I'm a Beginning Pokemon Trainer!
Part: 9
Melissa: MUDKIP!!!
Mr. Briney:(puzzled) Now, why did that li'l fella run off like that??? Was he scared about somethin'???
Melissa:(scared) No, when I looked at him....he had the weirdest look on his face....almost as if he were under a trans....
Mr. Briney: A trans??? Now you know there's no such thing as trans....or are there???
Bobby: Trans or no trans, you still want him back, right Melissa?
Melissa: Yeah....
Bobby: Well, what are we waiting for! We have to go find him!
Satoshi: Oh, no....I ain't going in that cave!
Melissa:(teasing) Why, are you scared???
Satoshi:(lying) N....no....
Bobby: Then let's go!!!
(They walk northwest of Dewford. Before they entered the cave an old man(like Mr. Briney) stopped them)
Old Man:(running up to them) Wait! Wait! What are you doing?!? Stop!
(They stop)
Melissa: Why???
Old Man:(panting hard) WHY!?! Because....that cave is not safe!!! You can't go in there!!! It's forbidden!!!
Satoshi: Told ya!
Melissa:(yelling at Satoshi) YOU DIDN'T TELL US NOTHIN'!(turning back to the Old Man) Sorry 'bout that....But my pokemon's in there! We have to get him!
Old Man:*sigh* Well....I warned you....
(Melissa hesitated)
Old Man: No, no....go on....go on....
Melissa: Well....OK....
(The 4 slowly approach the dark, gloomy, cave. The Old man calls back)
Old Man: I warned you! A tall young man wearing a suit, with gray hair went in there too! I WARNED YOU!!!(soon his voice became a mere echo as they got further into the cave)
(They ignored him. Mr. Briney toke out a lantern from his bag and lit it with a match he also brought with him)
Mr. Briney: That's better....not so scared now, my boy!?!
Satoshi:(shivering) I'M STILL SCARED!!!(hears something) WHAT WAS THAT???
Melissa: What??? I didn't hear anything....
Satoshi: Well, I heard something!!! I'm gettin' out of-
(A low rumbling noise cut him off. Soon a flock of Zubats come flying over there heads)
Bobby: DUCK!!!
(Melissa covers her head and screams. They ducked till all of the screeching Zubats left)
Bobby: *sigh* That was close!
(Satoshi was scared stiff)
Bobby: Oh, come on Satoshi! That wasn't so scary! Satoshi???
(Satoshi's face was as pale as a ghost. He was sweating furiously and shivering head-to-toe)
Melissa: Wow, he doesn't look too well. Maybe we should take him back, guys....
Satoshi:(stuttering badly) N....no!....I'll....b....be....alright....
Melissa: Fine....
(They walk further in to the cave. It got darker.)
Melissa: Mudkip??? Mudkip??? Come on guys, help me!!!
(They do, except Satoshi, who was still scared to death)
Mr. Briney and Bobby: Mudkip??? Mudkip???
Melissa: Mud, please come out!!!
(The lantern light flickered out. Now they were in complete darkness)
Mr. Briney: Oh no! That was my last match!!!
Melissa: WHAT!?!
Bobby: Now what are we supposed to do??? I can't see a thing!!! OUCH THAT WAS MY FOOT!!!
Melissa: Ooops! Sorry, Bobby! Oh, I got it! Satoshi??? Satoshi can you hear me???
Satoshi: Yeah....
Melissa: You can tell your Solrock to use Flash! Remember in Petalburg Woods you tried to use it and then you forgot that it can only be used in caves???
Satoshi: Yeah....but only one thing....I left all my pokeballs on the boat....
Bobby: Oh, come on, Satoshi!
Melissa: Yeah....a good trainer always knows to ALWAYS carry around his or her pokemon around just in case of an emergency. I even read about it in my Pokemon Trainer's Guide!
Satoshi: Yeah, well, I made a mistake! OK?? Gee....you even told Mrs. Nathaniel that everyone makes mistakes!!!
Melissa: Well!!! Umm....
Satoshi: Big deal, Melissa....big deal....
Melissa: Oh, yeah! Well you're a.....Poopy Head!!!
Satoshi: That's a stupid comeback!
(The two keep arguing till Bobby stops them like always)
Bobby: You guys stop it! We have to look for-----AHHHHH!!!!(his voice grew fainter, almost as if he was falling off of something)
Melissa: BOBBY!!!
Satoshi: WHAT HAPPENED?!?!
Mr. Briney: Got it!!!(The lantern light came back on. They hadn't noticed Mr. Briney was trying to find a new match in his backpack. He did and he re-lit the lantern) See kidos??? I got the light back!!!
Melissa:(scared) Mr. Briney!!! Somethin's happened to Bobby!!!
Mr. Briney: BOBBY!?!
Satoshi: Do you think he could have fallen down there???(Satoshi pointed off the cliff that they were standing next to)
Melissa: S....S....Satoshi....d....don't say that....he couldn't have....he-
Mr. Briney:(sad look on his face) He did, Melissa....
(Melissa couldn't take it. She knelt down and covered her face. Even a tear came running down Satoshi's cheek)
Mr. Briney:(shaking his head solemnly) C....come on you guys....
(Melissa didn't get up. She still was finding it hard to get over Bobby's sudden death)
Mr. Briney: Come on Melissa....(he helped her up. She was still crying put she wiped away her tears with her hand)
Melissa: OK....
(Before they walked away Melissa walked towards the cliff and just stared down. She whispered, " Bobby, I'll miss you...." She turned back to Satoshi and Mr. Briney and then after a moment of silence, they walked even deeper into the cave)
Melissa:(sad look on her face)*sigh*
(Satoshi was about to say something to Melissa, but Mr. Briney stopped him quickly)
Mr. Briney:(whispering to Satoshi) Don't mention ANYTHING about Bobby....
Satoshi:(solemnly) Right....
Mr. Briney:(breaking the silence) Uhhh....Melissa? Don't you think we should try calling for Mudkip again?
Melissa: Why bother.....? He won't come back....who cares....
Mr. Briney: Don't say that Melis!(pats her on the back) Let's try. Mudkip? Mudkip? Muddy?
(Satoshi joins him as Melissa stands there hopelessly)
Satoshi:(yells as loud as he could) MUDKIPPPPP!!!
(Mr. Briney put a curved hand behind one of his ears and bent to the side a little)
Mr. Briney: What's that noise???
Satoshi: What noise???
Mr. Briney:(rotating his finger inside his ear) Nothin'....nevermind....I think I'm gettin' old....(chuckling)
(A low rumbling sound is heard by all 3)
Satoshi: Now I hear it! Oh, no. It's probably the Zubats again....everyone duck.....
Melissa: No....it doesn't....it sounds more like-A CAVE IN!!! RUN FOR IT!!!
(Melissa was right. Large rocks were crumbling and falling from the ceiling. They ran for it. Satoshi was running really slow so he was behind)
Melissa:(panting and running alongside Mr. Briney) Satoshi! You better catch up!
Satoshi:(panting and running) I'M TRYING!!!
(They soon see a super-sized boulder rolling towards them. It was going very fast.)
Satoshi: WHOA!!!!
(The boulder was to fast for him. It ran over his heel and he slipped underneath. Satoshi had been ran over)
Melissa:(still running with Mr. Briney but she looked behind her to check on Satoshi) SATOSHI!!!
Mr. Briney: What happened???
(Melissa saw a small opening in the wall of the cave. She pushed Mr. Briney in it first and then she jumped in. They watched the boulder roll pass them and then it disappeared into the darkness)
Mr. Briney:*sigh* Whew! That was close!(he spots Melissa crying again) Not again lass....You better stop before you get waterlogged....(chuckles)
(Melissa didn't find it funny however. She cried harder)
Mr. Briney:(shakes his head shamefully then he realizes that Satoshi is gone) Hey, where's Satoshi???
Mr. Briney: I....uh....I'm sorry....Melissa....I....I....didn't....uh....see....
Melissa:(lifting her head up) DON'T TELL IT TO ME!!!*sniff* TELL IT TO BOBBY AND SATOSHI!!!(cries again)
Mr. Briney: Oh....umm....
Melissa:(standing up)*sniff* come on....let's go....
(They try to crawl out of the small hole in the wall but they realize something's blocking there way out)
Mr. Briney: What??? What in the world is in the way???
Melissa: I don't know....poke it....
Mr. Briney: Na-uh lass!!! There's no way I'm touching that thing!!!
Melissa: Why not??? Arrrghhh....fine.....but how else are we gonna get out??? I GOT IT!!!(takes out Mudkip's pokeball and throws it) GO MUDKIP!!!
(Nothing comes out)
Melissa:*sigh* Oh, yeah....I forgot....
Mr. Briney: Let me try!(He throws out Peeko's pokeball) GO PEEKO!!!
(Peeko came out flying around the small room looking for more space to fly)
Melissa: Hydro Pump??? What kind of attack is that???
(Peeko shot three cannons of water out of her open beak. The wall was slowly crumbling)
Melissa: Mr. Briney??? What's Hydro Pump???
Mr. Briney:(smiling) Ah, Melissa. Hydro Pump is just a stronger version of Watergun. There's really no big difference.
Melissa: Oh. I wonder if Mudkip can learn that attack....that is if I could find him....
Mr. Biney: Melissa, we will and I'm sure he can learn Hydro Pump. Hey the wall's down! Good job Peeko! RETURN!!!(Peeko goes back inside her pokeball)
(The thing that was blocking there way was now visible)
Melissa: What is it??? It's gigantic!!!
(Mr. Briney walked around it till he was in the front of it. He froze and turned pale and sweaty)
Melissa:(running to where Mr. Briney is) What it is it Mr. Briney?!?*gasp* WHAT is it???
Mr. Briney:(shivering) It....it....looks like....a....sleeping....S....Salamance!!!
Melissa: Salamance??? Hey, that's a pokemon, right!?! I'M GONNA CATCH IT!!!
Mr. Briney:(putting a hand over her mouth and whispering) Shhhhh! Be quiet! Your going to wake it up and you DEFINITELY wouldn't wanna do that!
Melissa: Why-
Mr. Briney:(whispering) SHHHH!!! Just be quiet for a minute! I beg of you! This isn't the time to catch pokemon! Now....were gonna quietly walk around it and then sooner or later we'll be away from this horrid....pokemon....(shivering) if you could call it one....
(They quietly tippy-toe around the Salamance. Melissa trips over a rock.)
Melissa:(cries loudly and crashes to the ground) WHOA!!! OUCH!!!
Mr. Briney:(yelling, his anger rising) MELISSA!!! THANKS A LOT!!! NOW I BET IT'S GONNA WAKE!!!
(A baby Bagon crawls from underneath the Salamance. The Bagon starts crying)
Mr. Briney:(claming the baby down) Shhh! Shhh! Quiet little baby, please! Rock a by baby, on a tree top.....NO!!! PLEASE!!! Don't wake your mother up!!!
(The baby Bagon cries louder. The mother awakes. She opens one eye and then growls.)
Melissa:(innocently) Uh-oh! I didn't do it!
(The mother Salamance gets up and stands on all fours. She's so colossal that she needs to bend her knees a little, preventing her head from hitting the cave ceiling!)
Mother Salamance: SALAMANCEEEEEEE!!!
(Mr. Briney's little, old, heart couldn't take it. He fainted right on the spot. Melissa is thinking he's dead.)
Melissa: MR. BRINEY!!!
(Mother was about to chase after Melissa but she was to busy spazzing out. Melissa quickly helps the unconscious Mr. Briney onto her back giving him a sort of piggy back, his weight crushing her body. Melissa runs for it while mother chases after.)
Melissa:(running and preventing Mr. Briney from slipping off her back) Whew!!! All those workouts in gym class really payed off!!!
(Every step(or should I say STOMP) Mother toke, made a mini earthquake in the cave. Melissa doesn't notice that she is at the very bottom of the cave. Here the eerie music was dead silent. As she was running she noticed she passed a gigantic hole in the wall of the cave. Inside the hole, it was a little lighted as if someone was in there with a candle lit. Mother was still close behind her. Melissa couldn't run back to the hole in the wall, Mother would get her for sure! Melissa had it! She would hide! But where? Melissa changed her mind. She wouldn't hide, she would duck! Melissa crouched low to the ground throwing Mr. Briney to the side. She can feel the heavy rumbling of Mother Salamance running towards them. She lay there silently.)
Melissa:(laying on the cold cave floor thinking to herself) I must be crazy doing this....Oh no!!! It's time!!!
(Mother Salamance came running down the path. Eventually Mother ran over Melissa and Mr. Briney. A while later, Mother ran deeper into the cave and was out of sight)
Melissa:(lifting herself and the still unconscious Mr. Briney off the ground) Whew! That was close! Come on Mr. Briney!(Heaves Mr. Briney back on her back)
(Melissa walks back up the dark path towards the lighted hole in the wall. Melissa reaches the hole and walks inside. She was in to the biggest surprise in her life)
Melissa: *GASP!!!*
to be continued......
Hey, hey! Sorry for the like 4 month delay on this stupid thing!
-_-*sigh* I just didn't have time....I'll try to keep track on this after I find a way to get through the piles of homework I get everyday. Hey did I tell you I got nominated for the Best in Category thing?! YEAH!!! But I didn't win....aww....I wonder how many votes I got. Oh well, that was like a month ago. *sigh* I feel like I'm doing at bad job at this writing stuff, after all I got a C- in English. But still who cares if my fanic isn't as good as Topaz's: On the Wings of Council. I do. Sometimes I think I try to hard to please myself and others. I don't feel to good.....and don't look forward to part 10 either....
Sadly, Cookies and a pile of nothing:(