Max stared listlessly at the computer screen, his giant glasses and too-small-for-his-age face illuminated in the dim room. The computer mouse clicked at random as he surfed several Pokemon Coordinator sites. His stupid older sister had asked him, very nicely, to research her upcoming opponents for the next Contest. Of course she just had to pull their mother into the argument, who as usual had sided with May.
He sighed as the browser loaded yet another Coordinator fansite. Pictures of dazzling moves, videos of battles, and whole pages dedicated to particularly famous Coordinators - May being one of them - scrolled by. He proceeded to the "Coordinator Profiles" page and clicked on the listings for the next tournament.
Click. Pause. Click-click. Pause. Click. Click-click--
--and he sat bolt upright, eyes riveted to the screen.
"Drew," he read. "Male, twenty-two years, coordinating for twelve years. Fifty-nine ribbons in total. Resides in Cerulean City. Previous Ribbon Cup runner-up. A favorite to win the Ribbon Cup. Pokemon are Masqueraine, Roselia, Flygon, and Absol. Entering with Flygon and Absol.
"Dang," Max said breathlessly. Even he had to marvel at the statistics, no matter how many times he saw them. This guy was good. "May knows about him already, though," he mused. "Still, no harm in keeping some of this info..."
The printer hummed into life as Max browsed the pages, going through and locating particularly good pictures of the Coordinator. His brow furrowed in concentration as he stared at the pixellated images of the green-haired, green-eyed contestant. Something about him was decidedly odd. Max was sure that he'd seen the guy somewhere before, and recently. Of course he'd heard something about the Coordinator before - heck, May had even beaten him several times - but an image of this Drew burned in his mind as if his brain was having the worst rash. He just knew that he'd seen Drew somewhere before. Sometime last week, probably. Somewhere...
Oh, well. He shrugged and pulled out the papers from the printer. He would investigate that soon enough.
At least, that's what he thought.