“Are they ok?” Nurse Joy asked as Gary, Misty, Ash, and Pikachu walked out into the lobby of the Pokemon Center.
“Just a head cold. Nothing to worry about,” Gary said. Ash and Misty both faked a cough and they hurried out and headed towards the docks.
“Three tickets for the S.S. Seaking please,” Gary said paying for the tickets. {made up a boat!}
They boarded and Misty pointed out the cliff they fell from when they were Pikachus. When the boat started they went and went into their cabin. Their were two beds in each room so Ash and Misty weren’t sharing a bed. Ash saw that you could order movies and watch them on the TV that they had in the room and DVD player. {Apparently even the ships are going digital}
“Which one do you want to watch Mist?” Ash asked looking at the one and only channel on the TV that had movie reviews on it.
“How about a Monty Python movie?” Misty asked. {I like Monty Python!}
“Which one? They have The Holy Grail, Life of Brian, and The Meaning of Life,” Ash said looking at the TV.
“How about the Holy Grail? That one is good and it’s been a while since I saw it,” Misty said answering him.
They ordered it and no questions were asked. {I mean what would two seven year olds want to watch Monty Python?} When it was over they kept quoting it and they had fun. They then went to sleep. Knowing that soon they would be in Pallet, and one step closer to being as normal as they could get.
“Hey! Our Pikachu pads are gone!” Ash yelled when seeing himself in the mirror and looking at Misty.
“You’re right! We don’t have to pretend to be sick anymore!” Misty yelled.
“Keep that racass down!” a voice from next door said. They had obviously woke him up. Some people just aren’t morning people.
Ash and Misty hugged. They blushed but remembered that they both had said that they {dare I say it?} loved {there! I said it!} each other. {you know this fic may not lead to do much humor but I am my own comedy relief. I love comedy relief!}
“Now entering Pallet Harbor. Everyone who is leaving to Pallet has ten minutes to gather their belongings and leave. That is all,” a message said over the speaker phone.
Ash and Misty got their stuff ready and found Gary, and Pikachu. They disembarked and after only a thirty minute walk they got to Pallet.
Everyone gulped. Ash and Misty kept leading them this way and that until they stopped. Ash and Misty saw it. A Wish just hovering a few feet off the ground. Ash got out the bag and carefully approached it. He lunged and got the Wish into the bag.
“Got it!” Ash yelled triumphantly.
“Way to go Ash!” Misty yelled.
“What happened?” Pikachu said blinking.
“Not sure,” Gary answered.
“Now back to the harbor!” Ash and Misty yelled and began walking back to the harbor. {Duh!}
“Wait! Maybe we should spend the day here. After all they probably worried about us,” Gary argued.
“I do want to see Togepi again…” Misty began. Everyone looked at Ash.
“It still hasn’t even been a month. What’s another day going to cost us?” Ash said smiling.
So they went to the Pallet House, where Brock saw them first when he answered the door.
A.N. Made this one short! Next chap will have what happens at home and the one after that? Still thinking. Hope you people like this and review! I really like reviews.