I'm a Beginning Pokemon Trainer!
Author: Cookies and Milk
E-mail: RiceBread60@aol.com
Category: OT
Summary for Part 5: I have decided to stop writting the summaries because it takes up time and space. I shouldn't have to write it in the first place because hopefully you guys read the Part before each one. That's all I have to say. Enjoy!
(Melissa, Satoshi, and there new friend Bobby are inside PetalBurg Woods)
Melissa: Gee......it's dark in here. Do any of you guys have a flashlight?
Satoshi:(eager to finally have Melissa's attention)
I don't have a flashlight but one of my Pokemon can use Flash.(Takes out a Pokeball and throws it) Go Solrock!
Solrock: Sol.......
Melissa:(scared) Wow! That thing looks scary! Especially with those really, freaky looking red eyes that just stare at you......
Solrock: Sol.......
Satoshi: Hey! Don't make fun of her! She's the cutest Pokemon in all of Hoenn! Right Solrocky?
Solrock: Solrock........
Melissa: Your crazy if you think that. Well, hurry up Satoshi! Light the way!
Satoshi: OK! Solrock use Flash to light up PetalBurg Woods!
Solrock: Solrock......
(Solrock struggles to do its Flash attack but it won't do)
Melissa: What's a matter?
Satoshi; Oh. I forgot. Flash only works in caves. Ooops.....Solrock return!
Melissa: Nice going........Hey Bobby. Whatcha lookin' at?
Bobby: Awwww..........Hey see! Look it's a little Slakoth......
Melissa: Awwww....It is cute! But what is it?(Takes out Pokedex)
Dexter: Slakoth: The Slacker Pokemon. This Pokemon closely resembles a sloth. Slakoth's heart beats just once a minute. Whatever happens, it is content to loaf around motionless. It is rare to see this Pokemon in motion in the wild but in battle it tends to move very fast.
Melissa: I wanna catch this Pokemon. Pokeball G-
Bobby: Wait! You have to weaken it first!
Melissa: Oh yeah! DAMN! I always forget that first rule!
(Takes out Mudkip's pokeball) OK then! Mudkip Go!
Mudkip: Mud!
Satoshi: This will be interesting......
Bobby: Come on Melissa! You can do it!
Melissa: Mudkip use your Tackle attack!
Mudkip: Mudkip!
(Mudkip charges head first towards the Slakoth. The Slakoth who was motionless the whole time slams into a tree and faints in a split-second)
Melissa:(blinks twice and stares) Wow.......that was easier than I thought........OK! POKEBALL GO!
(Slakoth is inside Pokeball. Melissa, Satoshi, and Bobby watch the wriggling pokeball)
Melissa:(thinks to herself) Please........Oh please.......Let me catch this one pokemon!
(Pokeball stops moving)
Melissa:(Stares) I......I.......I......I caught it.........I caught it! I caught it! I caught it!(cries)I caught my first pokemon!
(Slowly walks over to the Pokeball and slowly picks it up and observes it)
Melissa: Yes!(thinks to herself) I finally caught my first pokemon.........I can't believe it.........
Melissa:(kneels down and opens up her arms that Mudkip run to for a hug) Mudkip! Good job buddy! Thank you so much!(kisses him on his forehead)
Mudkip: Mudkip!
(Takes out the newly-caught Slakoth)
Slakoth: Slakoth???
Melissa: Hi Slakoth! I'm your new trainer Melissa and these will be your friends Bobby and Satoshi.
Slakoth: Slakoth!
Melissa: Hey! Why won't you stay out of your Pokeball for a while? You can hang on my back since I guess you don't walk much.
Bobby: Congratulations Melissa!
Satoshi:(arms-crossed and smirking) Yeah, great job-for a beginner.
Melissa: Well, boys ready to get out of these Woods?
Bobby: OK!
(The three all exit the PetalBurg Woods)
Melissa: Yeah! Day-light again! Hey, Satoshi, where are we now?
Satoshi:(checks his PokeNav) Ummm.....were on the 2nd part of Route 104. That means were close to Rustoboro!
Melissa: Really!?!?! Finally, were almost there!
Bobby: Hey guys what's that little shop over there?
Satoshi & Melissa: Huh?
Yeah! Melissa caught her first Pokemon! There also close to Rustoboro but what's that shop Bobby talking about? Keep reading to find out!~dearly Cookies and Milk