I'm a Beginning Pokemon Trainer!
Author: Cookies and Milk
E-mail Address: RiceBread60@aol.com
Category: OT
Summary from Part 6: Just in case you guys didn't get the message from Part 6, I have decided to stop writing the summaries because it takes up time and space. I shouldn't have to write it in the first place because hopefully you guys read the Part before each one. That's all I have to say. Enjoy!
Bobby: You guys? What's that shop over there?
Melissa & Satoshi: Huh?
(The three go into the shop. A lady in an apron come up to them)
Lady: Hi! Welcome to the Pretty Petal Flower Shop! Can I help you?
Melissa: Ooo! A flower shop! I wanna by some flowers.
Satoshi: Melissa? Had you forgotten the purpose of why where on this Route and no, it's not to by flowers.
Melissa: But..............fine OK...........I won't buy flowers.
Lady: You can take a free, quick lesson on berries instead? Would you like that?
Satoshi:(answering for Melissa) Yes, she would. Right Melissa? Learning about berries will be beneficial information on your journey.
Lady: That's right!(goes over to a flower-painted bookshelf and searches for a book) Let's see.......Let's see......hmmm........Oh! Here it is! The Big Book of Flowers and Hoenn-Grown Berries!
(Lady offers Satoshi and Melissa a seat. Lady sits herself down too and reads from the book. Melissa listens eagerly while Satoshi ignores every word. The Lady reads all the way from the different kinds of berries, to replanting them, berry care, making PokeBlocks and pokemon Condition)
Melissa: So if you feed a pokemon a Pink PokeBlock, it will make it look cuter?
Lady: You could say that, but different color blocks can make a pokemon look cute too, not just pink ones.
Satoshi: Can we go now?
Melissa: Have patience......Gee......please mind him Miss.
Lady:(giggles) Oh its OK! We have been talking for along time!
(Melissa stands up)
Melissa: Well, thank you for everything! I sure learned a lot but I still wish I could have gotten some flowers........
Lady: Anytime dear! Just for taking the time to learn from me about berries, I have two gifts for you! Here is a Chesto Berry. The taste is dry and will make your pokemon's Beauty Condition
higher when blend it into a PokeBlock. The 2nd gift is a Wailmer
Pail. It's a watering pail that will help the growth of your newly-planted berries.
Melissa: Thank you, ma'am!
Lady: Your very welcome, dear. Better than flowers, huh?
Melissa:(giggles) Yeah...........Hey, Satoshi, where's Bobby?
Bobby: Here I am!
(Bobby is holding a bouquet of pretty roses and hands them to Melissa)
Bobby: These are for you, Melissa.
Melissa: Oh....thank you Bobby.....your so nice....it makes me feel happy to know that your always thinking of me.......(Melissa gives him a hug. Bobby blushes and Satoshi is more furious than ever)
Bobby: Come on guys, I think it's time for us to leave now. Next stop Rustoboro City!
(Melissa, Bobby, and Satoshi leave the shop. They say there farewells to the Lady)
Melissa:(waves) Bye, thank you for everything!
Lady: Bye, dear! Come visit again! You can buy flowers from us to decorate your Secret Base when you find one. Also tell your family and friends about us. Spread the word and help fill the world with flowers and berries! Bye and good luck with your journey!
(The three are gone)
(An hour has passed. The too finally make it to Rustoboro City. Melissa is amazed and acts like she never saw a city before. She gazes up at the tall skyscrapers, watches the bustling people walk back to there offices after lunch break, and listens to the zooming of a million beeping cars. The three first go to the Devon Corporation to get a free PokeNav Melissa has been wanting and waiting for. Then they leave quickly because she wants to go to the Gym)
Melissa: Hurry up you guys!
Satoshi: Melissa! Were not in a hurry! The Gym doesn't close till 9:00 pm!
Melissa:(yelling over the crowd) YOU TWO MIGHT NOT BE, BUT I AM!!!
(Not looking were she was walking Melissa bumps into a little kid)
Kid: Hey, watch it!
Melissa: Oh....sorry.....
Kid: You should watch were your walking!
Melissa: I said I'm sorry! OK!?! Did your school just let out? If not, I suggest that you get your booty back in that school before you get in trouble.
Kid: IT DID! Just go away and leave me alone!
Melissa: What school do you go to?
Kid:(crosses arms) My mom told me not to talk to strangers.
Melissa: It's OK. You can trust me. I'm a Pokemon Trainer.(thinks to herself) Well, I guess that still doesn't make a difference..........
(The kid's eyes widen with astonishment and delight)
Melissa: Uhhh........ Yep!
(The Kid calls his whole class to come over and see Melissa)
(Melissa sweatdrops as a herd of kids come charging her way and knocking her over. They pinch and pull at her menacingly)
Kid 1: Are you a real pokemon trainer!?!
Kid 2: Do you have any pokemon!?!
Kid 3: How many!?!
Kid 4: What's your name!?!
Kid 5: Wanna go on a date with me???
Original Kid: Mrs. Johansson! Come here! It's a pokemon trainer!
(The teacher comes over and is shocked)
Mrs. Johansson: CHILDREN! What are still doing here!?! You were supposed to be on the buses minutes ago! (shoos the kids off Melissa) I'm so sorry!
Melissa:(lies and gets up) It's OK.....
(Mrs. Johansson shoos the rest of the kids on the neatly lined up buses. Some of the kids open the windows and shouted more questions at Melissa)
Original Kid: Bye, mystery trainer!
Kid 5: Call me!
Mrs. Johanson:(yells at the top of her lungs) CHILDERN!!! SHUT YOUR WINDOWS! NOW!!!!
(The kids close them quickly and the buses drive away)
Melissa:(lies again) Cute kids.......
Mrs. Johanson:*sigh* Yes, I'd like them even better If they were well-behaved........
Melissa: What school do they go to?
Mrs Johanson: It's right behind you. Well, school is closed now so I'm going home! See ya!(walks to her car in the parking lot and drives away)
(Melissa turns around to see a large, white- marble school. She gasps at its size. On the top of the school building, near the roof part, words were carved out in fancy handwriting. Melissa could make them out and read out loud, "Pokemon Trainer's School")
Melissa: Oh, No wonder those kids were so obsessed with me...........
(Bobby and Satoshi finally found Melissa)
Melissa: Gee......sorry.
(Satoshi looks up at the white-marble school and his heart suddenly swells with joy)
Satoshi: Ahhhh......Pokemon Trainer's School.......those were the days.........
Melissa:(laughs) HAHA!(snorts)You went there!?! Don't make me laugh! Pokemon Trainer's School is for geeks!
Bobby: No it isn't Melissa. If you went to Pokemon Trainer's School you wouldn't need me and Satoshi's help. The Gymleader herself even goes there. I read on the Internet, that 88 percent of trainers that start off at the Pokemon Trainer's School are more likely to get into the Pokemon League. Just look at Satoshi. He has all of his badges already.
Melissa: Yeah.....but........who would wanna waste 12-good-years in a stupid school when you could learn stuff on your journey like me?
Satoshi: Hey don't call my school stupid!
Melissa: I can call it anything I want! It's not like I'll get a detention!!!
(The two keep arguing till Bobby stops them)
Bobby: You guys stop! Melissa, you said you wanted to get to that Gym, well you and Satoshi are wasting time arguing!
Come on you two. Let's go.
(On the way to the Gym, Satoshi makes cold-faces at Melissa)
Melissa:(thinks to herself) ARGGHH! That damn Satoshi! He always gets on my nerves! I should have NEVER let him come travel with me. I don't need his help!
(The three made it to the Gym. Melissa wasn't to excited because Satoshi dampened her spirits. She almost looked like she was gonna cry)
Bobby: Now, Now, Melissa. Don't let Satoshi hurt your feelings. Come on! Be happy! You've been waiting to battle this Gym Leader ever since. I know I haven't been traveling with you for a long time, but I can sense it. You have a lot of determination.
Melissa: Thanks again Bobby......you really know how to make a girl feel happy.
(Satoshi glared. The three all went inside the gym. They had to step over a million rocks just to get to the middle of the Gym)
Melissa:(tripping over a rock) Why is this Gym is so rocky???
Bobby: Don't know.
(Satoshi knew the answer but refused to talk to her. They stopped to answer a voice calling them)
Voice: Who is it?
Melissa: Umm.........were here to battle the Gymleader?
Voice: Man! More trainer's! I already beat 7 today........
(The Gymleader (Roxanne) emerges from behind a large boulder. She was wearing her Pokemon Trainer's School uniform with red stockings. Her long, brown hair was designed in a style that looked close to pigtails tied off with a red ribbon)
Roxanne:(observes them) What cute, puny trainer's! I hope I won't have to battle all three of you.......
Melissa: You won't. Your only gonna have to battle me.
Roxanne:*sigh* Good........Then once I quickly beat you, I'll have
time to still paint my nails! But beware little trainer, heed my warning. I'm not easy to beat. You've come this far so let's see if you'll go even farther. Stand behind that white line over there, and call out your first pokemon and I'll do the same. I have 3 pokemon, there all rock-types. You must beat all.
(Melissa goes over and stands behind a white line. Bobby comes over and gives her some advice.)
Bobby: Melissa! You have an advantage! Roxanne is using rock-type pokemon! Water-type moves are super effective on rock-types!
Melissa: Really? Good! I could use Mudkip!
(The referee comes into the center of the rectangular arena)
Referee: Both opponents must release their 1st pokemon at the blow of my whistle. The first to defeat all their opponent's pokemon wins the battle. Ready? (Melissa was sweating furiously) 1....2....3.....*whistle blow*
(Melissa quickly threw out Mudkip's pokeball. Mudkip came out. Roxanne throws out a hardy looking Geodude.)
Mudkip:(looks at Melissa and wags his fin-like tail anxiously, waiting for attack command) Mudkip?
Melissa: OK Mudkip! Use your watergun!
Mudkip: Mudkip!
(Shoots water out of his mouth towards Geodude.)
Roxanne: Geodude! Defense Curl!
(Geodude wraps himself in a ball form preventing Mudkip's watergun from hurting him)
Roxanne: Good Job Geodude!(Points at Mudkip) Now finish him off!!!! TACKLE ATTACK!!!
Geodude: Geo!(Charges at Mudkip at the speed of light causing Mudkip to slam into the nearby wall almost making it crumble to the ground)
Melissa: Mudkip!
Mudkip:(trying to heave himself up on his fours. He's all scratched up and has a lot of cuts) Mud.......
Melissa:(watches Mudkip limp his way back to the arena) At a boy Mudkip!
Roxanne: Hmmm........your Mudkip.......it has a lot of will power.......now I know it will take a lot of strength to beat you........but I won't give up either! Geodude! Try Tackle once more!
Geodude: GEODUDE!!!(charges towards Mudkip again)
Melissa: Mudkip dodge his attack! Hurry!
(Mudkip leaps over Geodude, who was about to charge into him)
Geodude:(stops himself from slaming into the wall like Mudkip did and turns around) Geo?
Melissa: Mudkip! Use your watergun!
Mudkip: Mud.............KIP!!!(shoots a canyon of super-strong rushing water at Geodude)
Roxanne: Geodude! Dodg-(to late Geodude was drenched in water and his faint)
Roxanne: Geodude!?!(closes her eyes and lowers her head) Geodude return..........*sigh*
Melissa: Woo hoo Mudkip! Way ta go! Now only need 2 more pokemon left to defeat!
(Mudkip and Melissa go through the 2nd match. Mudkip had a little trouble and was edgy but managed to stay in and defeat Roxanne's second Geodude. Now Mudkip and Melissa are challenging Roxanne's 3rd and last pokemon)
Melissa: Now, Mudkip. We've gotten this far. We can't give up now.
Mudkip:(tired) Mud............
Roxanne: Well, Well. I'm very impressed. Your one of the very few trainers who battled to get this far. Let's see if you'll beat me. Go Nosepass!
(Roxanne called out a rock-type pokemon that looked like a giant nose. It had an orange nose for itself too. It's body was a bluish-gray and it's eyes forever closed. It walked on two little rock feet.)
Nosepass: Nosepass?
Roxanne: Nosepass! Rock Tomb!
(Nosepass summoned 4 large rocks out of nowhere and dropped them over Mudkip)
Satoshi: Ouch! That's gotta hurt.......
Mudkip:(Mudkip crawls out of the heap of rocks) Mudkip???
Melissa: HA! Your stupid attack didn't work because Mudkip's a water-type!
Roxanne:(crosses arms) Oh.......yes it did........ your pokemon still lost some HP but it also did something else..........you just couldn't see it......
(Mudkip's eyes drooped and his movement was slowed down)
Roxanne: See.....Rock Tomb not only takes away HP, it also lower's the opponent's speed!
Melissa: Hmmm.......Bobby how come you didn't tell me!?!? Mudkip could have dodged it!
Bobby: Ooops.......I guess I wasn't thinking of it.
Melissa: Forget about it. Mudkip watergun!
(Mudkip did watergun but Nosepass dodged it. Mudkip attempted the attack several times but Nosepass kept dodging them)
Melissa:(thinking to herself) ARRGH!! How will I get the stupid thing to slow down.(says out loud) Oh! I got it! Mudkip Rock Tomb!
Mudkip:(looks at her confused) Mudkip???
Melissa: You heard me! ROCK TOMB!!!
(Mudkip doesn't respond. Melissa gets mad)
Bobby: Ummm........Melissa......I don't think Mudkip knows Rock Tomb.......you hadn't taught him that move yet I guess.
Bobby:(scared) Ummm...........you can try Growl. It doesn't lower speed but it lowers attack. I'm sure Mudkip knows it. All basic, starter pokemon know that simple attack.
Melissa: OK then! Mudkip use Growl!
(Mudkip growled straight in Nosepass's face. It didn't make him slower but made him attack less so Mudkip had an easier time. Roxanne and Melissa were having a very long battle. They kept shooting commands at there pokemon back and fourth, there pokemon dodging there opponent's attacks every time)
Melissa:(breathing heavily)Mud.......kip........*heave* use your........water.......gun.......
Mudkip: Mudkip.............
(Shoots a slow, low amount of water from his mouth)
Roxanne:(breathes heavily too) Nosepass..........dodge.......it.......
Nosepass: Nose.........pass.....zzzzzzzz(falls asleep)
(While Nosepass is sleeping Mudkip's watergun wets him and he faints)
Melissa:(almost fell asleep too) I.......I won???
Roxanne: Yes........Yes...........child come approach me for your badge.
(Melissa couldn't move)
Roxanne: Well, do you want it or not?
(Melissa didn't move)
Roxanne: Come on...........you won! You can have it! I don't care!
(Melissa slowly moved like a Slakoth towards Roxanne)
Roxanne: This will be your first badge. The Boulder Badge. In honorary proof that you beat me. It is also a pass to allow you in the Pokemon League. Don't lose it! Guard it with your life. If you do, you'll have to come back and battle me for another one. Also have this TM. It's Rock Tomb. To use it attach, it to your pokemon's body and it will automatically learn it.
(Melissa speechlessly took them from her hands)
Roxanne:(sarcastically) Your welcome...............
Bobby: Oh Roxanne. Forget about it. She's so happy that she's speechless! Right Melissa?
(Staring at the badge, she didn't say a word)
Bobby:(smirks) See..........
(Melissa silently and carefully stuffs the badge in her bag that goes around her waist)
Melissa:(finally speaking up) Well, I'm.......I'm ready to go now Bobby.
Satoshi: You guys wait..............Melissa.......Congratulations........I'm......I'm sorry I got mad at you............
Melissa: And........ And I'm sorry I called your school stupid. I shouldn't judge a Chocolate Bar by it's wrapper.......
Satoshi: No, no...... It's OK........sometimes I think my school is stupid too........well....maybe......all the time.......
Melissa:(giggles) It's normal to think that school is stupid.....
Bobby: Well, finally! It's good seeing you two talking again!
Melissa:(laughs) Yeah...........Bobby? Where are we off to now?
Bobby: Ummm.....unfortunately, I don't know.........
Satoshi: We are off to........(checks PokeNav).......Dewford City......
Bobby: Were going there!?!
Satoshi: Yeah, that's where the next Gymleader is......why are you asking?
Bobby: I've always wanted to go to that town since I was 3! Thank you guys for picking the right town to go to!
Satoshi: Uhhh........ Were just following the Pokemon Leauge directions Bobby....., So we didn't actually plan to go there, but I heard that town has good gossip and hot babes..........
Bobby:(dreamily) Oh yeah..........
Melissa: Oh, come on you guys! Let's go! I can't wait any longer!
Bobby: Melissa. Your always in a hurry. Don't you think you should call home first? Your parents must be worried about you by now.
Melissa: OH MAN!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT THAT AND I PROMISED I'D CALL THEM EVERY TIME I'D GET TO A CITY OR TOWN! Bobby, thank you so much for reminding me! I hate breaking promises...............
Satoshi: Well, there are these really cool phones at the PokemonCenter were you can see the person your talking to on a TV screen while your speaking to them.
(They go to the Pokemon Center)
Melissa: Hey! It's Nurse Joy! I wanna thank you again for really helping Mudkip back there in PetalBurg.......uhhh.......but what are you doing here? Taking the place of another nurse?
Nurse Joy:(sweatdrops) Ummmm........pardon? Do I know you?
Satoshi:(covering Melissa's mouth with his hand) Ohhh............she's new......she doesn't know that you have 12 sisters working at PokemonCenters in every city and town in Hoenn.
Melissa:(removing Satoshi's hand from her mouth) You have 12 sisters!?! Wow, I would never survive in a household with that many siblings!
Nurse Joy: Oh, I see! You got me mixed up with one of my sisters! All of my sisters and me get that all that time.......only if we didn't look so much alike........
(Show's Melissa a framed photo of her and her 12 sister's in a group picture)
Melissa:(staring at the picture) Wow.........
Satoshi:......Nurse Joy.......can we use the phones?
Nurse Joy: Of course! There are a row of 5 of them on that desk down the hall.
(The three walk down the hall and towards the desk. They see 5 medium-sized, green, televisions with phones built in on the side. A keyboard is used for the dialing keys. Melissa sits down in a chair in front of one and starts dialing her number)
Satoshi: Is anyone there Melissa?
Melissa: Shhh......it's ringing.........(TV turns on and Mom answers)
Mom:(sadly) Hello?
Melissa: Mom........it's me........Melissa........
Mom:(brightens up) MELISSA! BABY IS THAT REALLY YOU???
Melissa: Yeah, Mom! Can't you see me from the TV phone at the house?
Mom: I can.........but I can't believe it...........Honey, I was worried about you. You should have called me sooner!
Melissa: I'm sorry Mom but it takes along time to get to one town to another. How are you?
Mom: I'm fine-----now......I've been so worried about you, I've been so depressed these past 2 days........
Melissa: Oh........Mom..........I missed you to! I think of you and the family everyday! Oh, did I tell you I got my first badge???
Mom: YOU DID!?!?! My li'l baby growing up so fast! Your Dad will be so happy! He got his first badge in 2 months when he was a trainer, but you got it in 2 days! I'm so proud of you *sniff*!
Melissa: Ohh.........Mama..........Where's Tiana and Amber-Anne?
Mom: Amber-Anne went back to campus and Tiana went shopping at the mall. They said they both miss you, even though Amber-Anne didn't say it like she meant it.........that girl.........(shakes her head solemnly)
Melissa: That's OK Mom. Where's Casey and Macy?
Mom: The twins? There outside playing football with their Dad. I hope they don't get to dirty. I don't want muddy tracks on my newly mopped floor........ha, ha.........(her eyes water and she cups her hands over her face to hide her crying) Oh, honey! I miss you so much! I love you and I don't want you to get hurt! Please come home! PLEASE!!!
Melissa:(sadly) Mom..............you know I can't.............
Mom:(wipes her eyes) I know.........but......
Melissa: Ma, I won't get hurt. I have 2 friends traveling with me and helping me out.(Points to Satoshi) This is Satoshi. He's ummmm...........(whispers) How old are you?
Satoshi:(whispers back) 14.
Melissa: He's 14. (Points to Bobby) And this is Bobby he's 13.
Satoshi: Nice to meet you ma'am.
Bobby: Same here.
Mom:(Stares at the 2, wide-eyed) Melissa, your traveling with boys???
Melissa: Yeah, so what?
Mom:(gives them an evil eye) You be careful around my daughter! HERE ME!?!?(they respond with fear in their voices) Good........I don't want her to get pregnant at the age of 13!
Melissa:(yells furiously. She is embarrassed) MOM!!! OF COURSE NOT!!! I'D NEVER..........THEY'D NEVER...........NEVER MIND!!! I'LL CALL YOU LATER!!! BYE!!!!
Mom:(blows a kiss) Bye, sugar-plum! And ask for you two.......(gives them one more cold look and hangs up)
(Satoshi and Bobby's faces are as red as apples)
Melissa: Sorry, guys. My Mom's a little, or should I say to, over-protective.......
Bobby: It's.......It's OK. When were all grown-up, we'll look back upon this day and have a laugh about it.
Melissa: Yeah...........Well come on guys. *long sigh* We have a long way to go........
Satoshi: Yep.........I'm already tired........*yawns*
(They leave th PokeCenter and walk towards the road to Dewford Town as the sunsets on a day of wonders)
Wow! That's the longest Part I wrote! Can't you believe it took me 12 weeks to finish this thing? Me neither...... Oh! I almost forgot. I wanna thank the 2 people who wrote me my first reviews. They made me happier and urged me to keep writing more. In honor of one person who wrote me a review, I made him be in my fanic as one of the main characters, Bobby. The 2nd person who wrote to me, not only complimented me, he/she gave me useful advice to write my chapters longer. That's why Part 7 is so long! Once again I thank them and I encourage other people to write reviews to me too. If my fanic sucks, is very good, mediocre, I still wanna know! Maybe If you people who read my fanic REALLY like it, I might get voted for the Reader's Choice Awards or the Best In Category thing. That would make me SOOOOO happy..........*sniff*
Dearly, Cookies and Milk;) See ya!