a model to try the stuff on, I'd be more than willing."
"I'm in to," Izzie volunteered. “Any help you need, just call."
"Er…thanks…guys," Jessie stammered, taken aback by the offers, James and Meowth similarly agog.
Gary poured another generous helping into Ash's cup, attempting to ply the teenager with as much alcohol as he possibly could. His plan was succeeding nicely. His old friend was steadily becoming intoxicated, unconscious of the amount of saké he'd already consumed. This game was too much fun.
Ash turned around from his conversation with Brock and James, lifting his almost overflowing cup. He studied the liquid for a moment, a confused countenance upon his face; he swore that it had been almost empty the last time he'd drunk from it. Shrugging, he took another large sip, feeling heat slipping down his throat, instantly feeling its affect. He could feel his mind drifting away from him. "I think maybe I should stop. Misty's seems to have enough stories of the last time. I really don't want to give her more."
Gary placed a hand upon his shoulder. "Nonsense. This is supposed to be a party and you've only had, what, two servings." His secret count, however, put it closer to four. "Come on. Drink up," he encouraged, once again topping up Ash's helping.
James took a quick study of the room. Pikachu and Meowth were fast asleep in the corner of one of the sofas, unimpressed with the human's behaviour. But otherwise, there was no sign of life. "Where did the girls go?"
"Izzie said something about wanting to show them something and..." Brock thought for a moment. "...Well, that was over half an hour ago. You know girls. They’ve probably gotten chatting about something and forgotten ALL about us."
"Typical," came the harmonious reply from the other three.
Misty felt her nose tickle and cheeks smart as she drank back the rest of the drink. Relishing the ability to talk without the interference of their male friends, the girls had raided the mini-bar in Brock and Izzie's room rather than go back to gather any of the saké. The stronger liquor was beginning to take its affect.
Misty wasn't a hundred percent if sure she enjoyed the slurred feeling the alcohol had brought over her. The darker thoughts in her mind had been swept away with the force of a tsunami, and the high it had brought rendered her unable to hold back a chuckle at absolutely anything that occurred. However, the loss of control felt slightly oppressive to her. But it was only one night. For a few hours she could forget about maintaining her control.
She felt Jessie pull the comb through her damp hair once more, clamping a piece of hair between two fingers before snipping off the ends with a pair of sharp scissors. The woman repeated the step once more, making sure to keep the newly trimmed hair straight.
Misty glanced down towards Izzie, currently applying a second coat of Indigo Blue to Misty's toenails. Without even consulting her, her older friends had resolved to give her somewhat of a make over, planting her upon the mattress within the bedroom. (Luckily they were both content with their current endeavours and hadn't attempted to adorn her face with make-up.) Initially Misty felt as if she was being used as a dress-up doll, but she was now beginning to enjoy the attention.
She heard Jessie tut from behind. "How long has it been since you had a trim, Misty?"
She squirmed slightly, uncomfortable with the chiding tone in the other redhead's voice. "Ah, sometime last year."
Surveying the tips of a segment of uncut hair, she sighed. "You should see the number of split ends you have. But don't worry. I'll get it into shape. A little off the length, layered to frame the face. Believe me, it'll look great."
Izzie resealed the nail polish bottle and set it aside before claiming a dark purple one for her own nails. "Are you sure you should be giving her a hair cut, Jess? You've had quite a few. Don't want to leave Misty with a buzz cut or something."
Jessie felt Misty's shoulders instantly tense under her hands. "Don't worry. I can hold my liquor." Picking up a long bang from the towel laid upon the bed, she held it before her subject. "Anyway, it's a little too late to worry about that now."
"How short are you cutting it?" Misty inquired, realising that she had submitted to Jessie's offer without giving her own input. Damn inability to think straight!
"You'll just have to wait and see," teased Jessie.
Misty attempted an awkward smile, trying to keep her faith in her friend's judgements alive.
The hairdresser read her anxiousness. "It would be nice if you could have a little more confidence in me. You're the one who said I was good enough to go into the fashion business."
"And you are," she quickly called back, before realising that her reactions were projecting a different sense all together. "I'm sorry. I won’t complain."
"Good. Now turn around so I can fix up the front." As soon as Misty complied, Jessie set to the shorter bangs. "Oh, Ash isn't going be able to resist you tonight. Well, assuming he's still conscious," she finished with a wink.
Averting her gaze elsewhere, Misty found herself blushing lightly. Just as she was about to reply, Izzie wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Misty nose was further agitated by the smell radiating from Izzie's freshly painted fingernails. "The kids haven't quite gotten to that point yet."
Jessie felt her mouth fall open. "You haven't?"
The slight intoxication caused Misty to laugh a little more vigorously than she expected. "Why is everyone so surprised by that fact?"
Jessie halted her work, feeling chuckles overcome her as well. "It's just the way you two get on together, I thought you'd been at it like crazy."
Making an effort to temper her hilarity, Misty began, "Well, it's just with everything that's been going on, we haven't had the chance to really concentrate upon some stuff in our relationship. And anyway, I don't think Ash is quite ready."
Izzie pulled Misty closer, resting her dizzy head upon her friend’s shoulder. "You don't? But he’s crazy about you, can't keep his hands off most of the time."
"I know, but he gets a bit uncomfortable if we become a little 'involved'. I think he wants us to take things slowly. He's still really shy when it comes to the whole 'sex' issue. I know it's on his mind from the way he acts when we're making out, but he has a lot of personal stuff to sort out before something does happen."
"Understandable," Izzie agreed, before teasingly adding, "And what about you?"
"Er, well, I can wait for him for as long as he needs…but it's getting harder everyday not to just jump on him." She felt herself redden even deeper at the admission. "God, I sound really terrible, don't I?"
"'Course not," Jessie reassured. "You're ready, he's not. The sexual tension's just getting the best of you. There's nothing wrong with that."
Misty smiled. "Yeah, I know." She paused for a moment. She'd really never shared this kind of thing with anyone before. Pretty much all of her relationships with other females over the past few years had dissipated after a while. It felt slightly alien to have the consistent company of two other girls in her life, but at the same time, she loved every moment of the girly chats they had had together. "I can't stop thinking about making love to him. I've been fantasying about it for years. Now he's mine, it's become much more prominent. I'm anxiously awaiting the day he tells me he's ready."
"Have you talked to Ash about this?" inquired Izzie.
"No. I'm too worried about him thinking I'm putting pressure on him. I know he'd never do anything if he wasn't ready, but still..." She sat for a moment, thinking to herself. "Do you think I should be honest and tell him how I feel?"
"It wouldn't hurt," Izzie put. "I don't think he'd feel pressured. It would mean that when he is ready, he doesn't have to contemplate your feelings. Plus, because he is a little uncomfortable with that part of your relationship, getting things out in the open would ease things a little."
Misty nodded. "I think you're right."
"Of course I am," Izzie boasted, giving Misty an affable hug. "It'll also serve as a nice little piece of ego grooming for him. Oh, and," she crawled across the bed, pulling something from the bedside cabinet's drawer, "here." She placed a small, square packet within Misty's open hand, delighted by the expression she was able to provoke upon the girl's features. "I know you're smart and that you'd never get into that situation without being careful. But at the same time, you don't exactly want to have to stop because you don't have protection handy."
"Thanks, Izzie." Misty slid the 'gift' into her trouser pocket. She was going to have to find a good hiding place for that later.
Jessie sighed happily as she once again focused her attention upon Misty's hair.
Confused by the exhalation, Misty asked, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. It's just nice to see two teenagers actually taking the time to think about sex before rushing into it. Not that common in today's world."
"I know what you mean," supported Izzie. "God, if I could go back to when I was sixteen... If I'd been a little wiser, I wouldn't have gotten my heart broken so many times." Jessie nodded in agreement
"You've both had your hearts broken?" Misty deftly asked.
"Oh, just a couple of times," came Jessie's sarcastic response.
"It's the reason I moved back to Pallet," Izzie explained, lying back upon the bed. "My last boyfriend cheated on me, so I had no option but to leave him. The problem was he was also my only travelling partner. I tried to keep my journey going," she sadly admitted, "but when you don't have a friend by your side, it's almost impossible. I'd had boyfriends before, but he was my first true love." She turned her attention to Jessie. "Who was the first person you fell in love with?"
Jessie audibly swallowed, feeling the other's easy stares bore into her. Contemplating their possible reaction, she decided it was better to be truthful. Neither Misty nor Izzie were the type to judge. "I'll tell you both if you promise it stays within these walls. James is the only other person who knows."
"We wouldn't dream of telling anyone," Misty reassured.
She took a deep breath. "Cassidy." She studied their faces; they were shocked, but there was no judging aspect visible.
"Cassidy? The same person you testified against?" asked Izzie. She had gathered from the hearing that there had been some past between the two, but she hadn't imagined one as close as this.
Jessie nodded once.
Misty pondered the new information for a moment before finding her reply. "I knew there was some connection between you, but…I thought that you'd just been friends. God."
"We were lovers. It was shortly after I joined Team Rocket. James, the only person in the whole world I considered a friend at that time, and we had been separated for training. I had no one to talk to until...she came into my life. We were put into the same training group, shared a room. One night I couldn't stop myself from crying. I just felt so lonely and isolated. She listened, she confided in me. We began to have an affair, doing everything we could to keep it secret; it was against Team Rocket rules. I really believed that she loved me as much as I did her...then one day I walked in on them."
Misty's stab in the dark hit right on target. "Yeah. She didn't even try to apologise. All she did was laugh at me. She had just been using me, never cared about me as she vowed she did. It was just a physical and control thing to her.
"That's when the old, somewhat emotional, Jessie died. I became so impenetrable that James didn't know who I was when we were partnered together. It hasn't been until recently that I’ve been able to let down that unmoveable façade and let people get close to me once more. Like you guys."
Izzie rewarded her with a sympathetic touch of the hand. "It must have been tough for you to testify against her."
Jessie shook her head. "It wasn't. I hate her for what she has done to others, but any feelings I had for her personally have long since faded. I couldn't care less if she is executed for her crimes." She paused for a moment before expressing a sad laugh. "Funny, isn't it? How you can feel absolutely nothing for a person you were once in love with, to the point that something that should affect you doesn't waver you at all?
"Sorry, I've really brought the atmosphere down a good few levels. But, Misty, count yourself lucky. You're never going to have to experience that kind of heartache." She grinned. "I don't think Ash could hurt you even if he tried. Between some people love is truly beautiful, but I don’t think it's for me. After everything that's happened, I've given up in love."
"But what about James?" Izzie said out of the blue.
Jessie suddenly became very self-conscious. “What about him?" she returned nervously.
"Jessie, he's really devoted to you," Misty sincerely told her.
"Well, we're good friends. Of course he is."
"No, I mean really 'devoted'," she pushed. "He took a bullet for you. I think that shows he thinks of you as more than a friend."
"You're looking into that a little too much," Jessie replied, shaking her head. "Wouldn't you take a bullet for your best friend?"
She had her there. "Maybe. But still, I think he may have feelings for you. And I think you return them."
Jessie was wavering, and she knew they could both see it. However, she wasn't about to let down her charade. "What are you talking about? Why would I be interested in that dependant, yellow-bellied...chivalrous idiot." Jessie caught the stares of her friends. "What?"
"And people thought me and Ash were blind."
"She's just in denial. She'll face up to the fact eventually."
"Would you guys stop talking about me as if I wasn't in the room?!"
"Ah, falling in love with you're best friend is never easy, I can tell you that much. Took me years to even admit to MYSELF that I loved Ash."
"Stop it!" Jessie yelled, her overreaction causing both Misty and Izzie to fall into another alcohol-fuelled laugh-fest. "Okay, okay," she shouted, failing to calm them at all, "there is a connection between us, but nothing could ever happen between us."
"Why not?" Izzie gasped.
"We're...we're...too close."
"Jessie, you can't use that excuse," admonished Misty. "I kept saying the exact same thing, so I can see through it."
Left with nothing to say, Jessie blurted out, "Damn you guys!" She remained quiet for a few moments and finished off the last few strands of Misty's hair, hoping the topic had been put to rest. "Okay, it's done. Care to see?"
"Maybe," Misty voiced awkwardly. She took a gulp from the glass she held, the buzz causing her head to spin briefly, before picking up the mirror before her. She was surprised to say the least. No, her hair hadn't been shaped into some wacky style. In fact, it had been cut naturalistically, her grown-out fringe neatly layered into the rest of her hair, even more of it now framing her face. The back was at a more manageable length than before, just a little shorter than it had been the last time she had it trimmed, resting a little above her collarbone. She loved it.
"I told you I'd do good. You think I was going to force some kind of bizarre cut upon you?" As Misty opened her mouth, Jessie broke in, "You don't have to answer that."
Izzie found her mind tracing back to her thoughts earlier on in the evening and the question she had wished to put to Misty. It was only fair that she shared her suspicions with the girl. "Misty, how close are you and Gary?"
Misty pondered the question for a moment, awkwardly pouring another drink into her glass. She swore this was the last one. "I'm not sure. We're friends, but not really that close."
Izzie sat up upon the bed. "Don't you think he's maybe been showing a little too much interest in you since you became acquainted?"
She shrugged. "Not really. Why?"
"I don't know. He seems to act differently around you, talks about you a hell of a lot... I'm not sure, but I think I was right before. I think he may have feelings for you," she announced, a playful edge to her tone.
Misty almost choked upon her drink. "Izzie, don't be crazy. Why would Gary be interested in me? I'm not his type."
"Guys have a habit of changing their minds," Jessie commented.
"Gary just thinks of me as a friend. He knows how much Ash means to me, so I doubt it."
Izzie laughed at the naivety of the remark. "You already being with someone doesn't prevent him from becoming infatuated. In fact, it generally makes things worse."
The teenager felt her glance fall, embarrassed at the line of questioning. "I know, but it's silly. He could have pretty much any girl. Why would he want me?"
Izzie sighed, saying to Jessie, "You'd think that the girl had never seen her own reflection or something." She turned Misty's head upwards. "Don't be modest with me. You know how good-looking you are. God knows how many times this face has been a man's undoing."
Misty reddened. She was downright confident most of the time, but there were some instances where she was unsure if her arrogance was justified. "I won't argue."
"But I still don't believe you," she added.
"Damn you," she bawled, before glomping her once more.
"We aren't interrupting anything, are we?" they heard from the other side of the room. At the threshold of the door stood both Brock and Gary. The former finished his question with a wink.
"Don't you wish, pervert," Jessie joked, receiving a mean look from the breeder.
Izzie, however, decided to take it further. She pulled her friend into a deeper embrace, causing the girl to yelp, and, in an over-dramatic voice, announced, "Yes. Misty and I are madly in love and we're eloping. I'm sorry to hurt you, my dear, but I have to follow my heart."
Brock shook his head. "I think you've maybe had a little too much to drink."
"Nah, I'm only tipsy." She relinquished her hold upon Misty - who was currently doubling over in hysterics - and strode over to her boyfriend. "What's up? Trying to crash our party?"
"Just wondering where the hell you got to. It’s after three in the morning. You've been gone for hours."
"We I can't exactly dish the dirt about our relationship with you sitting next to me." Without giving him the chance to reply, she continued, "Come on, I want some more of that saké."
Both Jessie and Misty stood to follow her, but the younger redhead found herself lying back upon the mattress, her legs suddenly weak and her vision blurred. "I think maybe I'll sit down for another minute or two longer."
"You want us to carry you in?" Jessie joked.
"Don't worry; I'll be okay as soon as the dizziness wares off." She rubbed her eyes, hoping to clear her vision, but was instead rewarded by a mirage of pretty, colourful shapes buzzing about and colliding in front of her.
"We'll see you in a few minutes then."
"Okay." As the door shut, she closed her eyes and sighed. She hadn't noticed how woozy she had become. She hadn't meant to drink that much. But it was done now, and had left her with a strangely warm and listless feeling all over her body. One moment she'd been wide awake; now she felt her eyelids wish to stay shut.
On the edge of consciousness, she jumped hearing a male voice ask, "How much did you drink?"
"Gary?" She opened her eyes and watched as he approached her, sitting down upon the bed. Why was he still there? She stared into his face, across his grinning lips and up into his brown orbs. It was the first time she had truly looked into them, studied the way he looked at her. There was...something within them, something she recognised. She'd seen it before in Ash's eyes, though subtly different. Was it... Could Izzie be...
No. It was just her drunken mind using Izzie's suspicions to create a little fantasy for her. She always had had an overactive imagination. The thought of Gary being attracted to her did entertain her. Hell, it would entertain any member of the female species to have two handsome guys in love with them, even if said woman only returned one's affections. That... 'something' was just her mind's eye, projecting an illusion, creating a tantalising story to occupy her. She swallowed her fancies and relaxed.
"I have NO idea," she laughed, pulling her fingers through her freshly cut hair, watching each hair fall back into place with enchantment. "More than I ever have...though I've only ever drunk alcohol once before."
"Maybe you should have controlled yourself a little more."
"Fuck control. I've had to push back my emotions too much this week. Tonight, I just want to let it all go." She laughed. "And I think the alcohol has helped nicely with that. The world owes me one night."
Gary could feel his own restraint falling away just listening to her strong words. His mind clouded by drink and love, he knew he couldn't drag his eyes from her. Luckily, her own had closed once more. He admired her body, lying almost provocatively upon the bed. Maybe that was one reason he loved her; every girl he'd been involved with had been weak, fragile. Misty was a challenge. Without conscious thought he told her, "You're a pretty amazing person, you know? You're so independent, kinda rebellious too. You make the world conform to your rules rather than submitting to its. I you."
Her heavenly smile widened. "I like you too, Gary," she quietly mumbled, her eyes flickering open.
He turned his head forward, staring down towards his clinched fists. "No," he spoke gently. "No, I mean I really like you." Her only response was an inquisitive moan. "I care a lot about you, more than I've cared for any other girl before." He couldn't understand why he was saying these things, couldn't understand why he couldn't prevent the words from falling from his mouth. He just needed to get them out, stop them from commanding his every thought. These damned feelings were driving him insane. "Misty. I...I think I'm falling for you."
This time there was no reply. He didn't expect there to be one. She'd probably hate him for the rest of her life for betraying her in that way. But he knew he couldn't hold it back. The flood doors had been strained for too long.
He gulped painfully, bringing his glance down upon her once more, mentally preparing himself for any harsh words or actions - she may choose to use...
...but he was met only by her sleeping form.
His fear turned to rage, his love to anger. He threw his hands over his face, cursing everything, even her. He wanted to kick something, throw a chair through the window, smash the TV with his fist, anything. He knew he'd been saved, knew that his careless words hadn't had the chance to enact a tragedy. But for some reason he had wanted her to hear them, needed her to hear them. Consequences be damned. He couldn't understand it. He couldn't understand much of anything in regards to this altering personality of his. Why was she doing this to him? Why did he feel like he was going mad?
Then a sudden impulse came over him. How many times had he touched her before? Once? Perhaps twice? No one else was there. She was fast asleep. The temptation was too much.
He ran his fingers over her bare arms, across the material of her skinny rib T-shirt, and up to her face. Turning his hand over, he rubbed her cheek with his relaxed knuckles. God, her pale skin was so soft. Just touching her in this way made his heart race. He brought his hand away from her face, placing it upon her hips before travelling northward to hold her exposed side where her top had rode up slightly. He gently lent over her, bringing his face down near to hers. He could hear her light breathing, could feel her exhales. The power of her delicate scent made his head spin.
He tenderly placed his lips upon her jaw, damning himself for his actions. He placed butterfly kisses along the bone, before moving the caresses down onto her neck. For the first time he felt a reaction from her; she moved slightly, bearing more of her throat to him. He took it as an invitation, pressing a few more soft pecks upon her skin. She was slightly muttering now, incoherent noises he couldn't quite make out. He continued his administrations, enjoying her responses. He worked a little harder, his mind losing all sense, instead drifting into delusion. He listened to her moans, encouraged by each one, until…
"Ash," she gasped, a grin lighting up her face.
He felt his body go limp. She wasn't reacting to him at all. She thought it was Ash giving her these loving touches. He pushed himself upwards, the desire to destroy something rising once more. This wasn’t fair. Wasn’t fair at all!
Still looking down upon her, feeling disgusted at his actions as well as the fact he had even contemplated she was enjoying what he had done, he clenched his teeth. He moved away, sitting back upon the mattress. For the first time in years he felt his eyes sting with tears.
Ash turned the knob, almost finding himself falling as the door give way, pulling him with it. He tried to collect himself, tidying his T-shirt and attempting to walk in something resembling a straight line. He made it to the bedroom's door in a few awkward paces, leaning against the frame as soon as he reached the threshold.
He glanced into the room. For some reason, Gary was sitting upon the bed, staring at the carpet as if it was the fibres had arranged themselves into some fascinating shape. What the hell was wrong with him? He looked more depressed than ever. Misty lay upon the mattress, entirely oblivious to the world.
"She passed out?" he asked, smiling now that he had a card to play the next time she attempted to embarrass him.
Gary's head shot up, staring wide-eyed at the black-haired boy. "Er, yeah. I think she had too much," he blurted out, the words blurred by speed.
Ash sighed. "I better get her to bed then." He made his way over to her, still feeling a little uneven in his steps. He practically collapsed upon the mattress. "Mist." He shook her softly. "Misty. It's time for bed. Come on." No response. Ash wasn't about to take that. Lifting up one of her eyelids, almost poking her eye in the endeavour, he spoke a little louder. "Get up, Mist."
She swiped his hand away, groaning in irritation. "Leave me alone," she whined. Getting back up, Ash pulled upon her arm, bringing her to a sitting position. "I know. I know. I’m coming," she muttering, adding, "evil bastard," under her voice.
Gary watched as the happy couple left, every now and then bumping into one another. This friendship bullshit was going to drive him insane.