Author's Note: ::sweatdrops:: it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, here's part 4 of my insane-ness fic! Ya better enjoy, or else you won't! ^^;;;
Thanks to my many friends who was willing to be in this fic! ^_____^
And this is still rated PG-13 just in case...
Disclaimer: I don't own pokémon, and sadly I still won't! EVAR! ::Cries:: what? So I didn't do the “proper disclaimer” Sue me! ::blinks:: Er nevermind ^^;;
A New Year's Party Part 4
Topic: “Don't say “damn”
The party has been on for a while, and everybody are talking, and dancing while they're waiting for midnight to come. Misty's D and DigiX are lying on the ground fainted from Reene's attack, Obsidian Blade are lying on the ground rottening, and Kevin g are trying his best to get a date, and did you know that Michael Jackson actually is a black guy?! Incredible isn't it? I mean, he looks like an albino, and he used to be a black guy! The world is amazing, I mean, that a black guy can turn white! That's just..whoah! And...
Eevee: HEY!
Kira: What?!
Eevee: You're rambling dammit!
Kira: Am not! The narrator is! And as far as I know, then YOU'RE the narrator!
Eevee: Not today!
Kira: What?!
Eevee: I didn't think it would be fair that I worked on a holiday, so I hired some dude to narrate this part!
Kira: ::eye twitch:: And....who...did you hire?
The Purple Haired Guy walks in.
Purple Haired Guy: Hello!
Kira: .......... ::looks at Eevee:: YOU HIRED HIM!?
Eevee: Hey, I found that poor guy on the street! He seemed nice, so I offered him the job!
She began to chase Eevee around, trying to strangle it. Meanwhile Coal Black Dratini was suffering because she hit the nice Purple Haired Guy in his beautiful eye, and....
Kira: ::smacks Purple Haired Guy:: You're fired!
Purple Haired Guy: Awww man!
Kira: Eevee! Do your damn job, or I'll feed you to Tracey!
Eevee: ::sigh:: Okay okay dammit...
Ash: You say “damn” too much!
Kira: So?
Eevee: Hey, weren't you supposed to try and escape Kira? Or just be running around screaming in general?
Ash: I did, but my lungs hurt!
Kira: Just run dammit!
Ash: Stop saying “damn” dammit!!
Kira: What about you then, dammit?
Ash: You mother-dammer!!
Kira: Damn you!
Ash: Damn you too!!
Kira: Damn you even more!!
Eevee watched the two argue, in disgust. It then walked away, into the crowd, hoping to get some booze.
DigiX and Misty's D got up from the ground groaning in pain from Reene's attack.
DigiX: This is all your fault!
Misty's D: What?! How the heck can it be my fault?!
DigiX: Well, you were the one who attacked me!
Misty's D: Hey, you attacked me too!
DigiX: I didn't start it!
Misty's D: Oh yeah?!
DigiX: Yeah!
Misty's D: Yeah?!
DigiX: There's a bug on your shirt!
Misty's D: .....So?
DigiX: Damn, I forgot it wasn't Misty herself I argued with! ::gets dreamy eyed:: Misty....
Misty's D: ::blinks:: Weirdo!
She then took out her mallet and smashed DigiX, and walked away, taking the stuffing with her.
Finaille Nailo: C'MON EVERYBODY!! LET'S SING!!
The other people groaned. Finaille had turned off the music player, and wanted everybody to sing a song.
Finaille Nailo: “IT'S GOOD TO STAY AT THE....Y....M....C.....A!!!”
Karyuu Shoujo: Oh GAWD, not that song! >_<;;;;
Anonymous 2003: Maybe we shouldn't have spiked the punch?
Karyuu Shoujo: What punch?
Anonymous 2003: That punch!
Karyuu Shoujo: There's punch?
Anonymous 2003: Yeah, right over there, in that punch bowl!
She pointed at the table in the middle of the living room, beside the lamp post.
Karyuu Shoujo: Uhm... that isn't a punch bowl!
Anonymous 2003: It isn't?
Karyuu Shoujo: No, that's a plant!
Anonymous 2003: Oh... Then why're Finaille acting like that?
Karyuu Shoujo: ::shrugs:: I dunno...
Just then, the plant suddenly grew legs, and jumped down from the table, scaring all the people in its' way! It then ran over towards Kevin g's KFC booth.
Anonymous 2003: Well, that was random!
At Kevin g's KFC booth, Reene was sitting by the desk, looking odd. Kevin walked up, looking curious.
Kevin g: Yo Reene! Something wrong?
Reene then looked gloomily up at Kevin.
Reene: I...have a problem...
Kevin then jumped over the desk, and sat beside Reene.
Kevin: You can tell me!
Reene looked surprised at Kevin because of his reaction, and snickered.
Reene: I guess you couldn't get a date, huh?
Kevin: Stop mocking me! ;_;
Reene began to laugh.
Kevin: Stop laughing! It's not funny!! And what were your problem anyway?!
Reene stopped laughing and looked serious. “Come closer, and I shall tell you!”
Kevin edges closer, and Reene waved her finger, wanting him to come closer for whispering purposes, and so he did.
Kevin was litterally thrown back by the yell, his ear deep red. Reene then took him by the collar, and shook him violently.
Reene: What's a poor girl to do?!
Kevin got very dizzy by the shaking and Reene finally let him go. The poor boy looked frightened at the crazed self proclaimed super hero girl, and crawled away, while Reene continued to scream her agony about what skirt to use.
In the living room...
Dannichu: Did you hear that?
Pikachu: Hear what?
Dannichu: Hear someone complain about what skirt to use, and then take Kevin by his collar and shake him violently, to then let him go, so he could crawl away in fear...
Pikachu: Oh.,... Nope, I didn't hear that...
Dannichu: ::shrugs:: Ok...
Celebi then came in.
Pikachu: HAI CELEBI! ^____^
Celebi: Hi!
An arkward silence soon filled the room. Even a dustball rolled past the three.
Dannichu: So uhm... Weren't you chasing Gary?
Celebi: Yeah, I was, but then he disappeared! I don't know where he is!
Brock then came in sobbing, with Moya following.
Pikachu: HAI BROCK AND MOYA! ^_______^
Moya: HAI PIKACHU! ^______^
Brock: ::sobs:: Hi...
Brock then noticed Dannichu, and stopped sobbing.
Brock: Hey, how come you have a pair of Pikachu ears and a tail?
Dannichu: Because Pikachu is my fave Pokémon! ^^;;;
Pikachu: ::Gasps:: Are you kidding me?! It's my fave too!
Dannichu: Coool!!
Celebi: Cooooooool!!!
Moya: Coooooooooooooool!!!
Pikachu: Totally Coooooooooooooool!!!
Brock stared, and mumbled “I wonder why I didn't notice that before...”
Obsidian Blade was walking around, not knowing what to do. She still needed revenge at I mean Kira for not being much in the last part! She walked out into the hallway, only to see Ash and Kira damn eachother. She sweatdropped.
Obsidian Blade: ........Erm, am I interrupting something?
The two teens stopped arguing, and stared at Obsidian. Kira began to scream.
Obsidian: What?!
Kira: I thought you were lying dead in the other room!
Ash: Dead?!
Kira: Yeah, I killed her!
Ash blinked, and edged away from Kira.
Obsidian: So, why're you two damning eachother anyway?
Kira: Because Ash told me to stop saying “damn”
Ash: Well, it was annoying to hear all that “damn” all the damn time!
Misty then came out, holding Togepi tightly, while mumbling “Damn little cat”
Ash heard what Misty said, and ran over to her, took her by her shoulders, and began to shake her like crazy.
Kira and Obsidian stared at Ash's crazed act, and expected the worst to happen next. And it did. Misty got ticked off, took out her mallet, and smashed Ash many times. Ash was now lying on the ground twitching in pain.
Misty: Don't you dare shaking me again!
Kira began to laugh.
Misty: What?!
Kira: That sounded funny! XD
Obsidian Blade sighed with disgust, and mumbled “You're always so perverted!”
Misty: I said shaking, not shagging, you idiot!
Just then Jessie came running out into the hallway, dragging a sleeping James.
Jessie: Hand over your Pikachu, twerp!
Ash got up, rubbing his sore head.
Ash: I don't got it here...
Jessie: Oh.....damn...
Ash blinked, and became furious again. He ran over, and tried to grab Jessie by her shoulders, but failed because of his short height. He decided to grab her by her waist instead, and shook her crazily.
He let go, and ran out of the hallway, screaming. The others stared at him, looking very shocked, confused, and surprised.
Jessie: What the heck has gone into that twerp?!
Kira: Maybe it's something that HASN'T gone into him...
The others stared at Kira.
Kira: What?!
Misty: You're disgusting!
Kira: Wha?! I wasn't even thinking of anything perverted!
She paused.
Kira: But I do now!
She grinned stupidly, and the others rolled their eyes, and walked away. Kira was all alone in the hallway, still grinning stupidly. Suddenly she heard a noise nearby, and saw Kevin g come crawling out into the hallway! She blinked.
Kira: Kev, what the heck is wrong?!
Kevin g: It's....Reene... she...she has... Oh my god, it's horrible!!
Kira: What? What's so horrible!?
Kira's eyes widened. “Dear lord no!”
Wolfs Rain had walked outside because she couldn't find the bathroom. When she had done her 'business' at some trees, she turned around to walk inside again, and drink some more booze.....and wash her hands...I hope O_o;;; She then bumped into a person who suddenly was there!
Wolfs Rain: Damn...
It turned out that the person she had bumped into was Ash. He went berserk, and grabbed her by her shoulders, and shook her crazily.
He let go, and ran inside the house again, screaming. Wolfs Rain had fallen to the ground, dizzy. She was shocked at the sudden action, and stood up again, only to realize that she was too drunk to stand up straight, so she fell again. She cursed beneath her breath, and kicked the ground. But unluckily she hurt her foot.
Wolfs Rain: Dammit!
Before she could do anything, Ash ran out of the house again, picked her up, and shook her yet again.
He then let go, and ran around on the street screaming. Wolfs Rain got angry at being shaked all the time, so she took out a bottle of beer, drank it all, and threw the empty bottle at the crazed Ash. It hit right on his forehead, and he fainted. Wolfs Rain, now very drunk after the recent beer. She stood up shakingly, and walked inside again. She didn't notice the shadowy figure hiding behind the tree she had done her 'business' at.
Kira and Kevin g was still in the hallway, when Wolfs Rain walked in. She was about to ask Kira and Kevin if they had some beer, when she got a vase thrown on her head. The three stared at the direction the vase came from, and saw Coal Black Dratini stand in the corner grinning goofily, and ran away.
Wolfs Rain: Damned paranoid girl...
Kira: You shouldn't have said that!
Wolfs Rain: Why not?
Kira gestured to the door, expecting someone to come running in. The three stared at the door for several minutes before Wolfs Rain got tired of waiting.
Wolfs Rain: Dammit, why shouldn't I have said that?!
Kira looked at the door questiongly, and shrugged.
Kira: I just thought that Ash would come and attack you, that's all...
Wolfs Rain: He did!
Kevin g: Really?
Kira: Shut up Kevin, you aren't supposed to say anything yet!
Kevin g: Well, I'm tired of standing here, not saying anything! People would think I'm some minor character!
Kira: You are!
Kevin g: Am not!
Kira: Is too!
Kevin g: Am not!
Kira: Is too!
Kevin g: Not!
Kira: Too!
The two continued to yell at eachother, and Wolfs Rain got tired of watching, so she walked towards the door into the living room. She soon got tackled by Reene. They both fell to the ground, and Reene picked them both up, and shook Wolfs Rain violently.
Wolfs Rain got frightened, screamed, got free of Reene's clutches, and ran upstairs. Kira and Kevin stopped arguing, and stared frightened at Reene. They eyed the front door, and ran towards it. Kevin g fell over some shoes, and landed flat on his face. Kira stopped, and looked back at the fallen boy. Kevin held out his hand, wanting some help. “There's no time!” Kira yelled, and ran towards the door again, even though Reene was 20 feet behind Kevin and Kira was only 2 feet infront of him. So yes, the hallway's pretty big.
Kira ran outside, and closed the front door shut. She ran a bit more, and then noticed Ash lying on the ground fainted. She stared a bit, and a stupid grin appeared on her face. She walked over to Ash, and was about to pick him up, when she heard something move in the bushes. She turned around, and saw nobody. She stared for a couple of seconds, shrugged, and faced the fainted Ash again. But then she heard something, making her turn around yet again. Still nothing. She got annoyed, and picked Ash up, placing him on her back, so she could carry him. She was about to walk inside again, but a shadowy figure soon attacked them. Kira screamed.
Finaille Nailo: What was that?
DigiX: I don't know...
Moya, Brock, Misty, Finaille Nailo, Dannichu, Pikachu, Ash's Pikachu, Gary, Coal Black Dratini, Anonymous 2003, Karyuu Shoujo, Celebi, DigiX, and Misty's D had gathered in the middle of the livingroom, after they heard some screaming from the hallway, and outside.
Misty: What's happening?!
Misty's D: I don't know..
Misty then stared at Misty's D.
Misty: Hey, you look exactly like me!
Misty's D: So?
Dannichu: Hey, where's Kira and Ash?
Gary: I guess Kira took Ash to 'some place'.
Celebi: We could too you know!
Gary blinked and stepped away.
Pikachu: What about Kevin and Reene?
DigiX: Well, considering what Kevin g says at the forum, then I won't even think about it! ><;;;;
The others got disgusted looks on their faces, some mumbling “Poor Reene” (A/N: Nya haa haa!! Take that Kevin! XD)
Suddenly the whole house began to shake, and everybody screamed.
Anonymous 2003: What's going on?!
Moya: That's it! I've had it!
Moya then stepped up on the lamp post, and yelled out to everybody.
Moya: Listen up! We have to get out of here, before something bad happens! Pikachu! You and Dannichu, Ash's Pikachu, Gary, Brock and Misty go THAT way! Us others go this way! We need to find the rest and get out of here!
She then jumped down, and ran into the other room, the rest following, leaving Pikachu, Dannichu, Ash's Pikachu, Gary, Brock and Misty behind. They took a glance at eachother, shrugged, and ran out into the hallway. They soon stopped abruptly, when they saw Reene holding Kevin g by his collar, and shaking him violently, yelling something about she can't get the right G-string. She truly HAS hit puberty! Or the other way around, or whatever -_-;;;
The house began to shake even more, and the gang spotted Wolfs Rain on the stairs. Brock and Gary ran over, grabbed Wolfs Rain, and carried her outside, while Pikachu and Dannichu carried Kevin g. Misty and Reene suddenly began discussing about what dress that was 'in' this year. The others stopped, and sweatdropped. Dannichu hurriedly maked up an excuse for them to follow.
Dannichu: Uhm... there's a sale on the other side of the street!
Misty and Reene blinked, and ran outside, the others followed.
They were soon outside. They looked back at the house, which was trembling, and falling apart, from all the shaking.
Pikachu: Oh no, the others!
Before anyone could react, Moya and her gang crashed through the windows, with The Purple Haired Guy, Jessie, James and Meowth following. Dannichu's eyes widened.
Dannichu: Oh no! Kira's cat Mille is still in there!
Brock: And Eevee!!
Kevin g: And my beloved KFC booth!
The Purple Haired Guy soon jumped through the broken windows again, inside the house, while the others stared in shock. Minutes passed, and he soon dramatically jumped out again, holding Eevee and Mille in his arms. The others cheered and gathered around the Purple Haired Guy.
Eevee: Let go of me you freak!
Eevee then bit his arm, and Mille scratched his face, making him to let them go. The others stared.
Brock: Hey, that's no way to treat a person who just saved you!
Eevee: Saved?! Me and Mille was about to jump out of a window, when that moron crashed in, and landed on us! We then tried to get out again, and he grabbed us, and jumped into a wall! Then we had to get some water, and pour on his face so he could wake up, and he then grabbed us again, and jumped out!
Wolfs Rain: Wow, that Eevee sure can talk fast!
Misty's D: Yeah, even without breathing!
Suddenly an earthquake came, and everybody watched in shock, while the house got engulfed by a huge mouth. Soon the whole house got swallowed in one go, and it turned out to be....Tracey who ate the entire house! Everything then went quiet, while the others stared at the humongous Tracey.
Misty's D: I knew he was a disgusting pig, but...ew..
Pikachu: And people wonder why I hate him..
Tracey then made a huge belch, making the ground shake. The others screamed, and some fell. Dannichu then began to look around.
Dannichu: Hey, where's Kira and Ash anyway?
Eevee: You mean, they're gone?
Dannichu: Yeah..
Misty and Reene then began to complain about what kind of hair colour they should get. They began to bother the others about it, making the others scream. Kevin g was sulking on the ground, because of the loss of his KFC booth. But soon a light appeared infront of him, and the booth then appeared. Kevin g stared, and then saw his chef Mewtwo and his co-owner Pete come out of the booth.
Pete: It's a good thing that Mewtwo can use Teleport, huh?
Kevin g stood up, looking happy.
Kevin g: The business can go on!
They nodded knowingly to eachother, and soon Kevin g and Pete started advertising for their booth again.
Meanwhile, the others tried to escape the evil clutches of the puberty hitten girls!
Reene: Come back here! You have to help me choose which kind of socks that goes best with my eyes!
Misty: Yeah, and I need help with what kind of hairbands goes best to my hair!
The others ran as fast as they could, but unfortunately, Brock tripped and fell. The others didn't care, and continued to run. Brock shivered in fear!
Brock: Mercy!
The others continued to run, while they heard Brock scream for his life! Moya felt bad, that she couldn't help. They stopped running when they reached the bushes to catch their breath.
Karyuu Shoujo: What're we going to do?!
Coal Black Dratini: I don't know!
They soon heard someone mumbling for help, coming from the bushes. The gang looked towards the bushes, and saw them move.
DigiX: I don't think so!
DigiX pushed the bushes aside, and revealed Kira and Ash tied up, with some cloths tied around their mouths, and struggling to get free.
Finaille Nailo: Why hit me with a homosexual, and call me Bob!
The others stared at Finaille, picked up Big Gay Al, who was nearby, and hit her with him, while mumbling “Bob”
They soon tied the ropes up, and Kira and Ash was free.
Moya: What happened?
Kira: Some dude catched us, and tied us up!
Ash: Yeah, and then threw us into these bushes!
Kira: I think it's kinda obvious with that fact, Ash!
Ash: So?
Kira: Then you don't have to tell them!
Ash: Well, they're your friends, so they must be stupid!
Dannichu: Hey!
Kira: What about you, huh?!
Ash: Yeah, what about me?!
Kira: Yeah, Misty and Brock must've lost some bet, to even be near you!
Misty: Hey! I resent that!
The others flinched at that voice.
Ash: Well, you have a lumpy back!
Kira: And you're heavy!
Ash: You drool to much!
Kira: You never comb your hair!
Ash: Neither do you!
Kira: That's beyond the point!
Ash: Is not!
Kira: Is too!
Ash: Is not!
Kira: Is too!
Ash: Not!
Kira: Too!
They continued to argue, while they others sweatdropped.
Misty's D: Maybe we shoulde kept them tied up?
Pikachu: Sounds like a good idea!
They were about to tie them up again, when they realized that Reene and Misty was standing right behind them all the time!
Anonymous 2003: Oh damn..
Ash stopped yelling, and glared at Anonymous 2003. He was about to tackle her, when Kira grabbed his waist.
Kira: Oh no you don't! We aren't done insulting eachother, you little wimp!
Ash: Oh shut up!
Kira: You shut up!
Reene: Would you two PLEASE shut up?! I'm having a fashion crisis!
Kira: You can shut up!
Ash: Yeah!
Kira: We're having an argument here, and nobody shall interrupt when I'm arguing with someone!
She then reached for a pokéball, and called out her Pokémon, Umbreon. Reene accepted the battle, and called out her Grumpig.
Reene: ::sigh:: I wish I had a cute Clefairy or Jigglypuff!
Kira: Umbreon! Faint attack!
Everybody watched Umbreon, waiting for it to attack. But Umbreon just sat there, staring stupidly, and washed itself. Kira face faulted.
Kira: Guess I should've trained it a bit more /^^;;;
Ash: You suck! And not even in the good way!
Kira: How should you know anyway?!
Ash: Because I do!
Kira: Oh yeah?!
Ash: Yeah!
Reene got tired of watching the two fight, and made her Grumpig freeze them with a psychic attack.
Kira: Oh great, now we're frozen in place because of you!
Ash: It ain't my fault!
Kira: Yes it is!
Ash: No, it's not!
By that time, the others had taken their chance to run away. They didn't want to risk listening to more girly puberty problems! Misty noticed, and followed. Umbreon saw the KFC booth not far away, and walked over, hoping to get something to eat, and Kira and Ash cussed eachother' heads off. Reene got annoyed.
The two stopped arguing. Ash fumed, and Kira looked nervous.
Kira: Oh no... You shouldn't have said that!
Reene: Huh?
Before anyone could react, Ash burst free of Grumpig's psychic attack, grabbed Reene by her shoulders, and shook her like crazy.
He let go, and Reene fell to the ground, dizzy. Grumpig got scared, and went back to its' Pokéball, and Kira was free.
Kira: I guess my plan worked! ^______^
Ash: What plan?
Kira: To get you near Reene, make her say “damn”, so you would attack her!
Ash fumed, grabbed Kira by her shoulders and shook her too!
Misty was chasing the others, complaining about girly problems, when she suddenly blinked and stopped running. The others noticed too, and stopped aswell.
Misty: That's odd..
Brock: What?
Misty: I suddenly lost my girly behaviour!
Dannichu: Hey look! Reene has fainted!
Dannichu pointed towards the fainted Reene, and Kira and Ash who was yelling at eachother. The others cheered because the torture, that is listening to girls who has hit puberty, was finally over! They were about to run over, when they heard someone scream from Kevin's KFC booth. It was Mewtwo who was screaming because the plant, that had grown legs, was chasing him! Umbreon soon ran over and ate the plant thing. The others stared.
Pikachu: Hey wait a minute!
Misty's D: What?
Piachu: Aren't we missing somebody?
The others paused and looked around. They then gasped. “OBSIDIAN BLADE'S MISSING!”
They ran down towards the place that used to be the house, but which now was an oversized fat Tracey. When they neared Tracey, they heard someone yelling from inside of him.
Obsidian Blade: Uhm, hello? Where's everyone?!
Celebi: Obsidian, are you okay?
Obsidian Blade: Yeah, kinda! Everything's so dark! Hey, there's some fluid nearing me! It stinks a bit! Hey! It's burning my foot! Ow! Yeow! Oh my god, there's more! ARGH! I'm drowning! It buuuurns! OH MY GOD, IT BUUUUURNS!! THE PAAAIIIN! THE AGONY! HEEEELP!!!
Brock: Oh no! It's stomach acid!
Her voice soon disappeared, and the others went silent. Obsidian died.....again. The others stared at the wall of fat, which was Tracey's stomach. Pikachu kicked it. Kira and Ash walked up to them, half beaten up, and glaring at eachother.
Kira: What happened?
Dannichu: Obsidian died of Tracey's stomach acid.
Kira: Oh.. So?
The others stared. Then looked at eachother, shrugged, and yelled “Let's PARTY”
Kira: That's right! ^__^
Meowth: Hey, dat's my line!
Kira: And I should care, why?
Karyuu Shoujo: Hey, who was it that tied you two up, by the way?
The others stared at Ash and Kira questiongly, while twilight zone music appeared. Kira sweatdropped, and said...
To be continued...
Who tied Ash and Kira up?
How will Obisidan come back from the dead this time?
Has puberty really that evil an effect on girls?
Will Reene really turn back to her normal self?
And is that normal self, even normal?
And will I manage to hire another bum to narrate the next part?
Who knows, and who cares anyway?
Author's Note: ::hides from fuming readers:: Sorry this part took so long! Life and all that!
I hope you liked it, since it took me quite a long time, and it turned out to be pretty long! ><;;; It ain't my bad, that I suddenly get catched by the moment!
Anywho, read and review! It helps a lot for me!
~Chatsy ^^;;;