Back in the Pokécenter in Chrono, Kamon and I were talking.
'I cannot believe we both lost,' I said. 'I was almost there, Kamon. Almost.'
'You have to learn to live with loss,' Kamon replied.
'You knew you were going to lose, didn't you?' I asked. Kamon nodded. 'So you battled try to teach me that we all lose once in a while?'
'Even the losers win, sometimes. Therefore, the winners must lose.'
'How profound,' I said sarcastically.
'Drew,' Kamon said after several minutes of silence, 'my Pokémon haven't gotten any stronger than when I fought you, have they?'
I shook my head. 'No,' I said.
'Well, we're going to have to do something about that, now aren't we?'
'Like what?' I inquired.
'We'll figure it out,' he said. We sat in the Pokécenter, pondering our next move. Whatever it may be, I knew it was going to take all of our skill, once again, to overcome all of the obstacles. We would have to fight Crystal again. The only real question was, when?