.:Clash Of The Titans:.

.:A FanFiction By CreatorOfDisastor:.
[Chapter Six]
[Slakoth Showdown]

With Mudkip on my right hand side, Taillow perched on my shoulder on the left, and a heck load of confidence; I marched down the street like I was the God of all things good in this world and I simply smiled at all of the people who cheered me on as I approached Norman’s Gym. I didn’t see a single face in that crowd that I recognised as they cheered and whistled and encouraged me on, after all they were here to watch me defeat Norman.

I was here to do what all other Trainers do: and that’s to battle.

Now before anyone makes crazy assumptions and goes all ‘Davina’ on me saying stuff like ‘You haven’t trained for this?’, and ‘Your pokemon are too young’ I’ll just say ‘I’ve got it all covered’.

I did my homework, I spent the night researching about this Norman guy and found out the pokemon he used and what his motto and strategy is and stuff. But since I’m more of a spontaneous kind of guy, I’ll go with whatever hits me at the time. I was spontaneous with Davina and she’s the one who’s moping around still in Oldale with that bloody Zigzagoon. I’ll win. I know I can. Besides, I’m Joey. And Joey always wins, no matter what.

So here I was. Ready to kick ass and all, but where was bad-boy Norman?

“So you came after all” announced a familiar icy toned voice.

Silence sounded and there was a nervous shuffle of feet from all around as the crowd immediately hushed and warily took a step back.

“So we gonna battle or talk all afternoon?” I asked, sneering at him.
“Mud!” sounded my Mudkip leaning forward, determined not to go unnoticed.

“You’re cocky. And cockiness has a price to pay. Shall we battle inside … or would you rather outside so the entire city can watch your depressing loss?”
“I’ll go with outside!” I yelled back.

How dare he call me cocky! I’m not cocky. Nah, I’m not cocky … just … definitely sure that … the odds are against him … and that I’ll win … yeah … that’s it …

“Anything’s fine with me” replied Norman shrugging and revealing his pokeball, “Slakoth, let’s show this kid his place in this world!”

The pokeball was tossed through the air, effortlessly and carelessly, it was like he expected himself to win. As it hit the ground, the red light shot out and took the form of a bear like creature. The light became bigger, bigger, bigger until it faded and the pokeball closed automatically, leaving only my opponent on the field.

That’s it? This … this ugly and repulsive sloth thing is what’s going to put me into place? Ha, this dude’s got his head in the clouds because there is no way he’s beating me with that.

The beast immediately lies down onto the floor and closes it’s eyes with a sleepy kind of ‘Oth’ sound.

“That’s it?” I ask Norman, on the verge of laughter.
“You may mock my Slakoth, as it is already mocking your skill” Norman replied, his face still.

I spare a few minutes to stare at the sleeping corpse of the Slakoth. How can it be already be ‘mocking’ me when it’s lying there with the assumed IQ of a Slowpoke? Hold up, is it even … alive?

“Ha, this’ll be a piece of cherry pie! Taillow go!”

This thing looks like it’ll be down in a couple of pecks. This will be veeeery interesting.

“Tay low” she cawed, flying off in front of me and examining her opponent.

Being a baby and all, I guess I can’t blame her for her getting a little angry at the sleeping foe and pecking at it. After all it was a Pokemon Gym battle, not Nap time for pre-schoolers.

Norman stood stiff like a plank of wood staring coldly down at my little Taillow and his sleeping Slakoth. Me? Well I stood still too, not letting my eyes leave him. He may be a Gym leader, but that doesn’t entirely mean that I trust him. There’s something about him that is sinister, that I just don’t like. Jeez I sure do feel bad for Brendan. I met him only for a day and already I understand why he hates his old man so much.

“Brianna!” barked Norman, turning to face the double doors of his gym.

It didn’t take too long and this Brianna figure came running out with a small dragon pokemon in her arms and a huge bird pokemon with a scraggly neck and a threateningly curved beak. She had long black hair that was tied back into a messy ponytail and deep soulful brown eyes, like Brendan’s. Her hair was a lot like Norman’s with it’s blue sheen and I could only guess that this girl was Brendan’s big sister. After all, he did say that she liked flying typed pokemon and well this ugly bird is flying! Besides, Brendan said his sister was called Brianna so she must be Brianna Norton I guess.

“Brianna. Be referee for today’s Gym match” Norman instructed.
“Dad! I have to train for the Hoenn League!” she whined.
“You will do as I say before I take you out of that tournament altogether”

I was only half-listening to the public-Norton-family argument; after all there was a pokemon I’ve never seen before and well if I want to be a good Trainer I’ll have to learn about every little monstrous beast I set my eyes upon. I wrench my PokeDex out of my jeans pocket and switch it on before pointing it at the little dragon creature and watching the infrared light do it’s job. It took longer than Davina's PokeDex did when it was scanning Combusken which shocked me as strange and I saw the screen flicker and the machinery buzz with the effort of it all. Eventually a picture came up with ‘Bagon’ beside it. Underneath that read the words: ‘Location – Meteor Falls Rarity – extremely rare’.

Then came that monotonous mechanically-engineered voice: “Bagon. The Rock Head pokemon. In doomed efforts to fly, Bagon hurls itself off the sides of cliffs. A high percentage of these species survive and instead of injuring themselves, their heads grow to be as strong as tempered steel. In it’s temper though, it uses moves like Skull Bash and Double-Edge to completely destroy all of it’s enemies”

Holy Lord of the Blessed Heavens above.
And I thought my Taillow was terribly clichéd. Look at this little fella. Hurling themselves off cliff sides. What a pleasant way to end your childhood.

Brianna sulkily agreed to being the referee of me and Norman’s match, just as my PokeDex had stopped it’s commentary. Now to see to this Slakoth …

“Slakoth. The Slacker pokemon. Rarely seen in motion, it sleeps for at least twenty hours every day and during the only four hours that it is awake, it is either eating or swimming in lakes. Because this pokemon moves so little, it’s diet consists of only three leaves and it’s heart is said to beat once in every minute”

Well … that is pretty interesting. No wonder it’s asleep all ready. Norman must have a hard time training this one then if it all it does is eat three leaves and sleep it’s youth away.

There was a nervous cough and hastily I turned my attention away from my PokeDex to Brianna who was holding a flag on the sidelines, her face dark and her eyes glaring at me as if it were my fault that she didn’t get to train with her precious Bagon. She nodded to Norman, then me before announcing in a professional- sounding voice the rules of the Gym battle.

“This will be an official two-on-two Pokemon Gym Battle. Each opponent is allowed to use only two pokemon each. One at a time. The Trainer is allowed to switch a pokemon out but not to switch with a third pokemon. Taillow versus Slakoth. 3!”

I grin, hardly able to control my excitement.


By the end of this all, there will be one loser … and one winner. And I will be that winner with a new shiny badge in the palms of my sweaty yet capable hands.


Here I go …

“FIGHT!!!” and the flag drops with Brianna watching like a keen Swellow, her eyes ready to catch any foul play or rule-breakers, whilst playing ‘mama’ to the Bagon as it squealed in delight.

“Taillow take flight!” I order the fledgling without a moment to lose.
“Slakoth stand you ground!” Norman yells out to the now half-awake pokemon.

With a few unsteady flaps of feathered wings, Taillow was in the air, hovering at least ten feet above Slakoth. Slakoth didn’t seem at all bothered, as it sluggishly got to it’s feet with it’s forearms hanging as if they were being pulled magnetically downwards. It’s eyes were like slits now as it fought the will to stay asleep. Even through all of this, it had that determined look on it’s face, just like the one Mudkip usually had when battling for me.

“Taillow use your Peck attack!”

This was a random attack I thought up.
After all Peck was a move used by pokemon with something sharp at their disposal (i.e. a beak) and well I’m guessing that’s what that bloke yelled on TV in that Taillow documentary just before I turned it over.

Taillow arched it’s slim figure, it’s wings folded neatly into it’s body with it’s beak stuck out ready to rip and tear bare flesh.

Nothing’s getting past this one; a dunce can even tell this is obvious.

“Stop it”

Those were the simple two words that were spoken. They weren’t shouted with roaring ferocity. They weren’t screamed in urgency. They were just ... whispered. Uttered even.

Either way, two mighty paws shot up from Slakoth’s sides slamming themselves into Taillow’s beak. She was stuck. Stuck like a Wingull caught in an oil spill. The two paws kept Taillow’s beak firmly in hold. She flapped her wings wildly, feathers beating against the Slakoth’s paws, somehow willing it’s foe to let her go.

She was petrified but I was in awe. The speed ... just a moment ago that thing had struggled to support itself on two legs and now this? Taillow’s feet scrabbled on Slakoth’s skin gripping into it’s fur and trying to ease it’s beak out.

“Slakoth!” said Norman, in a tone that suggested something that I wouldn’t like would most definitely happen, “Drop it”

The Slakoth opened it’s paws and Taillow fell. It didn’t have enough time to take flight, even on my command. It’s body hit the ground with a hard, echoing thud and Brianna stepped forward, counting gently under her breath.

Come on Taillow, get up. Prove ‘em all wrong ... Now would be nice ... Get up! GET UP!

And then my silent thoughts granted me my wish and Taillow shook her head and checked anxiously that her feathers hadn’t been damaged. To her dismay, they were and she hopped angrily on both feet, spreading out her wings and causing unsettled dust to rise in spirals around her. She was still up for game; and now that she was angered about the man-handling of her beak and her damaged plumage, she had a vengeance. Slakoth isn’t going to get any mercy now.

“Taillow use Wing Attack!” I cry out to the pokemon over it’s caws of rage.

Taillow nods it’s head to me and takes flight, taking care not to get caught by the Slakoth’s almighty paws again. And then, hovering with the furious beating of it’s wings, they begin to blur slightly and with the same ear-splitting screech that I had heard once before, it arched it’s body again this time with it’s wings evenly spread out as it dived.

“Slakoth Slash attack!” Norman ordered, raising his hand to the diving Taillow.

Slakoth brought up a paw and slashed out at Taillow. It’s paw slammed into her side and she was batted away like a harmless little Caterpie into the wall of the Gym. Taillow fell to the ground and I was uncertain whether or not she still had the will to battle for me.

“Taillow is unable to battle!” announced Brianna, stepping forward with her flag at the ready “Slakoth wins Round One!”

There was a sudden outburst of applause from the townspeople and out the corner of my eye I could see Brianna sigh and roll her eyes, her expression full of loathing for her father. No doubt about it that she’s been referee many times before against her will and that Norman has probably nearly always won the battles he’s been in.

Well, I still have enough time to change that around. This is it.
Taillow was just to warm him up. And now that he’s warmed up, it’s time to cool him down.

“Mudkip,” I say quietly to the mud fish as I return Taillow back into her pokeball, “you’ve seen what this punk can do. Now win me a badge for Taillow!”
“Kip mud!” it chirped before leaping off my shoulder and taking it’s position in front of Norman’s Slakoth.

Norman took one look at Mudkip and snorted in disgust. His Slakoth turned to look at it’s trainer and Norman nodded to it, mouthing ‘Eliminate it’.

“So Joey. Would you like to forfeit while you still have some dignity and self-respect?” he asked me.
“Yeah! Well you’re gonna be the one who’s dignity ... less”

I always struggle when it comes to good comebacks.

“Really Joey. I’ll let you make your first move. It’s the least I could do after all ...”
“Is this a Pokemon Gym match or a leisurely conversation?” Brianna asked sounding really tiresome, and the she mumbled, “I have better things to do then referee a losing battle”

This angered me immediately. I still have a chance, but why does everybody always have to assume the worst? Can’t they at least attempt to be optimists and be happy-go-lucky?

“Mudkip. You saw how this dude treated Taillow! Now I want you to give it everything you’ve got! You’re gonna win me that badge!”
“Tch, to achieve the Balance Badge. You’ll need a lot more than perseverance and courage. You need skill, experience and wits. Those you do not have” Norman said, sneering as he saw me frown.

Well I may not have enough bloody experience, and I may not be the most skilful climber of trees. And my IQ isn’t at all something to brag about, but I will win this badge. If not today, then tomorrow, or even next week. Or in a month’s time! Either way I will get that God-damned badge and beat Davina. Boys rule and girls drool. It was how God intended it to be – everybody knows that.

“Hey! Are we battling or talking?” Brianna snapped, petting the baby Bagon on the floor near her Fearow.

“We are so battling,” I said through gritted teeth.
“And I am so winning” finished Norman, his thin lips curving into a smile.
“Whatever” Brianna said, and she allowed her flag to fall.

The signal. Come to Papa shiny new badge...

“Mudkip use Water Gun”
“Slakoth dodge and use Focus Punch!”

Mudkip bound forward and then, when as close as possible to Slakoth, it jumped into the air and a blast of water was released from the mud fish’s mouth. There was a roar from the Slakoth and both Norman, if it was in surprise or shock, I don’t care. I just want that stupid badge in the palm of my hand by the end of this all.

“That’s it Mudkip. Give ‘em everything you’ve got!”

I know it’s too early to cheer and all, but ... I’m gonna win, I’m gonna win! Wohoo, Wohoo.

It’s just so obvious. Slakoth is just standing there taking the hit and even if it is trying to fight the sheer power of Water Gun, it’s not doing a very good job of it. The crowd all watch on getting ready to see this so called unbeatable Slakoth get thrashed by a little blue menace called Mudkip. It’s feet clawed at the earth, trying to keep itself steady and to overcome the attack. Mudkip too was struggling to stay in one spot. The sheer volume was too much and Mudkip was going backwards. Taking one unsure step in front of the other I noticed that this battle wasn’t going to be a walk in the local park.

“Keep going Mudkip! You’re winning! You’re doing great! Keep it up! Come on Mudkip!”

I shouted, I cheered and I encouraged more than I have ever in my life for this little Mudkip. And it listened. It took those shouts of encouragements, put it in it’s mouth, chewed them, swallowed them and digested them. And then, just when it looked like Slakoth would lose all of it’s strength and end up surrendering against will to it, Mudkip’s Water Gun stopped. The water didn’t slowly die down like the water would when cascading over the side of a cliff. It just stopped. One second, the water pulse is pounding against the flesh of Slakoth’s paws, the second ... nothing. Slakoth almost fell over as it had put it’s entire weight on the water torrent but Mudkip, it could hardly even stand on all four legs. It was kneeling in front of me, it’s body shaking with exhaustion and the heavy gasps from both Mudkip and Slakoth were intense as the two glared icily at each other. It was clear that even Brianna was still deciding who was winning at this current time in the match. Slakoth was tired. Mudkip was finding even breathing hard. I’m guessing that blasting water out of your mouth is only good for short bursts of time and that a longer duration means more endurance. Mudkip being the age it is now, I’m guessing did the best it could do.

But doing the best for your age isn’t good enough for me. I need this badge. I need to win. I need to show people that I am no sissy just because I hate pokemon. Especially Davina, I’ll show her that I can survive. And this badge is going to prove it!

“Mudkip get up and use Tackle!”

“Slakoth Focus Punch!” Norman calmly said, now standing stiff as a plank with his arms folded glaring at me still.

After a few more exhausted exhales, Mudkip was back up charging straight towards Slakoth who was standing there ready. Focus Punch was an attack that I’ve heard about a lot. The user has to focus itself on it’s target before launching the punch that would be sure to cause some critical damage. Slakoth was focusing itself, and I could only cross my fingers and hope that Mudkip would hit it first. I need this badge and it’s taking too long.

“Come on Mudkip! Go left and jump and tackle it!!” I shouted to it at the top of my lungs.

Mudkip nodded it’s head before making a sharp turn to the left and dashing towards Slakoth from behind. Then, when it looked like Slakoth was ready to attack, Mudkip jumped into the air. Slakoth was just as surprised as I was about how this was working out. And then Slakoth gathered it’s bearing, looking up to see Mudkip. It didn’t bother with gathering it’s focus anymore. It just lashed out at the water starter with an almighty paw and Mudkip was practically thrown onto the floor in a mystifying cloud of dust. As the dust slowly cleared away, Mudkip’s bruised body was visible.

And even a two-year-old could tell that what was in front of me was also known in English as a definite loss.


It was all over.
One attack, and it was all over.
Taillow didn’t even get one attack right in that match and Mudkip just gave up on me. Yet I can’t help but feel a little worried about them. Does that mean that I’ll have no hope of winning any other Gym leader battle? Is this like a pre-warning that maybe I can't survive as a Trainer ... no I can’t think like that. I won’t think of that at all. I’ve gotta show Davina that I’m the best. I’ve got to prove to Little Miss Popularity that I am so not a push-over and that men are physically stronger. Men are the ones who endure the most, women just stay home and cook. I’ll show her. I’ll just have to start training my pokemon like any other trainer is meant to. We’ll have to just intensify the training sessions, less relaxing time and more fighting. We’ll have to strengthen our weaknesses and I can start with Taillow’s softness and then I can work on Mudkip’s lack of speed ...

“Excuse me sir” Nurse Joy has approached, interrupting my thoughts, probably a status report.
“Huh? Oh, er-how are they doing then nurse?” I asked, snapping out of my private thoughts and switching myself back into the ‘Now’.

“Well so far. Taillow has been confirmed to have a completely bruised left wing which has swollen mildly. It’s on antibiotics and should be completely recovered in about three days’ time. However, by tomorrow morning Taillow will be healthy enough to return inside it’s pokeball and continue travelling with you. Mudkip however has a few bruises around it’s back and fore legs. Other than that, your pokemon are healthy but slightly dehydrated which is being taken care of in a few minutes time,” Nurse Joy finished smiling warmly at me before walking off to another waiting trainer.

I mumbled my thanks to her before taking another sip from my soda. I guess sleeping tonight isn’t going to be easy. I just can’t rid my mind of that battle. I really need to talk to somebody ...


“Look, Joey this is really a bad time to call me” said my dad, scratching the back of his neck nervously and shrugging.

What!? A growing man is allowed to call his dad at one point or another. Only that time happened to come sooner than I expected ... oh well.

“But dad. I’ve got something to tell you” I moaned into the handset, leaning closer to the screen of the VideoPhone.

“Fine then. Tell me quick. My colleagues won’t be very happy with me. I’ve got a pregnant Delcatty here giving birth to what looks like a litter of seven kittens and this isn’t a walk in the park!”
“I challenged Norman today dad” I told him, turning the volume dial up slightly so I would be able to hear his voice over hisses and cries that I guessed to be that pregnant Delcatty.
“Great son, great. Wonderful” yelled dad – in what sounded to me like a sarcastic tone – into the receiver running off-screen when an angry series of cries sounded screaming 'Thomas!!’
“Dad!-” I protested – there's no way some dumb Delcatty’s stealing my dad’s attention, it can be in labour somewhere else for all I care!
“Joseph!” came a sharp reply and before I could reply back, the screen blinked at me and then ... nothing.

That must have been the shortest conversation I’ve ever had with dad. But then again, I hardly ever talk to dad much. I walk in home from school I say ‘Hi’ he says ‘Huh?’ and that’s it. If anything, I guess that was the longest conversation I’ve ever had with dad then. Then again, it’s just as well that I don’t talk to dad much. When something gets his attention he won’t give up till he finds out practically everything about it. Like the time I punched Louis in the face for insulting my mother, dad went on at me for a month until he was sure that I had only punched the boy because he started it and not because I needed anger management or any other crap like that. Usually I’m not the one for cussing and all, but sometimes dad makes me really mad. It’s like there’s a flame inside me, and someone’s just thrown in more wood and the temperatures going up. Soon this little flame will become one rampaging inferno of fire that’s just how I feel I guess when I think about dad.

I don’t have to deal with this anymore; part of the reason I went on this dumb pokemon journey was to get away from dad I suppose. And yet still, I call the man expecting him to be missing me already and to be worried sick. If anything, he’s worried more about a pokemon in labour than his own son. But then I guess being a pregnant pokemon isn’t at all the world’s easiest job.

“You alright?”

I twisted round in my seat to see Brianna, the same girl who had refereed the Gym battle earlier. She was dressed in completely different clothes from this afternoon, now she had on three quarter lengths, strappy sandals and a white T-shirt with a Beedrill on it – no doubt, she was an obvious Beedrill basketball team fan – and Bagon was in her arms in what seemed like a deep slumber.

“Yeah, I guess” I replied sulkily, turning off the VideoPhone and placing the receiver back where it belonged.
“I guess your dad doesn’t have much time for you then does he?” she asked, anxiously.
“He’s an assistant for the world-famous Professor Birch, but he’s busy all the time. That was just one of his popular excuses”
“That’s just sad,” Brianna mumbled quietly, then she asked quite naïvely, “Can I sit down?”

I held out my hand in a gesture meaning ‘Help yourself’ as I leant on my arm on the desk, my head hitting the VideoPhone painfully.

“So what are your plans now then Joey?” she asked, sounding a little confident than before.
“I don't know”
“Well I think you should know that Norman is the top five toughest Gym Leaders in Hoenn. So it’s natural for you to have lost, especially since your pokemon were very young. That Taillow was a fledgling I’m sure and yet it performed very smartly in that battle, Mudkip was your starter right?”
“Yeah” came my muffled reply since I had buried my head in my arms in frustration.
“Well you must be a pretty good trainer for it to listen and keep on fighting for you.”
“Well it’s getting late, and I might as well leave you be if you want to get through Petalburg Woods before the annual Night Ritual, besides if you get caught up in there then it’ll take you even longer to get to the first Gym Leader, Roxanne of Rustboro. I’ve heard she’s a toughie but very soft when it comes to battling. She’ll let you go through in one piece. You watch...” Brianna ranted on, and by then I had shut myself to all outside noises ... hold on.

Night ritual? Night ritual!? What the heck is a Night ritual?!?

Brianna pushed her chair backwards and got up to leave, but I still wanted my question answered.

“Wait a minute!” I bolted suddenly out of my seat, grabbing onto her arm.
“Okay then” and she turned to face me with the awakening Bagon in her arms still.
“What’s this Night ritual you’re talking about?”

Brianna smiled.

“Every year, at a certain point when the moon shines brighter than ever and is at it’s highest point in the sky - which changes every decade or so, when the moon every grass and bug typed pokemon in Hoenn will be there at Petalburg Woods ready to participate in the Night ritual. It’s the perfect place to go to if you have a grass or bug typed pokemon since it will most definitely evolve at exactly midnight during the Night ritual. But it’s also very dangerous, the pokemon there can go ballistic if any of them see or hear you. That’s why it would be better if you left tonight, and remember to avoid the very heart of the forest. That’s where the pokemon will be and if they see you” and Brianna made a death-like motion with her finger as she pretended to slice her own neck.

The meaning was pretty obvious.

Oh the joys of being a Pokemon Trainer. Aren’t pokemon meant to respect you and battle for you till the end of their existence? Then why on this holy land do they want to murder you quietly in the corner for passing by when they’re having this so-called special ritual at night? It’s another one of those things that I hate about pokemon. The stupid beasts are dangerous, especially the wild ones.

“So I’m guessing you’ll be setting off for the woods before your four days are up?” Brianna questioned, peering at me as I massaged my forehead with my forefinger and thumb.

“Might as well. Besides, how long could it take to get through one dumb forest?” I replied, sighing exasperated.


I had to ask.
I just HAD to ask.


Author’s Notes:

Thanks to anyone and everyone who's spent their time to read Clash Of The Titans. A very big and grateful thank you to whomever nominated my FanFiction for the BIC's and another thanks to everyone who voted for it. I'm very happy that it got through and we won an award.
Chapter Seven - Sincerity & Love [Part B] is dedicated to you readers so look out for it!

As for the cliffhanger, you're going to have to wait for Chapter Ten til Joey comes back to your computer screens... And even longer til Davina's back. But I'm sure you'll hear a little about what she's been doing if you read between the lines in Chapter Eight.