Ash being amazed with his still Pika powers he decided not to ask questions and continued on. Slowly he made his way where he heard a familiar voice.
“I’ll never tell you anything!” Misty said spitting on the ground.
“How did you become human again? We know you didn’t use the machine because you came in human. Tell us!” an unfamiliar voice said very demanding.
Ash and Senny looked at each other and silently counted to three. Then Ash and Senny jumped out and were confronted by several Rockets, all holding guns.
“Crud,” Ash said.
“So Ashura Ketchum. How are you doing. I see your partly human,” the scientist from before said eyeing his tail.
“Ash… your alive,” Misty said teary eyed.
“For the time,” a new voice said that sounded familiar to Ash, Misty, and the Pikachu who was with Misty, barely recovering.
This person stepped out of the shadows to reveal herself to be… Delia!
“Mom?” Ash said disbelieving.
“This physco is your mother?” Senny said still on Ash’s shoulder.
“Shh! And yes,” Ash said talking to Senny.
“And you can still understand pokemon language too,” Delia said.
“Yeh I can. Now can you please explain why you’re hanging out with these criminals?” Ash asked to his mom pleading.
“Because after so much of the pain of being alone. First your father leaves then you leave. I couldn’t bare it. Then the Rocket Organization told me their plan. I helped them and now I am no longer alone or sad. I have everything I need,” Delia said smiling evilly. “Wasn’t it me who suggested for you to take a walk? Misty wasn’t supposed to come too, but when she left to follow you it was so much better.”
“You sold out your son!” Misty said. A surge of electricity surged through her body.
“Quiet! You do not speak unless you’re spoken to!” Delia yelled at the unconscious body of Misty.
“Misty! Your not the mom I left in Pallet. Not the one who was caring. The one who I would miss everyday. YOUR NOT MY MOTHER!” at that Ash screamed at the top of his voice and unleashing powers he did not know he had, he destroyed the Rocket headquarters, keeping himself, Pikachu, Senny, and Misty with the Pokemon still alive.
After three hours Senny and Pikachu finally stirred to see Ash and Misty still unconscious. They went over to Ash and found an injected needle in his body. They got scared and woke up Misty.
Misty went over to Ash’s still form, and right before her eyes he changed back into a Pikachu.
“Ash… I love you,” Misty said holding him.
“Me too,” Ash said barely awake. “I love you too.”
“Awww,” Pikachu said.
“Well lets go back home. Where ever that is now,” Senny said full of the love dovey stuff.
“Misty?” Ash asked.
“Yes Ash?” Misty said with tears in her eyes.
“Three things. One I know you are happy to see me. I’m happy to see you too. Two. Can you please let go of me? I can barely breath. And three. Shall we go home? Someone may know something,” Ash asked.
“Yes. Let’s go home,” Misty said calling out Swellow.
During the short flight over to Pallet no one said anything. They landed in the woods as not to cause to great a disturbance. They walked up the empty streets of Pallet and to Ash’s house. There they went inside to discover that all their friends were in the living room. Watching the news.
“Are you sure Ash?” Misty asked peering in.
“Positive,” Ash said walking in. No one noticed till he got almost all the way to the TV.
“What the? Pikachu?” Brock said first to notice.
“No. It’s me Ash,” Ash said. Only Duplica’s Ditto and Ritchie’s Sparky understood. Then Misty walked in.
“No Pikachu’s right here on my shoulder. That’s Ash,” Misty said teary eyed again.
No, and how came up from there friends and family. After the explanation and the story was given everyone sat back to reflect.
“So both of you were Pikachus then Misty became human. Then Ash became mostly human but became Pikachu again,” Gary said summing it up.
“Correct,” Misty said.
“Well then let’s find a way to change him back!” Brock said standing up.
“Yes. We can do it together!” Ash yelled in his Pikachu language.
And so a new team was formed. One to pursue the thing which Ash wanted. Humanity. Can they do it? Find out on the next sequel!
A.N. Finished. This ending may not satisfy but now I will have a sequel. It may be a bit though. I have a prologue for this huge cross over with DBZ, Animorphs, Sonic, and of course, Pokemon. I hope you liked this work and the rest I have. All I have on this fic. See yah next one!!! P.S. I may have an epilogue.
Charmander and Pichu