Part 6



Location and Setting: Misty was sort of sore that Ash hadn’t woken them up when May left.  In the last couple years, Misty and May became good girlfriends.  They would share things about Ash and how funny it was that he did this and he did that.  Ash, Satoshi, Marene and Misty begin their trek from Cerulean City to Pallet Town.


“Still, Ash, you could have still woken me up so I’d be able to wish her luck,” complained Misty.  It was alright for her to complain; that was the reason why they stayed at the airport. 


“Sorry, Misty, but May had to go, her flight was about to take off without her.”  Ash lied.  Ash and May must have spent at least fifteen minutes just going through the motions before May actually got into the plane.  Maybe it was better had Ash not tell Misty what happened.  In all honesty, Ash himself had no idea what happened when things had happened.  Anyways, that wouldn’t present it self for sometimes now and he had plenty of time to think over what he really wanted.




Location and Setting: Misty knew that if she had visited her sisters, they’d find a way to have her stay.  She couldn’t risk leaving Satoshi the way he was at the moment; still pondering whether he was happy being Satoshi.  So, they never visited her sisters.


There was a change of plan once they realized that Pallet was more than a few days from Cerulean.  Instead, it was decided that they go South towards Vermillion and from there take the bullet train towards the nearest station near Pallet.  That way they’d still be able to see the scenery Satoshi could only remember while having room to walk around in. 


It would be an overnight trip and in the day time, about noon, they’d be in Pallet, in Ash’s home.


There were a lot of things that Satoshi had wanted to visit just to see what he had been dreaming of since he was born.  But, first he wanted to visit his mother.  That is if his mother was really his mother. 


Of course it was different from what Ash had expected it to be like when Satoshi finally gets to see Delia.  Ash believed it was going to be such a happy occasion with a hearty lunch afterwards.  No, Satoshi saw it a different way.  How would someone react to a person that claim that they were their son when hey had never met.  A normal person would deny the person of that.  Satoshi would only be imposing on Delia’s kindness to ask her to be his mother.  It was different.


Inside the train heading towards Pallet, the four companions were set with their on box in the train.  Satoshi and Marene sat on side that would face the tail of the train with Satoshi next to the window.  As for Ash and Misty, they sat right in front of Satoshi and Marene facing the head of the train with Misty next to the window.  It was a treat to see the landscape that Satoshi remembered for some reason. 


Satoshi was sort of happy that Misty was finally awake.  Marene was awake as well, but she wasn’t the type to be impressed by the imagery of the land. 


“It seems so strange to be looking at something and think it so familiar when really you’ve never seen it before,” said Satoshi as he reminisced about something he had never had.


“Satoshi,” began Marene, “everything you see from 70mph looks the same.  We’re in a train.”


Marene, I know that, but… never mind you don’t get it.”


“I think I know what you mean, Satoshi,” said Misty who looked outside and saw the serene blue lake.  “Just looking outside and seeing that lake out there makes me feel like I’ve been there so many times.  Like it was part of my past as a child playing in other lakes like that. I guess we pine for things in the past as well as look forward to things that we can connect with.”


“Yes,” said Satoshi happy that she understood what he was talking about. 


“Huh,” snickered Marene quite disenfranchised and isolated not really caring about what the two were talking about.  “It’s always the same, you know.  From one lake to another it has water and dirt on the bottom.”


“You miss the point, Marene,” stated Satoshi.  “It’s the prospect that it’s there and we can enjoy it.  There may be a thousand lakes in the world, but I’m looking at this one right now and it looks great.”


“All lakes aren’t the same.  Yes, they’re similar, but each lake has its own story,” said Misty matter-of-factly.  “Just look at your Psyduck and look at my Psyduck.  At first sight they make look alike, but in reality they are very different.”


“Yeah, Marene.  I guess, it’s like me and Ash.  Despite my frame, whatever is inside of me is different.”


Hearing that from Satoshi, Misty believed he was wrong.  There were so many things that were similar between Ash and Satoshi it made Misty feel bad that she called Satoshi Satoshi.  She had spoken with Satoshi once about that name and she was told that the name came at some sort of fluke.  What if he didn’t want to be called that name?  Yes, he is different, but he’s still Ash.


The time turned 8 in the evening.  Marene who was keeping quiet to herself finally fell asleep.  Ash, who was awake all the time waiting for May to get into her plane, was out cold.  It was only Satoshi and Misty that were awake.  The train had kept Misty awake and Satoshi was just too anxious to go to sleep.


The sun finally waned and Satoshi began to feel his eyelids becoming heavier.  Heavier, until Misty said something.


“Did you say something?” asked Satoshi.


“I said are you really fine with people calling you Satoshi for the rest of your life?” repeated Misty.


Satoshi thought about it; no.  “What choice do I have? I can’t really ask Ash to give up his name.  Also, I know that you wouldn’t want Ash to.”


He was right.  No one can ask another person to give up their name. 


“Are you really going to have it this way, forever?”  It seemed desperate the way Misty put it.  Was it desperate for her to care so much about Satoshi’s situation?  What is the matter in the matter for her to get involved so deep into the Ketchum brothers? 


It seemed as if Satoshi was too deep in thought that he even heard Misty.  She had wanted to push the topic to get an answer, but decided not to.  It was her better judgment to leave Satoshi with his thoughts.  Misty knew she couldn’t do anything if Satoshi had answered he wasn’t happy being someone he really wasn’t.


The outside turned darker till it was night.  Misty heard the tracks and the wheels roll along.  It sounded peaceful.  Misty fell asleep.




Location and Setting: The train stopped two hours again somewhere just a bigger town off of Pallet Town.  They crossed the border between Pallet Town and the forest that led just to Viridian City.  The time was just passed 9 in the morning.  In 45 minutes, Satoshi would meet his mother.  Also, the day is a bright new day.


Misty watched quietly as she walked along side Marene at Satoshi.  Up in front, Ash and Satoshi spoke of their supposed childhood.  It somewhat made sense to the both of them as they knew the fields close to being blindfolded.  Even though Satoshi had never been there, he talked about it with Ash as if he were walking the route to his past. 


“What are you looking at,” said Marene suspiciously. 


Misty snapped out of her haze and smiled at Marene as if nothing happened.  “Oh, I was just wondering what Mrs. Ketchum will say when she sees the two of them together.  I mean, it’s still strange for me to look at Satoshi.”


That wasn’t all Misty was thinking of Satoshi.


“Oh.  Well, not me,” stated Marene thinking of Satoshi.  “To me, this is all just normal.  Well, not that seeing Satoshi beside himself is normal.  What I mean to say is; I know that Satoshi isn’t normal, but he is to me.  From the first time I met him, I knew he wasn’t the same as everyone else.  And it’s not just the ears that made him that way.  It was something inside of him that made him seem different; at first.  Then, I began to see the real Satoshi.  He wasn’t just a type of mentor; he was more like a brother.”


“Be careful of the word, ‘Brother’, Marene.  It’ll come back to bite you,” offered Misty as a little advice.


“What do you mean by that?”


“If I know Ash and if Satoshi is in the slightest like him, then you’ll find that you’re missing something more that what you think.”


Marene thought about what Misty said and dismissed it as something other than important.  Marene continued with her thought earlier.  “When I look at Satoshi, I think of him as the original.  It’s because I met him first, but I’m trying to see Ash as the first, but I just can’t.  To you, Satoshi might just be the younger brother, but to me Satoshi is just Satoshi; the kind boy who decided to help a bumbling trainer that I was.  Did you know Satoshi saved me when I first met him?”


Marene, I see that you really care about Satoshi.”


Up in front, Ash and Satoshi also had a conversation about whatever. 


“From what I remember, I remember she would always cook a welcome home feast for you,” said Satoshi.  He still wasn’t able to acknowledge who Ash’s mother was.  It just didn’t feel right with him claiming something without approval of the person. 


Ash thought about it and he realized that Satoshi hadn’t seen a current picture of his mother.  If it’s been three years since Satoshi was born to the world, he probably has the old mother in his memory.  It wasn’t that she had gotten really old; it was only three years that has passed.  In all actuality, Delia had stayed the same as if she were forever young in her current form.  Also, Delia wasn’t as old as one might think.  During the time she gave birth to Ash, she was only passed her teenage years.


“Hey, Satoshi, do you want to see a picture of mother?” asked Ash quite happy to brag about the mother he believed they both shared. 


Satoshi thought about it for a bit.  From the memories Satoshi inherited by Ash, Satoshi remembered his mother to be the most beautiful woman that he’d ever known.  She was beautiful not only in appearance, but as a whole person.  She was that kind of mother and Satoshi had that in his head.  She taught Ash to be a respectable person and knowing Ash and to a further extent without being conceded, he knew himself to be a caring person in his own right.


“Ash, that’s okay.  I think I know what she looks like.  I’ve been imagining her ever since I was created… I think… I think that if she really is that wonderful of a person, I already know what she looks like.”


Ash thought about it and knew Satoshi was right.  He, as well, didn’t need to see a picture of his mother.  In Ash’s mind, the figure of his mother have been branded into him forever.  Ash knew what kind of mother she is and also what kind of person she is.  Ash acknowledged it a long time ago that he was a representative of what his mother is.  By the time Ash stopped thinking about it, he was stricken by how important this day would be when he brings his brother home to his mother. 


The four walked through all the old familiar sites getting closer to the dirt road that led to the white picket-fence that Ash called home.  Closer to the childhood memories.  Closer to the most important person in Ash’s life. Closer to their mother. 


As they got closer, Ash began to heave heavily psyching himself up as if he were about to enter another pokemon tournament.  As they got closer, Ash began to walk faster and he started to smile and laugh from time to time. 


Misty noticed this and couldn’t help feel excited herself.  Misty wanted cry for Satoshi and Ash, but knew if she did that would have just slowed Ash down and she knew that Ash didn’t like being slowed down—though Ash would never admit it.


Marene was excited for Satoshi as well, but not to the point anywhere close to Ash and Misty.  I guess it was because Marene had never met Mrs. Ketchum.  It was strange for Marene.  If she ever thought about it, Marene’s mother had never met Satoshi.  She would sometimes imagine what her mother would say if she told her that she was running around the world with a boy, not to mention a boy who was older with her.  Sometimes, when Marene is just thinking about her mother, she’d imagine her yelling for not telling her for such a long time.  There have been times when Marene and Satoshi visited Marene’s home town, but Satoshi would always go to the forest with Ursaring, Bellossom and Aipom.  Satoshi could tell Marene wasn’t comfortable with her mom about his being with her—even if it’s all platonic—but nonetheless it was still uncommon or risqué for a girl her age traveling alone with a boy. 


Satoshi once considered their relationship different from the one that Ash had with Misty.  That was why he let Marene be every time she would visit home.  Misty and Ash were still boy and girl, but Brock was there as a factor.  Brock was thought as the bigger, older brother of the two and would have been expected to look out for his distant adopted siblings; this was the only difference.  For some reason, with Brock there, Ash’s mother probably thought that the two, Ash and Misty, wouldn’t dare do anything with Brock looking out. 


As for Satoshi, who didn’t really believe that Marene was his type of girl in the first place, never considered any romantic connection between himself and her.  Satoshi always looked at himself as the brother figure that Brock had played with Misty and him.  In fact, Satoshi saw too much of Ash in Marene to ever consider her anything more than a type of pupil. 


The relation between Marene and Satoshi started as a sort of master and disciple, but it grew to friendship love.  In actuality, Satoshi had an idea of leaving her after she got on her feet and was able to take care of herself.  He was going to go on his own journey, alone, but he began to think of her as family. Satoshi began to think of Marene as the younger sister he had never had.  It wasn’t the same with Misty.  Misty was a kind of family member as well, but never as a younger sister or in this case an older sister.  It just didn’t click that way.


Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!” yelled Ash as he saw the picketed fence he’d see all the time when he’d come home from school or from hang out with his other friends in Pallet Town.  “Satoshi, we’re here.  We’re home, Satoshi.”  Ash did that as he grasped Satoshi’s shirt.  “Do you know what this means?”


Satoshi was very much excited as Ash was, but to as expedited as Ash’s excite had been exploded, Satoshi’s doubt was also at a high pressure.


Ash didn’t let go of Satoshi’s arm as he began to run.  Satoshi, seeing that he was being pulled by Ash, began to speed up his pace to Ash.


“Hey, Ash, wait for us!” said Misty as she began to run after Ash knowing that there is no way she would be able to slow Ash down.


Ash finally reached the door.  Ash wasn’t going to knock on his own door as he turned the knob.  It was lock.  Ash always had a key with him that his mother gave him the very first time Ash set out on his journey.  Delia had told Ash that she loved him and that she’d be waiting for him to come back from his long journey.  She told Ash, “…the key is for you.  Remember that you’re mother is here waiting for you and that key means that you will always be welcome here.


Ash took out his key from somewhere in his backpack.  It was the safest place for the key to be.  Ash would have never left with his backpack and knew that if he kept it with his person, he’d eventually lose it running or climbing or whatever. 


Ash opened the door to an empty house.  Everything was kept clean and dust free—must have been Mr. Mime.


Satoshi looked around and wanted to cry seeing something he only dreamed of seeing again.  Everything was the same as he had remembered.  A few renovations, but everything was the same as he imagined things would be.  Being there meant something special to him.  There has always been desperation for home ever since he was born and began crying that day.  That day, he had wanted his mother to comfort him, to hug him, to show that she loved him.  She wasn’t there.


Satoshi was so close to something that was missing in his life.  Satoshi had a empty whole in his life for so long.  Something he reached for, but was never so close to ever touching.  Satoshi began to feel as if the puzzle were being put together forming the picture he wanted to see forever. 


Satoshi looked around and saw the pictures of Ash and his… Mother!


On the wall hanged a picture of his mother smiling her beautiful smile.  Along with her was a baby Ash crying as his magnificent mother held him with her protective love.  Ash’s mother.  Ash’s mother, thought Satoshi.


“I wonder where mom is?” said Ash as he scratched his head.


Satoshi knew where to find it.  He walked to the kitchen and looked at the refrigerator—more pictures of Ash and his mother.  Satoshi looked around and there it was; a note. 


            Went to go grocery shopping.




There was her hand writing.  Whether or not she knew Ash was coming home today; it might have been just her way of saying Ash never left home. 


Every bit of the house reminded Satoshi of his mother.  He looked inside the refrigerator to find leftovers and knew that his mom had cooked it. 


It was only 10:30 in the morning.  If Ash was right and he knew his mother, she would have left around at 10.  In this case, grocery shopping would take about an hour and thirty minutes, plus the extra fifteen minutes for her to arrive.  In this case, she wouldn’t be back for another hour. 


Seeing that they had another hour before his mother would come back from grocery shopping, Ash decided to eat.  It was last night when Ash had eaten.  He remembered that it wasn’t much of a meal as well.  It was train food.  At times, train food is good, that is if you actually pay for it, but in Ash’s case, the tickets there wasn’t inexpensive.


At first, Misty had decided she was too anxious to eat anything, but when she saw Ash eating and smelled the aroma, she couldn’t help asking for a little bite.  Afterwards, Misty decided, again, that she was hungry after all.  It was the same for her on the train.  The only thing she ate was two tomatoes cut in have with salt.  It wasn’t because she was watching her weight—she traveled around too much to ever worry about her weight—but because the others only had little snacks and she couldn’t afford a meal for everyone.


Marene, too ate with Ash and Misty.  She had missed home cooking.  The last time she ate was when she went home to get the letter for the Island tournaments from her mother.  The food was leftovers, but it still had the taste of freshness after being put in the microwave.


Satoshi made himself a plate, but it wasn’t much.  There were enough for two more people to have seconds, but Satoshi was either too anxious or too nervous or even both to eat.  If anything, he ate to make up for the lack of a meal he had last night.


The four of them sat at the table as they ate.  If the table were alive, it’d have told them that it was lonely from only having two people to serve: Mrs. Ketchum and Mr. Mime.   It had been a long time since the table had more than three people.


Misty noticed that Satoshi had less to eat than all of them.  His plate was only half full when he started and it wasn’t close to being half eaten when Ash had gotten up for seconds.  She wondered if it was the Pokemon side of Satoshi that didn’t require him to eat as much as a human, but then remembered that he didn’t eat much as well as everyone else last night.  Then, Misty realized that he was nervous about this ever since yesterday.  She remembered what they discussed.  Satoshi wasn’t sure he had wanted to be Satoshi when his heart told him he was Ash—also Ash.


“Are you okay?” asked Misty as she was beginning to go after his hand to try to comfort him, but decided not to do so after all.


“Huh?” asked Satoshi startled.  “Oh, yeah, why wouldn’t I.”


“Satoshi, you’re always off in your world,” said Marene in agitation. 


Marene, thank you, for coming along with me.  I know that there could be something else you’d be doing.”


Marene looked at Satoshi’s eyes and they were very sincere when he said it.  “Sa… Satoshi… don’t look at me like that.  Besides, I don’t have anything to do at home anyways.  In speaking of doing something, Ash, what’s there to do in Pallet Town.  As you probably have guessed, Satoshi hadn’t told me anything of here.”


“Hmm?  Well, Pallet Town isn’t really much of an attraction.  The biggest site here is I guess Prof. Oak’s laboratory.”


“Did you just say Prof. Oak’s laboratory?”  Marene had read about Prof. Oak somewhere in a pokemon magazine.  She didn’t quite remember what it said about him, but he was mentioned as one of top the Pokemon experts in the world.  It also read in the magazine where he lived, but Marene wasn’t able to remember that much about his actual home.  “Satoshi, you didn’t mention that he lived in the same town you did?”  Marene made a face that could have scolded a Charizard.  Satoshi could tell she was upset.


“Come on, Marene, there was no way for me to tell you,” said Satoshi knowing there were no way to appease her from keeping that information away from her.


“Hey, Marene, I know Prof. Oak very well and I can take you to him later if you want,” asked Ash.  “I even have a close friend there working as an assistant.”


Marene was excited hear that.  It wasn’t because of Prof. Oak’s status as a pokemon expert, but to meet someone famous in that field was just cool.


“Oh, really, would you?”


“Sure, we can go after mom and Satoshi are acquainted.” 


It sort of bothered Satoshi that Ash was so casual about having his mother meet him.  It was different for Satoshi.  It wasn’t meeting another person, it was meeting his mother for the first time.  It was as if he were born three years later to meeting his mother. 


“Satoshi, I’m really starting to like this side of you,” said Marene trying to get Satoshi angry, though it had little to no effect at all.


When they were done, Ash went over to the sink and offered to clean the dishes.  Why he offered was because it was his home and he couldn’t just leave it out like that for his mother.  He was just taught that. 


When he as done, he was soaked from the waist up.  He wasn’t very careful.


Ash took off his shirt and decided to take a shower before his mother was to get home.  The time was only 10:50 so he knew he had plenty of time to get that out of the way. 


As he walked by Marene, Satoshi saw a blush in her face and he frowned at her.  Marene noticed the frown on Satoshi, but she was too embarrassed to acknowledge that she was embarrassed by Ash with his shirt off.


Satoshi wondered why Marene blushed just at the site.  There have been many times he took his shirt off in front of Marene and it didn’t bother her at all.  Well, to be honest, the first few times when he did that before her she did blush, but after a while she got over it.  Not only that, but she never blushed with any other guy taking their shirt off.  Satoshi noticed this the last few times they went to the beach and a guy just took of his shirt.




Location and Setting: Just outside of the Ketchum resident Mrs. Ketchum walked through the fence opening with Mr. Mime.


“I can’t believe that I forgot my purse,” said Mrs. Ketchum to Mr. Mime.


“Mime,” said Mr. Mime.


Mrs. Ketchum walked to the door and tested the knob to see if it was locked or not.  She remembered it being locked and was sure it was locked.  Yet, there was never anything to be afraid of since Mr. Mime was always with her. 


On the other side of the door, Satoshi sat there by himself.  Marene had to use the girl’s room and Misty led the way to the rest room in Mrs. Ketchum’s room.  Misty had used that instead of the guest rest room.  This information is not necessary at all.


Satoshi was on the couch when the door opened and she walked in surprised to see her son there.


Satoshi stood up quickly as if he were doing something he shouldn’t have done.  He couldn’t believe his eyes as he starred at the woman as he sun behind her head reflected her shadow that reached him.  It was the closest he had ever stood next to the woman, but Satoshi knew he had known her forever.  There was a thump in his heart beating like the drums in a tempered medley.  Satoshi was frozen; not of fear or any insecurity, but of surprise, warmth, happiness, delight, closeness, love and of fulfillment of something he never knew he desired.


Delia looked at the boy and was very much happy to see this person. 


“Ash!,” Delia screamed in delight as the one she’s been waiting for finally arrive.  Delia though it was great to have this person back to her.  Her lonely nights alone with Mr. Mime would be filled with talks with this person about anything conversation would steer towards.  It would mean it the days before he went away were back for as brief as when he’ll be packing up and setting off again.  That didn’t matter; what mattered was that he was here now and she couldn’t enjoy the only man; second only man to make her week in the knees to see again—maybe third only man.


Satoshi didn’t say anything.  It was as if he were in shock.  As if he had seen something magnificent and was content into just watching the woman before him.  He didn’t need words.  For as long as he could remember, all he wanted was to see this person in front of him and now that has come true.  To be associated with her, to be in the same room was enough. 


The woman ran to the boy and hugged him; embraced him. 


Satoshi felt the woman’s body wrapping around him and the thought it was so warm.  It was warmth you only get after being in front of a fire after being outside for so long.  Satoshi was hesitant, but then he began to feel his arms move as if they had a mind of their own.  His arms crawled up and wrapped around the woman that embraced him.  In no time, he found himself embracing her as hard as she had embraced him.  Satoshi didn’t want to return the embrace the woman was giving him, but his body did otherwise what his insecurities told him not to do. 


Satoshi embraced hard as if he had never wanted to let go ever again.  Delia heard him cry and she hugged him harder as when she had done to Ash when he was younger. 


Delia was wondering why he was crying, but that didn’t matter now.  This person was of need of her and she did what came natural to her.  Delia gave the boy motherly love like Satoshi had only dreamed of remembering. 


Satoshi couldn’t control himself anymore as he whimper and heave as he cried.  Delia embraces and patted him in return, calming him as if he was still only 4 years old.


From up the stairs, Misty walked down and turned to where the two shared a bond that both had not known they shared.  Misty saw the two and knew she had almost missed something almost like magic or a miracle.


Delia saw Misty standing there and noticed that she was crying as well.  Delia knew Misty wasn’t crying out of pain, but her expression was of joy and happiness.  She wondered what had happened to cause this burst of emotional energy she felt from both of them.


“Dear,” Mrs. Ketchum began to say, “I don’t know what happened, but I’m here for you and I’ll always be here.  I’m your mother and whatever troubles you have, I’m always here.”


Pika,” said Satoshi unable to express or control whatever he did at the moment.


“Ash, tell me what happened,” Delia said concerned now as to why that last whimper had meant.  “If it’s about your hair being blond, I don’t care about that.  I’m not mad at all.”


Satoshi still had his hat and so Delia had still not noticed anything that might be out of the realm of normality.  All she knew at the moment was that this person needed her.


Done from the girls room, Marene stepped out into view to see Ash’s mom with Satoshi clinging on for dear life.  She saw that Satoshi was very happy.  She had never seen him like that before.  Most of the time, Marene would only get a hint of Satoshi’s past.  Here, it came full circle and she saw Satoshi in a different light.


Delia saw Marene and wondered who this girl was.  She just thought it was another girl Ash brought home.  In recent years, Ash had brought more and more new girls home.  It bothered her sometimes that one of these girls might be taking her son away from her, but she always began to like them.  And she did like them when she got to know who they were.  Somehow, Delia always learned that they cared for Ash and she knew that she would be leaving her son in good hands.  That was why she never really mind when he brought another girl.


“Misty,” Delia said addressing Misty, “do you know what’s going on?”


“It’s a very long story, Mrs. Ketchum,” answered Misty as she wiped the tear from her eyes.


Suddenly, Delia heard footsteps from just the corner of the next room.  She never thought it was suspicious to hear another person coming from up the stairs.  It might have just been Brock that was up there; she never thought as Ash made the corner to show himself, that it was Ash.


Delia’s eyes widened to see her son from over there and also to be embracing the person she as embracing.


“Mom…,” began Ash as she walked over to her and grasp her shoulder, “meet your other son.




Here we are.  Hope you like.  Review?  Submitted 12/05/06