“Oh no. Oh no!” Lewis stammered while watching TV at the Ketchum residence.
“What’s wrong?” Ash asked coming in holding a soda.
“That!” Lewis yelled and pointed to the TV which showed the front of a Pokemon Gym and a large angry mob in front of it. Several people were holding signs that were illegible.
“So?” Ash asked.
“That’s the Saffron Gym with Sabrina. Apparently someone started a crowd up against physics and they are mobbing the gym. I gotta go!” Lewis yelled and stood up.
“Why? Saffron is pretty far from here,” Ash said sipping his soda.
“It’s the Unwritten Code of the Physics. I’ll explain later,” Lewis said. Then, “Charmander!”
“(Yes?)” Charmander asked as he teleported down to Lewis.
Their was a moment of silence in between them and they teleported to Saffron City. Then Misty walked in.
“Where’d Lewis go?” Misty asked.
“Saffron City,” Ash answered causally as he took another sip from his soda.
“Ok. Waa!” Misty suddenly said.
“Just watch,” Ash answered and pointed to the TV.
They sat down to watch. And meanwhile with Lewis.
“Sabrina stopped anymore people from teleporting in. Probably to stop the crowd from forcing in. Well let’s see if we can do something from the outside,” Lewis said and began to advance to the crowd.
“You’re not a physic are you!” a middle aged woman yelled at Lewis shaking him.
“Um, no?” Lewis stammered.
“Good. Because those physic’s are not to be trusted,” the woman said yammering on while Lewis melted into the crowd.
“Excuse me. Pardon me, please step away,” Lewis said as he advanced slowly.
“(GET OUT OF THE WAY!)” Charmander yelled in his language so everyone moved to the side and Lewis could now get to the Gym.
Ding! Went the invisible physic wall as Lewis flicked it.
“Think we can get through?” Lewis asked Charmander.
“Yup!” Charmander answered happily.
Focusing a purple aura began to form around Lewis and Charmander which got a reaction from the crowd.
“He’s physic! Get him!” Someone yelled and the crowd surged forth in order to grab Lewis.
They were to late as Lewis made it through the physic barrier and so did Charmander. They were safe.
“Close one,” Lewis said.
“(But we made it)” Charmander answered him and they walked into the Gym.
“Hello Lewis. We’ve been expecting you,” a young man said inside the door. After a brief moment of telepathic contact Lewis and Charmander proceeded to the main lobby of the Gym were about fifty physics were gathered. The meeting was being done telepathically.
“What are we going to do?” one voice asked.
“We can’t stay here forever!” another chimed in.
“SILENCE!!!” another stronger mind yelled.
“Sabrina!” everyone thought at once.
“Yes and we need to make a stand for ourselves. I have discussing with the mob and they say that their strongest trainer can defeat our strongest. Now which is our strongest?” Sabrina said in a normal voice.
Everyone looked over at Sabrina. Well except for a few people who had defeated Sabrina in the past at her Gym.
“I am not the strongest here. In physic power yes, but trainer skill no. The one with the best trainer skill is Lewis Giovanni,” Sabrina said and pointed to Lewis and Charmander.
“Where’s his physic Pokemon though?” someone yelled.
“Lewis? Show then your Charmander’s power,” Sabrina said.
Lewis gulped and told Charmander to psybeam the wall. It hit and did some damage.
“That isn’t very powerful!” someone yelled.
“If Lewis’s Charmander did a full power psybeam that wing of the Gym would be destroyed. Now Lewis step out and battle. For all our physics sakes,” Sabrina said.
Lewis turned around and began to head outside when he was stopped.
“You better not lose brother,” Karen hissed.
“What are you doing here?” Lewis hissed back.
“The Unwritten Code of the Physics. I’m physic too,” Karen hissed back and pushed Lewis forward.
Lewis stepped out side and the mob grew silent.
“Are you the trainer selected by the Gym?” a man asked walking forward.
“Yes. My name is Lewis. Are you the trainer sent by them?” Lewis asked motioning to the crowd.
“Yes. Now one term is that you can only use a Pokemon with physic attacks. Do you agree?” the man asked.
“I agree. What is your name?” Lewis asked.
“Just call me Paul. Are you ready to battle?” Paul asked holding up a Pokeball.
“Yes. I choose Charmander!” Lewis said and Charmander stepped forth.
“Charmanders don’t know physic moves!” the crowd roared.
“Show them your psybeam Charmander!” Lewis yelled and Charmander complied and made the crowd move back a few feet.
“Right. And I choose Houndoom!” Paul yelled and threw out the Pokeball.
“Houndoom!” the dog Pokemon yelled.
“Let’s finish this quickly! Use Double Team!” Lewis told Charmander.
“(Right)” Charmander said and moved so fast that their seemed to be many of them surrounding Houndoom.
“Tackle each one till you found the real one!” Paul commanded and Houndoom rushed one of them.
“Agility!” Lewis yelled and Charmanders were everywhere with seemingly no pattern. Houndoom was Flamethrowering them but to no effect.
“Finish it with Mach Punch!” Lewis yelled.
Charmander came in and going at the speed he was going hit Hooundoom about ten times before Houndoom went down.
“Looks like I win,” Lewis said.
“Not so fast,” Paul said. Lewis turned his glare at Houndoom and saw him stand up still ready to fight.
“Skull Bash!” the two trainers yelled and their Pokemon ran at each other ready to hit heads like rams.
BAM! They collided and Charmander had the upper had here. Houndoom couldn’t take much more.
“Crunch!” Paul yelled and while Charmander was close to Houndoom, Houndoom crunched down on Charmander’s arm.
“AAAHHH!” Lewis yelled. His left arm was hurting just like Charmander’s.
“FIRE BLAST!” Lewis yelled tears coming from his eyes from the pain.
Charmander also in tears turned his head to Houndoom and let loose an awesome blast of fire which sent Houndoom flying into Paul. Houndoom was out.
“We, won,” Lewis staggered and Charmander was by his side.
“(I’ll use recover now)” Charmander said and did. They felt much better.
“He- won,” the crowd murmured.
“Wait why are we here?” one person said.
Then like a trance everyone just left. Wondering why they were here.
“So it seems you’re a physic too. A powerful one at that,” Lewis said bending over Paul.
‘I’m no physic. That’s my boss. I’m not telling you who she is,” Paul grinned and stood up recalling Houndoom. “Now you’ll excuse me she is going to get me out of here.”
Paul disappeared due to the fact someone went and teleported him quick enough not to be seen.
“I have to hand it to you big brother. You handled that nicely,” Karen smiled evilly, her Pikachu on her shoulder.
“So it wasn’t you,” Lewis said turning around, “Now I don’t know if you are my sister or not but as far as I’m concerned anyone in Team Rocket is my enemy.”
“I’m not doing Team Rocket anymore. I was defeated in battle so someone else is in charge. You see I need to build my team and you and your friends are going to help me get revenge. After all what are brothers like you for?” Karen smiled and petted her Pikachu which purred softly.
“I do want to ask you something,” Lewis said.
“What?” Karen asked.
“Where’d you get your Pikachu?” Lewis asked.
“I found him hurt and near death on the road to the Viridian Forest. I brought him to the Pokemon Center and he stayed with me,” Karen answered.
“Well I don’t think my friends are going to be able to trust you,” Lewis said.
“I don’t care. I just a place to sleep and eat. I can’t stay at the Pokemon Center cause sooner or later I’ll have to leave,” Karen said.
“If you really are now fighting against Team Rocket can I read your mind to see?” Lewis asked.
“Fine,” Karen said.
Lewis read her mind and found that she was telling the truth.
“Well if I explain things to them they might let you stay. Let’s go,” Lewis said and they teleported the Ketchum residence.
A.N. Karen is in the story. Oh Karen from the Elite Four is not the Karen that is Lewis’s and well, Karen’s mother. Two different ones. Please review!